In search of happiness ~don't...

By fxocus

181K 3.1K 467

~ON HOLD~Triplets Skyler, Scarlett and Kendall. They are beautiful, but forgot what happiness is. Their abusi... More

good or bad?
The eyes.
You Genius
Bring the ice cream
A Team
Beast sleep.
Horror film
My princess
Big bro
Who knows
The fair
Nutella princess
on hold.


6.9K 124 9
By fxocus


Scarlett's POV

I've been gone for a week and a day now. Its funny how I just left, I never planned on it. But honestly I think it only did good. I am planning on coming back though, they are my family after all. I really do love those boys, and there is no words to describe how much I love my sisters. Then there's Niall.

Niall. I learned a lot about him this past week.

We've been meeting everyday in a café, and we talked. And talked. And talked. I told him everything about me. He told me everything about him.

I told him why I left, and he listened as I poured my heart out. I told him that I've always felt like the underdog, that mother never loved me. Not even before, my dad incident thing. I told him how I was tired of not feeling good enough, not being able to live up to everyone's expectations. How jealousy overtook me. How badly I wanted to be as good as my sister's in at least one thing.

He just sat there letting me talk. He looked at me and all I saw in those eyes were love. He told me he had to tell the 'lads' but I made him promise not to. So every day we would meet and talk. We got really close. And I really like him, more than I should.

His eyes are the most gorgeous thing in this world. And he is so cute... and his voice, his voice is music to my ears. Literally.

NO! Scarlett, snap out of it. He will never like you! Why would he? You are a pathetic, left out, messed up triplet. And the ugliest out of us three.

What did I ever do to deserve this? I honestly don't know how life can hit me so hard, so many times.

Maybe I wasn't supposed to be born? Maybe it would be better for everyone if I just wasn't here? Would Skyler, Kendall and the guys be better off along without me? I guess so... Niall told me they've been avoiding the topic of, well, me. Maybe is should just end this...

I'm here in the café waiting for Niall. He's already thirty minutes late. I guess he also got tired of me.

I sighed and ran a hand through my curls. Well this is it. I'm tired of being left alone, and being abandoned. I'm tired of living in this world alone.

Just as I was standing up my phone rang. I sighed again, who the hell is it?

I answered the phone not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked, slightly annoyed.


Then I realized what she said.

What? What happened to Skyler

? Why the hell did she faint? Something wrong with her? What is wrong with her? Is she going to be ok? Is she going to survive? Is it cancer? Pneumonia? Just a cold? A million questions came to my head.

"What hospital?" I asked already ready to sprint in that direction.

"I don't know! j-just come to the one right by the mall we went to, that umm day-y.. " she said obviously crying.

"I'll be there on ten" I said and hanged up, running towards the hospital.

Liam's POV

She fainted. My princess fainted. There's something seriously wrong with her, and not knowing what it is makes me even more stressed.

We're waiting in the hospital's waiting room, and I am about to have a mental break down.

We've been waiting for three hours now. No one has been able to tell us a thing. Scarlett came about ten minutes after Kendall called her.

The minute she walked through the window glass to the waiting room I ran up to her an hugged her. God I missed her so much. She's part of my family, and I love her like a little sister. Not knowing if she was all right was driving me insane.

She stood there frozen, tears in her eyes.

"Why are you hugging me?" she asked in a small voice, as if dreading the answer.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked confused. What's wrong with hugging?

"I thought you hated me, and would never want to see me again" She said shrugging.

"What? Why wouldn't we?" Lou asked. I didn't notice he was standing there. In fact they were all standing there with me. Wow, I must really be in some kind of depression hole.

"What you and your sisters fight about is really none of our business. I mean we'll get involved, but we would never take sides if it doesn't involve us. We love you, and you are part of our family" Zayn said. We all nodded. Kendall just stared at her sister. Tears streaming down her face, it was painful to watch. It's pretty clear Scarlett hurt her.

"Thank you for not hating me" She whispered. We all hugged her and sat down. Now here we are, three hours later and still no news from Skyler.

I sighed and started pacing around the room. I don't know how much more of this not knowing what's happening to her I can take.

"Are you here for Skyler Sky Hewthorne?" someone asked. I looked up from the floor and saw a doctor standing close to me with a clip board.

