13th Doctor OneShots S2

By JessicaSongAQ

5.1K 149 183

I don't Own any of the characters that belongs to the BBC Doctor Who. Hey Fam, So because these Oneshots/fic... More

Spyfall Part 1.1
Spyfall Part 2.1
Spyfall Part 2.2
Orphan 55
Nikola Tesla's night of Terror
A dilemma ?
Fugitive of the Judoon
Another nightmare?
Head over Heels.
Can you Hear me?
A Virus!
The Haunting of Villa Diodati!!
11th/Amy/Rory/River and J.
Doctor Who?
Inner feelings!! T|W
The Master!
13th/10th/Rose and J.
Happy Halloween✨🎃
Ascension Of the Cybermen.
The Timeless Children.
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 1)
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 2)
Baby J.
Unnamed Title
Secrets come out!

Spyfall Part 1.2

177 4 2
By JessicaSongAQ

A/N as said in last chapter the parts with the Doc, Graham and O are not here. As J was with Yaz, And Ryan.

I hope you enjoy this. I do like the way I interpreted J into this. Spyfall part 2 will be up next week sometime.

Barton sits at his desk, J studies him as he speaks. "I have to be honest with you - you only got in cos you're Brits." He says. J scoff at that.

"And my mum reads your paper. She's old. Still into legacy media." He continued.

Yaz and Ryan were fiddling with their bags, J sat on a couch across the room. Studying them.

"We know you're busy, so Logan will take a few photos while we chat" Yaz says, J laugh a little inside Ryan being a Logan how hilarious but suits him.

"And she" Yaz looks back at J "Is here to learn" she smiles at her and turns round.

"Okay if I record?" Yaz asks Barton straight up even though she is going to anyways. He just gives her a look and J studies it.

Yaz presses the recorder, "Right, then.." she begins. "Good to go?" She wonders.

Barton looks at his phone you can hear him type, "Just searching you up." He tells her.

J's head pops up, she watches closer than before.

"Check you are who you say you are." He tells them.

J relaxes knowing The Doctor fixed that up, she hopes. Ryan and Yaz look at one another.

"Fire away then." He says this makes Yaz relax more and Ryan.

They chat with Barton, J stands up and looks around the room, she feels like once again she's being watched, she mutters under her own breath "If any aliens come flying out at me while I stand here I will for sure boot yer arses back to yer home planet got that." No one heard her thankfully it was a mutter to herself mainly, she continued to look around the room.

She still listens into Yaz's speaking to Barton, and she can hear the camera clicking as Ryan takes his pictures. J then walks up to Yaz and Ryan studying everything that's said. She smiles at Barton.

Barton answers Yaz's questions he says to her in a firm tone "You know what Sophia? You can't entirely trust everyone"

"How so?" J asks out loud curiosity filing her brain. He gives her a look and his phone vibrates.

"Sorry. I've got to cut this short." He stands "Something needs my attention."

Yaz goes to speak but J does instead "They were just getting started. You can't just go? Can he?" She whispers that last part to herself.

"You want to know who I am? You want to see my house, meet my friends? Cos it's my birthday tomorrow." He says looking between them all. He takes a small pause.

J thinks to herself where is he going with this? He just invited us to his house?

"I'm having a party. Everyone who knows me will be there." He moves from behind his desk. "Come along - as my apology for running out on you." And he leaves.

"So he did just invite us, then just bounced leaving us in his office? Right then" J says out loud.

Ryan looks at J then Yaz "I've managed to duplicate his access pass. If we find a place to hide and do some snooping around whilst everyone knocks off... Hey?" He says too Yaz "Why are you looking all weird?"

J butts in looking at Yaz "Yeah? Why you looking like someone just stole your money or something?" She shrugs

Yaz looks at Ryan then J, "DNA profile. Only 93% human." She says.

"Not possible. Well... could be, but he should be human correct? Right?" She tries to reassure herself more than anything.

Yaz shrugs at her, " I don't know, but the biggest question is what is the other 7%?" She turns to Ryan now "who is this guy?"

