My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

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Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

Plans Coming Together

123 6 5
By TarableTaralynn

 Dean sat alone at the table in the middle of the basement staring at the Raven. Every-damn-thing seemed to revolve around the feathered pain in the ass, it was the damn key to ending Vassago and they had no freaking idea how to use it. He was beyond frustrated and he wasn't sure he could handle any more bullshit. He leaned back in his chair and ran his hands over his face sighing, he knew that this was his last chance at figuring everything out. If this failed then he knew the battle was lost. Still leaning back in his chair, he looked at the Raven, it remained as silent as it's been the entire time since he brought it to the monastery and for some reason; even Dean didn't understand, the silence only made him angrier.

 He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, thinking of his loved ones to calm down feeling his powers flowing through him, he squeezed his hands into fists, opening and closing them again and again. He wanted to calm himself down before he ended up doing something he'd regret. He had no idea if the tomes Keeper was giving them would help, but they were a hell of a lot better than what they had right now...which was nothing. Of course, after seeing Keeper's reaction to the information about the Raven, Dean really didn't have much hope that they'd find anything. He had to keep reminding himself though, that like Keeper had told him, there were certain things that he didn't know.

 Then there was the fact that even if the tomes did have the information they needed, who's to say that any of them could actually translate the texts? It took days for Grant to translate the prophecy; even he couldn't get it completely right either, and he's dead! Not to mention they might not have that kind of time. He stood up and feeling anxious, he began to pace the basement, he suddenly felt like the walls of the basement were closing in on him and he felt claustrophobic; something he's never ever felt before, and the urge to run as far away as he could get was all he wanted to do.

 "Deep, cleansing breaths, brother." Zander's gentle voice spoke from behind him, causing Dean to stop pacing and turn to face him.

 "I'm trying, Zander, I really fucking am, but my whole body is vibrating, I...I can't sit still all of a sudden, I feel like the walls are closing in on me and all I want to fucking do is run away, dammit!" Dean replied upset. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

 "Nothing, Dean, I promise." Zander said, as he walked towards him and put his hand on his shoulder squeezing it gently. "What you're feeling is perfectly normal for the Chosen One."

 "Normal? Nothing about this feels normal!" Dean stated frustrated.

 "Dean, you need to calm down, remember your powers are tied to your emotions."

 "I know that, dammit, I don't need everyone reminding me about it!"

 "Of course, you're right, you don't need to be reminded of things you already know, I'm sorry."

 "No, brother, I'm the one who's sorry." Dean said sighing. "This is so frustrating, dammit! I just wish that for once I knew what to freaking do."

 "Dean, you don't give yourself enough credit, you know more than you think. Look at all you've done and overcame, you just need to listen to yourself and trust your instincts."

 "How the hell do I do that when I can't focus?" Dean said frustrated, as he ran his hands over his face.

 "You'll figure it out, Dean, you always do. Just remember to keep your focus on love."

 "You're right." Dean agreed sighing.

 "Come on, it's time to go collect the tomes." Zander replied smiling.

 "Did you find anything else in Grant's notes?" Dean asked hopeful.

 "Unfortunately, no, and there was nothing in the prophecy either."

 "Dammit!" Dean said upset. "Okay, hopefully the tomes will have something in them we can use to figure this shit out."

 They left the basement and after telling the others they were leaving, they left the monastery and headed to their spot. Once they were close enough they kept to the tall grass; staying hidden, as they sensed for any Vamps. After not sensing any they came out of hiding and Zander waited while Dean went to the spot Keeper had told him he'd hide the tomes at. A few seconds later, Dean came back to him carrying a large, old chest, covered in old symbols that only a Vamp would know and be able to read. He sat it on the ground between them before Zander spoke.

 "Wow, Keeper wasn't kidding when he said that he was going to ward the tomes against mortals." Zander said in awe, as he crouched down and gently ran his hand over the chest.

 "What do you mean? What are all these weird drawings?" Dean asked confused, as he crouched down too across from Zander and examined the chest.

 "These aren't drawings, Dean, these are symbols. The ones carved into the chest are powerful, old magic." Zander explained smiling.

 "What does that mean?" Dean asked even more confused, as he touched some of the symbols.

 "To us, absolutely nothing, to a mortal though, it can mean physical injury or even..." Zander replied trailing off.

 "Or even what?" Dean demanded, as he looked at Zander.



 "They're ancient warding symbols our ancestors created to keep precious items from falling into mortal hands."

 "How do you know all of this?"

