The Day I Called You Mine{Spi...

i-have-one-braincell द्वारा

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A love story between Danny Rand and Peter Parker. They figure out their powers and responsibilities as teen h... अधिक

Chapter 1 "The Beginning"
Chapter 2 "Journey of the Iron Fist"
Chapter 3 "Jennifer"
Chapter 4 "Knightress and Purple Man"
Chapter 5 "Jessica Jones"
Chapter 6 "Visitor"
Chapter 7 "On the run"
Chapter 8 "Its Over"
Chapter 9 "It's not your fault"
Chapter 10 "Forgive yourself"
Chapter 11 "I can never renounce my Spiderman identity"
Chapter 12 "Reminder from the past"
Chapter 13"A Bad Morning"
Chapter 14 "Should we help him?"
Chapter 15 "Shopping + New Character"
Chapter 16 "Hothead"
Chapter 17 "Thursday"
Chapter 18 "Don't you trust us?
Chapter 19 "Harry's Back"
Chapter 20 "Double Date"
Chapter 21 "Getting Party ready"
Chapter 22 "The Party Part 1"
Chapter 23 "The Party Part 2"
Chapter 24 "The date"
Chapter 25 "The New Goblin"
Chapter 26 "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 27 "I Don't Deserve Them"
Chapter 29 "You're Cleary Not Good For Him"
Chapter 30 "What a Great Boyfriend..."
Chapter 31 "Promise Me We Won't Keep Secrets From Each Other"
Chapter 32 "Breathe. Grow. Live Again"
Chapter 33 "I'll Always Be Here To Support You"
Chapter 34 "I'm So Scared..."
Chapter 35 "At least I'm trying..."
Chapter 36 "I'll Deal With It"
Chapter 37 "Confessions"
Chapter 38 "Back Home"
Chapter 39 "Just Kill Me Already"
Chapter 40 "No One Can Tell You What's Right or Wrong"
Chapter 41 "Don't Be Attached"
Chapter 42 "You Can Trust Me"
Chapter 43 "You Didn't Tell Him?"
Chapter 44 "I Can Handle Myself"
Chapter 45 "I'll Protect You"
Chapter 46 "Peaceful Morning"
Chapter 47 "Compassion"
Chapter 48 "Damn you..."
Chapter 49 "Hatred"
Chapter 50 "Babysitter"
Chapter 51 "12 Years Old"
Chapter 52 "Am I Selfish?"
Chapter 53 "Questions"
Chapter 54 "Like A Child"
Chapter 55 "Worrisome"
Chapter 56 "Prom Ready"
Chapter 57 "Are You Okay With This?"
Chapter 58 "Cold"
Chapter 59 "Equinox"
Chapter 60 "Why?"
Chapter 61 "I Envy You"
Chapter 62 "It's His Fault, Isn't It?"
Chapter 63 "Blush"
Chapter 64 "Candle"
Chapter 65 "Sleepover"
Chapter 66 "Does He Scare You?"
Chapter 67 "Move On"
Chapter 68 "Closer"
Chapter 69 "Withdrawal"
Chapter 70 "We Know"
Chapter 71 "Want To Help"
Chapter 72 "Protection"
Chapter 73 "I'm Sorry"
Chapter 74 "What Are You Planning?"
Chapter 75 "Winter"
Chapter 76 "It's Your Fault"
Chapter 77 "A Tiger's Death"
Chapter 78 "Warehouse"
Chapter 79 "Bruises"
Chapter 80 "Choice"
Chapter 81 "Left Alone"
Chapter 82 "Reflection"
Chapter 83 "Seperation"
Chapter 84 "Reaction"
Chapter 85 "Imposter"
Chapter 86 "Life"
Part 87 "Loss"
Chapter 88 "Stay"
Chapter 89 "Welcome Home Danny"
Chapter 90 "Involve"
Chapter 91 "Camera Footage"
Chapter 92 "Restruant"
Chapter 93 "For Him"
Chapter 94 "Idiot"
Chapter 95 "Consequence"
Chapter 96 "I love ya, you destructive dummy"
Chapter 97 "Scared?"
Chapter 98 "I'm Sorry For Not Giving Up"
Chapter 99 "Old Man"
Chapter 100 "Nothing's New"
Author's Note + What's To Come
Chapter 1 "It's What Friends Do" (EDITED VERS.)

Chapter 28 "He's So Stubborn"

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i-have-one-braincell द्वारा

The team (including Jessica) were in front of the door deciding of who to open the door. They then started arguing to each other as the girls watches in annoyance as Danny stood quiet then he grabs the handle and turns it without the boys noticing. He then walks inside calmly as the girls followed behind him leaving the boys behind then Peter ran in first with Luke and Sam after as they closed the door behind then then they all looked around the living room and kitchen and doesn't see Aunt May anywhere

Danny:That's odd...


Danny:May isn't here...

Luke:How do you know that?

Danny:I can't hear her footsteps

Sam:How do you even know how her footsteps sounds like?


Ava:Well he's right...I can't smell her perfume

Jessica:What the hell? Are you two on meth?

Peter:Guys stop, don't you know what this means?

Sam:May isn't here so we're saved from her scolding at us?

Peter:Exactly! We can just lock ourselves in our rooms and just stay there until night*he then placed his blue backpack on the table beside him*

Luke:Dude, she's going to freak out if we do that, maybe even call the police

Peter:Oh right...

Jessica:I'm starving, do you have bourbon Pete?

Peter:Uh no, May doesn't drink

Jessica:Why not? That's lame

Ava:No one is going to drink, and Jessica, why are you here?

Jessica:I thought maybe I could sleep over?

Ava:No you're not

Jessica:Why can't I? May treats me like family*they all started to argue then Danny heard a rattle at the door knob making him turn his head towards the door and sees May and MJ walk in with grocery bags in her arms then Danny had turned back to the team who was arguing until May had slammed the door shut making the team to look at her direction as she had a stern expression as she places the bags on the floor beside the door as MJ did the same then she walks towards them*

Aunt May:You all better have a good explanation of why you weren't in your rooms last night*she spoke in a cold stern tone as she looks at them with a furious expression*

Sam:Uh we were doing drugs?*he then gotten hit on his stomach by Ava's elbow in which he responded with a quick*Ow!

