Code Black (on hiatus)

By Xin-Yang

2.3K 129 82

More than half of my life had been dedicated on tracking extraordinary activities and making sense of eccentr... More

Eleven (S.C.)
Seventeen (S.C.)
Twenty One
Twenty Three
Twenty four
Twenty five

Twenty two

60 4 2
By Xin-Yang

Chapter 22: First Morning


In my life, it is not an unknown fact that I never really get myself drunk in parties; parties that I rarely got to attend in my senior years in high school due to Eres' crap and all. Exo was a pretty dangerous group to be with in a celebration with alcohol involved, because fire, light, water, frost and electricity may get out of hand and we wouldn't want that. So aside from being really young for liquor, they are (I'm guilty as well) definitely deadly with it shoved in their system too.

It is never unfamiliar to me, the struggles of the drunken nights that my friends cause back then. But as evil as may seem, I always get satisfaction from the morning they wake-up feeling like sht—this is what they get for turning me into a paranoid babysitter the night before.

Now I feel bad for the fulfillment that I got from their morning agonies. If I heard the testimonies right, this is so much similar to a hung over—maybe worse. My head is pounding all over, my brain might have been mushed. I twist and turn on the fortunately soft covers of the bed, but I felt the sore of my exhausted body everywhere.

I groaned wearily. My muscles are burning from all the strain and beating it got yesterday. I did hear soft speaking voices last night, but every detail before I passed out were all vague and gargled.

As a reflex, I hovered my hands over my face to check if the blindfold is still there and it would be safe to open my eyes. But instead of soft cloth covering my sight, I touched the familiar texture of glass. Despite the grogginess, I have an idea of what this is. Or is it....

I have my goggles back!

I shot my eyes open, and relief washed over me when none of the things upon my sight exploded. But I cannot ignore the unfamiliarity of the coded data hovering all over my vision before it got cleared. These were definitely not my glasses.

I promptly sat up upon the realization that they were informed of the havoc that these eyes can cause. It also dawned into me that I woke up yesterday with something covering these lethal eyeballs. They definitely know about my ability and its defects.

Perhaps, due to my luck or with Baekhyun's speaking charms, I'm placed in a rather—and way more comfy position than before. This room is too cozy and luxurious for a captive-slash-prisoner like me. If I'm not mistaken, with all the complimentary colors of grey and dark blue, and queen-sized bed, this must be a master's bedroom.

I scanned the interior in awe, seeing every furniture and stuff neatly piled in place. The dark blue curtains gave faint light from outside the huge windows. The wooden gray cabinets are tall, and the walls are also painted in a shade of blue and gray. I swing my legs to the sides, and my feet met with soft and neat floormats. In arrears of the headboard of the bed was a wall, and in its side is a door which I assume is locked.

I stood up and walked over a full-sized mirror at the cabinet. Damn, I did not expect myself to be a lot messier than I think I look. My hair has turned completely white now, that is why the dirt was way more visible. My clothes do not look as presentable as it is before. It's just now that I catch a glimpse of the goggles-- that I'm sure is new.

I flinched seeing all faint marks of the fight yesterday, and there were some new and rather fresh cuts under my jaw that stings more than the bruises on my face. I looked at myself from head to toe one more time. I definitely look like a crap.

I suddenly felt guilty of sleeping in the neat bed seeing that I am this dirty.

I can't believe I am in so much awe of this bedroom to forget my current situation.

I sighed and started to run my fingers through my hair in attempts to make it look okay. To make me look okay. I'm not sure if I'm going to remove this dirty jacket, but I knew better than being comfortable around strangers, so I kept it on. After feeling satisfied with little grooming (which I think did not really help), I proceeded on exploring the room once more.

There was a strong sense of personality in this room, as if you can point out the character of the one who really owns it. On the other corner of it was a cozy desk with laptop and books and papers piled around the counter. It seems to me like this is a working area.

I approached the desk out of utter curiosity, scanning though the papers and books, but not really touching anything. On the side of the desk, a picture frame stood.

And my breath hitched when I saw a familiar face on the photo. I squinted to see if I am seeing this right.

It was a picture of me on my high school graduation; taken one and a half year ago.


"Mother freakin' cow!"

Baekhyun stood at the door, and halt upon seeing me composing myself.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!"

He blinked innocently, his mouth busy chomping on that food that I suppose is that bread he's holding. "I thought you're still asleep."

I can't believe he's able to shout that loud despite his mouth full of whatever he is chewing. Baekhyun got a lot of hidden skills in him.

"I would be awake either way if it's you who would be barging into the room."

"I have a talent then." He flashed me that his rectangular grin.

