Courier Six Wild Adventures I...

Door epicscott1

86.7K 1.6K 349

Courier Six gets transported to the DC Universe by an experiment that went wrong from the Think Tank. Now Six... Meer

Old Courier Six
Wasteland No more
The scene of the crime
Your A Dummy
New ID
A Red hood and A Bat
Royal Blood
Royal Blood Part 2
Back To Gotham
A chaotic night
Seeing more of the world
A Golden Hero
UFO and More Lizards
Relaxing in Texas
Blackbeard Sword
Red Hood vs. Courier Six Round 2
A New Job
Good cop and Bad cop
Magic and a whole lots of bullets
Magic and a whole lots of bullets part 2
Magic and a whole lots of bullets part 3
Happy 10th Anniversary Fallout New Vegas
Blood, Snow, and tests
Blood, Snow, and tests part 2
Final Author Note
It's here

Come fly with me

4.4K 76 40
Door epicscott1

While asleep, Six started to dream about being back in the wasteland, but it was different from the rest of his dreams he used to have even when he was old.

Six Dream

Somewhere in the south part of Arizona, a young boy around twelve is walking down a ruined road. He looked like a young version of Six, but he wore a mixture of tribal clothes and black shorts and red shoes. The boy also had a gun holster with a 10mm pistol in the holster and a bowie knife in his right short pocket. The boy was carrying a medium box under his left arm and looking at an old map of the ancient world.

"Now it says turn left and the customer we'll be at a house with a red door," said the boy who then see the direction were to and found a house with a red door

The boy came up to the home and knocked on the red door. In a few seconds, the door opened up to show what looked like an old NCR ranger with a long white beard and a dusty cowboy hat, and he looked at the boy.

"Who are you kid, and what are you doing at my front porch?" said the NCR ranger

"I'm the delivery boy from the Gulf tribe. I got your package of corns," said the boy

"What happened to the guy who delivered stuff from your tribe?"

"He got killed by a bunch of radscorpion two days ago,"

"Oh," then the ranger goes into his pocket and pulls out a bunch of bottles caps "the same amount as usual,"

"Yep, 25 caps," the ranger hands the boy the bottle caps "thank you for doing business with my tribe,"

"No problem, kid, but you should be careful on your way back to your tribe. Some feral ghouls had come out of the vault near the highway they pain the ass,"

"I will, mister,"

The boy started to head back to his tribe with the payment from the package he delivered; he began to think to himself.

"I wonder if dad would touch me to lockpick now since I'm old enough for that I'm dying to see what is in that safe in that creepy old house by the lake," the boy thought.

The boy then heard a noise in front of him to see two feral ghouls in vaults jumpsuits in front of a ruin semi-truck aimlessly walking around it. The boy quickly pulled out his gun and started walking around the ghouls.

"I got to be careful," the boy thought, then he steps on a dead branch that got the attention of the feral ghouls "oh crap basket,"

The feral ghouls run at the boy, and he aims his gun at the ghouls. He managed to shoot one in the head and the other in the throat, killing them both.

"Woah, I kill two ghouls," the kid thought.

Back to reality

Six wakes up from his dream, and he looks around to see that he is still in the new world in the motel room he rented for the night.

"What that dream about," the Courier thought as he got out of bed, "I never had that dream before. What did it mean?" Six looks at his pip-boy to see the time was 9:35 am. "I think a walk around town could clear my head,"

Six walked out of the motel and started to walk around the town. A few people around looked at him funny because of his outfit. He didn't care for the looks; then, he looked at his pipe-boy to see that he was near a bar/restaurant. He walks to a restaurant called "the old west."

"I hope this place doesn't get robbed like the diner," Six thought.

Six walked into the place to see the whole thing had a western theme with cow skins on the world, pictures of cowboys, stuffed heads of deer, and a western-style cinderella. Six walked to the bar part of the place and sat down on a barstool next to the bar.

Six looks at the massive amount of alcohol that's in the bar. "Men, if Cass were here, she would have every drink in the bar," Six thought, then he laughs and sadly sighs "what else food I'm missing out on,"

Six then sees an angry redhead guy with a black eye walking into the restaurant wearing a yellow shirt, black jeans, goggles, white socks, and shoes. The redhead sat next to Six and started mumbling to himself, and Six heard a couple of things under the men's breath.

"Stupid debuts and those asshole thugs," said the redhead.

"What is bothering you?" said Six getting the men attention

The men looked at Six "great, just what I need a cop,"

"I'm not a cop,"

"Then why are you wearing one that has SWAT on it?"

"Got it from a friend,"

"Whatever, it's not like you can fix the shit that I'm in,"

"And that would be?"

"Why are you interested in my business, anyway?"

"I got talented in getting into people's business that needs another person help,"

"Fine, I owe some loan sharks and gangsters a couple of grand. I've been avoiding them by flying around in my plane. But they finally caught me yesterday, beat the shit out of me, took my cash and plane leaving me stuck in the middle of nowhere that my story happy,"

"I think I can help you out,"

"What's going to cost me? This is how it usually goes when a stranger asks for help,"

"Two things you buy me breakfast, and you take me out of this town on your plane,"

"I was going to Gotham City when I had my plane. If you can get back, I would take you there if you want,"

"Then we had a deal," Six sticks his hand out for a handshake.

The men shake his hand and smile "deal; my name is Austin. What's your name?"

