Not Your Rebound Wolf Girl (J...

By blah_world

173K 3K 894

April Clearwater hates practically everyone, including her imprint Jacob Black. But she'll have to get over a... More

A/N (Again Sorry)


10.5K 182 53
By blah_world

I'm not going to lie when I woke the next morning I was considerably hung over. My moans could be heard from down the hall but of cause no one bothered to check up on me. Not that I was expecting them to.

When I had enough strength to lift my head off from my pillow, I turned to see my alarm clock which currently read 9:00am. Crap! I was late. I downed two Panadol prayed it was enough and did the biggest mad rush of my life to get to school. Needless to say, it was 9:30 when I arrived, something I'm a little ashamed to say I'm proud of. As it stands, I'm only half an hour late to English surely that's not too bad...may even be a new personal best.

You know how in movies when someone's late and said person tries to be inconspicuous and make it to their seat undetected but literally ever student whips their heads to door like they have a neck spasm giving away said individual?...yeah well that just happened. Plus, add in the fakest cough by Quil Ateara to notify said teacher that I was in fact late. I sighed, yep its official Tuesdays can be worse than Mondays.  

I causally walked to my seat as if nothing was wrong but not before hearing the teacher mutter "That's detention Miss Clearwater". Man that sucks! Bloody Quil and his stupid fake cough!  

Once seated I tore a piece of paper out of my workbook proceeded to write "Douche Bag" in very angry block letters and screwed it up in a ball. I then through it at Quil's head only it never made Quil's head.... the paper ball seemed to have a mind of its own and did a complete double flip and somehow hit Jacob Black in the back of the head.

Well Fuck! Now I had nothing against Jacob Black, especially pre cult. Our families had always been close and we both shared Quil as a cousin which we use to joke about together as kids...but that was it. We never talked, we weren't close and he was slightly intimidating. He used to be goofball#3 with the Disease and Embry and then he ''changed'' once he joined the cult. I don't just mean grew taller with a six pack, I mean full blown brooding bad boy with a motorbike kinda change. Hence why to me and the entire school he was now but intimidating never the less. Not to mention he's untouchable because he's a Black and in La Push the Black's are probably the only family more powerful than mine because they come from a long line of chiefs. Hell his dad is chief! which makes him the future chief of our tribe and that's intimidating. He was always someone I  just waved at to be polite, we were acquaintances but not friends. When he joined the cult let's just say it made the elders day, I kid you not when he joined ''Sam and Co'' the elders had these massive smiles on their faces for days. I swear he joined the cult and the elders praised him for it instead disowning him because of whatever Sam gets up to. Yep, Jacob Black was trouble not to mention he was friends with Paul, and I avoided anything to do with Paul Lahote at all costs.

So I repeat I was intimidated and definitely not scared and shitting myself as I might've appeared to be. 

He drew out a breath of what could only be annoyance, picked up the paper ball and then opened it.

Shit double shit! Okay I'll just act causal, what's the worst he could do...just give me a big ass glare and call it a day, right? I mean that's what the cult did to everyone. Once he read it, he started shaking...was he having a seizure? And then he turned around to find said guilty party. 

My heartbeat was so loud I'm surprised the gum chewer sitting next me couldn't hear it, I then proceeded to sink in my seat as if that would hide me from his accusing eye. When his eyes did find me however they shifted from accusation to well I don't really know. It was like he was looking at me the way I had only seen my dad look at my mum during their wedding video or the way one looks at their child for the first time...complete and utter adoration.

I turned my head behind me to see who he was looking at to find Travis Scott. Surely not?... I never got the gay vibe from Black but who that I think about it him and the cult did spend allot of time together in very little clothing. I turned back around to Black whose face seemed to light up like a Christmas tree when he saw me looking at him. What the hell was he playing at? I flipped him off then and his face seemed to crumble with devastation and the weird thing was it hurt. Why the hell did Jacob Black of all people have the ability to physically hurt me with an expression? Maybe it was taking Panadol on an empty stomach, I hear that's not a good thing and I'm starting to see why.

