The Slytherin Princess Of Hog...

By QueenC_2709

586K 11.1K 6.5K

love /lʌv/Submit noun 1. an intense feeling of deep affection. 2. a great interest and pleasure in something... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part Two
Thank you!
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Bonus Chapter : A Winter Wedding
My loves!
Attention Please Read

Bonus Chapter: Merry Christmas Love

3.1K 66 34
By QueenC_2709

Jingle Bells,
Umbridge Smells,
Losers go away
Draco's hot,
And Voldie's not,
Slytherin all the way!

My fellow Slytherins

🎄 Merry F*CKING Christmas 🎄

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

I hope you all have a magical Christmas!

You all are absolutely amazing and deserve nothing but the best! :)  I wanted to thank you all for the support I received for this book, it's mind blowing, you all have no idea what it means to me!

Thank you to every individual whether you're a ghost reader! or Someone who gets involved! I love you all so much!

I hope you all have a terrific new year!

Enjoy 🐍🎄💚

6 years later

{T}was the night before Christmas. 24th of December 2015. Today was Christmas Eve.

Snow blew down costing my chestnut hair with white snow flakes, walking through the busy streets of the city. No doubt the top of my nose and cheeks would now appeared red to by-passers.

I had come to London to find the pair of diamond earrings Athena had so desperately wanted but refused to ask for, so I took it upon myself to grant one more of her Christmas wishes and get her the diamond incrusted earrings she wished for.

My baby Athena was now thirteen years old, she like myself and Draco ended up in Slytherin. She was a diva from what I've heard from scorpius and professors, it was indeed a close call between Ravenclaw or Slytherin but my sass seemed to have won in the end placing her in Slytherin. She had no boyfriends as of yet much to Draco's delight.

Apparating home I enter the large manor, Christmas decorations hung from every inch of our home. It was indeed our family's favourite holiday, we would go all out.

Placing down my bag I shrug off my coat and walk through the hall to the living room. Placing the box under the large tree that was decorated in silver and green. I grin looking at the Slytherin colours, indeed somethings never change.

Arms wrap around me, I look up into the stormy eyes, I adore. My Draco has indeed only got better looking with age after all these years he still can make me swoon like a love struck teenager.

"Hello Love" he kisses my lips. "I've missed you".I smile, Running my hand though his blonde locks.

"You came home early today"

He kisses my cheek taking my hand leaving me to the sofa. Pulling me down into his warm embrace. "They sent everyone home for Christmas". I look at the clock it was 3 o clock meaning my children would be home soon.

"I need to go tell the house elf to make dinner the children will be here soon" he chuckles.

"I already done it my dear" he leans to kiss me when a puff causing me to face the fire. Out stepped my darling daughter. Athena.

It was scary to say but she looked just like me at that age, her hair had grown over the last 4 months. Smiling I stand up and rush to her side.

A grin takes over her features as she steps out of the mantle place. "MOTHER!" she pulls me into a hug which I reciprocate. I pull away and stare at her face.

"My you're getting more beautiful everyday" I peck her cheek before she releases me from her hug and runs to Draco who's smiling. My heart flutters slightly.

Another puff and my baby boy steps out. He steps out smiling, he sure wasn't little anymore in his 6th year in school. It hurt my heart that he was growing up so quickly. Scorpius had a girlfriend Penelope, Amandas daughter. Obviously I was thrilled at the news as was Amanda. Theo on the other hand resented the idea of his daughter dating.

"Mother" he grins walking towards me hugging me tightly. "I've missed you"

I chuckle. "I've missed you too". I pinch his cheeks. "So how's my future daughter-in-Law"

He flushes and clears his throats. "Mother stop we're just dating" I raise an eyebrow and wink.

"You're father said the exact same thing to your grandmother when he was dating me" he didn't reply. "She's still coming tonight?"

He nods. "yes why"

I shrug. "Just curious"

His eyes widen. "You're not going to do anything are you?"

"Little old me? Of course not!" I fold my arms. "It's not like I'm going to pull out your baby pictures again". I walk off towards the kitchen.

"Father! mothers threatening to show my baby pictures again!" He groans. Draco and Athena laugh loudly throughout the mansion.

"My boy what am I supposed to do, once you're mother has her mind set to something good luck trying to change it". Scorpius groans.

Although I was older and a mother. I refused to change who I was. I wore a emerald green dress that was off the shoulders floor length with a slit up the side, I paired it with silver jewellery. My hair was pinned at the side and set in waves.

Reapplying my deep red lipstick I open my bedroom door and walk towards Athenas room. Knocking on the door I wait.

"Come on"

Her Brunette was pinned up in a lose bun. She was in a ruby red floor length dress it was a sweetheart boob tube and she looked truly stunning. I pulled out the box containing the earrings.

"This was supposed to be for tomorrow but I figured they'd go beautiful with the dress" I smile at her "also I know Evan Princeton is attending tonight and a princess should wear only the best" I wink at her, her cheeks flush red.

She opens the box. "M-Mother they're beautiful" she looks up at me.

"You should never be afraid to ask for what you want. You're a Malfoy and you deserve the best" she throws her arms around my and hugs me tightly.

"You're the best mother a girl could ask for" my heart skips a beat and I pull my daughter closer.

"I try now go put them in" she races to the mirror and places In the diamond teardrop earrings. "Shall we?" I hold out my elbow, picking up my dress with my other hand I pull my daughter to our large spiral stairs. She kissed my cheek making her way down stairs.

