13th Doctor OneShots S2

By JessicaSongAQ

5.1K 149 183

I don't Own any of the characters that belongs to the BBC Doctor Who. Hey Fam, So because these Oneshots/fic... More

Spyfall Part 1.2
Spyfall Part 2.1
Spyfall Part 2.2
Orphan 55
Nikola Tesla's night of Terror
A dilemma ?
Fugitive of the Judoon
Another nightmare?
Head over Heels.
Can you Hear me?
A Virus!
The Haunting of Villa Diodati!!
11th/Amy/Rory/River and J.
Doctor Who?
Inner feelings!! T|W
The Master!
13th/10th/Rose and J.
Happy Halloween✨🎃
Ascension Of the Cybermen.
The Timeless Children.
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 1)
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 2)
Baby J.
Unnamed Title
Secrets come out!

Spyfall Part 1.1

526 5 3
By JessicaSongAQ

On that note if you have I hope you all enjoyed Spyfall Part 1 and two. I personally loved, loved it. Now however I will be posting part 1 of 1 of Spyfall part 1. Cause they are long episodes and I'm putting more in for J it was major long for one chapter for part one. At this rate it's not just oneshots, anyway part 2 of part 1 be before part 2 of Spyfall. What will also be in two parts. Enjoy.

I do not own any cast or characters from Doctor Who, and or title name. Only my OC who is mine.

The Doctor had been fixing her Tardis, there was a blockage, she needed to fix, Then came the men in 'Black' she studies them for a moment. As one of the men walks up to her.

"Hi, fellas. Rocking the ominous look."

"We need you to come with us," he tells her.

Her head was tilted a little and she scrunches her eyes as she replies back more serious "Can I finish up first?" Then came the more unserious tone, yet she was very serious in her words. "Just draining the water slides. And the Boating lakes. And the rainforest floor."

The man just looks at her, "Plus, I'm waiting on my mates."

"Your friends are inside the car." He says back and all you could hear was Graham.

"Worst Uber ever!" The Doctor looks at him.

After the Man and his ominous look, The Doctor was in the car with the gang. She turns round to them after a good amount of silence.

"How are you doing? Everything go all right?" The Gang just look at her "Apart from being kidnapped" The Doctor smiles. "Where's J?"

"No idea Doc" Graham looks to the Driver.

The Driver turned to the Doctor "The Purple haired one? Yeah she is already there kept complaining about needing to re dye her hair, she's also with Professor Song." He shook his head.

"Hm" The Doctor turns back to the gang.

Yaz looks at her "Come on ? What's the Plan" she asks.

Meanwhile J, was talking with an agent, Talking? Well she was doing the 'Talking'.

"So why am I here? Is there any need? I was in the middle of seeing a film like seriously I just wanted to enjoy Jumanji: The next level, with My Mother." She rolls her eyes. "And my phone? Y'all gonna give us that back aye?" She crosses her arms as she sits on a couch.

The agent was not going to answer anything but then did when she had asked "So where did my mum go? What did you do with her?" She was curious and worried.

"River had to leave" in came the man calling himself 'C' he handed J her phone.

"Leave where?" J goes up to him and stands, "mind telling me what you mean? Oh and thanks" she Gestured to her phone as she puts it in her pocket.

"Don't worry, she said she didn't need to be here and left you this note." He shrugs and hands her it. "And you're welcome."

J reads the Note. Definitely Rivers handwriting. 'Sweetie, I'm sorry but I should not be here at this moment I was never here. I heard about this day from you once when I met an older version of you not long ago actually,' J could hear her mother's laugh 'Yet I was a younger version of me, however you mentioned I was never here and that you got a note explaining why so here it is. Love you sweetie signed MP, RS, Mum. Love you xoxo'

J shook her head "okay then" she sighed knowing her mum only signs it like that to get her to believe it's her.

"Definitely my mamma" she laughs.

An agent "C that's them here" he says.

"Splendid" the man says, "You can stay here we will be back with Your father shortly,'' he heads out.

J looks around the room, a confused feeling and a feeling of uncertainty and an odd feeling of being watched. She sees some cameras and sticks the finger up, flipping it off. "Oh, course that's why I'm feeling like I'm being watched because I am" she rolls her eyes.

She stomps around the office room. She goes over to some books, she touches them, she picks one up 'All about Bond' she rolls her eyes and puts it back.

"Mhm" she hums unsure how long it had been the door opens. In comes C, The Doctor and the Fam.

"Pa" she says relieved "why are we here?" She wonders.

"Unsure as of yet where's River?" The Doctor looks around her surroundings as well.

"Ahh she had to go, spoilers and timelines and all?" J laughs.

"Where are we?" J asks her father.

"London, MI6" The Doctor looks at her daughter and smiles.

J's grin widens "Are you serious? Like we are surrounded by a lot of MI6 technology and weapons" she spins "Who has some phone shoes?" She looks at C. He shakes his head.