 "Simple, when you've spent as much time by yourself trying to find a way to end your kind as much as I have, you tend to learn a few things over the centuries. In fact, once this battle with Vassago is all over with I can teach you everything I know, if you like?"

 "I would  actually, thanks Zander." Dean agreed smiling.

 "You're welcome, for now though, luckily, Keeper decided on the symbols that would only injure a mortal if they touch the chest or try to open it...which is very surprising given his hatred for mortals."

 "That's a good thing then, can...can we turn it off or something?" Dean asked.

 "Actually, we can, you can."

 "Me?" Dean asked panicked, as he stood. "How the hell can I do it when I didn't even know what the hell they were?"

 "Yes, you can." Zander replied smiling, as he stood too. "It's easy, I promise."

 "I...I don't think I can."

 "You can and you will with my help."

 "Okay." Dean agreed reluctantly.

 "Ready?" Zander asked, Dean nodded.

 Zander picked up the chest and placed it on a large rock, before he told Dean to stand in front of it. After getting into position, Zander then told him to close his eyes and place both of his hands onto the top of the chest. Once he had done that, Zander then told him the words he needed to say to break the warding; reminding him to focus and say each word exactly as he had told him to. Keeping his eyes closed and his hands on the chest, Dean took a deep breath, cleared his mind focusing only on the chest and spoke the words. He wasn't sure what was supposed to happen and he sure as hell wasn't sure he had even done it right. A few seconds later, he felt Zander touch his shoulder; he opened his eyes and looked at him. Still unsure if it worked, he removed his hands and watched as Zander checked the chest.

 "Did...did it work?"

 "It did, good work, Dean." Zander replied smiling. "I told you it would, brother."

 "Alright, let's get this back to the monastery and see what's inside."


 Keeper paced his room trying to get over his shock about the news Dean had told him earlier involving the Raven Of Mourning. He was furious that the prophecy had been taken from him before he had had a chance to translate it completely. There was so much that he didn't know and he despised not knowing things; he prided himself on the vast knowledge of their kind that only he and a very select others knew, every single one of their kind were aware of it. So, finding all of this out now was the worst kind of insult to him.

 After his conversation with Dean, Keeper had returned to the nest and undetected he had retrieved the tomes and put them and the instructions on their translation into a locked chest. He had then enchanted the chest with special warding symbols; he had almost warded the chest with the symbols that would kill a mortal foolish enough to touch it, but knew that if anything happened to Dean's precious mortal pets he wouldn't help Keeper. He had then left the nest and returned to the woods, where he hid the chest in the place he had told Dean he would, before he returned to the nest. He had wanted to read the tomes himself, but it was too risky, he couldn't take the chance of Vassago finding out. He had no idea if there was anything even in the damn tomes that would help them, but the Elders did keep very detailed and thorough notes on their kind's history, so, there might be something.

 He needed to find a way to get Vassago to tell him everything about the connection, that way they had a backup in case the tomes were useless. Keeper liked to have plans and backup plans for everything; especially when it came to war. He had waited too damn long for this moment and he wasn't about to leave everything to a Chosen One who can't control his powers, a rouge Vamp and a group of useless mortals. He still wasn't sure if he planned on killing Dean when this was all over or if he wanted to manipulate Dean into claiming the throne. Whatever it was he chose, he needed to figure it out soon, time was running out.

 He decided to check on the little insects and make sure they were still alive; maybe while he was there he could talk to Vassago and find out what he needed. Of course, he'd have to be sneaky about it, otherwise Vassago could catch on to what he was doing and everything would be screwed up. He left his room and walked through the halls, passing other Vamps along the way and ordered them to get back to their training. Finally, he reached Vassago's chamber doors, he was about to knock on the door, but was stopped by someone calling out to him.

 "What is it now, Matthias?" Keeper demanded annoyed, as he turned to face him.

 "I saw you leave the nest earlier carrying a chest." Matthias said smirking, as he crossed his arms.

 "Really, did anyone else?" Keeper questioned unmoved.

 "No, only I did, I was training alone in the garden when I saw you leave."

 "Have you told anyone?"

 "If you're asking if I told Vassago, then my answer is no."

 "I believe my question was if you told anyone?"


 "You know I'm going to deny it, so why are you confronting me?"

 "Maybe it's because I'm a curious, little Vamp." Matthias replied still smirking.

 "You do know that curiosity killed the Vampire, right?" Keeper said smirking, still unmoved by the young Vamp's words.

 "Maybe, you'd like to explain it to our almighty King then?"

