Justice League Femme

By AmethystJewels

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**Based off of the New 52/Rebirth Storylines as well as some Arrowverse characters** After a mysterious illne... More

Prologue: Supergirl
Chapter One: Batgirl
Chapter Two: Wonder Woman
Chapter Three: Supergirl
Chapter Four: Batgirl
Chapter Five: Wonder Woman
Chapter Six: Supergirl
Chapter Seven: Batgirl
Chapter Eight: Wonder Woman
Chapter Nine: Supergirl
Chapter Ten: Batgirl
Chapter Eleven: Wonder Woman
Chapter Thirteen: Batgirl
Chapter Fourteen: Wonder Woman
Chapter Fifteen: Supergirl
Chapter Sixteen: Batgirl
Chapter Seventeen: Wonder Woman
Chapter Eighteen: Supergirl
Chapter Nineteen: Batgirl
Chapter Twenty: Wonder Woman
Chapter Twenty-One: Supergirl
Chapter Twenty-Two: Batgirl
Chapter Twenty-Three: Wonder Woman
Chapter Twenty-Four: Supergirl
Chapter Twenty-Five: Batgirl
Chapter Twenty-Six: Wonder Woman
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Supergirl
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Batgirl
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Wonder Woman
Chapter Thirty: Supergirl
Chapter Thirty-One: Batgirl
Chapter Thirty-Two: Wonder Woman
Chapter Thirty-Three: Supergirl
Chapter Thirty-Four: Batgirl
Chapter Thirty-Five: Wonder Woman
Chapter Thirty-Six: Supergirl
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Batgirl
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Wonder Woman
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Supergirl
Chapter Forty: Batgirl
Chapter Forty-One: Wonder Woman
Chapter Forty-Two: Supergirl
Epilogue One: Batgirl
Epilogue Two: Wonder Woman
Epilogue Three: Supergirl
Epilogue Four

Chapter Twelve: Supergirl

36 3 0
By AmethystJewels

I sat in front of a plate of steak and mashed potatoes with green beans on the side. I looked over to see a woman with dirty blonde hair and a man with dark hair sitting on the sides of the table. Their skin was a peachy color, the man's was slightly paler than the woman's.

"So how was school today, Kara?" the man asked as he scooped up a bit of mashed potatoes.

I sighed. "It's fine, Jeremiah. Nothing new or anything. The stuff at school is too easy."

"How so?" Jeremiah asked before letting out a rough cough.

"The math and science is so outdated from the stuff back on Krypton," I answered, "the algebra they teach us is almost rudimentary."

"Well, Krypton was advanced compared to Earth, Kara," the woman said.

Another sigh escaped me. "I know, Eliza."

"Have you considered enrolling for AP classes for next year?"

I shrugged. "Maybe." I paused for a second. "But with everything going on, I already feel run-down. I mean, even Kal doesn't seem to have faith in me."

Jeremiah shook his head. "You know how Clark is. He hasn't given up on you."

Eliza's silvery-blue eyes looked up at me. Her eyebrows furrowed. "What's going on?"

"There's been an epidemic going around lately," I explained, "it's been impacting mainly guys. The League and I are trying to get to the bottom of it."

"An epidemic?" Jeremiah asked before letting out another cough.

I nodded.

"You sure it wasn't just something that was naturally-created?"

"It doesn't seem like it."

Jeremiah turned to Eliza. "Looks like I know what I'm sick with, honey."

She sighed. "You need to see the doctor about it. That chest cold's been clinging onto you for far too long."

I picked at my green beans.

"First thing tomorrow," Eliza added, "I'm being serious."

"I know, you are, Eliza," Jereiah said. He let out yet another hard cough.

Once dinner ended, I went into my room. It was small, but roomy. My bed was pushed up against the wall, with a desk on the other side. A window was right beside my bed. My phone was face up on my bed. I went over to turn it on. I switched over to a second social media account, my Supergirl account. My profile was empty, but with way too many followers. I tapped into the "direct messages" of my Supergirl account.

"Lee," I texted to him, "it's me. Meet me at the rooftop of City Hall?"

Lee quickly texted back. "Yeah. I'll be there in ten."

I smiled at the screen. "Sweet," I texted back. With that, I put my phone back on my bed. I opened the window and flew out.

The night air was crisp when I arrived at the roof of City Hall. The building was a little too short to be a skyscraper, but I could still see the lights of the city and traffic. A sigh escaped me. Suddenly, I could hear the footsteps from inside the building below me. A heartbeat, too. I turned around as the door to the roof opened.

