An innocent girl in a mafia c...

Par abirrosa2

136K 3.8K 460

When you are a member of the mafia family, you need to be strong, ruthless, and cunning. But when you are one... Plus

My first note
Casting list
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 11
Important Note (Facebook group)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Not a chapter!!!!
Story trailer
New cover
Note (Please read it)
New story
An apology note


1.8K 74 4
Par abirrosa2

Hello everyone!

I am sorry for the delay in updating. Honestly, I didn't have the inspiration to write a good chapter these past days, but now I am back with new events.

This story is coming to an end. There is one more chapter, two maximum, then it is the epilogue.

Warning: This Chapter contains violence and foul language.

Here is a new chapter! Enjoy!


"Is he awake yet?" Caroline asked her brother in law as soon as they entered Hunter's room.

Edward who just finished cleaning his nephew's injury looked up at his brother and his wife. He tried to smile gently to ease the woman's worry.

"He woke up two hours earlier. And just before you arrived, I gave him some painkillers so he can sleep and rest."

Caroline's face shone in utter happiness. She smiled so big and hugged Edward then she rushed to her son's bed. She clasped one of his now slightly warm hands and kissed his knuckles gently.

Damien who saw past his brother's fake smile motioned for him to follow him outside the room.

The two men left Caroline to her happiness with the promise to visit later. Once they were out of earshot, Damien stopped walking and looked up at his brother. Edward understood the unspoken question.

"When I arrived later, Hunter was awake. But he was out of control. According to his doctor, it took him mere minutes to remember the accident. He immediately started yanking every tube from his arms and emerged from his room looking for Anna. Even with our men, it was a struggle to put him back to bed. I walked in the scene when they were trying to sedate him. I stopped them and ordered everyone out. I let him take it out of his system. I am glad Caroline was with you because the room was a total mess. When finally he was calm enough to listen, I talked to him for a little while then gave him some painkillers. Now, he is asleep but it won't be for long. Be ready to contain him because believe me, he is a raging bull." Edward advised his brother.

Damien ran his hand through his dark hair. Those past days were very frustrating and exhausting and on top of it, he had to deal with his unreasonable son.

"I am in the office with Jason and Ethan should you need me. Keep an eye on him for me. When he wakes up, just leave him and come to fetch me, I will deal with him."

Damien entered his office to find Jacob sitting on one of the many sofas around. He nodded at the man and took his chair behind the desk. The two men sat silently for a moment.

"Karen is torn. She didn't stop crying since Anna disappeared. I don't want the history to repeat itself."

Without any farther explanation, Damien understood which history his friend was talking about. Losing a little girl each took a toll on them. The circumstances were different and not related, but the results were the same, pain and desperation.

"It won't happen again, Jacob. I promise I won't allow those bastards to be the reason for my son's pain or my family's pain. If you and Karen consider Anna as a daughter, then she is family for me. And on top of it, my son loves her. I can see it in his eyes, and you know Hunter, he won't give up." Jacob nodded his head, grateful for his friend's words because if Damien Salviatti gave you a promise, he will die before breaking it.

"So, what are we going to do?" Jacob asked.

"I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work." Damien powered his computer and started typing.


Anna's eyelids started to flutter open. She blinked several times to adjust her eyes to the dimly illuminated room. Anna felt her mind foggy and for a moment, she forgot where she was. She tried to rub her eyes to scrub the soreness from them only to realize her hands were tied behind her back.

Memories started flooding, and Anna wished she didn't wake up. After she heard the cars screeching and all the noise fade in the dark night, Anna lost hope. They left without her. Lucca led her to a basement where it was completely dark.

Upon her entrance, Anna smelled a stench odour. She gagged and emptied the contents of her stomach instantly. It was impossible to smell something like this and keep your stomach full. Her eyes grew double size when the moon's light cast in the room, she saw skeletons and bones thrown around, and this was the moment she started fighting to get out of Lucca's iron grip. The man looked at his guard and without a word, the stout man stabbed a needle in Anna's neck.

"I have had enough of your nonsense for one day. I need a moment for myself without your endless whining." Those were the last words Anna heard before darkness consumed her.

At present, Anna shivered and noticed she was only in her jeans and a thin white tank top. She swallowed hard and looked around the room doing her best to ignore the smell and the bones under her feet. The light from the small window indicated it was midday or early afternoon. I'd slept more than ten hours, Anna realised in a horrifying conclusion.

Anna wriggled her wrists looking for a way to untie herself, but the hard ropes rubbing against her delicate skin made her hiss. The rattling of the metallic door grabbed Anna's attention and her breath stopped.

She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. She hoped her acting skills will benefit her, and she will fool them.

Heavy footsteps walked towards her head. Anna felt a cold hand caressing her cheeks, and she tried her hardest to stay stoic. A hard tug on her head was enough for her to snap her eyes open, and the charade to go down the drain. Anna felt her scalp burning as Lucca's grip didn't lighten, and he leaned over her. His mint breath fanned her face and he spoke darkly.