 "Are you threatening me, Matthias?" Keeper asked shocked. "You do know who you're talking to, boy?" He added through clenched teeth.

 "A damn traitor that's..." Matthias began, but was cut off by Keeper suddenly grabbing him by the throat and slamming him into the wall on the other side of the hallway.

 Keeper smiled as the smug look on the younger Vamp's face was quickly replaced by fear, as he struggled to breathe. Keeper's fingers continued to tighten around his neck, his sharp nails began to pierce his skin causing him to bleed a little. Matthias had both of his hands wrapped tightly around Keeper's wrist trying in vain to pry him off of his throat. The entire time their eyes were locked, their faces mere inches apart and Keeper remained silent.

 "That was the stupidest thing you could ever have done, Matthias, I' am the last person you want angry, here I thought everyone knew that...guess I was wrong." Keeper said before he sighed. "I guess you can't really talk right now, can you? So, here's what we're going to do, are you listening, Matthias? When I ask you a question I want you to blink once for yes and twice for no, understand?" He asked, Matthias blinked once. "See, you aren't stupid after all. Now, I'm going to ask you again, did anyone else besides you see me leave?" Matthias blinked twice this time. "Good, did you tell anyone what you saw?" Again Matthias blinked twice. "Very good, Matthias, I think we've learned a very valuable lesson here, don't you?" Matthias blinked once. "I agree and that lesson would be to never  ever try to blackmail a Vamp more powerful than yourself." Keeper said smiling, before he dug his fingers deeper into Matthias' neck drawing more blood. "I may not be as strong as Vassago, but I' am strong enough to do this to a Vamp like you." He added before he ripped off Matthias' head.

 Knowing Vassago surely would have heard Matthias' body hit the floor; Keeper dropped his head and quickly took out a small dagger from his cloak pocket. He then sliced his hand, arm, and face, before he put the dagger into Matthias' hand; making sure to drip some of his blood onto the dead Vamp to make it look like he had attacked Keeper. Seconds later, the door to Vassago's chambers opened and Keeper pretended to be relieved to see him alive and unharmed.

 "Sire, you''re alright!"

 "Keeper?" Vassago said shocked, as he looked at the scene before him. "What the hell is going on out here?"

 "I'm just as confused as you are, sire. I...I was in my chambers thinking of a plan when I had this strange feeling that I needed to check on you. As I approached your room I noticed Matthias lurking in the shadows near your room. Angered that the little weasel had dared come to your chambers, I began to walk towards him to remind him that no one, but me speaks to you. As I drew closer I spotted the dagger in his hand and fearing that he would try to hurt you I confronted him. He lost it, sire, and attacked me, until I managed to get him by the throat against the wall and tear his head off."

 "Keeper, I can handle myself, I' am the King."

 "Yes, sire, but there are moments when your defenses are down and you're vulnerable."

 "Are your injuries severe?" Vassago questioned.

 "No, I...I believe I'll be fine, sire."

 "Good, have someone dispose of the traitor's filthy body; make sure they burn it and bring me his heart as a trophy. Go get cleaned up, when you're finished return to my chambers."

 "Right away, sire." Keeper replied smiling, as he bowed, he couldn't believe how easy that had been.

**At The Monastery**:

 Dean and Zander arrived back at the monastery, going inside they found the others in the living room talking. They brought the chest over to the coffee table and put it down, before they sat beside Roman and Father O'Conner on the couch.

 "Is this the chest?" Paige asked nervously.

 "It is." Zander replied.

 "What are all those strange symbols drawn everywhere?" Seth asked, as he reached his hand out to touch the chest.

 "They're ancient and very powerful warding symbols, they're also incredibly dangerous to mortals." Jameson said quickly, causing Seth to pull his hand away before he could touch it.

 "What?" Everyone said shocked, as they looked at the two Vamps.

 " that true?" Roman questioned.

 "Yes." Dean answered sighing. "Only when activated though."

 "What does that mean?" Seth asked, a little shaken up from what might have happened.

 "It means that Dean has successfully turned off the wardings, they are completely harmless."

 "Really?" Father O'Conner asked still unsure.

 "Yes, they're completely harmless, I promise. You all know that we'd never put any of you in any kind of danger." Dean replied, as he took Roman's hand.

 "I believe you." Roman said smiling.

 "I do too, but with all due respect, I know what those are capable of and as much as I trust the two of you, I'd rather not touch the chest, if you don't mind." Jameson said nervously.

 "Of course, I'll open the chest and remove the contents." Zander said smiling, Jameson visibly relaxed.