Lee panted lightly. "How the hell do you get here so fast?"

I chuckled lightly before I floated for a second.

They shook their head. "Unfair." A small smile grew on his face. "Okay, what can't you do?"

"Still figuring it out myself." I sighed as I came back down. "I need to talk to you. I figured that you could confide in me, I can confide in you, too."

Lee walked closer to me. "What's up?"

"There has been an epidemic," I explained, "it's been spreading like wildfire."

"Yeah, I heard," Lee replied.

"The problem we've noticed that it's affecting only males."


"I've been working on this case with other heroes," I answered, "Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Batwoman, just to name a few. And there's only more to join."

"Wouldn't doctors and researchers be able to like, get it straightened out?"

"We believe this is one of the Joker's schemes."

Lee's eyes widened. "Oh."

"It's all in the symptoms." I sighed. "But Harley told us the truth that she hasn't worked with the Joker, so we don't know for sure if it is or not."

"So what now?"

"That's why I came to you," I said, "we don't know. I know you wouldn't have the answers, either, but I wanted to let you know what was going on. I feel that it'd be unfair if I left you in the dark."

"Thank you, Supergirl," Lee replied. He sighed. "Will you leave National City to solve the problem?"

I shrugged slightly. "I don't know yet. There's always a possibility."

Suddenly, a loud, metallic sound echoed, like something had crashed. My eyes widened at that.

"You okay, Supergirl?" Lee asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." I floated off of the roof. "I have to go. There's trouble brewing downtown."

"Stay safe."

I smiled lightly back at them. "I will." With that, I flew off.

I flew over to downtown National City. My eyes widened. "Oh..crap."

A fifty-foot tall woman with light auburn hair rampaged through the streets. Her yellowish-orange, fitted crop top revealed that her abs clearly ripped. She growled as her gray eyes landed on me. "Where's Wonder Woman?"

"Not here, Giganta," I shot back.

She stomped over to me, almost running, crushing the road and sidewalk under her enormous feet. "I guess I can work with a Kryptonian." She charged at me now.

I swung my fist at her, sending her flying back. "You and I both know you won't win."

Giganta growled as she stood back up.

"You still wouldn't win even if it was Wonder Woman."

She gritted her teeth as she charged at me.

I flew up, missing her grasp. I watched as she crashed into a building. "You want to terrorize National City, for what? Notoriety? Revenge, maybe?"

"You people think you're oh-so-perfect here," Giganta barked, "and look down at the people who aren't that. At the top are Wonder Woman...and in a sense, you." She swiped me with her hand, slamming me down to the asphalt of the street.

I stumbled back to my feet. I glared at her, releasing my heat-vision onto her chest. It burned her. I could hear her pained screech.

Giganta glared at me as she swooped her palm over me, sending me into yet another building. My head throbbed. I could feel the wind knocked out of me. I was able to send out a concussive wave through my thunderclap, but it only knocked Giganta back so far. She wouldn't have to run too far to get back to me. She threw me around, and around, and around. An uppercut from under the chin. A hook from the side of my torso. By the time she stopped to catch her breath, I could feel bruises swelling up around my face and chest.

Suddenly, there was a neon green light. I looked up to see a streak of that light flying over us. My eyes widened at the sight. Jessica Cruz: the female Green Lantern of Earth.

Jessica flew down next to me. She was in a bright green and black jumpsuit with the Green Lantern Corps symbol over her heart. Her hazel eyes looked over at me, with one of her eyes having the Green Lantern Corps symbol around it. The glow lit up her tan face. "I heard you needed help, Supergirl."

I nodded. "Haven't seen you in a while."

Giganta gritted her teeth when she saw it. "You too?" She growled as she charged for us.

Right as Giganta was about to swat at us, Green Lantern pointed her Green Lantern Corps ring at her and formed a green forcefield around us.

Giganta ricocheted off of the forcefield.

Quickly, Green Lantern and I flew over toward Giganta.

"How are the other Green Lanterns?" I asked. "Hal? John?"

"Out of commission for the moment," she replied ash she sent a bright green blast at Giganta.

"Out of commission?" I repeated as I punched Giganta in the cheek, knocking her back slightly.

"They're sick with this thing," Green Lantern explained as she conjured a green, hologram-like missile at Giganta, "no one in the Green Lantern Corps knows what's going on with them."

"Not a clue?" I asked as I burned Giganta's chest with my heat-vision.

