The Other Summoner Fairytail...

Oleh Gladecavalier_16

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There is a Universe called Imen but it is been destroyed by a phenomena called the "DOOMED" the whole univers... Lebih Banyak

Nathaniel's Past
Welcome to Fairytail
Nathaniel's Profile
Nathaniel's Profile ver. 1.5
Special Chapter


763 25 0
Oleh Gladecavalier_16

Team Natsu finally arrived home to the Guild Hall, but what they saw what not what they had expected. Not only was the Guild Hall no longer under reconstruction, but it was even larger than before, almost as if it was turned into a small castle.

Nathaniel: "Seriously?"

Natsu and Happy: "They finished building it?!

Gray: "This is it! Fairy Tail's new Guild Hall."

Everyone continued inside, where they were met with a lot of tables in the exterior of the hall.

Nathaniel: "We even got a cafe now?!"

Lucy then looked towards a small hut that read: "Fairy Tail Goods Shop."

Lucy: "Do we really need a gift shop too?"

The man working the shop then spoke.

Shop Worker: "Heh heh heh, nice to see you all made it back alright. What's new?"

Happy then flew towards the Worker.

Happy: "They have you working the gift shop Max? It's been a while since we've seen you around the Guild!"

Max: "Well the Master wanted me to go back to school so that I could take some business classes."

Lucy: "Oh my gosh your Max Alors! I've read all about you in Sorcerer Weekly."

Max: "Yes ma'am that'd be me, and I've heard a lot about you Lucy!"

This cause Lucy to turn around and grab her cheeks, not out of fan girling, but for lament

Lucy: "I don't even wanna hear about what they've told you.."

Happy: "What kind of stuff do you sell here?"

Max: "We got T-shirts, wristbands, mugs, towels, and then of course, our most popular item."

Happy then held up a mini figure of Lucy.

Happy: "Wow, A Lucy Figurine!"

Lucy: "Why didn't anyone ask me if it was okay first?"

Max: "She's posable, and her clothes pop off!"

As if on cue, the cloths on the Lucy Figurine suddenly popped off the body, leaving Lucy's white swim suit.

Lucy: "Eek!"

Continuing on, the inside of the Hall was even larger than ever before. Everyone but Natsu looked on in awe. Instead, Natsu was pushing his head into his scarf slightly.

Nathaniel: "Now this is what I'm talking about!"

Erza: "I could get used to this."

Gray: "Hey, what's wrong Natsu?"

Natsu: "I'm not good with change."

Levy then approached Team Natsu, waving at them.

Levy: "It's so good to see you back Lu and Nathan!"

Lucy: "Oh, hi Levy!"

Levy: "Guess what? Now we've got a swimming pool behind the bar!"

Lucy: "That's kinda wierd."

Natsu: "It's just not the same."

Levy: "We even got a game room down in the basement."

Nathaniel: "Does it need to be so big?"

Natsu: "I don't like it."

Levy: "Course, the biggest change is on the 2nd floor. Now, everyone is allowed up on the second floor."

Elfman then approached the balcony on the second floor and waved at everyone below.

Levy: "Master actually lets more of us go on S-class quests now, but only if an S-Class wizard agrees to go along as well."

Makarov then approached Team Natsu and Levy.

Makarov: "Well it's nice to see that you dunderheads have made it back safely."

Erza: "Master!"

Team Natsu then realized that someone was standing next to Makarov, but everyone had trouble recognizing who it was.

Makarov: "Everyone, I'd like you to meet our newest member, Juvia! Isn't she a cutie?"

Nathaniel: "Master dont do some horrible things to her"

Makarov: *gulp* "Of course"

Juvia then did a slight curtsy to greet everyone.

Juvia: "I look forward to working with you all!"

Gray: "So you actually made it in huh?"

Erza: "Thank you for all of that help back in Akane."

Juvia: "No, no, I should be thanking you, because now I found a new guild!"

Lucy: "Hey girl?"

Juvia's expression then suddenly changed.

Juvia: "We will fight for Gray!!"

Makarov continued to speak as Juvia continued to stare at Lucy.

Makarov: "We also have another new member in the guild. One you might recognized actually."

Makarov gestured to a table and everyone couldn't believe what they saw.

Nathaniel: "I'm impressed that you made him join the guild "

Gray: "Him?! Are you kidding me!?"

The second new member, was none other than Gajeel Redfox. Gray and Natsu then took fighting stances.

Natsu: "Gajeel!"

Gray: "Why did you let him in here Gramps!?"