 Dean moved the chest closer to him, before Zander opened the lid of the chest gently. Once it was open he removed the lone piece of paper from the top and handed it to Dean. While Dean examined Keeper's instructions, Zander carefully removed each of the brightly colored, ornately decorated tomes and carefully placed them on the coffee table; in total there were 20 of them. When he was finished, he shut the chest and placed it on the floor by his feet.

 "Okay, so Keeper gave us a numerical guide of each book telling us their order and detailed instructions on how to translate them." Dean explained, as he gave Zander the letter. "Problem is, even with this it's still all gibberish to me." He added sighing.

 "May I see it?" Jameson asked.

 "Sure." Zander replied handing him the paper. "I can translate most of the text; it's very similar to the prophecy. There are some things though that even I can't make out."

 "Dammit! So, we're basically screwed then?" Dean said frustrated.

 "I can do it." Jameson said quickly smiling.

 "You can?" Seth asked confused.

 "Yes, I...I recognize the text, I haven't seen it in years and I only used it twice, but I remember enough to do what we need to."

 "Great, with Jameson's help I'll be able to translate the tomes."

 "How long?" Dean asked hopeful.

 "That I'm unsure of, there's a lot of text to translate, some of which will be of little importance to us, so we'll need to filter through it."

 "So, there's no way of knowing?" Dean asked sighing.


 "Alright, well, you two get started on that, the rest of us will get back to training." Roman said smiling.

 "Maybe, I should stay and help them?" Dean replied nervous about being around the others with his powers still out of control.

 "Dean, you'll be fine, just remember to stay focused." Zander encouraged him knowing how worried he was about hurting one of them.

 "Focus, right, stay focused." Dean repeated unsure, as he got up and left the room with the others.

 Dean reluctantly followed the others outside, he was hopeful that Zander and Jameson would find something useful in the tomes, but he was still worried about being around the others while his powers weren't under his full control. He barely had a grasp on them and he was afraid that he'd accidentally hurt one of them if he lost focus even for a split second. He'd never forgive himself if something happened to one of them by his hand; especially Roman. He sighed and ran his hands over his face; he was so frustrated with himself and the whole damn situation. Despite his frustration, he couldn't...wouldn't give up or back down, there was too much at stake; Rose and Violet were depending on him, dammit!

 "Dean, baby, are you okay?" Roman asked gently.

 "Uh, nope, not even a little." Dean admitted sighing. "All of this is so fucked up, you know, I...I have the biggest battle of my damn life coming up and I still can't control my freaking powers! Ro, what if I never learn how to? What if because of my failures..." He was cut off by Roman kissing him, after a few seconds Roman pulled away and looked at him.

 "Dean, stop, you need to learn to quit getting so lost in your head. Stop letting your fears guide you and let love be your guiding light instead."

 "I'm trying, Roman, I really freaking am, but it's hard to do when the weight of the damn world is resting on my shoulders. If I fail the world will pay the consequences, what if I can't do it?"

 "Dean Ambrose, stop right now." Roman said firmly, taking him by surprise, he put both of his hands on Dean's face and looked into his eyes. "You can and you will do this, because you are the strongest, smartest and bravest man I have ever known."

 "Thank you, baby boy, you always know how to get through to me." Dean said quietly, before he hugged Roman tightly. "I love you so damn much."

 "I love you too." Roman replied, as he pulled away and kissed him.

 "Come on, let's..."

 Dean didn't get to finish his sentence as he felt the familiar dizziness wash over him and knew what was happening, even though it's been quite a while since it last happened. He looked at a confused Roman, meeting his eyes and with that one look, Roman knew Dean was about to mindlink with Vassago again. Neither could stop it, so Roman prepared himself to catch Dean before he fell so he wouldn't hit the ground. Seconds later, he collapsed into Roman's waiting arms; he then gently lowered him down to the ground and sat on the ground, before he put Dean's head onto his lap.

 Not knowing how long Dean would be out, Roman called out to the others to let them know about Dean, before he sighed and began playing with Dean's hair. Knowing there was nothing they could do until he woke up, the others decided to continue training, while Roman stayed with Dean. He watched as Dean's closed eyes moved rapidly seeing what Vassago saw and he hoped that there was a chance that he'd get the answers to their many questions somehow. He wouldn't admit it anyone; especially Dean, but he was scared that they might fail, but he wouldn't stop fighting until his last breath. He didn't know what the future held, but what he did know was that Vassago was going to die and it would be by Dean's hand.


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