Supernatural: a Sam Wincheste...

By shelby_Winchester

74.2K 1.4K 272

Sam and Dean go on a hunting trip to Greenwood, Indiana. And end up meeting Nicole. A law student there who u... More

Supernatural: would Jess want me to move on?
Sam and Dean saved my life
The night
A little secret hint
Over a girl
Maybe an angel maybe not
A little romance
A shocking surprise
The demons plan
The demons plan part 2
Pain sucks.
A little punching
Authors note
Yes i know another authors note
Three little words
Technical dificulties
A really short chapter
A really reallt really important authors note
I know i suck another authors note
Two deals dont make a right.
I couldnt live without you sammy.
Who knew pizza could be such a perfect distraction
Authors note
What matters is her
A halloween suprise
Emotions and emotions

The big break up.

1.2K 33 8
By shelby_Winchester

Sam's P.O.V.
Did that just happen? Holy shit it did! I can't breathe, My heart is beating so fast. I slowly turn over looking at Nicole. God she's s amazing. Her chest rising up and down. Stands of hair in her face. I took two fingers and brushed them away slowly. Kissing her with little force. Watching as her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning", I smiled still very very close to her lips. "Morning", she chuckled leaning in for another kiss. "That.... Was amazing!", I exhaled chuckling myself. All she did was giggle. I softly grabbed her chin. Making her look up at me. I wanted to know what she was thinking. I can usually tell those kinds of things. But she's like Dean sometimes. Impossible to read. "What are you thinking about?", I hummed bringing her in close. She smiled but What I didn't understand was the tear that rolled down her cheek. "Nic what's wrong?", I asked. I don't use her nickname very often but I felt like it was needed. "Nothing", she smiled again wiping away a few tears. "I'm just happy" I nodded knowing it was more then that but decided to let it go. Hoping she would tell me soon.

Nicole's P.O.V.

I knew I had to tell him. I just didn't know how. He was going to kill me; but at least Dean wasn't in this anymore. He could still hunt and have his brother. Besides they didn't need me. It wasn't like I was an amazing hunter. "Sam...", I whispered after a good 15 minuets of silence. This was going to be so so hard. "I have to tell you something... But just remember I love you and Dean. Dean in more of a brother way, like not in a- oh you know what I mean", I started to ramble slightly. Come on Nicole get it out! "I made a deal.... With a Demon...." Sam's eyes widened three times the size. Sitting up straight,"you.. You did what???", his voice cracked, you could hear the heartbreak in his voice. Slowly I nodded afraid to look sam in the eyes. "Deans deal is broken....he's not going to hell anymore.." Sam shot up out of the bed, grabbing his boxers and jeans slipping them on. Not saying a word. This I was surprised about, so I continued talking. "I'm sorry... I couldn't watch Dean die.. And I know you cant either I-", he cuts me off. "So know I have to watch you die too????!? You realize how selfish that is??? You're just like Dean! Well I'm not going to watch you die I'm not!", he grabbed his several shirts slipping them all on. I had now sat up slipping on my shirt and jeans, "sam what do you me?", turning around he looked at me, for a moment you could actually see the pain and sorrow in his eyes before he quickly hid it. "I'm saying we're done.", with that he walked out of the room leaving me speechless. Did he just?.... Oh my god he did. My head was spinning out of control as I somehow made my way down the stairs. Feeling tears pouring out of my eyes. "Sam!", I yelled out but it was all squeaky and high pitched. All I could see was sam turning around one last time. Almost like he was debating on wether or no he should stay. But just when I thought he would come and rush over to me he walked out slamming the door behind him just like in my room. I felt my knees hit the floor. And Dean next to me, wait Dean? I hadn't realize until now that Dean had been yelling at sam, holding me close. I closed my eyes feeling like I couldn't breath. As my eyes closed making me fall asleep.

I woke up on the couch, dean holding my hand. How much did he know? If he knew he wouldn't be doing this. Would he? "Sam...", I gasped slightly. Dean shushing me telling me to clam down. I sat up quickly looking around the room. "How long was I asleep?" "About an hour or two... Sam hasn't come back... He took one of Bobby's cars...", Dean sighed heavily. Looking at me sadly. "Nic.... I don't think he's coming back.. He said some awful things. About the deal and you..". I noticed deans hand was still in mine but I didn't care I needed the comfort. "So you know?.... About the deal?" He nodded another sigh escaping his lips. "That was very stupid of you, Nicole. What were you thinking?". Now it was my turn to sigh. "I couldn't watch you die Dean... Your like a brother to me." Moving so he was next to me, Dean wrapped an arm around me letting me snuggle close to his chest. I wish sam did this to me. "It was still stupid..", he mumbled kissing the top of my head. "Know I have to save you, because your are like a sister to me you asshat.." Chuckling I looked up smiling at him. "Thank you Dean..", I leaned up kissing his cheek softly. "Come on no chick flick moments.", he smirked but just held me tighter. "I wish sam was still here... ", I murmured quietly. "Me too.... Me too.."

((IM SO SO SORRY!! I HAVE NO GOOD REASON THAT THIS TOOK ME SO LONG! I've just been so caught up in school and drama from people and stuff and I'm just sorry!! But this was a very sad chapter. Poor Nicole! Sam come back and hold her close like she's wants! 😝 thank you all for reading I never would have guessed this would have happened! I mean 12k!!?!?!?? That's ridiculous! You are all so amazing thank you! ~shelby ))

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