I found myself scanning him from head to toe. Baekhyun is well dressed, and he does not look like tortured or miserable to me at all. In fact, he gained some weight, which I assumed is a good thing. It's been almost a month since I last saw him, because I only heard him talking yesterday, and I admit that I jumped into worse assumptions.

"Are you just going to stand there staring at me? Come on, let's eat!" He marched towards me and pulled me by the arm.

"Ow! Careful!"

"Oops, I'm sorry. I forgot you're still injured." He grips at me softly this time and pulled me gentler.

So... the room is not locked after all.


The outside of the room is as a beautiful and clean. I noticed the whole floor is carpeted as we passed by several more closed doors in a hallway. The whole interior of this house is spacious, that I supposed is intentional to cater to many boarders. As far as I can remember, the Wolves aren't just two or three people. I encountered four guys yesterday, and I assume there's more of them.

There was this strange ambiance in this place that I have never found in Eres or in the dorms of Exo. My room in Eres were plain gray walls, and it took so much effort for me to redecorate it and call it my safe place. Exo members live in the same plain rooms as well. Everything is uniform, even, and practical.

I found it ridiculous that I am strolling inside a house of the people who were once anonymous to me. Their existence, work, and especially the place they live were cryptic, and I did not imagine it to be like this at all. Ironically, I oddly recognized a sense of home and warmth in this place. Here in a place where it should be cold and miserable for me.

Exo; they must have been so frustrated with my captivity. I wonder how they're coping up right now. They must have been devastated and enraged. I can't imagine the load they're carrying in their shoulders.

And Baekhyun...



I should have felt so relieved seeing he's surprisingly fine. Maybe more peaceful than I expected him to be. Yet, I am more than certain that Exo is not as okay. Perhaps now, their cluelessness of our condition made them grow anxiety and fear. I have gone through the same sentiments with Baekhyun's disappearance too.

And I didn't know what to feel seeing his untroubled eyes right now. I felt a wave of hesitance surging within me in attempting to ask or ruin his mood. But I cannot hide the creeping disappointment of our situation, knowing that he did not seem to plan to contact us at all.

"Baekhyun, if all this time, you've been fine... why didn't you tried to reach us? We were paranoid and scared. We are worried." And my eyes must have been enough to convey what I really wanted to say because his expression fell. I did not mean to blame him or anything—I honestly just want answers right now.

He paused and swallowed before uncomfortably shifting his gaze back to me.

"Amber, I can do that. Believe me, I thought of that." He began. "I planned to contact you, but I chose not to."

If that's even possible, I dove deeper into confusion. "Why?"

"There would be consequences-- in your part, if I speak to one of you. I know you've gone through so much trouble in attempts of searching for me, but you'd be in much deeper trouble if I told you about my whereabouts or if you found out I'm fine."

"What do you mean? Are the Wolves threatening our lives? Is that it?"

Baekhyun let out a weary sigh. It was the same serious weariness when I brought the same topic yesterday.

"No, Amber. That's beside the point. But please believe me when I told you that I have countless serious reasons in keeping my silence. It was hard for me too..." he began fidgeting.

"You're giving me really vague answers, Baekhyun. If it's not the Wolves, then what is it?"

For a moment, I notice that serious concern crossed his expression. There was something in his eyes pleading me not to press him further. Baekhyun is not used to these kinds of serious conversation, and I myself find this talk foreign, so I may understand his hesitance and lack of articulation.

But I certainly did not expect his answer.

"As much as I'm itching to tell you, I think I'm not in the position to." He says, finally moving down the stairs. I was speechless, and I feel like Baekhyun can easily shove topics aside now. I cannot argue with that, because it seems like his answer is final and firm, leaving no room for more questions. I, too, decided to leave the matters aside first, because it would take a lot of processing to figure out what's actually going on. My head is also starting to ache.

"I know you're starving, let's have breakfast first. Perhaps you're ready to meet them."

"M-meet who?" I stuttered in a short surge of panic

Baekhyun flashed an apologetic grin, because it took me moments to realize who he's preferring to.

"The Wolves."

I had to check if I heard it right.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that they won't bite you."

"That does not seem any assuring at all."

so wow, happy anniversary. Yes, it took me so damn long and I think I haven't even achieve at least a quarter of this whole story.

If anyone is wondering why the slow update this past few months (?)

College happened. A series of breakdowns and stress; one after another.

I know I have barely any readers left due to the long period of inactivity. I am really, really sorry. Thank you to whomever is reading this, I appreciate it so much. I will continue writing this novel (no matter what) for the sake of story-telling, so I hope you enjoy :) 

Anyways, Merry Christmas to everyone! Have a good year ahead!

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