I've Become the Demoness

By writerno980

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All Xiu Xiang wanted was to live a life of fortune so that she would never have to struggle again. Who would'... More

Chapter 1-I've Become the Demoness
Chapter 2-The First Task
Chapter 3 - The Demoness's Natural Enemy
Chapter 4-Saved by the Enemy
Chapter 5-Saving the Enemy
Chapter 6-The Demoness is a Thief?
Chapter 7-The Hunt
Chapter 8-Saving the Enemy Again
Chapter 9-Spending a Night with the Enemy
Chapter 10-Herded Like a Sheep
Chapter 11- The Demon King
Chapter 12-Training with the Demon King
Chapter 13-The End of the Ten Years
Chapter 14-Robbed Under One's Nose
Chapter 15-The Enemy Gives Chase
Chapter 16-Mistaken for a Man
Chapter 17-The Enemy Catches Up
Chapter 18-The Demoness's First Minion
Chapter 19-The Enemy's Suspicions
Chapter 20-The First Fight with the Enemy
Chapter 21-Taking over as Demon King
Chapter 22-The Demoness is a Wedding Crasher
Chapter 23-The Illusion Mist
Chapter 24-The Illusion Mist (2)
Chapter 25-The Enemy Follows the Demoness Home
Chapter 26-Sharing a Bath with the Enemy
Chapter 28-Conditions
Chapter 29-Please Don't Leave Me
Chapter 30-Have you Fallen for Me?
Chapter 31-Jealousy
Chapter 32-Confrontation
Chapter 33-Hua Jian is a Traitor?
Chapter 34-The End?
Chapter 35-The Demoness is No More
Chapter 36-Captured
Chapter 37-Tortured
Chapter 38-Escape
Extra Chapter-Wang Yue
Chapter 39 - Where It All Began
Chapter 40-What Goes Around Comes Around
Chapter 41-Phoenix Lineage Awakens
Chapter 42-The Enemy Makes a Realization
Chapter 43-The Demoness Steals Again
Chapter 44-Black Bandit Group
Chapter 45-Troublesome Li Siblings
Chapter 46-Date with a Stalker
Chapter 47-The Maiden in Distress
Chapter 48-Life and Death Battle
Chapter 49-Black Bandit Group Appears
Chapter 50-Doubt vs Reckless Plan
Chapter 51-The Enemy's Plan Commences
Chapter 52-Heroine Vs Demoness
Chapter 53-Jealousy, Thy Name is Xiu Xiang
Chapter 54-Bathing with the Enemy Again
Chapter 55
Chapter 56-Adulterers
Chapter 57-Feelings

Chapter 27-The Enemy Joins a Harem

703 28 1
By writerno980

There were the sound of many voices all around Wei Xing. He hasn't even opened his eyes when he remembered what had happened just before he blacked out from the pain. He had inadvertently snuck a peek at Xiu Xiang's naked body nearly had his family jewels smashed into smithereens.

His eyes fluttered open and saw a rather obscenely scene before him. Standing all around him were multiple men and women dressed in the thinnest and flimsiest clothes. For the men, all they wore were trousers made out of such thin and fine material that their junk was practically showing. As for the women, they were dressed in loose robes made out of the same type of fabric that showed off their busty curves. Their bodies were adorned with many jewels and gold until they sparkled.

Many of their curious eyes fell on him and then he heard someone ask, "Is this the Lord's type?"

"He looks quite cold. Can he really feed his lord's needs?"

"His skin is quite pretty. I want to touch him!" someone shouted out with glee.

"Fool, do you really want your hand chopped off? If the lord knew that you touched her procession, do you think you can come out unscathed?"

"But I've never seen a man so beautiful before..."

Wei Xing blinked back the confusion as he sat up. He looked around and found himself in an extravagant hall. All the walls were made out of a beautiful light green jade, including the floors. Two rows of white marble pillars encircled with golden patterned weaves were laid out across the entire hall. In the middle of the room was a large indent filled with furry pillows and furry rugs. It almost looked like a giant lounge. Further into the hall, it opened out into a courtyard. There weren't any plants except for multiple dead trees adorned with glittering stones that lit up courtyard. A pool laid in the middle of that courtyard where several naked people were bathing in.

He has never gone to a Flower House before but seeing his surrounding, he was almost sure that he was in the Demon King's harem. Since he wasn't sure, he still had to ask, "Where am I?"