Green Lantern shook her head as she conjured a hologram-like mallet and swinging it at Giganta via her ring. "The only clue we have is that it seems to get worse every day."

My eyes widened at this. With that, I sent out a thunderclap at Giganta. She was flung back and into one of the buildings she had thrown me into earlier. Green, hologram-like chains formed around her.

"Hit her with your best shot, Supergirl!" Green Lantern shouted as she kept her ring aimed at Giganta.

I looked at Giganta directly in the eye as she tried to squirm her way out of the chains. I let out a giant breath that instantly surrounded Giganta in ice. "Try getting out now," I shot back.

Soon, Giganta started to shrink back down into her normal height. The ice still retained her from escaping.

I turned to Green Lantern. "Thank you."

She smiled. "Heroes help other heroes after all."

"Speaking of help," I said, "meet me in National City park in five."

"Civilian?" Green Lantern asked.

I nodded. With that, we flew off.

The only light in the park was from the streetlights. The space was empty, letting the cool air blow without an interruption.

I sat on a bench, with a warm jacket and my glasses covering my eyes. I looked over to see Jessica walking toward me in a dark green hoodie and jeans.

"Long time, no see, Kara."

I smiled. "Thank Rao you came. I don't know if I could've taken her on for much longer."

"What were you doing here?"

Jessica sat down beside me, leaning into the back of the bench. "In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight." She chuckled. "I thought you knew the oath, too, Kara."

I couldn't help but chuckle back. "But why National City specifically? There's trouble always happening somewhere."

"Never got to travel here before."

"You've been to places like Metropolis, Gotham, and even Oa, but not once have you ever been--?"

"To National City," Jessica chuckled, "I know."

I sighed. "Look, I need your help."

Jessica sat up. Her brunette hair hung by the corners of her hazel eyes.

"You and I both know that something is very wrong right now. I mean, you even said that some of the Green Lanterns have taken a hit."

Her eyes widened slightly. "The mysterious illness."

I nodded. "Yeah." I paused for a second as I watched Jessica take it in. "We believe the Joker is behind all of it."

She knitted her eyebrows together. "We?"

"A few of the other girls," I answered, "Babs, Diana, Dinah, Kate, Huntress, possibly Zee. Hell, we even have Vibe on our side."

"Vibe?" Jessica asked, "isn't Vibe--?"

"A guy?" I replied, "yeah, but he isn't infected."

"Yet, Kara. You don't know how long you can keep him that way, especially at the rate of infection."

My eyes widened at this. I sighed and slightly hung my head. "I know." After a moment, I raised my head. "But we need all hands on deck. Including you."

"Who will protect the cities while we find the Joker?"

"We will still guard our own cities," I answered, "but with this as well."

Jessica smiled lightly. "Like a female Justice League, almost...Justice League Femme."

I smiled lightly back. "I guess so."

"That being said, you will need to recruit more people, considering how large-scale this problem with this is."

"Who do you have in mind?" I leaned in a bit.

"There are two people that come to mind," Jessica said, "first off, Jesse Chambers."

"Jesse Quick," I murmured.

"She's a powerful speedster, something I think would be good to have on our side. Last I heard she was studying at Gotham University."

"Like Babs."

"The second one I have in mind is Courtney Whitmore, or Stargirl."

"Stargirl?" I asked, " but isn't she kinda young?"

"Aren't you kinda young, Kara?"

"Yeah, but, I'm a couple years older," I said, "I'm seventeen, she's like, fifteen. Plus, Kal's been watching me."

"And yet he put you down."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You knew?"

"Everyone knew," Jessica replied, "and everyone knew he was being a bit too harsh on you, too." She paused for a second. "Look, for as young as Courtney is, she's got quite the power arsenal, with that staff and converter belt of hers."

I shrugged. "I guess."

"The only problem is that I don't know where we'd find her," Jessica added, "my best guess would be to check the JLA's database."

"You think Babs could help with that?" I asked.

"She's a smart girl. I know she can."

I smiled as I stood up. "Thank you for coming here, Jessica. You've really helped us a lot. That, and from saving me from getting the crap kicked out of my from Giganta."

She stood up from the bench as well. "All in a day's work." She looked to me. "Kara, if you or the others ever need me, you can always contact me. I know you guys will need as much firepower as possible."

"Thank you."

Jessica smiled at me. "See you around, Supergirl."

I smiled back at her. "See you around, too, Green Lantern."

With that, we left the park in opposite directions.

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