"Ahh, not so fast she won't be trusted with any weapons." He says.

"I agree" The Doctor says agreeing with the man.

J pouts, "So unfair. So super Incredibly unfair" she sits back on the couch.

C starts talking with The Doctor.

J tunes out most of it, still finding it unfair she can't have any of these weapons? Yet Graham and Ryan can? They would start using them against each other for fun she thinks laughing at herself. This gets everyone looking at her "Sorry, laughing at my own thoughts" she smiles feeling the embarrassment as they go back to talking.

"Right now, VOR is more powerful than most nations." C, was pointing at the file Yaz had as he said this.

J was now listing in. She catches "Daniel Barton is the Man who built it all up from the ground." C was saying.

"We're going to need your best man on this." The Doctor says "What do you call him? Horizon-watcher?" She says this and a snigger comes from J.

"Oh" is all C said.

The Doctor grins "Exactly"

"Well, he...um..." C does a weird laugh "He left." He says.

"Ya wit?" J stands up now more involved in the conversation C looks at her then back to the Doctor.

"I... Sacked him." J's mouth opens a little as she is confused the best agent? And he got sacked she thought.

"The only person with an open mind about all this and you let him go?" Asks the Doctor

J nods her head in agreement with her Father.

"MI6 has never countenanced the possibility of extraterrestrial life." C said.

"Then maybe y'all should have" J butts in.

The Doctor shook her head at C and said, "Well, you should talk to your mates at GCHQ!"

C protests "The Country has other Organisations that deal with all that! UNIT. Even Torchwood."

"They're all gone" says the Doctor.

J just thought, mhm, sure they are all gone but are they really?

"Oh, C! You took your eye off the horizon just as things were coming over it. Don't worry. I'll call him." The Doctor grabs Yaz's phone.

"You can't. He's off-grid." C protests.

J just thinks to herself, does he not want her to call him? What's going on really? But she shakes it out her head.

"We can't find him anywhere. Believe me, we've tried." C says as the Doctor uses Yaz's phone.

Graham and Ryan are still in at the gadgets as Yaz continues too reads Bartons file.

"Shh. I'm whatsapping." The Doctor says J shakes her head.

"Oh god." J speaks "Why do you have to hold a phone like that?" She rolls her eyes.

The Doctor looks at her but ignores "Hi. It's me. I'm at MI6 with C. Crisis. Big Crisis. Serious Crisis. Big, series Crisis."

J shakes her head and rolls her eyes again at The Doctor she mutters under her breath "seriously?"

"And C says you were right and he's sorry for being and Idiot" The Doctor says. J chuckles at that seeing C's face clearly not amused.

He yells "I did not use those words!" To the phone.

"Send us your location. Kisses." The Doctor says spinning to Yaz "It's quite French, that, isn't it? Kisses" a ping from the phone can be heard.

"Ah! See" she shows the phone Graham's direction.

"Yes" says C as if to say 'I can clearly see through a phone'.

"It's a fish." Graham's facial expression is hilarious when he says 'fish' J holds in a laugh.

"I know!" Says the Doctor.

"Can we please focus? Daniel Barton isn't just a powerful businessman. He was also one of our agents." C was saying.

"When he first went to work in the US. Then he withdrew cooperation. It's possible he became a double agent. Or even a triple." His words make J raise her eyebrows. And everyone is now very into this conversation.

"Who for?" Yaz wonders

"Well..." suddenly glass could be heard shattering and C was shot.

He gasps and makes the sound 'O' as he falls onto his desk.

Suddenly there was panic in the room.

The Doctor turns "Down!" She yells as gasps could be heard. "Go" she tells everyone.

You could hear the other agents and some groaning as shots were fired.

"Get to the Tardis" the Doctor yells as we all run back.

"We've got to get out of here" she runs to her console.

"We've still for the gadgets." Graham says.

"We just saw the head of MI6 get assassinated." Ryan states the obvious.

"Yes, we know we were there." J rolls her eyes hard at Ryan.

Yaz then piped in "Yeah, by the same sort of bolts that came through that sat nav."

"What sat nav?" J asks.

"We were nearly killed on the way over here" Ryan pipes in.

The Doctor ignores the chatter and goes up to Yaz "Where's that pictures? I need to set the coordinates. Ooh, I've got it." She realises, she takes the phone out of her pocket and to the Tardis hocking it up.

"So, wrong place, wrong time, twice in one day." Graham says his hand moves in motion with his speech. "That's got to make us targets. And why do you keep looking at a picture of a fish?"

J pipes up. "Steganography. There's another image hiding init" She smiles, The Doctor smiles at her, thinking 'That's my girl'.

"It's hiding within the pixels of that photo" the Doctor says moving round too look at it better.

"It's basic spycraft in your time." J says toward the Gang.

"Easy way to smuggle out information because there's is no pattern to look for." The Doctor says.

J notices Graham looking behind himself she follows his eyes to the Tardis door, confused she studies him and the door for a moment.