"Courier Six, but I go by SIx,"

"Um, that a weird name,"

"That's the one I go by nowadays,"

"Okay, then I guess breakfast is on me then,"

Austin and Six a plate full of blueberry pancakes that Six enjoys the pancakes for the first time he has ever eaten one. After breakfast, the two walked out of the restaurant, and Six asked Austin.

"So, where do you plan to fly to Austin?"

"Last I remember, they took to some old barn out of town I can show where," said Austin

"All right, let's go,"

"Wait right now, the guys that had my plane got some guns and some meathead with a flamethrower,"

"I handle worse besides I got better guns than a flamethrower,"

"Then, where?"

"Don't worry about it; let's go get your plane back,"

"Fine, but don't say I warn you,"

Six and Austin took a taxi, and they drove to the top of the hill. Austin takes out a binocular, and he looks down below to see an old orange painted barn with some hay rolls around the barn. He sees about five thugs armed with shotguns and SMG wearing red clothing and ghost masks. Austin lets the Courier take a look at what's down there, and he hands it back to Austin.

"I have no idea how you're going to do this without a gun unless you have some superpowers," said Austin

"Nope, but I do have a bunch of guns," said Six

"Where then because you still don't have none on the way over here,"

Six flashes his Pip-boy "here," Six goes through his weapons, but then he gets a troubled face "hey, Austin, do you have a coin on you?"

"Yeah, a quarter why?"

"I can't decide what to use flip the coin for heads or tails,"

"Are you serious," Austin took out a quarter?

"Yes, I am,"

"...Okay," Austin flips the coin, and it lands on heads "you got heads,"

"All right then," Six undigitized Christine's cos silencer rifle, "time for some sniping,"

Austin looked amazed at what he saw "how did you do that?"

"I'll you later Later,"

Six started to pick off the thugs with his rifle one by one, either dead or down the ground bleeding out,

"Austin, you say there was someone else with thugs," said Six

"Yeah, their boss and some big guns the hire to intimidate me for the money and keys for my airplane," said Austin

"then where are they?"

"They must be in the barn,"

"Then let's get down there,"

Inside of the barn was the thug boss wearing a skull-shaped top heat with him was a man with a bald head, wearing a grey trench coat, brown shirt, dirty blue jeans, brown working boats, long and black gloves, and goggles. The men lit a cigar with a gun that shoots flames. This man is Heat-wave.

"It sounds like your guys are having trouble out there," said Heat-wave

"Shit, who could it be out there?" said the thug boss.

"Maybe you should have gotten rid of Austin then," Heat-wave puff out a smoke cloud.

"No, he can't be; he's too much a coward to fight back. He got some help somehow,"

"If you want me to help you some more from me, then you gotta throw a couple more hundreds in my paycheck. I could ask for more for dragging me out here,"

"All right, I'll get you more money Mick, now go out there and take care of it,"

"Okay then,"

Six and Austin get down from the hill and walk in front of the barn Six, still holding his rifle.

"You think your plane is in there as well, Austin?" said Six

"Hopeful this barn got enough space for me to take off," said Austin

Then the barn door opens and kicks open from the inside. The two looked to see a plane, thugs boss, and Heat-wave who shoot out massive flames in the air, and they duck down on the ground.

"Sorry boy's you guys won't get your plane back," said Heat-wave

"We'll see about that," said Six getting back up and shooting his gun at the villain, but he took cover behind a hay roll and shot fire at Six.

Six dodges the blasts that Heat-wave shooting at him, trying not to get burned. "Jeez, this is Cook-Cook all over again," Six thought as he shoots at Heat-wave, but he fires a massive ball of fire at Six, who managed duck and roll from the fire, "but this guy is way better,"

"Give up, and leave before you turned into ashes,"

"Nope, I made a deal and seeing the person who hired you. I'm not going to walk away," Six takes cover on an old tractor and digitizes the rifle to switch to another gun.

"Don't say I gave you a chance to leave freely," Heat-wave shoots more flames at Six.

"I'm stubborn, but let's see how you try this out for size," Six undigitized the YCS/186 and fired at Heat-wave, who nearly stepped back from the energy blast.

"What the hell gun is that," Heat-wave thought, who shoots another ball of flame at Six, who runs away as it explodes the tractor.

"Let's see if I get lucky with this shot," Six said to himself as use VATS to shoot Heat-wave left leg and right arm, getting him down on the ground "yes, I got him,"

"Wow, you did it," said Austin

"Forget this shit," said thug boss as ran from the barn and tried to go up the hill

"Oh no, you don't," said Six, looking at the scope of the energy rifle and shooting at the back of the thug until he's down on the ground. "Austin, get the plane ready,"

"Got it, Six," said Austin walking over the flames and getting to the plane in the barn

Six walks over to Heat-wave "your so lucky that I didn't get a shot on your head,"

Heat-wave moan from the pain in his limbs "who the hell are you,"

"Well, I'm just a simple Courier, that's all," Six smiles.

"I got a beat by a mailman,"


"I'll get you for this," Heat-waves passed out from the pain.

Six hears a bunch of sirening in the distance, and Austin gets the plane out of the barn.

"Six, come on!" Auston shouted

Six runs to the other side of the plane and gets on the plane as it takes off from the barn before the cops could show up.

"Well, next stop Gotham," said Austin

"I can't wait," said Six looking at the clouds in the air "what the hell of a day," Six thought

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