He just looks at her mouth open. "Well he is Barton correct? Only 7% Of him is not human, so what if whatever ripped the DNA from that woman you were on about did something to him? Or something?" J looks as she tries to think.

"Okay, okay, Think like Father" she tells herself. She spins on her spot. Then spins again. Pointing her finger in the air her eyebrows raised, she goes to speak mouth open mid motion.

"Nah, I've nothing we gotta try to find more out here." She says putting her hand down. She looks around the room again feeling very sickish "Do you guys feel like you're being watched?" She asks them.

"Nah" Ryan says "how do you?"

"Clearly why I'm asking" she rolls her eyes at Ryan "Yaz?" She looks at her.

Yaz shakes her head no.

"Right then just a bad gut feeling then" she laughs at herself knowing something is not right here.

"What are we going to do about Barton?" Ryan asks.

"Urg well..." J shoves her hands in the air and smirks "We are in his office after all, alone. Well... alone that is a question we need to ask ourselves." She laughs nervously looking around the room once more.

"Okay we should hide first incase he or his security comes back." J says realising staying here could cause more problems and she likes Ryan's plan come back later.

A few couple hours went past, well, it felt like hours more like an hour or two.

"Data from Barron's pass says he left the building hours ago." Ryan says.

"Yeah well, he said he had to go and we have been sitting here for how long exactly?" J says annoyed.

The pair ignore her, "Everyone must have gone by now. Let's have a look" Ryan says.

Yaz leaves the room first, followed by Ryan and J.

"Rude" J mutters under her breath at them ignoring her.

They head back into his office, they start downloading everything on his computer.

J nods at Ryan when he mentions the case, Ryan and Yaz have a conversation while J tries to study the wee thing in the wee case.

Suddenly Ryan mentions Barton is on his way back into his office, Ryan and J hide behind the couch then Yaz follows. They can hear his footsteps he stops.

"I know you're here, show yourselves" Barton says to an 'Empty room'.

Suddenly lights flicker and a Fizzing sound can be heard and some cracking sounds.

"There have been opuscules" says some creatures.

It continues to talk to Barton when it leaves he grabs his bag and goes.

"So have they been there the whole time?" J wonders.

Yaz looks at her "He knows what they are." she says turning back getting up.

"Come on, out!" Ryan looks at J then Yaz's.

"No. Let's see what else is here." Yaz turns back to the direction Barton's desk is in.

"No. No." Ryan says.

"Yaz, Don't be bloody stupid right now come on. Those things could still be here for all we ken." J says feeling very unsure of her surroundings right now. She feels they are still lurking around them.

Suddenly the fizzing and crackling sound comes again and one of the creatures stands in front of Yaz.

"YAZ" Ryan shouts

"Opuscule" the creatures say and within moments they rush towards Yaz, and she is gone with a scream.

J stands shocked, as of Ryan.


"What about Yaz? We have to help her" he looks back at the creatures.

J tugs on Ryan'S arm, "RYAN NOW!" And they run out of the building.

J catches her breath as she stands looking up at the building and then too Ryan.

"We shouldn't have left her there." He says shocked that he left.

"We don't even know where there is... They took her remember?" She breathes heavily also in shock herself she just wants to catch her breath now.

"I should have stayed, told them to bring her back." Ryan moves in motion as if going back into the building.

"No. Ryan. We don't know where she is right now. Do not even think about it." She grabs Ryan, spinning herself round to stand in front of him. "We will get her back okay?" She says, however  in her head she is panicking as well but won't show it.

Ryan nods. "We've got to call the Doctor." He gets his phone out.

Suddenly something happens, those creature things are surrounding the building? By being halfway up it? J is very confused.

"What's happening?" Ryan let's out as he is very much so freaked out. He's not the only one that's scared for his life right now.

Ryan calls The Doctor. "Doctor, you've got to help!" He says down the phone J comes up closer to him, so she can hear the Doctor, but all she hears is her own breathing still trying to get it normal.

"I've lost Yaz!" He says as his voice breaks.