Narcissa and Lucius stood by the doorway smiling at us, Athena races over to her grandparents pulling them into a tight hugs.

And then the walk down the steps, I got major sense of dejá vu. Draco was stood at the bottom staring at me just like in fourth year at the Yule ball. Reaching the final step he takes my hand.

"How is it you seem to become more beautiful everyday?" I blush and giggle.

"You sure can make a girl blush Draco" he wiggles his eyebrows and kisses my hand.

"It's my specialty"

I pull Lucius and Cissa into a tight. Hug. "Merry Christmas"

Cissa hugs me tight. 'Merry Christmas dear you look absolutely gorgeous!"

I smile. "As do you Cissa, my Lucius you are one lucky man" I wink. He can't hold back his smile and his mouth cracks into a full grin.

"Indeed I am Melody" causing narcissa to flush red.

"So dear am I getting any more grandchildren" cissa blurts our grinning at me. I laugh loudly shaking my head, Draco glances over my way raising an eyebrow.

"No cissa I'm done"

She winks. "Things change"

The house was filled with friends and family. Theo and Amanda where perched by the Christmas tree in the large ball room drinking white wine, while Penelope and scorpius sat on the sofas chatting with each other.

I kiss Amanda on the cheek. "Hello Mandy"

She squeals. "Mel guess what!"

I raise a brow. "What?"

"I'm pregnant!" She jumps up and down. Theo places a hand on her shoulder laughing.

"Calm down darling I'm sure she heard you!" He scolds her.

"Oh hush!" She shuts him up. "I went to the doctors it's another girl!"

I grin and hug her. "Oh that wonderful news! I'm so happy for you both."

Blaise and his wife where talking with the Princeton's while their son Blaise jr. was placed next to the food table.

"Well Blaise I see he's gotten his love of food of his father" Blaise grins.

"What can I say he's his fathers son." The Princeton's chuckle.

I lean towards Blaises his wife. "How you deal with him everyday is a mystery"

She giggles. "Believe me I ask myself the same question"

"Hey!" Blaise playfully glares.

"You're daughter looks stunning" Evans mother compliments. I smile.  His father nods.

"Like a princess"

"She truly does" I grin "Excuse me" I walk towards daphne and tessa.

Daphne and Tessa were fussing over their daughter who was crying slightly, each where smiling even tho the infant was crying.

I lean over. "Oh she's growing up so fast" I gush at the baby girl. Daphne sighs.

"I know a little too fast for my liking."

I chuckle. "My advice don't take your eyes off the because one moment you blink and they're all grown up" I sigh looking at my two babies.

Daphne kisses my cheek. "You and Draco have done a brilliant job raising them melody"

I smile. "Thank you daph" I give her another tight squeeze before leaving to go find Draco.

Narcissa and Lucius had left their spot to go dance to the slow song that had just started to play. Athena seemed to be in her own world she was talking to Evan Princeton who had obviously complimented her, her cheeks where flushed.

Draco takes my hand wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my neck.

*Play song

Everyone else seemed to be scattered either talking or dancing.

"Would you care to dance" he mock bows holding his hand out.

I roll my eyes. "I thought you'd never ask". Draco brought me to the centre of the room and we began to dance.

We sway to the soft melody, I watched at Scorpius scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before extending his hand to Penelope stepping out to the floor.

I smile to myself. Athena forcefully drags Evan to the floor, the boy did look rather flustered before eventually giving in. He awkwardly placed his hands on her hips, Athena face lit up and she smiled.

"I don't want her dating yet" Draco mumbles out, pulling me closely. I snort.

"It's not like you waited years before dating me"

He rolled his eyes. "I was in love with you for years before hand"

I kiss his cheek. "I know but she'd have a compelling argument"

"I could always make him disappear" he mutters out.

"You are such a drama queen and you will do no such thing" I give him a pointed look.

"Who says I cant" he huffs.

"Me" he closes his mouth and pouts not responding. I grab his chin. "She's a smart beautiful girl don't worry so much she'll be fine we can't stop her growing up." I glance over at scorpius and Penelope. "Both of them"

"I know I just wish they weren't so big, it's making me feel old". I laugh

I watched as Theo placed his hand on Amanda's stomach as they both looked into each other's eyes while swaying to the melody from side to side.

Draco pulls me closer and I wrap my arms around his neck. His eyes twinkled slightly as they were trained on mine, he smiles showing his perfect teeth. The world fades out as I listen to the lyrics of the song, my heart skipping a beat slightly when Draco leans closer.

"Thank you for giving me everything I've dreamed of Melody" he whispers into my ear, I giggle and shake my head.

"Oh Draco I couldn't have possibly given you everything" I kiss his cheek. "I just gave you my love".

"Silly girl that is everything I dreamed about. One day I'd be lucky enough to have your love" He twirls me and we sway. "I used to dream of this"

"Of this huh? Always pictured me in your arms" I tease.

He flushes. "Believe it or not yes. I never wanted anyone else. I knew you where the girl who held my heart since day one."

My eyes water. "I did get lucky". He chuckles.

"No Melody I did" he caresses my face. "You gave me love and a family. A gorgeous family at that" I giggled. "I could die a happy man right now because I've accomplished what most men only dream of"

"You always were a sweet talker" he rolls his eyes.

"To no one but you". He gracefully dips me before pulling me back up. "Merry Christmas Love"

I place a kiss on his lips. "Merry Christmas Draco"

"For I can't help falling in love with you"

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