Luke:Listen May, uh we were just taking a walk in the city...

Ava:Great excuse...*she whispered at him*

Luke:Yeah thanks...

Aunt May:You don't say?

Sam:Okay fine, we slept over at Jessica's house*Jessica then looks at him as she had a raised eyebrow at him with a glare as Sam felt her glare from over his neck making him to stand nervously*

Aunt May:Is this true Jessica?*they all turned their attention to Jessica making her look at them with a surprised expression*

Jessica:Uh yes...Dorothy wasn't home yesterday and we were hanging out until it was late...

Aunt May:*she then crosses her arms across her chest as she rubs her eyes with her left hand as she let out a slow sigh*Alright...I'll let it slide for once...and the last time...*she then looks back to them and sees Peter looking away with guilt in his eyes*Listen kids, Mary Jane is staying over for a few nights, her mother is in the hospital as her aunt had to travel on a trip with her husband...I suggest that you're in good behavior when she's here...

Luke:Yes ma'am

Aunt May:Good. Now you may leave while I have a talk with Peter*the team looks at each other as they walked past May as Danny gave Peter a small reassuring smile in which Peter decided to look away as he tried hard to not blush as everyone were heading up the stairs as May looks furiously at Peter*You have a lot of explaining to do Peter Benjamin Parker

Peter:Yeah I know...I'm sorry

Aunt May:Sorry isn't going to cut it, you nearly gave me a heart attack Peter

Peter:I-I know, it was wrong of me to have scared you like that

Aunt May:Peter, where were you?

Peter:I-I was with Jessica...

Aunt May:DON'T GIVE ME ANY EXCUSES PETER! WHERE WERE YOU?*she yelled at him as she walks towards him as she points her finger as his chest as he took a step back with a shocked expression. She then looks at his backpack that was on the table beside him then she reaches her arm to it and she grabs it and Peter quickly grabs it as the backpack was in both of their grip*Give it to me.

Peter:No! What do you even want with my backpack?*Aunt May then started to pulls his backpack trying to get it off his grip*Stop it!

Aunt May:I need to know where you were last night and where you ran off to!*she continued to pull his backpack*

Peter:STOP IT!*he yelled at her in anger in his voice*


Peter:LET GO!*she cut her off as she continued to pull his backpack*


Peter:Let go May!*he then pushed his backpack away from her and had threw it behind him as she looks at him in a surprised and furious expression*

Aunt May:Tell me where you been Peter. Last chance.*Peter stood quiet as he turned her head away to avoid May's expression*God Peter...just tell me! Its just me and you...

Peter:*he then looks up to her as he tried hard to pull back his tears*It was about Harry...*his voice cracked as his voice was shaken*

Aunt May:I heard about what happened...

Peter:H-he's my friend May...or and him we had a falling out...and that's mostly why he became like this...*he then flopped himself on the couch beside him as looks down to his hands on his lap*

Aunt May:Did you two have an argument...?*she then sat next to Peter on the couch*

Peter:*he then nods his head*yeah...he was just tired of me and MJ keeping secrets from him...he was tired of not having someone with him...

Aunt May:Don't blame yourself Peter, he was in the wrong for taking this direction and kidnapping're not the cause for any of this

Peter:I keep telling myself that but...its just making me feel worse about myself...I just don't know what to do May...*he then rests his forehead on his left hand as a tear ran down his cheek then May places her hand on his cheek and moves his head towards her to face her*

Aunt May:Peter...none of this is your fault, you were a good friend to Harry. You have other people to talk to Peter, you have MJ and your roommates, all you could is move forward...and that's coming from s woman who used to be arrested in her early days

Peter:*he then chuckled at her*No way! I don't believe you, what did you get arrested for?

Aunt May:For flag burning, that was about 30 years ago, I barely remembered it...I moved forward from that and I had you...just move forward Peter, you don't want to spend the rest of your life blaming yourself...

Peter:Thanks May...sorry for shouting at you...

Aunt May:I'm sorry too, I might have overreacted...but just so you know, MJ is sleeping in your room for a few days and your grounded

Peter:MJ is sleeping on my bed?

Aunt May:Call it as punishment for giving me a heart attack, you're grounded so you and the others have to be here straight after school, no going out with MJ or any of your friends, and no phone*she took her hand out to him then Peter gave out a small annoyed groan as he grabs his backpack and had took his phone out from the small front pocket and he hands it to May them she grabs it from him*

Peter:How long am I'm grounded for?

Aunt May:I decide on that and also, since MJ is going to be sleeping in your room, you'll have to sleep in one of the boys rooms

Peter:Well thanks Aunt May...*he then stood up and had proceeded to walk towards the staircase as May watched as she crosses her arms then she places Peter's phone in her pocket*

Peter then walked into his room and sees MJ sitting on his bed then she stood up as she sees him close the door then she ran up to him and had wrapped her arms around his neck as tears started to soak his shoulder


MJ:*she was sitting next to Peter on his bed as she had her head down*I can't believe Harry has gone as far to be like this...he's not what I thought he was...

Peter:Its the serum that's making him like's not his fault

MJ:I'm trying to believe that but...I just can't...

Peter:Do you know how long Harry will be in SHIELD getting treatment?

MJ:They don't have an answer yet, but the good news is that we can be able to visit him...about three times a month...

Peter:Its better than not seeing him at all

MJ:I guess...but it'll be so lonely without Harry even when we have the others...

Peter:It will...but we have to move forward, there's nothing that we can do but wait for Harry to be normal and get the treatment that he needs

MJ:You two had a falling out right...? What happened?

Peter:He was just annoyed I keeping secrets from him, I don't blame him though...I didn't trust him enough for me to tell him

MJ:I don't blame you...anyway, you haven't told me how your date went with Danny

Peter:Oh...uh it went well...

MJ:Really? Did he ask you out to another date?

Peter:Something like that...we're dating now...*he said in a low shy tone as he lightly blushes as he looks away from MJ as she gasps then she spoke out in a cold tone*

MJ:So you and him were dating since yesterday and...YOU DIDN'T EVEN PLANNED TO TELL ME

Peter:I'm sorry...a lot has happened that I forgot to tell you... you forgot about our sleepover and didn't tell me and instead went out to hook up with your boyfriend in Jessica's house?!