Juvia then stood between Natsu and Gray.

Juvia: "Please, calm down! I asked him to come along with me."

Even Erza had an angered look on her face.

Erza: "I'm fine with Juvia, but he is the one responsible for in destroying the Guild Hall, not to mention even attack Levy and her team."

Levy was hiding behind a table. Jet and Droy were silently watching from the side.

Levy: "I-it's okay. If I'm fine with him being here then it's alright."

Lucy: "Levy..."

Nathaniel then silently walked forward and sat across from Gajeel, a blank expession on his face as he did so.

Nathaniel: "So, you decided to join the guild huh?"

The Guild Hall almost went quiet at they looked at Nathaniel and Gajeel sitting at the same table, waiting to see what would happen next. Suddenly Nathaniel smiled at Gajeel

Nathaniel: "Good for you! Wanna go on a job together some time?"

Everyone in the Guild Hall then fell over, almost immediately getting up after.

Natsu: "Are you serious Nathan!?"

Erza: "How can you be so casual against the one who injured everyone in the guild!?"

Nathaniel: "What happened in the past stays on the past and yesterday's enemies, can be your allies today, right Gramps?"

Makarov: "Couldn't have said it better myself. I appreciate that boy."

Gray: "I can't believe that you are actually fine with this!"

Nathaniel: "What happened in the past, happened, there's no changing it. Sure, I won't really forgive you for your past actions, but it doesn't hurt to try to be friends right Gajeel?"

Gajeel simply snorted, and then spoke.

Gajeel: "Listen Nathan, I only came here so I could take jobs and earn money, not be all best friends with you or anyone in the Guild, got it?!"

Nathaniel: "Well well, someone isn't in a very social mood. Hahhaha"

Gajeel: "Move somewhere else, before I do it for you Shaman."

Nathaniel: "Alright alright, jeez, don't need to be such a jerk about it."

Nathaniel then got back up and walked back towards Team Natsu.

Natsu then walked up to Gajeel's table and tried to pick a fight with him, this continued on for a few moments before Natsu then walked away, tucking himself back into his scarf. Suddenly, all the lights in the hall went out and spotlights shone on a set off curtains that moved to the side to reveal Mirajane wearing a bright yellow dress and a guitar.

Nathaniel:"Hey Mira! We made it back! Did Laxus came today?"

Mirajane: "It's nice to see you all. I would like to dedicate this to Fairy Tail's strongest team, and they safe return. And C'mon Nathan he is here when you are only here"

Everyone in the hall began to cheer as Mirajane serenaded the crowd with her voice and her guitar. Her singing only lasting for a minute before the curtains suddenly closed and opened again, revealing Gajeel wearing a white suit and a guitar of his own. Everyone booed and started to throw objects at Gajeel. Natsu simply covered his ears.

Natsu: "This had to be the worst song I've ever heard!"

Gajeel's guitar suddenly met Natsu's face as Gajeel made some sounds out of a harmonica in his mouth that was similar to fighting words. Before long a fight broke out in the guild, and Erza suddenly joined in cause Gray knocked over her strawberry cake, and Elfman stepped on it right after. The fight continued for a while, but in that moment for Natsu, the new hall felt more like home that it did at the start. Then he go to the Master's Office.

Nathaniel: "Hey Master can I talk to you for a sec?"

Makarov: "What is it boy?"

Nathaniel: "I'm not participating on the Festival"

Makarov: "WHAT?! But we know that you always wanted to go at the festival"

Nathaniel: "It is just I dont feel like doing the parade this year"

Makarov: "Okay, but be careful okay"

Nathaniel: "Yes Gramls I'm leaving now"

Makarov: "Wait"

Nathaniel: "What is it Master?"

Makarov: "Please always take care of Laxus you're the only person who know him more than we do"

Nathaniel: "Ofcourse Master I will"


Nathaniel was taking a walk near the area of the SouthGate Park, until he heard a loud commotion coming from the park.

Nathaniel: <What in the world could be going on?>

Nathaniel quickly ran and jumped on top of one of the fences leading into South Gate Park, and saw Gajeel being beaten up by Jet and Droy.

Nathaniel: <What did he do this time? Wait, he isn't fighting back? What is going on here?>

It was at that moment that Laxus appeared from behind Jet and Droy.

Laxus: "You guys aren't giving the new guy any trouble are you?"

Jet: "Laxus!"

Laxus: "But, seeing as this is the guy that tore down our Guild Hall I know how you feel. I'm willing to bet the old man only let you in because he was scared of you wrecking the place again."

