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I'm currently sandwiched between Jacob Black and Crazy Leah. I'm motherfucking hungry and now I'm starting to get sweaty from their body heat. 

Quil and Embry we're watching their stare down as if it's somehow life altering. My brother was just starting at Jake like he was a god. To be fair I was probably looking at him the same way a few seconds ago. But now I'm just so confused by what's going on. I mean I know it's cult business that Leah literally dragged me into but apart from that I'm stumped. Plus let's be real I'm so over all the bullshit to the point I'm beyond caring. I just want to eat.

Jacobs eyes shifted from Leah to myself, he looked torn. And it may or may not of hurt to look at. 

"Hey Jake, do you want a sandwich?"

His eyebrows creased and he frowned down at me. "What?"

"Um it's like bread with stuff in it. Actually it doesn't have to be a sandwich, we could eat anything". I could feel myself smiling up at him and I didn't know if it was from his close proximity or the thought of food. 

My sister growled under her breath. "He's not hungry Ace."

I tore my eyes away from Jacob and rose my eyebrows at her "Well that's rude, you know I'm still hungry and if I'm being honest I don't really care about weather you guys care or not. Now I'm going back to the kitchen, your going to let me the fuck go and I'm going to eat". 

Jacob sighed. And then he grabbed my other wrist. It still burned but it felt more pleasant then Leah's grip. He smirked down at me and then he gave Leah a look. I could only describe it as a look you'd give someone before going into battle. Seriously he needs to chill it's just going to the kitchen for a sandwich, not WW3.

He looked at the idiots behind him and nodded at them "No one shifts until we get back, we can't risk the others getting word of this"

Quil sombrely patted his shoulder "We've got your back man".

Embry nodded beside him "Yeah, you can count on us, we'll stand behind you till the end". 

He smiled at them and then Leah finally let go, only to leap on me. She's hugging me, I repeat Leah Clearwater is hugging me! 

"Urgh Leah stop acting crazy!". What is wrong with her today?!?

She sighed "Just don't hate me, if we could've told you we would've"

"Um okay? I'm just going to the kitchen so..." She let go of me and her eyes were teary, someone's definitely more weird then usual. I looked at Seth and he mouthed 'I love you' while drawing  a heart around his chest with his fingers. Strange. My siblings are fucking strange!

Okay so this is weird, I'm just going to walk away now. So I did and Jacob followed willingly because he's still holding my hand.

When we made it to the kitchen I felt his hand leave mine. I turned around and he was gripping the counter with his head down...shirtless. 

"So, I think Seth used up all the peanut butter. but we have pretty much everything else". He didn't move and I was starting to get concerned.

"Um Jacob? Are you okay?"

He rose his head and stared at me, like I was water in a desert. From this position I got a full view of his torso and mixed with that look he was giving...I sighed. Like a girl in a movie kind of sigh. Suddenly I was hungry for something other than a sandwich.

He smirked after he took in my expression. "I'm fine, are you okay?"

No. No I fucking wasn't. I'm confused, hot and hungry. I ignore him, marched out of the kitchen and up the stairs only to reappear a minute later. I threw one of Seth's shirts at his face without warning.

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