Peter:What...oh well yeah! Sorry MJ...I won't do it again

MJ:Danny deserves a scolding as well, his room is at the end of his hall right?*she then stood up from the bed and started to approach towards the door*

Peter:You're not going to embarrass me in front of him MJ!*she ignored him as she walks out of the room*Oh god no..*he quickly jumped off of his bed and had ran out of the room and down the hall as he sees MJ standing in front of Danny's door and she had knocked on it then Peter ran beside her*What are you doing

MJ:I'm going to scold at him

Peter:For what?

MJ:For not asking me for permission to date you? And making you ditch our sleepover

Peter:First of all MJ,you're not my mom and second, its not his fault for me missing your sleepover last night

MJ:*she then looks down to Peter's green shirt*Is that your shirt?

Peter:Its Danny's actually

MJ:*she then started to banging the door with her fist*Rand open up!

Peter:Hey keep it down*he then grabs her wrist from the door*The others are in their rooms and May is downstairs

MJ:May doesn't know about your relationship with Danny?

Peter:Of course not, if she finds out she'll pull her hair out*MJ then raises her eyebrow in suspicion and disbelief*Alright fine, she won't actually do that but you know what I mean

MJ:She's going to find out eventually Peter*the door then slowly swings open in which revealed Danny in a confused expression*

Danny:Yes?*he asked until Mj threw her fist across his face as Peter looks at her stunned*

Peter:MJ! What the hell?

MJ:That's what you get for making Peter miss our sleepover!

Peter:You're still mad about that? We can schedule another time*he then grabs MJ's arm and pulls her back making him embarrassed as Danny rubs his chin as him and MJ glared at each other*Sorry Danny, she's a little mad for me skipping her sleepover, right MJ?*he asked with a snarl at Mj making her glare at Peter then she crosses her arms in annoyance giving off a cocky attitude*

MJ:Whatever, he deserves it...*she then pulls her arm back from Peter's grip and she grabs Peter's wrist and drags him down the hallway towards his room as Danny watched confused of what happened then he shrugged it off and had closed his door as MJ barges in Peter's room*

Peter:What was the big deal MJ? You embarrassed me in front of Danny!

MJ:He's a jerk, break up with him*she flopped on his bed as she remained crossing her arms as she had a pouty expression*

Peter:I'm not breaking up with him MJ, you're the one who encouraged both of us to get together in the first place

MJ:You're the one who didn't want to be in a relationship in the first place

Peter:You encouraged me to make the first move on Danny!

MJ:You didn't want to be in a relationship!

Peter:Why did you change your mind about me being with Danny so quickly?

MJ:Well maybe because I didn't do enough research about him...

Peter:Okay? He didn't do remotely bad

MJ:He was gone for 10 years! Doesn't that struck you as odd to you? Like where he was in those 10 years?

Peter:No, not really

MJ:Really? What about his partner dying right after Danny got in the company

Peter:The guy shot himself, he had his fingerprints on the gun, not Danny's and Danny has an alibi when that happened and witnesses

MJ:Yeah but- isn't it odd?!

Peter:Coincidences happen MJ, don't tell me that you're planning of doing an investigation of Danny by hiring a PI

MJ:No, I won't be able to afford it, I'm just worried for you Pete. I don't want you to go through more trauma

Peter:I get that you're worried about me but I'll be fine, Danny hasn't done anything to me

MJ:Then how come you're wearing his shirt?

Peter:Mine gotten wet from last night and Jessica didn't have a drying machine...

MJ:Right...*she looks away from him as he went into his closet and started to pick his clothes then she turned to him in suspicion*What are you doing?

Peter:Picking my clothes since I won't be here when you're here

MJ:Why not?

Peter:May told me to sleep in another room, so I'll sleep in Danny's room

MJ:You could sleep on the floor Pete!

Peter:Complain to Aunt May, not me*he then stuffed his clothes in a red and black gym bag then he walked towards his desk beside his bed and had took out a sewing kit and a book*

MJ:Ooo~ what's that? Your diary?*Peter glared at her as he stuffed his sewing kit and book inside the bag*You shouldn't be embarrassed Pete, I have a diary too

Peter:It's not a's something that Uncle Ben had given me so I can be able to write down my thoughts

MJ:So a diary?

Peter:Its not a diary*he disagreed with annoyance in his voice then he zips his gym bag closed and had placed the bag's black strap over his shoulder as he stood up and grabs his blue backpack and started to walk out of the room then he stops and turns to MJ*You better not snoop around my room

MJ:Don't worry I will*she forms a bright smile to him as Peter forms a soft smile then he walked out of the room walking down the hallway towards Danny's room*

Danny was on his bed as he had his laptop over his lap then he turns his head towards the door as he hears knocks then he placed his laptop on his bed beside him then he hopped from his bed and had opened the door and sees Peter with his gym bag and backpack smiling up to him

Danny:Are you going somewhere?

Peter:No I'm not...MJ stole my room...

Danny:Well that's unfortunate...

Peter:It is, so now me and you are going to be roommates while MJ's here!*he forms a fake smile to Danny as Danny shook his head with a small sigh then he had stood out of the way for Peter to walk in then he closes the door behind Peter as he looks around and sees the laptop on the bed*Were you doing a project for school?

Danny:No it's worse, its about Rand...*he then sat on his bed as he places the laptop on his lap as the screen lights up his face*My assistant is trying to get an appointment with Fisk for dinner today since I missed lunch

Peter:Oh right, I forgot about that...are you going?

Danny:I pretty much have to, or else Ward will blow his brains out for not attending

Peter:Oh...*he then places his bag and backpack down beside the door and he sat next to Danny as he looks down to the laptop on Danny's lap*What's so special about your collaboration with Fisk anyway?

Danny:I'm not allowed to say tend to keep work and home separate...*he spoke as Danny continued to type on his laptop*

Danny:How are you feeling?

Peter:I'm feeling better...

Danny:Are you sure? You and May were yelling at each other downstairs, we all heard it from up here

Peter:God don't remind me...*he flopped his body backwards onto Danny's bed as Danny watched*

Danny:Sorry...for bringing it up..*his computer then had popped up a new message then he turns his head back to the computer as he reads the message*Well I have dinner with Fisk at eight tonight

Peter:Isn't that a little too late? Fisk is making it look suspicious

Danny:I'll be fine, so in the meantime, do you want to go out for a bit?*he asked as he closed his laptop and had placed his laptop on the desk beside his bed as he looks back to Peter as Peter started to sit back up*

Peter:Can't. May grounded me, so I'm not allowed to go out with any of you guys...