He looks at J "The Doctor, Yaz is with the Doctor" He says releasing a breath.

"How? How did she get there? Like how is that possible?" J shakes her head as the Tardis can be heard materialising in front of them.

They are now in Australia, J can see whatever happened to Yaz really has her shaken up, Ryan goes out to speak with her.

"I don't understand. How did she get here?" J asks her father.

"I've no idea. Not yet. But we will find out." The Doctor gives J a reassuring hug.

J looks around the house they are in, still feeling that odd feeling of being watched. She sits in a chair across from Graham and agent O , the Doctor went back into her Tardis.

J laughs at Graham's reaction to The Doctor being a man before. She thinks to herself, 'Like Hello, She's my Dad. Did you think I called her Pa for no reason' she shakes her thoughts and laughs at him some more. Graham can be a bit forgetful at times but this really made J need to laugh more but she composed herself.

Agent O looks at J for a brief moment then turning back too Graham.

"I've got a whole shelf over there."He says J's eyes follow the man's too the shelf Graham's do the same. As he mentions it's all about the Doctor.

He speaks some more but J shuts the conversation out for a moment studying all the files. "There could be so much in there that even I don't know about. Oh," she says too herself agent O looks at her for a moment then back to Graham.

'Wonder if there is anything on me' she thought to herself, 'Nah most likely not'.

The Tardis doors open, "Come on, you three. Everyone out front. Lots to catch up on. I made iced tea." The Doctor says looking between them all.

She then sniffs the picture in her hand "Possibly." Then she looks at them once more before heading outside.

J gets up and follows. "If it's not ice tea.I get to pick our next destination and fly the Tardis" she jokes.

"Destination. Yes. Tardis. No." The Doctor walks over to Yaz and Ryan. J just huffs following suit.

Everyone sits around the Doctor who has a laptop, there is a discussion going on, Once Again J is not listing so she catches snippets.

"If he's not human, that's one very impressive legend he's put together." Says O

"Not impossible though" Yaz points at him.

"Nope not. It has been done before" J smiles remembering the Master and how he managed to make a huge profile for himself when he became prime minister.

O looks at her and studied her, he smiles at her when J notices his looking.

She thinks 'Right then. Creepy.' She smiles back keeping her thoughts to herself.

Graham starts to speak now and J just shakes her head, "this could be something stupid" she whispers too herself. Ryan caught what she said and nodded they both laughed.

The conversation continues and J just looks over to the computer she gets up and sits next to her father.

"Ah, found something." The Doctor says after turning to the computer as it made some sounds.

J has an odd feeling inside, she gets up. "Y'all chat imma just take a small walk feeling a bit sickish." She says as her stomach does churn.

"Don't go too far please." The Doctor looks at her. "I won't Pa, I won't." She walks off but hears O in the background.

"Pa?" He questioned.

"Yup, she's the Doc's daughter." Graham says proudly then realised what he said earlier. "Makes more sense. Thought it was just some alien way of having a kid before." He says J and O understand what he said more than the others. As J is near the door now she does laugh at that out loud.

"So Graham thought Dad never was a man that she was joking and that her and River had me in an alien way. Typical Graham" she laughs

She started walking round the other way not before catching O saying "Intriguing."

She looks up at the sky in her own trans. Before she knows it.

"Come on J, we are going to a Party." Says the Doctor grinning as she goes back in. J follows she heads into the Tardis where everyone was.

"Okay. Now go change." The Doctor says proudly.

After they all got changed and they had landed at Barton's Home, they got out of the Tardis, all in wonderful suits. All black except J, hers had to be a deep purple.

"Won't lie, I'm looking fine as hell" she proudly says looking down at her boots. "Slaying Queen" she tells herself and the gang can be heard laughing at her.

They caught J up in the Tardis so she knows what to look out for. 'Alien spies? And Barton.'

"Shall we?" Says the Doctor as she heads towards the gates of Barton's home.

They get up too the lady with an iPad taken names.

The Doctor goes up, quite the thing, very proud of herself "The name's Doctor. The Doctor. We're on the list." She grins.