"Yes, what's wrong with her?" I asked him quickly.

"Can I speak to the legal guardian?" he asked.

"Ermm, she umm doesn't exactly have one right now?"I said, but it came out more like a question.

"Mind elaborating?" He asked.

"Her, Scarlett here, and me are triplets who have been abused by our mother for the past five years. Not just beating, but cutting, burning, and you get the hang of things. We are seventeen and only weight 112 pounds. And that's now; we were in about 104 pounds? Last time we saw our mother was about a month and a half ago. When she gave us plane tickets for London, and kicked us of our house. We really don't know if we have relatives, and our dad is dead. Now will you please tell us what the fuck is wrong with Skyler? We don't have time to discuss our messed up shitty lives. Now don't go all softy on us, tell us the real deal. Don't think we can't handle it cuz we've been through 'enough'. Enough my ass, life ain't easy or fair. If she's dying tell us, or if it's just a virus tell us. But seriously I'm going crazy over here. And don't you dare go all 'I have to inform social services' because that wouldn't help. It would have helped five, four, three, two even one year ago. But not only day's off from our eighteenth birthday" Kendall snapped, standing up. Every kind of bad emotion in the book crossed her face. Anger, sadness, hurt even pity. She had tears streaming down her face.

"How did you know exactly what was going through my head?" the doctor asked amused, and smiling.

Kendall just shrugged.

"Very well then, here it goes. Skyler suffers from hypertension. When I saw the scars and marks I assumed it was domestic violence, but I wasn't sure until you confirmed it to me. Domestic violence can lead to various conditions. Arthritis, hypertension and heart disease have been identified by battered women as directly caused or aggravated by domestic violence suffered early in their adult or/and teen lives. Hypertension if not treated can be lethal, but Skyler is okay. You brought her in before things could get a turn for the worst. She can live a normal life. Exercise, laugh, smile, cry, eat junk food and things you chaps love to do. Though she has to take medicine every day, and try to keep a balanced diet. I don't mean banning junk food, or sugar or anything like that. But a huge gain in weight or loss can cause her to faint, or even at her young age have a stroke. She also has to have checkups every month" The doctor said.

Say what?

Like that woman didn't already did enough. Now Skyler has to have a constant reminder of her tragic past.

I'm boiling with fury, though am not going to show it. I want to see my princess, that's my priority.

"Can I see her?" I asked after digesting what he said.

"Sure thing chap, I'll lead you to her room, though she hasn't woken up yet. We had to stabilize her, but she should be waking up pretty soon. Though I do have one more thing to say, she might have anxiety attacks or hyperventilate more often and easily than a person without hypertension. So be on the lookout, now don't watch her like a hawk, because that might also trigger it. Just treat her exactly as you have though keep an eye out for her. I'm going to prescribe her some medicine in case she has an episode" he said.

"Okay, okay" I sighed. This is just so much to take in, but at least my little princess is going to be okay.

I started to walk with the doctor but stopped in mid tracks. Uh no.

"You okay lad?" Louis asked noticing me.

The doctor turned around and looked at me with a question mark face.

"What if Scarlett and Kendall have the same thing? I mean the three of them went through the same. Shouldn't they have a checkup or something? Just to make sure?" I asked.

I heard the guys groan. And Kendall gasped, but Scarlett just shook her head no.

"Skyler was always the one who took the worst of it. Always. We got nothing compared to her. Mother took it to un- human extremes with her" She said, her voice cracking at the end as she swallowed tears.

My eyes went wide, Skyler told me it was always worst for her, but not this bad.

"Mother tried to drown her three times" Kendall chocked out.

"WHAT?!" the lads and I shouted at the same time.

"That's not the worst... Mother put her in an oven and turned it on. We got her out before it warmed up though. She was too drunk to fight us anyways" (A/N: before you say this is too un- realistic, please know that this actually happened to someone. Look it up)


"That bitch is going to pay" Lou muttered, looking at the ground with clenched fists. Obviously trying to control his anger.


"That bimbo is screwed" Harry growled.

"If you still want to see her I need you to calm down" The doctor said.

I instantly calmed, I mean I'm still furious but I need to see her. I have to.