Danny:Oh...well that's fine, maybe another time...

Peter:Sure...I'm going to go shower*he then stood up from the bed as he walks towards his gym bag*

Danny:Are you sure you could be able to shower?

Peter:Why can't I? I've been in the rain all night

Danny:You have stitches on your back and your stomach, how are you going to shower properly?

Peter:I'll deal it Danny*he said in a annoyed stern tone as he grabs his clothes from his bag*I already have MJ and May who are protective about me, I don't need another person annoying me*he then stood up as he walks out of the room annoyed leaving Danny who was sitting on his bed with a small frown then Peter walked into the bathroom and had slammed the door behind him as he locks it*(So freaking annoying, is this how a relationship is or just Danny? God it's so annoying of him worrying about me, at least I'm still alive)


Danny was on his bed as his back was against the wall as he had his phone beside his ear as his left leg was up to his chest

"Misty:Did you catch the Goblin?"

Danny:Yes we did Misty, didn't you hear the news?

"Misty:Oh I did, is your buddy Spiderman arrested too?"

Danny:Why are you being so possessive about him anyway?

"Misty:Its a case that I'm working on, I need details about him"

Danny:What's the case about?

"Misty:I can't talk about that over the phone, we could talk about it over some coffee?"

Danny:Maybe another time? I'm a little busy right now

"Misty:Sure, tell Luke that we should talk again someday"

Danny:I'll tell him that, bye Misty...*he then removes his phone from his ear then he ends the call as he places his phone down beside him. He then grabs his book from his desk beside him and had flipped his book into the bookmark in his book then he hears the door slam open making him snap his neck towards the door as he formed an annoyed expression as he sees Jessica walk in*Do you want something Jessica?

Jessica:Yes actually...can you give me money?


Jessica:Me and Sam are going out to eat...

Danny:No*he then turned his attention back to his book avoiding Jessica's face*

Jessica:And why not?

Danny:Because I said so, why don't you ask Luke or Ava?

Jessica:We already did, we asked MJ too but they're all broke

Danny:I'm not giving you money

Jessica:Seriously? We're besties!

Danny:Sure we are..*he said sarcastically as he flipped a page of his book*

Jessica:What are you reading anyway? I've seen you read that book sometimes in lunchtime*she walks calmly into his room as she approaches towards him*

Danny:Its none of your business

Jessica:Of course it isn't*she then grabbed the book from Danny's hands as he looks up to her in annoyance as she started to stare at the page that was filled with random letters and pictures*How can you even read it? It looks like a different type of language that isn't English

Danny:Its a book I got from the place I was raised and trained...they gave it to me to learn more about ways to use my chi

Jessica:Sure Ironclad, whatever you say

Danny:Its Iron Fist

Jessica:Yeah I know...*she then tossed the book back onto Danny's lap then Danny grabs his book as she stare at him in the corner of her eye as she had her hands in her pockets* and Peter huh? You're dating?

Danny:We are...

Jessica:How's that working out for you?

Danny:What do you mean?

Jessica:After what happened between Harry and Peter, I'm curious if Peter had lashed you out yet?

Danny:Why would he...?

Jessica:Just asking...especially since him and Fury were arguing, and that Fury told us to keep an eye on him

Danny:Er I'm sure Fury is just overreacting...

Jessica:The others seemed to agree...don't you remember of how much the others were complaining about dealing with Peter and how they're scared of him being violent?

Danny:They get scared over small stuff...*he stared blankly at his book as Jessica sat on his bed*

Jessica:Sure they're scared too aren't you?

Danny:I'm not scared Jessica, why are you even telling me this?

Jessica:I'm just trying to warn you blondie, just in case webs decides to snap and kill us

Danny:He won't do that, we're his friends

Jessica:Well he snapped on his own best friend, he basically threw him off a building

Danny:And he saved him

Jessica:In case you forgot monastery boy, Harry nearly died by his own pumpkin bomb and being thrown off a building. That could be you falling off the building if you don't break up with Peter

Danny:Seriously? So that's what it's about? You came to make me break up with Peter?

Jessica:I just care for Peter, I wouldn't want him to kill another person

Danny:Maybe you should leave before I kick you out

Jessica:Fine, you're no fun anyway*she spoke in a annoyed dull tone as she rolled her eyes and started to walk out of the room as Danny returned back to his book as Jessica closed the door and pauses as she sees Peter laying his back against the wall beside the door with his white T-shirt and blue shorts as his hair was wet glaring at her as he had his arms crossed across his chest*So you heard?

Peter:Obviously, you left the door open...*he then turned his head forward as he avoids Jessica's direction as she was beside him*So the others are scared of me huh...?

Jessica:I thought maybe you knew already

Peter:I did have some suspicion...I was an ass after they moved in...I don't blame them

Jessica:Maybe you should get help Pete...after everything that happened you need it

Peter:No I'm fine! I just need a break...from everything...

Jessica:I understand...well me and Sam are going out to eat somewhere, do you want to come with us?

Peter:I can't sorry...maybe another time

Jessica:Sure Pete...*she then walks past him as Peter watched her leave as she had her cold annoyed expression*(dumbasses...)*Peter then grabs Danny's door knob and turns it snd his walks inside and raises his eyebrow in confusion as he sees Danny reading a book on his bed then Peter closes the door as he kept his attention to Danny then he quietly crouched down to his backpack and had took out his ripped costume and his sewing kit then he awkwardly walks around the bed as Danny's watches from over his book as he forms a smile as he looks back to his book as Peter notices as he sat beside him and had crossed his legs with his costume and sewing kit on top*

Peter:What's so funny Danny?*he asked in a annoyed tone as he pouts as he avoids turning to Danny's direction*

Danny:Nothing, its just its so cute of how awkward you are

Peter:I'm not awkward*he spoke in a stern tone as he turns to Danny with a glare as Danny remained his attention to his book then Peter turned his attention back forward*I know what you and Jessica were talking about...*he spoke as Danny turns his attention to him in a emotionless expression*About you and the team being scared of me...