"You're in the lord's harem," came a stern tone. The crowd around Wei Xing parted ways to create an open path. Standing in the pathway was a man in his early twenties but looks were deceiving. The man was Feng Yue and he was more than a hundred years old. Among all the people there, Feng Yue had been there the longest. Because of it, he was able to gain enough vitality to control the entire harem. Many of the people within the harem didn't dare to go against him and neither did they complain because their lord had given him permission to take charge of the harem.

He wasn't skilled in fighting nor magic spells, but he was extremely adapt at shapeshifting and can change his appearance at will. At the moment, he had taken on the appearance of Wang Yue, the eldest disciple from North Peak, the man who had shattered the real Demoness's heart. He was able to look into the hearts of others and take shape of the one in that person's heart and so he had taken Wang Yue's appearance hoping to gain Xiu Xiang's favor.

When Wei Xing saw this, his first reaction was to call out his sword but realize that he couldn't call upon any of his spiritual energy. Feng Yue could see the confusion on his face and explained, "There's a suppression array underneath us all. No matter how much you try, you won't be able to use any spiritual energy."

Wei Xing could see the disdain in his eyes. It was eerily similar to the real Wang Yue and it pissed him off. He had no proof, but he was sure that the real Wang Yue was the one who had killed Xiu Xiang. He could only watch from the sidelines as Wang Yue pranced around as a righteous hero and mourned bitterly when Xiu Xiang's death was announced.

Out of revenge, during every competition that Wang Yue entered, Wei Xing purposely entered just to beat him. As a fellow sibling disciple of the same sect, he couldn't kill him, so he used the opportunity to beat him senseless. Since then, the two couldn't repair the little relationship they had.

Seeing how he looked at him, he despised the person in front of him even though he wasn't the real Wang Yue.

Wei Xing got up to his feet after he was sure that the injury he sustained between his legs weren't permanent. It seemed that he had gotten of easy after what he had done, however, what he worried about now was getting out of this harem. How could she put him, the respectable elder of Tian Ling Sect into her harem?

Then a thought occurred to him.

Xiu Xiang had a harem.

He eyed all the people within the harem. Some were low level demons, others were human. Did Xiu Xiang really play around with these people in her harem?

Just thinking about these people seeing her naked body made his anger surged. A thick and threatening aura seeped out of him despite having no spiritual energy. Everyone quickly backed away, including Feng Yue.

The people within the harem were starting to worry about whether they should run for their lives or not when the double doors of the harem opened. The lord's arrival was announced and almost everyone's eyes brightened. They had long forgotten about Wei Xing and rushed to the entrance and stood in formation as they waited to greet their lord.

Confused at the sudden excitement, Wei Xing followed them. The people who were bathing in the pool had already raced past him when the announcement was made.

Being a head taller than everyone, Wei Xing easily stood in the back as he watched. A beautiful woman dressed in beautiful black robes and silver armor stepped over the threshold. Her hair had been pulled back tightly into a high ponytail pinned with a beautiful silver headdress. Her face wasn't powdered but it seemed to glow with an ethereal light. Her eyes were sharp and focused, while her painted red lips seem to have a certain poutness to it.

"My lord," Feng Yue greeted from the front as he bowed deeply towards Xiu Xiang.

She waved him off as her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for a certain someone.

"My lord, are you staying here for the night?" Feng Yue asked curiously as he watched her eyes scan the crowd over and over.

"Yes. Prepare a room with some wine and snacks," Xiu Xiang ordered dully when she saw the one person she had been looking for. With a mischievous grin plastered on her face, she freely walked towards the furry lounge followed by many ecstatic faces.

The people within the harem had never tended to a lord as beautiful and as considerate as Xiu Xiang before and many were trying to curry favors with her, but she never came around the harem much less stay the night. This was a chance to climb up in ranks and escape this hellhole!

Xiu Xiang could feel Wei Xing's intense gaze on her as she crossed through the hall towards the lounge. In his eyes, she was probably extremely promiscuous. She saw the twisted and strange expression on his face and she almost broke out into laughter.

Forcing a serene smile on her face, she lazily leaned back into one of the furry pillows with her arms stretched out beside her. It looked extremely inviting and almost immediately, a young woman with a large bust along with a handsome fellow jumped into her arms.

Several of the people within the harem held bated breaths when they saw the two bold young ones jump into their lord's arms.

The last time someone did that, their lord nearly blasted them into the next era. Since then, they would try to garner attention from her but they did so at a distance.