"Welcome. Go right on in." Says the lady.

They head in "Why'd you say your name like that?" J chuckles at the Doctor "Are you now Bond?" She chuckled again.

"Might be." The Doctor smirked. "Could be. You won't ever know." She grins walking on.

"It's like the Banksy thing all over again." Graham tells J.

"Graham really?" J laughs. "Why are you such a bloody mood?" She asks him. He squints his eyes.

"A what?" He asks.

"Oh nothing. Never mind go on." She gestures for him to go in.

Another lady at greets just before the door "Thanks for coming." And they get inside the building.

J is behind O when he says to Graham and Ryan about him never doing undercover work.

"But you worked for MI6? Right?" J butts in.

"As an analyst. In the office." He says

Suddenly the Doctor says over them. "It's a party. We're guests. Blend in. And keep an eye out for Daniel Barton." And they do so.

J stands beside The Doctor. She is playing a card game. J is unsure of the Doctors game here surely she knows how to play this right? She wonders too herself.

"Card. Card. Card. Snap!" The Doctor looks proud of herself. Everyone including J laughs.

"What?" The Doctor looks at her daughter then the others around her "Was that not the game?"

J shakes her head at her Dad. "Nope. Definitely not" she holds her laughter in.

The Doctor scrunches her eyes up. "No gambling for you." She tells her daughter.

"What?" J asks. The Doctor saw her eyeing up one of the other casino games the 'Wild heist' when they came in.

"You just played Blackjack well Is this blackjack?" She questions herself "Well you plaid it wrong thinking it was snap" J sniggers.

"Easy mistake. No gambling." The Doctor tells her daughter again.

"Not an easy mistake." J mutters as the Doctor follows Barton outside.

J looks around a man comes up to her "Evening Ma'am" he says, J looks him in the eye, O watches with Yaz.

"Nope." J puts her hand in the man's face and walks off. She mutters to herself, "absolutely not."

She walks over to Yaz and O.

The Doctor came back in not long after as Barton was supposed to have come back in, but no one saw in. She was not so happy about that.

"There he is" Yaz points to him getting into a car.

"He's getting away Pa" J says eyebrows raised unsure of what to do and say

"Oh, no you don't." The Doctor says running towards the car. Everyone follows.

"Shouldn't have put these boots on. Not made for running" J yells as she runs out side. They watch the car as it screeches away.

"Well that was useless" J moans "Ran for nothing" she makes an odd face scratching her head.

"He's off!" Says Graham.

"I mean, who leaves their own birthday party?" Ryan says again stating the obvious.

"Uhh... well him?" J says looking at him rolling her eyes again.

Ryan rolls them back and looks at her "he's definitely guilty." He says.

"You don't say?" J wants to say something more but just laughs it off again she thinks stating the obvious.

"So what do we do now?" Ryan asked.

"Remember our trip to the Great Kalisperon Bike-Off?" The Doctor says

"Yeah that was fun, though you could have let me ride one myself you know right?" J says the Doctor ignores her.

J follows the Doctors eyes. "Ahh. Right. I gotcha."

"Oh. Look. Not enough bikes for me to have one to myself" she rolls eyes, and follows The Doctor she gets on behind her.

She sits back holding the sides of the Bike as they start heading towards Barton's car.

J suddenly grips onto the Doctors waist as they go round a corner.

"I told you to hold on." The Doctor says.

"I know. Don't have to tell me so." J says back as they catch up to the car. Suddenly Barton can be seen.

"DAD HE HAS A GUN" J yells scared as Barton starts to shoot at them.

The car goes out off site. "This was a bad idea." J says shutting her eyes tightly.

Soon enough they all follow Barton's car to one of his VOR airports.

"Great" J says as they pull up.

They follow in, watching as Barton gets into a plane. And just as J thought they were going to follow.

Graham didn't like the sound of following and jumping onto a plan, but as you know it was what was happening now.

"THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT FOOTWEAR TO BE WEARING" J yells as she stands up dusting off her suit jacket as they get into the main cabin.