Danny:They're not scared of you, they're just worried that you'll-

Peter:Kill them...*he interrupted him as he looks down to his costume on his lap with a sad expression*I don't blame them, I threw Harry out of a building...I nearly killed him

Danny:You did your job webs, you turned Harry in, that's all that matters

Peter:I also attacked my team Danny, did you forget about that? I gave Ava a cracked rib, Sam has stitches, Luke could have lost a tooth because of me, and I didn't even do anything to stop Harry from bombing the officers!

Danny:That wasn't your fault Peter. Ava and the others will be okay, at least they're alive right?

Peter:They still got hurt because of me Danny. Even MJ!

Danny:Hey, do you remember who was the one who nearly left you bleeding to death? The one who kidnapped MJ and had nearly killed Sam and those police officers? It was Harry, not you. You shouldn't take the blame for someone's else's actions Peter, even if they're one of your friends

Peter:Harry's your friend too...shouldn't you be a little hurt of him being locked away...?

Danny:I was until I heard what he did to you

Peter:It wasn't Harry's fault Danny, it was mine. If I had turned Harry in earlier without having to hurt you guys then none of this would have happened. Its my fault, I should be the one locked up!

Danny:Peter it's not your fault, you're always working hard on yourself, you shouldn't beat yourself up for mess that Harry created

Peter:But it's my fau-*Danny quickly interrupted him as Peter turned his attention back to Danny with a surprised expression as he raises his eyebrow in suspicion*

Danny:Yeah I heard you Peter and I'm saying that none of this is your fault, the team don't know anything about you

Peter:Neither do you...

Danny:Uh we're dating now Pete, we'll get a chance to know more about each other later...but now we have to focus on you and your health and take the pills given by the nurse at SHIELD*he then gotten off his bed and had walked towards Peter's backpack as he grabs bottles of pills from the small pocket*

Peter:I-I can do that myself don't have to do this...*he said shyly as Danny sits back on his bed beside Peter as he crossed his legs and placed the bottle of pills down in front of him as he grabs an unopened water bottle from his desk and hands it to Peter then Peter grabs it as Danny grabs a orange tainted bottle with white pills inside then he opens it*You don't have to see me swallow the pills Danny, I can take care of myself, and I have a healing factor, I don't even need pills, it'll heal in a few days

Danny:It's incase of an infection*he then places a pill into Peter's hand*Can you healing factor heal an infection Peter?

Peter:Fine dad...*he said sarcastically then he places the pill in his mouth then he opened the water bottle and had drank it until the pill went down his throat with the water as Danny grabbed another orange tainted bottle with blue pills inside then he opens it*How many do I need to take a day?

Danny:The nurse told me that you need to take one of each every two hours

Peter:The nurse told you? Why you and not the victim himself like me?

Danny:Well everyone in the helicarrier knows that we're dating and knows that you don't take care of yourself

Peter:So much for keeping our relationship secret*Danny then placed the blue pill in his hand then Peter looks at him as Danny grabs another orange tainted bottle with pills*Are you okay with us hiding our relationship in public?

Danny:I'm okay with it as long as you are

Peter:Are you sure? Back then you stormed out of the room

Danny:I just needed time to think...I'm better now*he handed the last pill onto Peter's hand as he gives him a small smile making Peter to blush on his cheeks then the door swings open with a yell from bucket head making Danny glare at him and Jessica who was behind him*

Sam:Hey losers! Do you want to go to the mall with us?*he yelled with a bright smile then he grinned as he sees Danny glaring at him*Aww~ did I just ruined a special moment between the two of you?*he asked in a teasing tone making Peter to turn red*

Peter:Special moment my ass. Are you two going on a date or what?*he then places the pill in his mouth and had drank the water*

Sam:Yeah we are, obviously

Danny:Are you here to ask me about money?

Sam:I came to ask you if Peter would like to come with us to the mall, but since you brought up about money then yes

Peter:*he closed the lid of the water bottle*I'm not sure Sam, May grounded me and I'm not allowed to go out with you guys anymore

Sam:Well that sucks...for how long are you grounded?

Peter:Not sure, and I'm pretty sure May doesn't know either

Jessica:Well May doesn't know that we're going out

Sam:We're going to sneak out in our costumes, she won't even know we're gone

Danny:You're going to get caught either way Sam, and Peter isn't allowed to go out in his costume, he's told to rest since his stomach is still healing

Sam:Fine party pooper, good luck babysitting Parker then*he then grabs the door handle and closed it as he and Jessica walks out*

Peter:What's the big deal Danny? You don't get to make choices for me

Danny:You're hurt Peter, you could barely even walk properly

Peter:Can't you leave me alone? I can take care of myself


Peter:Fine?*he then sees Danny standing up and getting his laptop*Where are you going?

Danny:Leaving you alone, isn't that what you wanted?

Peter:Danny you're acting like a child

Danny:No I'm not

Peter:Hell yes you are. Why are you so pissed after me telling you that I want to be left alone?

Danny:I'm not mad, I'm just respecting your wishes Peter, I wanted to help you since I'm your boyfriend since I don't want you to get worse but, since you're saying that you want to be alone and can take care of yourself then that's what I'm doing*he said sternly as he walks out of the room with his laptop and book as Peter watched annoyed as he rolls his eyes*

Peter:Why is he being so dramatic? I can take care of myself, I'm not a baby...


Danny was walking down the hallway until he saw green light from under a door that was Ava's room. Then he curiously grabbed the door knob and slowly turns it and peaks his head inside and sees the room completely lit up by Ava's green amulet that was on her bed as she was sitting in front of it staring at it. Danny stepped closer as he looks at Ava then he jumped as he felt a hand grab onto his shoulder from behind then he quickly turned around and sees Luke pointing his finger at the door signaling him to 'get out' as Danny commanded with Luke following quietly behind him then Luke slowly closes the door and looks back down to Danny as Danny raises his eyebrow in confusion

Danny:What's wrong with Ava?

Luke:Don't know man, she's been like this ever since we walked into our rooms

Danny:Why were you in her room anyway?

Luke:To get some lotion from her, don't ask why


Luke:I said don't ask

Danny:Okay... so you just been standing at the corner watching her?