Many of them were surprised to find that Xiu Xiang didn't kill them upon touching her.

"My lord, let me feed you a grape," the woman exclaimed as she started to peel a grape for her when she found that Xiu Xiang didn't push her away. The man didn't want to get outdone by the woman, so he grabbed nearby teapot and said, "Let me pour you a drink, my lord."

The tense atmosphere disappeared as soon as it came and a few quickly went up to Xiu Xiang to help take off her armor. Once her armor came off, a few started giving her a massage while others started playing music. Some even started a dance performance.

Xiu Xiang laughed and enjoyed the show but her eyes would glanced over at Wei Xing, who sat with his back straight, staring at a certain spot in the wall. It was as if he was trying to burn a hole at the spot that he was staring at. She chuckled and gulped down the cup of wine that was handed to her.

The scent of the women's perfume were a little strong and the touch of the men were a little annoying, but seeing Wei Xing's contorted face made it worthwhile.

Normally, by now Xiu Xiang would be in her study looking over scrolls but she had passed it all off to Hua Jian as punishment for letting the elders know of Wei Xing's presence in the Demon Realm.

The ruse went on for longer than Xiu Xiang anticipated. In the end, she really did enjoy herself. The performance was fun, and the music was calming. She hadn't had this much fun since she entered the Demon Realm. Even the wine she was drinking was tasty.

Her head spun and it was getting harder to concentrate on the performance in front of her when she heard a soft voice whisper in her ear, "My lord, shall I escort you to the room? You look quite tired."

Xiu Xiang turned her head and saw Feng Yue looking at her. He was wearing the face of Wang Yue but he was smiling so serenely.

When she thought about Wang Yue, her heart pained for the Demoness. Had he not treated her so terribly, the Demoness would've never fallen to such state and the world wouldn't have been nearly destroyed by her. Since she had taken on the Demoness's role, she could understand her heart a little. She really did love Wang Yue.

Upon seeing Wang Yue's face, the feelings of the Demoness rouse from within Xiu Xiang, and her hands unconsciously reached up to caress Feng Yue's cheek.

Thinking that her soft caress was a sign of acceptance, Feng Yue pulled her up to her feet. No one dared to stop him as he wrapped Xiu Xiang's arm around his shoulders. The two were just about to leave when someone grabbed Xiu Xiang harshly by the arm.

Feng Yue looked down at the strong hand that gripped Xiu Xiang's arm. His eyes traveled up the long white sleeves until it landed on a dangerously vicious beast.

"Give her to me," Wei Xing ordered.

"I'm in charge of the harem. I'll take his lord back to rest," Feng Yue replied back harshly.

Even if Wei Xing's spiritual energy was suppressed, he was still far stronger than the average human. The entire harem could try to stop Wei Xing, but their attempts would be like flies trying to stop a boulder. With a single tug, Xiu Xiang was yanked out of Feng Yue's hold and tossed straight into Wei Xing's embrace.

Xiu Xiang was too drunk to fully grasp the situation and could barely stand on her own two feet so Wei Xing had to support her.

Feng Yue wanted to retaliate but a stopped when he saw what Xiu Xiang had done next.

Wei Xing was quite surprised when he felt Xiu Xiang's arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

"You did this to me when we were in the cave..." Xiu Xiang grumbled into his chest. Then her head tilted back as her hazy eyes looked up at him. She smiled and laughed heartily. With one arm still wrapped around Wei Xing's waist, her other hand reached up to tap Wei Xing's nose. "I like that confused face of yours most... so... handsome..."

The wine had gotten to her at last as she passed out in his arms.

No one has ever seen her so intimate with anyone before. Feng Yue was about to jump out and attack Wei Xing but few of the people pulled him back. Several others shook their heads and Feng Yue knew that no matter what he did, he couldn't beat this man standing in front of him.

Wei Xing easily carried Xiu Xiang in his arms and said sternly to Feng Yue, "Lead the way to the room."

Feng Yue was left with no choice and reluctantly led Wei Xing and Xiu Xiang away.

As the three walked away, voices erupted.

"Do you think the new guy is going to replace Feng Yue's position?"

"Of course ah! Did you see how intimate the lord was with him? I've never seen her like that with anyone, not even Feng Yue!"

"Feng Yue is definitely getting overthrown. The new guy is going to take over the harem next."

Wei Xing didn't know that his one action was about cause the biggest misunderstanding in the cultivation world and the biggest headache for Xiu Xiang.

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