Courier Six Wild Adventures I...

بواسطة epicscott1

90.9K 1.6K 360

Courier Six gets transported to the DC Universe by an experiment that went wrong from the Think Tank. Now Six... المزيد

Wasteland No more
The scene of the crime
Come fly with me
Your A Dummy
New ID
A Red hood and A Bat
Royal Blood
Royal Blood Part 2
Back To Gotham
A chaotic night
Seeing more of the world
A Golden Hero
UFO and More Lizards
Relaxing in Texas
Blackbeard Sword
Red Hood vs. Courier Six Round 2
A New Job
Good cop and Bad cop
Magic and a whole lots of bullets
Magic and a whole lots of bullets part 2
Magic and a whole lots of bullets part 3
Happy 10th Anniversary Fallout New Vegas
Blood, Snow, and tests
Blood, Snow, and tests part 2
Final Author Note
It's here

Old Courier Six

7.7K 104 45
بواسطة epicscott1

Third POV

In the year 2295 in the Mojave Desert, an older man in his sixties. He wore a sleeveless duster with blackjack that got the number 21 in the middle of it, a white shirt, black pants, black boots, knee pads, and a bandoleer. He had medium grey hair from old age, green eyes, average height, and a small scar on his forehead's left side. This is the famous Courier Six known throughout the Mojave Desert and the wasteland.

Who helped make New Vegas independent from the NCR and Caesar Legion; he even took out Mr.House from the picture, letting him control Vegas. All because a snake named Benny shot Six in the head and left him in a shallow grave only to be rescued by a securitron cowboy named Victor.

Throughout the years of being New Vegas, leader Six has guided the country throughout peaceful times and challenging times, not letting any major faction get hold over New Vegas. Eventually, old age got to Six. He had stepped down as the leader of New Vegas. He spent his remaining life wandering the Mojave desert, helping people get to New Vegas, or protecting towns from Raiders or mutants. However, Six wants are one more grand adventure before taking the long road to the great beyond.

Late at night, the Courier walks to the edge of a cliff with a perfect view of New Vegas shining in the night, and he looks at the city.

"Even though all these years New Vegas still looks good as it ever was," Six thought

Then the Courier Six hears a hissing noise behind him. He pulls out That Gun from his holster and shoots a night stalker in the head before it attacks Six, and the corpse falls to his boot.

"That was close. I'm getting slower by the day," then Six sees a few night stalker eggs next to a cactus; he grabs one of them "this is going to make some good breakfast," then digitizes the egg into his pipe-boy.

The Courier heads toward Goodspring to get some rest for the night until he sees a strange eye bot coming toward him that seems to be modified and clean.

"What the hell? I have never seen an eyebot like this before," Six thought.

The eyebot speaks to Six. "Mr.Six, this is a message from Dr.Klein we need your help. Please come to Big MT as soon as you can," and the eyebot flies away.

"Okay, what those brains have done this time," Six thought he went to Goodspring to rest up before going to Big MT to find out what the Think Tank wanted with him.

The next day Six travel to Big MT and meet the Think Tank at the sink with a large device on the floor.

"Oh, my favorite teddy bear has returned once again. He seems much older," said Dr.Dala

"Yes, I am here. Can tell me what you guys need help with," said Six

"It's quite simply we are working a teleporter to move any around dangerous areas of Big MT!" said Dr.Borous

"And where do I come in?"

"You'll be the live test subject that we will teleport to an X-12 research facility with a radio telling us that you made transport well," said Dr.0

"Assuming that teleporter doesn't mess up and turn me into some crazy monster that'll be a part of Big MT,"

"@[...****@].#%@..." ("You'll be fine,") said Dr.8

"Sure I'll be," Six rolls his eyes.

"Are you going to do it or not Six we don't have all day?" said Dr.Klein

"It's not like got something to lose," Six thought, and he tells Klein, "I'm in,"

"Great," said Dr.Dala who comes up to the Courier and put a needle in his shoulder and inject a green liquid

"The hell did you inject with me?"

"A serum that'll help you when you teleport,"

"So you won't spontaneously explode when you step out of the teleporter," said Dr.0

"Just great," said Six sarcastically

"Now step on the teleporter," said Dr.Klein

Six steps on the teleporter, Dr.8 comes to the other side of the teleporter with the controls he presses some buttons. Then lights lit up under Courier's feet, then in a blue flash of light shine bright for a moment, and the Courier was gone.

Dr.Borous goes to a microphone connected to a radio, "Lobotomite, are you still alive!"

There was no sound or voice from the Courier on the other end of the radio, and Think Tank looked worried.

"Opps," said Dr.0


God, that was a light show I was in. I felt like I was falling into a bottomless pit. I was face-first on the ground. I got up and looked to see blue skies, green grass, large green hills, and flowers. I have no idea what that teleporter did, but I end up somewhere that is not the Mojave desert, maybe the wasteland by the looks of it. Then look at my arms to see it wasn't old and wrinkle my arms anymore were young again. I took a look at the pip-boy glass to look at my reflection to see I was young again, and I looked like I was in my twenties with my hair not gray anymore but light brown hair. My body feels more energized. I turn on my pip-boy to see where I'm at, but there was a significant error on the map, so I go to the aid, weapons, and apparel to see all my stuff is still there thankful.

I decided to change clothes and my weapon since this duster is not for this environment; I changed from a duster into a Joshua Graham outfit. I switched That Gun to the Hunting Revolver and put it into my holster. I need to find someone or a town to tell me where I am, so I started to walk in the grassy field, but hey, I got the adventure I wanted.

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