"Never been good at sprinting?" The Doctor asks O.

"Really? That's what you're going to ask?" J looks up to the ceiling.

"I was the last one in every race at school." O says back to The Doctor.

"No, no, no. I read your file. You were a champion sprinter." The Doctor looks a tad puzzled.

J watched O's reactions she thinks to herself, 'What the hell is going on'

O looks back to the Doctor with a steady face "Hmm.." His eyes roll up. And an awkwardness towards O could be felt between them all as they are all confused.

O's eyebrows raise. "Got me." He says to The Doctor as he smiles softly, "Well done."

"Eh? You wit?" J says.

"What's going on, Doc? J?" Graham asks.

"I don't know." Says the Doctor.

"Beats me." J says.

O looks at her and smirks wickedly.

"You'd best take a look out the window." He says to them all. J decided not too watching this 'Agent O' closely.

Graham has said something about his house, O just had a massive grin on his face now.

"Bit Wicked Witch of the West, but you get the gist. Maybe. Maybe not." He turns to the Doctor and the gang.

"No." The Doctor exhales a breath she clearly had been holding.

J moves back a bit near the cockpit, as O walks up, he puts his hand on his hip leaning on a part of the plane.

"Oh, come on, Doctor, catch up. You can do it." He says as he does some weird jolt motion. J wants to laugh but doesn't.

"Ohh!" The Doctor says dramatically.

"WHAT?" J asks confused.

"That's... that's my name, and that is why I chose it." He grins wide.

"What the hell do you mean" J asks but gets ignored again.

"So satisfying. Doctor, I did say look for the spymaster."

J catches on at his words "Noooo" she whispers to herself.

"Or should I say spy... MASTER!" He grinned wickedly laughing as he reveals himself. He watches the Doctor closely and waves at her. "Hi."

"You can't be" The Doctor says very confused and shocked.

"Oh, I can be. I very much am." He replies back.

'But, Missy' J thinks to herself  'We give her a send off? Can he be? If he is? Is he before Missy? Can he even be before Missy? He must be.' She watches the interaction more.

"So what's going on, then? He's not really O?" Ryan asks.

J wanted to yell at Ryan for saying the obvious thing again. But the Master speaks.

"I'm her best enemy." He moves forward chuckling softly as he passed the Doctor.

"Call me Master." He grins.

"Call you what?" Graham says.

"Master?" Repeats Ryan.

Yaz was in too much shock to speak.

J shuts the rest of the conversation out, suddenly she's being pulled back. "J MOVE" The Doctor yells at her daughter.

She stumbles back near a window.

"Wait. What? Why?" She asks looking around faces shocked but The Master as he grins wickedly clapping and jumping up and down.

After yelling at the Doctor about 'it being Sonic proof' she didn't catch the fullness off it as she was panicking in her head.

"Are you a child?" J says not really meaning the way it came out or to come out.

He stops and looks at her "The Doctor has a daughter who's alive with her. For now of course. Didn't see that one coming. Interesting find." He smirks at her. "Really. I didn't see that one coming. Makes this much more fun for me." He grins "I mean it."

"GET DOWN" The Doctor Yells and suddenly a bomb went off in the cockpit.

J finds herself on the floor, her head she banged it against something as she went down, she groans as she looks up. Those things were back those creatures. And then suddenly Her Father was gone. The Doctor was gone.

Yaz screams for the Doctor, Graham and Ryan holding onto the chairs for dear life as the plan goes down.

J lays on the floor of the plane, every sound too her is cut out with the sound buzzing filling her ears. She continues to look at the spot The Doctor was just in. Realisation hits her.

The sound of Ryan, Yaz and Graham panicking rings through her she tries to get up but doesn't mange. She looks back to the floor where The Doctor was and tears filled her eyes as she shuts them.

'Okay, okay we will be okay. I will. They will. Pa will.' She tells herself as she suddenly finds herself standing up. With the way the plane is falling she grabs onto the chair next to her.

And that's when she starts to panic herself.

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