Quil whose head was whipping between Black and myself like a pin pong ball seemed to be very conflicted. I looked towards him and nodded towards Jacob as if to ask what the hell is his problem? before Quil seemed to get to his senses and forcefully hit Jared's head to grab his attention and together they dragged Black out of the room all the while his eyes never left mine.

I felt weird once he left. You know like when you wake up from a dream in cold sweat mixed with the feeling that I was missing something...and I was aching for it, whatever the missing thing was I craved it only I didn't know what it was. I was defiantly feeling weird.

The rest of English passed in a blur and then so did math I was glad when the bell to lunch rang. When I found my locker, I wasn't surprised to find my boyfriend standing there. This was our routine make out by our lockers and then eat with the players and cheerleaders...our 'friends'. Pure torture really, the conversation...well lets be real it's just us gossiping about everyone and who wants to eat cafeteria food?. I couldn't help but compare Alec to Paul. For some reason I felt this strange urge to avoid him. But he'd already seen me and before I knew it we were making out only it felt different. Like I was suddenly kissing Seth and not Alec. I stopped and looked up at it was defiantly Alec. To test my theory, I grabbed his shirt and slammed my lips against his, he moaned a little something that would usually turn me on only seemed to deter me. But I still felt like I was making out with a relative, it was reproachful. I looked up at him desperately then trying to see if he felt it too or the lack of what we had yesterday. But nope he seemed into it... how strange. 

When we made it to our table in the cafeteria all my friends were gossiping about Kim Cornwell. It's not like Kim ever did anything to miss off my friends and make us hate her it was more along the lines of this plain ass girl is dating a cult member while the rest glare at any other girl that goes near them. As much as it pains me to say it when the boys join the cult, they do come out looking super-hot, like Greek Adonis kind of hot. Which is why it was even more painful when Paul broke up with me. He looked a thousand times hotter than he used to. He was all filled out and lost his boyish face. Even Seth looked more like 20 than 14.

"I mean what does he even see in her she's so flat chested" that seemed to induce a chorus of laughs. I turned my head to the cult's table to see Jared glaring darkly at Stacey while Kim was frantically whispering in his ear. Paul was aggressively stabbing his food and apart from the two of them the rest of the cult members were staring at me. I knew Black wasn't sitting with them or that he wasn't in school right now...I seemed oddly aware of the guy. The rest weren't glaring but staring almost protectively? When my eyes landed on Seth he gave me a mega wot smile. That's what alerted me to the fact that something was wrong. Seth hadn't acknowledged me since our dad died and now, he was beaming at me and currently waving me over to the cult table like a lunatic.

"Please tell me that's not my brother waving at me like a head case" I said. The girls stopped laughing and looked towards the cult table disapprovingly. I looked back over at Seth who looked like a wounded puppy and I glared at him, good! At least now he knows what it feels like. I heard Quil call me a bitch which made Embry nudge him and mutter something about Jacob. As if on que Paul slammed his fist on the table invoking a  squeal from Kim, he actually looked at me and marched out of the cafeteria.  It took me a moment to come back to reality, Paul looked at me and I wish he hadn't. That look would haunt my dreams, it was filled with betrayal the only question is why?. What the hell had I done to him? he was the one who broke up with me over goddamn text. Although it didn't hurt as much as it used to... maybe drinking my problems away last night helped me in starting to at least love him a little bit less.

The rest of they day went by smoothly and detention wasn't so bad. It was around five when I got home and what surprised me was once I walked through the door my mum gave me the biggest hug and started tearing up "Sweetheart, I'm so proud of you" I raised an eyebrow at her and muttered a thanks. To be honest I had no idea why she was proud, but I was just glad for the hug. Probs not the best time to mention I just got out of detention though. When I made to the kitchen, I was weirded out to see Billy Black. He was in his wheelchair staring at the entrance to the kitchen as if he'd been waiting awhile for someone. He looked allot like his son, They had the same eyes... it was strange. He was beaming at me like I was some sort of savior, looked me over and said "I'm glad its you kid, you'll do allot of good for this tribe" with that I nodded politely I mean he's the chief I couldn't just flip him off. I then walked casually out of the kitchen and ran up the stairs to my room. Why the hell are people so weird today?!?

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