Luke:I was staring at the amulet too man, then when I saw you I just snapped out of it and now we left out of her room

Danny:Well that's weird...I say we go back inside

Luke:And do what?

Danny:To maybe bring Ava back to life? She looked dead while staring at the amulet*he then grabs the knobs and opens the door as him and Luke walks inside and Luke had turned on the lights as Ava remained her attention to her amulet until Danny quickly grabs it as he puts it over his book and laptop making Ava to start blinking as she glared at her bed covers then she rubs her eyes as her eyes were watery then she turned her attention to Danny and Luke*

Ava:What the hell are you two doing in my room?

Luke:Uh we came to rescue you? You're welcome

Ava:From what?

Danny:From your amulet, you were staring at it for some time now

Ava:Oh felt like I blacked out for a few seconds...

Luke:Do you care to tell us what's going on?

Ava:I'm fine guys, the amulet basically has a mind of its own

Luke:No kidding...

Danny:I'm starting to get annoyed by the word "fine" already, can you please tell us what's wrong? We're your friends Ava

Ava:Fine...sit down on my bed...*Danny and Luke looked at each other then they sat on her bed in front of her as Danny had his laptop, book, and the amulet over his lap*I don't know much about the amulet but I did heard that it was founded in a college here in New York, and my grandfather found it...I don't know all the powers of the amulet but I know that it's powerful enough to control a person and change their whole identity...*she spoke as Danny stares at the amulet and was looking closely at the details*

Luke:Do you know who made it that made you very weird just now?

Ava:Unfortunately I don't...its been passed down and my grandfather and father didn't write any notes about it...and if it was it would have been destroyed or stolen...

Danny:You said it was founded in a college?

Ava:Yes, my grandfather found it in his college and he told my father who told me that the amulet was first found in a place called the Tiger Dojo

Luke:Do you know anything Danny?

Danny:Well I actually read something about the Tiger Dojo in my book from K'un L'un

Ava:Does it say anything about the amulet?

Danny:Well maybe...*he then opened the book and started flipping its pages*I think I also saw the name of the person who created the amulet as well...*he then stops as he places the book in the middle of the three of them as Luke looks at Danny in confusion*

Luke:And how are we going to understand this?

Danny:You won't, only I can

Ava:Thank god

Danny:It says that the Tiger Amulet is known as the Amulets of Power, its been passed down for years. A group of ninjas have broke into the Tiger Dojo that belonged to Master Kee

Luke:Well that's great, lets go to the Tiger Dojo and find the man

Danny:We could except that he was assassinated by the ninjas, but he did passed it down to one of his students Lin Sun.

Ava:Does it say where it was created?

Danny:Yep, it says at K'un L'un

Luke:You haven't heard of the amulet?

Danny:I might've, I did heard that Lin Sun was a part of Sons of the Tiger

Ava:Sounds like a band name

Danny:There were three members that held the amulet, each of them had a piece of the amulet around their necks as a necklace

Ava:Three? That's not true

Danny:That's what it says

Luke:We could break the amulet and see for ourselves

Ava:What the hell Luke?

Danny:We could but we won't know how to paste it together

Ava:Does it say anything else about the amulet?

Danny:That's mostly it, all it says is the biography of the Sons of the Tigers and how they broke up

Ava:That's it? Nothing about my grandfather or the powers of the amulet?

Danny:Nothing Ava. It just says that the Tigers each fought crime with the amulet and one of them had hid it in the college where your grandfather had found it so it won't be mistreated

Luke:It's made in K'un L'un right?

Danny:That's what it says

Luke:Can't we go to the city and find my information ourselves?

Ava:True...but didn't you say that there's a warrior guarding the pass?

Danny:Right...well the one that I told you about was kicked we have another warrior

Ava:Well can't we go and check it out?

Danny:I doubt that they would have information about your amulet

Luke:I find that hard to believe Danny

Danny:I'm telling the truth, I've never heard of the amulet before in K'un L'un, and even if there is then you would have to sneak in the temple's library

Ava:Makes sense to me...can we go now?

Danny:No we can't

Luke:Why the hell not?

Ava:Because we have school tomorrow...

Danny:We can try to go on the weekend

Ava:With finals coming up? No. We'll go in winter break

Luke:Should one of us hold onto the amulet?


Luke:We wouldn't want you to turn into a freaky cat lady

Ava:Look I'm fine guys, I was just caught in the moment

Danny:With an amulet?*he asks as he looks at the amulet and sees it lightly glow green*

Ava:I'm alright guys, you don't need to steal the amulet from me, I need it to go to training

Luke:Fury told us that you,Sam, and webs needs to get rest...

Ava:Listen you can trust me guys

Danny:You won't stare into the amulet again right?

Ava:I won't

Luke:Promise Ava?

Ava:I promise Luke*Luke and Danny looked at each other looking unsure at each other then Danny slowly hands the amulet to Ava then Ava quickly grabs it from Danny's hand but he grips onto it as the amulet remained glowing then Ava glares at Danny with a snarl as Danny stares at her*

Danny:Don't go running around in the costume with your amulet. We don't know much of the amulet and don't know how dangerous it is

Ava:I know Rand, I don't need a lecture about it*Danny then had freed his hand from her amulet and him and Luke had slowly gotten off her bed*

Luke:Don't be afraid to talk to us Ava

Ava:Yeah whatever, now get out*she growled at them causing them to run out of the room and had closed the door behind them as Ava stares into the amulet*

Luke:Let's just back away from her door slowly*he and Danny slowly walked down the hallway away from Ava's room*So about K'un L'un...are you sure about going back to help Ava?

Danny:Well I do need a break from work and SHIELD...I rather distract myself by helping Ava

Luke:Don't you think Ava would probably go a little off in the head by the time we're even in winter break

Danny:Maybe...that's why we'll keep an eye on her

Luke:We really can't get a break can we? It's like we're a magnet of drama*he places his hands in his pockets then he looks at Danny in the corner of his eye*How's your relationship with Peter? Is it good?

Danny:We're and Peter kind of got in a small fight...

Luke:Wow...about what?

Danny:Peter is just...acting defensive towards me...

Luke:Defensive how?*he stopped at between the door towards the staircase as he looks at Danny as he stops as well*

Danny:I just wanted to help Peter and get him to rest but...he just gotten annoyed and basically wanted me to leave him alone...