"Yeah, ok. Well can I see her now?" I asked.

"Yes, follow me" he said waving me over to him.

He led me down the hall and into room 603. There in bed laid an unconscious Skyler. She looked, once again, weak and helpless. Yet strong and like a fighter. If that even makes sense?

"like I said she should be waking up soon. Any minute now, and I think it would be good if you were the first person she sees. Though I didn't want to say this in front of everyone, but there is a chance she might not wake up. The trauma was too much. I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure she's the most comfortable with you, and loves you to death. Also you can explain everything to her" He said surprising me. why would he say that Sky loves me to death? Wait she might not wake up?

"Because she was mumbling 'Liam I love you so much' in her sleep. And I'm assuming you are Liam. Don't worry chap, I'm 50% sure she will, it's just procedure to tell you what might happen, I am now going to tell the others. Just thought you might want to know first" he said, and I nodded.

Wait did I say that aloud?

The doctor chuckled and said "And that too" then left. Skyler is rubbing it on me.

"Crap." I mumbled and went to sit in a chair that was right besides Skyler's hospital bed.

I took a sit and grabbed her hand. I laid my head on it and kissed it.

"Sky, please wake up. I need you here. I need you to be my rock, so that I can be yours. God Skyler you have no idea how much I love you, and I'm not just gonna let you slip out of my hands this easy. I love you. I love everything about you. The way you talk, and smile even though sometimes it's a broken smile, I love the way you smell, and the way you are, I love your personality, the way you care about everyone and have a huge heart, I love the way you treat me and how damn brave you are. How strong you are. Everything. I love you, with every single scar and mark and bruise and all. I need you here with me because you are my sunshine, my everything, my princess, my Nutella, my ice cream, my sweet, my baby, my girlfriend, you'll be someday my wife, the mom of our kids, and you'll always be the one that holds my heart. Please Sky, wake up, I can't live without you" I said, while crying and holding on to her hand for dear life.

Just then the monitor started peeping faster, indicating her heart race sped up. Is she going to wake up?

Just then Skyler's eyes fluttered open.

Skyler's POV


Ugh can't someone shut the noise down or something?


What the hell? That shit has to shut up.

Wait where am i?

I'm in a hospital?

I tried to open my eyes, but I just can't, too tired for that. But why am I tired though?

I remember waking up at the studio, but that's it. After that it's all blackness.

"Sky, please wake up. I need you here. I need you to be my rock, so that I can be yours. God Skyler you have no idea how much I love you, and I'm not just gonna let you slip out of my hands this easy. I love you. I love everything about you. The way you talk, and smile even though sometimes it's a broken smile, I love the way you smell, and the way you are, I love your personality, the way you care about everyone and have a huge heart, I love the way you treat me and how damn brave you are. How strong you are. Everything. I love you, with every single scar and mark and bruise and all. I need you here with me because you are my sunshine, my everything, my princess, my nutella, my ice cream, my sweet, my baby, my girlfriend, you'll be someday my wife, the mom of our kids, and you'll always be the one that holds my heart. Please Sky, wake up, I can't live without you" A familiar voice said, and it sounded as if he were crying. Wait that's Liam? Yes, it is.

Where am I?

Where is he?

Why is he crying?

Why is my boo upset?

I can't stand it anymore. I have to open my eyes.

I tried my best, but nothing happened.

C'mon Skyler you can do this! I tried again, harder. With all my night.

There were lights everywhere. It took my eyes a little time to adjust, and once they did the sight broke my heart.

There, looking straight at me, sat Liam, with puffy blood shot eyes, and tear strains down his cheeks.

"Oh my gosh Liam! Are you okay?!" I said. Well more like croaked. My throat is so dry.

He started to cry again, jumped In the hospital bed I was in and cried while hugging me and holding me tight. I hugged him back too. It felt so right. All those things he said make my heart melt.

"Liam, water, please" I croaked again.

Liam leaped out of bed and grabbed a water bottle form this mini fridge this room has. He opened it and gave it to me. I gracefully took it and chugged it down. Wow, that feels better.

I sighed and looked up at Liam who was staring at me with a smile.

"Umm, liam what happened?" I asked.