"So one's hidden inside the other?" Ryan asks.

"Doc..." Graham says

"Exactly." She replies back to Ryan.

J's mouth opens a little at Graham she blinks a few times 'what the hell' she thinks as she looks at the door hearing an odd sound coming from it also.

"Luckily, I can read pixels. I took a correspondence class." The Doctor rambles on.

"Doc..." says Graham 

"DAD" J yells over Graham's 'Doc'.

Still she was on a roll with her talking well, rambling. "Ooh, the outback. Gone full hermit." The Doctor says looking at another screen in her Tardis.

Yaz quickly gets her attention "Doctor, something's trying to get in!"

"That is not possible" J whispers to herself. Still just watching the door.

Suddenly the Doctor understood "Oh, no, you don't!" She quickly presses buttons and pulls her leaver the Tardis Thrums as they are sent into the vortex.

The Doctor does a run then a small jump jog to the door taken out her sonic to scan it.

"I didn't know things could get into the Tardis like that." Yaz says sounding a bit scared.

"Neither did I." The Doctor admits also sounding scared, and taken aback. Shocked and possibly also confused.

Ryan pipes up again. "But you got rid of it."

"Yeah," Graham says reassuring mostly himself "But what was it?" He then asks.

"I say it's the same things that attack all them spies. And oh, killed C back there" J says.

"Just what I was about to say" The Doctor says waiting on her Sonic.

The Sonic finally buzzed and The Doctor looks down at it "What? No readings?"

Everyone looks at one another confused, scared as you can hear in the Doctors tone as well she is rather unsure of what is happening.

"The sonic can usually read anything." The Doctor says.

"Maybe not everything then?" J says a little quietly but could be heard. "I mean it can't open Wood soo?" She slightly laughs awkwardly.

The Doctor gives her daughter a look then thinks "All right, park that. Live attacks. They're after us, but we need intel. Split resources. Graham, me and you are off to Australia. Too see my old mate from MI6."

She gives him a look "I say old mate- I've met him once, but he seemed very nice. We text though. Does that count?" She says rather happily.

"If you say so." Graham answered back.

"What? Text on that weird flip phone that you have?" J Chuckles to herself "What?" She says at the looks. "It's true." She shrugs.

"Yaz, Ryan, how do you feel about undercover work?" The Doctor ignores her daughter for a moment.

"Definitely!" Yaz grins.

"I Don't know." Says Ryan

"What about me?" J raises her eyebrows.

"With Yaz and Ryan, but J" The Doctor goes up to her daughter. "The gadgets are not toys. Promise me you will be careful and not use them in the wrong ways?" She raised a brow.

"I will try?" J giggles.

"That will do" The Doctor says knowing her daughter well she will most likely do something the Doctor would do, or River. She should not be proud of that? But secretly she can't help but love how much J is like her yet like River yet her own person.

She goes back to her consol "Daniel Barton - he's our best lead. Well, he's our only lead. We'll get you a cover story. Hack his diary. Get in there, check him out. Infiltrate VOR. Have a nose around the systems." The Doctor says proudly.

"Be spies, basically" Yaz smiles widely, the Doctor grins.

"What, with absolutely no training?" Graham says as he worries.

"Absolutely" J Chuckled.

Soon enough, J, Ryan and Yaz found themselves in San Francisco in the USA.

"Diary hacked got us in. Loving these toys." Says Ryan.

"Let's have a look eh?" J went to grab what Ryan had in his hand.

"Nope. You heard what the Doctor said they aren't toys." Ryan smirked.

"Really? You just called them toys." J says.

Ryan ignores that, and Yaz just laughs at them both.

"Which building is it?" Ryan asks Yaz, J just huffs.

"That one there. Though according to the files, this whole developed is down to Barton." J smiles at Yaz she really did read the file.

"So, you journalist, me photographer?" Ryan says

"Yeah. That works, doesn't it?" Yaz shakes her head in agreement.

"So what about me?" J asks.

"You could be my intern, a young journalist in the making. You can come along and see how I am working for information and learning purposes" Yaz says to her.

"Okay" J says shaking her head. "Sounds perfect." Not really she didn't like it too much but it will do.

Ryan starts to chat again. J listens in carefully.

Soon enough they find themselves in the Building, they were greeted by a man and Barton,
J had to laugh at Ryan, he tripped on the way up the stairs. And they headed up to his office.

Meanwhile in Great Victoria desert, Australia. Graham and the Doctor finally met O. Well the Doctor meets him again.

J, Ryan and Yaz step into Barton's office.

To be continued...

More A/N hope you enjoyed this chapter, as you can tell some lines in the original episode some have been given too J only a few if you can notice. Next part will start with them in Barton's office. I'm not focusing on what Graham and the Doctor are doing with 'O' not until they are with the others. As I said it will be from J's perspective. I did however start this one off with the Doctor cause that was a great scene at the start. Again hope you enjoy, Part one of Spyfall part 1 of 1.

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