Luke:So Peter is in your room?

Danny:Yes. Since MJ stole his room he has to sleep in one of our rooms, so he chose mine

Luke:That must be awkward right?

Danny:It does feel kind of awkward...I just want to give him as much space as he needs and to rest but he's stubborn...

Luke:Well it's your first relationship, he'll get comfortable soon, he's probably like this since he's still shaken up about Harry...

Danny:I know...he told me

Luke:It'll work out Danny, you can come to me for any relationship advice if you want...

Danny:Thanks Luke...*he smiled at him as they walked down the stairs and sees Aunt May restocking the fridge in the kitchen with grocery bags on the counter then she turned to them curiously*

Aunt May:Hey boys, do you know how Peter is holding up?

Luke:He's good...

Aunt May:That's good to know...I'm worried about him. After what happened with Harry he's a bit torn up right now...I always told him to stay away from Harry but he never seems to listen

Danny:He's like that...

Aunt May:He's always keeping secrets from me and sneaks out a lot, he thinks that I don't notice...but then again that's what teenagers do nowadays...

Luke:Peter is just dealing with Harry, he'll open up to you when he's ready...

~A few hours later~

Peter was sitting on Danny's bed as he had his pen in hand as he was writing on his journal. He then turns his head as he heard the door open and sees Danny walk in with his laptop and book.

Peter:You're back already?*he asked as Danny places his computer and book on his desk*

Danny:I came to get ready for my dinner with Fisk...*he walks towards his closet and took out a black suit as Peter turned his head back towards his journal*What are you writing about?

Peter:Nothing that you should worry about...*he stares into his journal as Danny changes into his suit then Peter turns to Danny staring at him change as Danny was taking off his shirt exposing his abs then he turns to Peter then he quickly turns away towards his journal. Danny then turned his attention away as he puts on the white long sleeve shirt as Peter looks back to him as Danny was buttoning his shirt*

Danny:You should stop staring at me*he calmly said as Peter turned red*

Peter:What? I'm not-...*he then turns his head towards his journal as he turned red up to his ears as Danny lightly blushes as he forms a smile*S-so how long will you be gone?

Danny:I'm not sure...I might come back late, so you could sleep before me*he continued to put on his suit as Peter blushed while remaining his attention towards his journal*

Peter:A-alright...*he then heard Danny's phone vibrate on the desk then he turns his head and blushes in embarrassment as he sees Danny tying his hair up in a small bun as he had his suit on then he sees Danny grab his phone and check his screen as it shows a message from Ward*

Danny:I have to go now, and May wants you to go down for dinner

Peter:Finee~*he whined as he rolls his eyes then he had gotten off Danny's bed and had put on his slippers and had walked towards the door with Danny following behind him as he had his phone in hand. They were both walking down the hallway in awkward silence as Peter looks at Danny in the corner of his eye*So about Fisk...are you sure it's a great idea?

Danny:Well the accusations about Fisk are false so I don't really see nothing wrong with it...

Peter:I know but he did say about banning heroes in the streets

Danny:I'm sure he won't do that

Peter:Well what does Ward think about you partnering up with Fisk? Isn't he cautious?

Danny:He's not, he has a list of companies that he'll want to work with and Fisk is one of them*they both walked down the stairs heading towards the door and sees the gang and MJ in the living room as Aunt May and Sam were in the kitchen*

Peter:Well good luck on your meeting or something...

Danny:*he forms a small smile at him as Peter avoided eye contact as he was lightly blushing*Make sure to take your medicine Peter

Peter:Yeah I know, you don't have to remind me*he said in a slightly annoyed tone as he remains avoiding eye contact as Danny places his hands on each of Peter's shoulder making him freeze as he remained avoiding contact as he deeply blushes*

Danny:If you need me Peter, don't hesitate to call*he said in a low tone as Peter sees the gang staring at them from the living room as he heard a camera snap and sees MJ with her phone aiming at them then Peter grabs Danny's hands from his shoulders and places it back to his chest then he pushes Danny by the chest and pushes him towards the door and he grabs the door knob and pushes the door open then he pushes Danny through the door*

Peter:Just go to your meeting...*he said shyly and stern as he blushes as he avoided contact with Danny then he grabs the knob and closes the door as the gang watched in shock then he turns to them and raises an eyebrow in confusion*What?

Sam:Why did you threw Danny out of the house?*he asked sternly as he had a plate of pasta in his hands while Peter walks towards them*

Peter:I didn't threw him, I pushed him out of the house, he was going to be late to his dinner with Fisk*he then sat on the couch beside MJ as she looks at Peter*

Sam:He's still going to be collaborating with Fisk?

Peter:He is...he's blind and stubborn

Luke:He's doing it to please his brother, you should respect that*he glared at Peter as Peter glares back and he throws his back against the couch as he crosses his arms*

Aunt May:Come kids. Food is ready*she smiled brightly as plates of pasta were on the counter in the middle of the kitchen as Jessica was beside her placing a large bottle of soda*Its great to see that you'll join us again for dinner Jessica

Jessica:Its not a problem Mrs.Parker

Aunt May:Its great to know that Luke has a great young woman like you

Jessica:Excuse me?

Aunt May:You and Luke. You are dating right?

Jessica:Ah yes, yes we are, sorry...*the gang had stood around the counter then Peter looks at Sam who was heading towards the stairs*

Peter:Where are you going?*he asked as Sam looks at him with a glare as he is holding onto his plate*

Sam:I'm going to my room to eat. I don't feel comfortable eating here


Sam:I can't stand the air in here...*he glared at Peter then he walks back towards the stairs with his plate as the gang watched*

Peter:He'll be fine*he said calmly as he faces back to his plate of pasta in front of him*


Danny was in Ward's black car peeking out the window looking at the night sky as the streets were lit by street candles. Ward looks up tot eh small car mirror above his head and sees Danny looking out the window with a troubled expression on his face. Ward then looks back at the road then he began to talk

Ward:How are you feeling Danny? Are you worried about the meeting?

Danny:I've dealt with worse meetings...why do you ask?

Ward:You look a little off, did something happen?

Danny:Not exactly...