"Well we were in the recording stu-" liam started but got caught off by six people who came barging in the room whisper yelling me to wake up. what the actual fuck? They all looked as if they had been crying.

"Oh my god! She's awake!" Zayn said running to me and pulling me in a massive hug. It quickly became one huge group hug.

Then I saw her. Scarlett.

I instantly started to cry and held out my arms for her to hug me. She ran up to me and hugged the day lights out of me. Soon Kendall joined us, while the guys just stared at us grinning.

"Never again?" I asked Scarlett.

"Never" she whispered.

I smiled but the frowned, why the hell am I here?

"Mind telling me why I'm here?" I asked looking at Liam.

"Okay, I'll explain in a minute" he said looking at me before turning to the rest "Now get out. All of you except Zayn and Lou! I have to talk to you guys"

They all mumbled okay and left.

I just sat there confused.

"I told Lou. He deserves to know" Zayn said.

"Told Lou what?" I asked, what the hell is going on?

They all turned to me with sad faces.

"The night we went to the fair you fell asleep on the Ferris wheel ride, so I carried you and all. When we got home you still hadn't woken up and you were looking pale, were shivering even though you had about four jackets on, and you hadn't eaten anything all day, so I decided not to wake you up. I grabbed one of my shirts and your pajama shorts to put on you. I took your clothes off and I saw your scars. The next morning I told Kendall you didn't even flinch or move when I changed you or hugged you, and she asked if I saw them. All the lads were in the room, but they didn't know what was going on. The quickly drooped it, but Zayn didn't. He saw them while I changed you into clothes to go to the studio. I had to tell him Skyler, him and Louis are your big brothers and they love you with all their hearts. Maybe not biological brothers, but brothers at heart" Liam said.

"You saw them" I whispered, more to myself than them really.

I then collapsed into a fit of tears. I'm actually kind of glad. Now I can tell them the one thing they don't know about me.

The guys were by my side hugging me in an instant. Zayn laid in bed with me, and I put my head on his chest. Liam was on by other side, with his head on my shoulder, and Lou was laying down on top of our feet. Yeah the bed was pretty big.

"Tell us what happened love" Zayn said stroking my hair.

Should I ?

"Please let us in" Lou pleaded. That did it. I nodded once before starting.

I took a deep breath and started "I always got the worst, always. Those scars are the scars of the most painful memory I have. I was sixteen. It was the day before our birthday, and my mom decided to give my an early birthday present." I said, shuddering at the memory. " she h-hired s-someone to rape me" I said now full on sobbing. All three boys tensed. Lou sat up to look at me, and Liam took his head off my shoulder "I struggled against him, but it was no use. He was way too strong. He decided to make me stay still, with a broken mirror. We were in my room, and I had this mirror, so he broke it and got a piece and cut me. that made one of the scars near my ribcage. Then he got a butchers knife and made the second one. The third one, he made it with a broken beer bottle. The fourth one, he did it with his own nails. He dug an-d-d - a-and peeled my skin off. It hurted so much. It felt like I was burning alive. When he was done with the fourscars he raped me. He raped me four different times that night, each scar represents one" I finished my story, still crying.

The guys just stared at me in shock.

"He did it with his n-nails?" Lou asked crying. Liam was crying too, and Zayn was too. Then their sadness was replaced with anger. They looked so angry I was sure they were going to break a damn wall.

I nodded, I couldn't even bring myself to look him in the eye.

I was then enveloped in a huge hug by three pairs of arms.

"Nothing's eve going to hurts you again. And I promise you that sick bastard and your psychotic bitch mom with pay. I love you Skyler don't you ever forget that. You are never going to be touched like that again, k? Never. No one's coming near you. You're safe now, don't forget that either. And you have a family now" Liam said kissing my cheek and holding me tight, I felt so safe.

"We love you so much" Zayn said kissing me on the cheek to.

"And don't you forget it, we are always going to be here for you" Lou said kissing my forehead,

"Thank you guys. It means so much to me" I said hugging them all.

After all the tears and all the mopey stuff, they told me why I was in the hospital.

So apparently I now suffer from hypertension.

I hate my mom, she did this to me. no human being deserves this. But I'm glad, because of her I met Liam and the guys.

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