Nathaniel:<How could you say such a thing about your own Grandfather like that?!>

Laxus: "We've become the laughingstock of the magic community, all because of YOU! On my way back from my last job, I stopped at some pubs, and I heard some rumors that really pissed me off. Everyone was talking about how weak the Fairy Tail guild was now! No one DARED to say anything about it before you came along!"

Laxus suddenly shocked Gajeel with a large amount of lightning magic. Laxus then slammed his fist into the ground and a wheel of lightning made it's way to Gajeel, sending him backwards into a tree that then exploded from the impact. Laxus then started to stomp on Gajeel's head, electricity shooting out with each stomp he made!

Nathaniel: <That's taking it too far! He's gonna kill him!>

Nathaniel then jumped down and started to run towards everyone from behind Team Shadow Gear.

Jet: "That's enough Laxus cut it out!"

Laxus: "I don't take orders from YOU!"

Nathaniel: "Then you will take orders from me"

Laxus then shot out a bolt of lightning that went straight for Levy, but what happened was surprising. Gajeel, stood in front of Levy, and took the lightning bolt by transforming his arm into metal.

Nathaniel: <So he does care about the guild...>

Laxus: "Damn Punk! HOW DARE YOU GET IN THE WAY!"

Laxus shot another bolt at Gajeel, but this time Nathaniel appeared in front of Laxus, take the hit of the lightning before it could even touch Gajeel or Levy.

Levy: "N-Nathan"

Gajeel: "Shaman?!"

Nathaniel then finished taking Laxus' lightning and then spoke.

Nathaniel: "Care to explain why you're going against Master's wishes?"

Laxus: "His 'wishes' don't apply to me Nathan!"

Nathaniel: "So, all you care about is a strong guild huh? That's not what the true meaning of a guild is Laxus."

Laxus: "Spare me the lecture! I've already gotten it enough times from the Old Man!"

Nathaniel: "Then you've heard it enough times to know that doing things like this is not right."

Gajeel: "You guys done with me yet? I've got other things to do."

Nathan simply looked on as Gajeel slowly walked towards him and heal him.

Levy: "Gajeel, wa-"

Gajeel: "Just leave me alone..."

And with that Gajeel left South Gate Park, and Laxus left as well, leaving just Nathaniel, and Team ShadowGear.

Nathaniel: "Now, I'm going to ask you two the same thi-"

Jet: "How can you be fine with this?!"

Nathaniel: "Did I ever say I was?"

Droy: "W-what...?"

Nathaniel: "I haven't forgotten what Gajeel did, but he's trying to be accepted by everyone right now. I'm sure you all recognized that when you were beating him down. "

Jet, Droy and Levy then looked to the side.

Nathaniel: "Look, I know you aren't willing to let go of the past, but at least try to get along with Gajeel. There is no point in getting revenge. Do you know why? Because even if you manage to get your revenge, then you still gain nothing but dirty hands in the end."

Jet and Droy went silent after that, Nathaniel left the park. As Nathaniel walk through to his house he sees Laxus leaning against the wall.

Laxus: "Who the hell hurt you?"

Nathaniel: "Wow Laxus am I never gonna hear you say hi or hello. am I?"

Laxus: "Just answer my question"

Nathaniel: "Dont worry about it my body heals quickly okay"

Then he starts to walk towards somewhere passing Nathaniel.

Laxus: "Sorry, but I had to do this NOW!"

Then the Thunder Legion came out to their hiding spot. Nathaniel is trapped inside the runes. He tries to use magic but he cant.

Nathaniel: "Laxus what is the meaning of this?"

Laxus: "You will be the potential threat to my plans I have to get rid of you first. Now Evergreen!!"

Evergreen: "Sorry Nathan but if you just join us this wouldn't happened"

Evergreen look at Nathaniel and do her petrification magic but nothing happens.

Evergreen: "How is this possible? My magic wont work on him"

Nathaniel: "Sorry but any status ailment spell wont work on me even if you try to take or control my soul it's not going to happened"

Freed: "Then you leave us no choice. Dark Ecriture: Pain, Suffering"

Bickslow: "Byron Formation"

Evergreen: "Fairy Machine Gun"

They attack him but his still standing

Laxus: "Sorry Nathan I want to protect you but this is the only way that you will not ruin my plan. Lightning Dragon's Roar"

It hit Nathaniel he was going to fall but he manage to say some words before he black out

Nathaniel: "I will always be by your side"

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