Ward:Have you talked to Emma? Her parents haven't called us yet


Ward:Well you should talk to her, she's probably dealing with a lot right now

Danny:Since when does the world revolve around her?*Ward then let out a shocked gasp*


Danny:What? Emma is my friend but I don't need to be talking to her 24/7. She's not the only one dealing with problems right now Ward

Ward:I know I know...I just...- don't want to bring up about what happened to your friends...from what I have heard from the are you holding up?

Danny:I'm feeling fine...I just want to get this meeting over with...*Ward sat silent as he looks at the road ahead of him*

Ward:I understand...


Danny and Ward walking in front of a the Per Se restaurant in the city. They both walked inside and sees the inside of the restaurant full of people in elegant clothing. Danny and Ward looks around the restaurant for any sign of Fisk, then Ward had tapped Danny's shoulder catching his attention and he had walked towards the back corner of the restaurant where Wilson Fisk was sitting with a table in front of him with his glass of wine. Danny and Ward stood in front of the table with a greeting smile then Fisk looks up to them had had formed a small grin

Fisk:Mr.Rand. Glad you've been able to make it to this dinner

Danny:I apologize for not making it to our meeting earlier today, I had family business to deal with

Fisk:I understand Mr.Rand. Now you may take a seat*Ward and Danny looks at each other then they both sat on white elegant chairs next to each other as they face Wilson then he grabs his glass of wine*We were talking about our project at your party, you say that you want to do a drug is that right?*he asked calmly as Ward sat slightly confused to the question but remained keeping a calm stern face*

Danny:That's right. I figured that you would be the great person to be able to collaborate with about the drug

Fisk:I see...have you come up with the name of the drug yet Mr.Rand?

Danny:I have. I've come up with the name the Steel Serpent


A blonde hothead was in his large room as he was laying on his large bed with blue covers. He had he blue blanket covering over his head and wrapped around his body as he was watching his large TV that was on the wall beside the door in front of him. He was watching an action movie as his room was dark with his TV lighting up his face then he heard the window beside him let out a loud creak and sees it swing open by the window he he had crawled towards it and had closed and locked the window as he let out an annoyed sigh

Johnny:I know you're here webhead*he said calmly as he sat comfortably on his bed as a certain spider had walked towards him from the dark*

Spiderman:How did you even know I was here? I was planning on scaring you

Johnny:What did you do now*he asked with annoyance in his voice as he stares at the TV while Spidey had calmly sat on his bed as he started to remove his mask*

Peter:Didn't you hear the news?

Johnny:I did, it was everywhere Pete. I found it hard to believe that you've gotten arrested...

Peter:Well yeah for an hour, my "boyfriend" had let me out

Johnny:Boyfriend? Do you mean that rich guy that you've been complaining about?

Peter:Yeah that's him...*he then crawled on the bed beside Johnny as Johnny gave Peter a look of disgust as he looks at him up and down his body*

Johnny:You look like shit...

Peter:Hm glad you've noticed...

Johnny:Well can you tell me how you're dating the billionaire? Were you even planning on telling me?

Peter:Jeez calm down with the questions. And yes, I was planning on telling you but things happened... I'm guessing you and the billionaire are together...I'm happy for you

Peter:Don't celebrate yet Storm, you wouldn't want Rand as your boyfriend anyway. He's so freaking annoying by asking questions of how I'm feeling and is always treating me like a baby*he pouts as he crosses his arms and lays back on Johnny's bed as Johnny looks at him*

Johnny:Why though?

Peter:He's overreacting of me dying since I've gotten impaled by my own friend who left me to die and had countless of stitches and could barely walk are you still in your costume?

Peter:I'm not supposed to, my billionaire boyfriend told me not to go out

Johnny:Where is he now?

Peter:At a meeting with Fisk

Johnny:The guy who's trying to get elected of mayor? Why is he with him?

Peter:Don't know, something about a project together

Johnny:Dude you should go back home before you die on my own bed

Peter:I'm perfectly fine, don't tell me that you're also overreacting as my boyfriend

Johnny:Dude it may not look like it, but I do love you and care for you

Peter:I have a boyfriend

Johnny:Thats not what I meant idiot. Just go home or do I have to drop you off myself

Peter:I'll be fine, and plus, if I do die on your bed you can just call your sister and her boyfriend, they're doctors and scientists right?

Johnny:Fine...well I don't blame Rand for being worried about you, you've nearly died

Peter:*he then placed his arms over his eyes as he let put a yawn*He's overreacting...

Johnny:No he's not. He has a good reason to be worried, you're always getting yourself in danger

Peter:That's the reason for the costume Johnny, I thought you knew that

Johnny:Just-!*he let out a deep breath as he looks away from Peter as Peter peaks his eye out from his arm*forget it...its just that you're always getting yourself hurt, and you always detach yourself from others

Peter:Its for a good reason Johnny, its so I won't-

Johnny:So you won't hurt other people I get it*he interrupted him as Peter started to sit up*What I'm trying to say is maybe you should just give the Rand kid a shot, although you were a bit of an asshole to him he's still carrying for you

Peter:We just been dating for a day, he's clearly faking it

Johnny:Whether he's faking it or not you should still give him a chance, he seems like a good guy...and you said that he's your teammate so he can be able to take care of himself

Peter:I know he can I just don't want to ruin things for him*he then moves his legs up to his chest as Johnny looks at him as Peter wraps his arms around his legs*Like we were already told to keep our relationship secret so Danny wouldn't get criticism for dating a guy...and so it won't make us vulnerable when we're dealing with our enemies

Johnny:Did the guy with the eyepatch say that?

Peter:He did...and I agree with him, so does the rest of the team

Johnny:Does MJ know about you and Danny?

Peter:Yep. She wasn't too happy about it since I haven't told her and since I missed our sleepover to deal with Harry...

Johnny:How is she holding up after being taken...?

Peter:She's feeling better...she's allowed to see Harry a few times a month but she's still not pleased...

Johnny:If you want, I can drop you and MJ off at your school, I just gotten my driver's license

Peter:No, I don't trust you being behind the wheel what are you going do with Rand? Will you try to give him a shot?

Peter:*he then rolled his eyes and had spoke out in ana annoyed tone*Finee~... you should leave before your rich boyfriend finds out you've snuck out of your room

Peter:Fine mom*he then hopped out of Johnny's bed as he smiled at him as he puts on his mask and had jumped out of the window*


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