"don't try and lie to me, princess. I will find out, and you won't like the consequences. Am I clear?"

Anna strained to nod her head and prayed he will let go of her hair. Lucca smirked in satisfaction and let go of her hair. At this moment, Anna would have given anything for a massage.

Lucas grabbed a chair and sat facing her. He gave her one of his sick smiles and said with fake pleasantry.

"I know you want to be out of here as much as I want to get rid of you and your clan. Now, it is so easy for this to happen, all you have to do is to give me all the information you found on the drive so I can know how much those bastards know about my plans."

Anna looked at his eyes and smiled with ease.

"I'm not giving you anything. I'm not a traitor like some of you." Anna sneered, she was surprised at the confidence and power she was showing.

Lucca laughed out loud and shook his head.

"Do you really think you are a member of the mighty Salviatti family? Those dogs don't like intruders. They are only loyal to their own blood. They will crush you like a bug after you served them."

"Hunter loves me, and he would never do something like this to me. You will be the one crushed this time." Anna shot back.

Lucca laughed once again until tears gathered in his eyes.

"You amuse me so much, little girl. If only I have time so I can hear more of your jokes." His features darkened and he spoke with an icy voice, "unfortunately, I don't have time to waste on your silly ideas. Hunter's love is just an illusion you believe. Once he leaves for college, you will be just his high school sweetheart. Now, don't make me take drastic measures, and tell me what I want."

Anna just stared at him stubbornly and shook her head. Lucas stood from his chair and kicked it against the wall.

"I gave you the chance to confess nicely. You refused my generosity, I will take it out of you the hard way." Lucas left the room banging the door behind him. Anna slouched in her seat and sighed. She was feeling a new type of fear. Fear of her life, for the first time, she felt fear of dying.

The door opened once again and two men with Alex entered the room. Anna scoffed at her supposed friend who avoided her eyes. Lucca was the last one to enter and closed the door with another bang. He looked at his men and ordered coldly.

"I want the information she has. Use anything to have them apart from killing her. I want her alive when you are done." Lucca gave Anna a burning look and left.

Anna swallowed hard when one of the men walked to her and slapped her without any words. Her face turned to the other side from the force of the blow. She felt blood filling her mouth, and she had to spit it so she can breathe. Before Anna had the chance to compose herself, she received another blow on her left cheek.

This time Anna, saw black dots dance in front of her. She closed her eyes as tears flowed freely down her face. Another blow to Anna's stomach made her fall out of her chair. She gasped loudly to fill her lungs that were screaming for air. She wouldn't be surprised if one of her ribs was broken.

The same man who was hitting Anna grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her to a sitting position on her chair.

Alex looked at the two men and before they could touch Anna once again, he spoke sternly.

"give her a rest." The men took a step back and stood watching. Alex arched an eyebrow and nodded towards the door. The men looked at each other and one of them spoke gruffly, "five minutes and we will be back."

Alex crouched in front of Anna and brushed her hair away from her face. Anna flinched at his touch and looked away. Alex leaned over and whispered lowly.

"I know Lucas is listening to us. But I am going to help you, Anna. Just give them something before they beat you to a pulp. Buy me some time so I can go and inform Hunter where you are."

Anna looked at him in astonishment, "do you think I am stupid? I will never trust you again, Alex."

"Believe me, Anna. I am trying to help you. Just do as I say." Alex whispered pleadingly. Five minutes ended quicker than anyone anticipated. The two burly men entered the basement. Anna's eyes bulged when she saw the one who punched her before carrying a long knife in his hand. Anna looked at Alex with teary eyes. He gave her a subtle nod making sure no one will notice their way of communication.

The man shrugged off his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his blue dress shirt. He gave Anna a sick smile and approached her. Anna shook her head vigorously and spoke hurriedly, "I will tell you something important."

The other man who was standing a guard in front of the door nodded his head and went out. Moments later, he entered with Lucca behind him. Anna's tormentor smiled flashing his perfect white teeth. "Finally, you gained your senses back."

Anna swallowed hard and spoke with her eyes closed.

"Today the Don is flying back to New York. They know about the bomb you planted on his private jet." Lucca's face showed the anger he was feeling.

"Those are precious information, little girl. You have earned rest until I sort this matter and come back for more."

Lucas then looked at Alex and motioned for him to follow. Anna gave the boy's retreating back a hopeful look. Maybe this time he won't let her down.


"He is awake, sir." A doctor clad in white entered Damien's office.

"Thank you, doctor, I will be right there," Damien said as he shut his laptop and hurried to his son's room. He needed to talk with his son before the teenager could do something reckless.

Damien's fear of finding his son in a hysterical state vanished when he entered the room. Hunter was sitting calmly on his bed glaring at his uncle who was running some checkups on him. Damien waited patiently until his brother was done. The two had a silent conversation with their eyes. Edward nodded his head, "I will call Caroline in ten minutes."

"How are you feeling?" Damien asked as his brother left the room.

"What do you think I am feeling right now, dad?" Hunter snapped angrily.

"It will be okay Hunter. You just need to focus on your recovery. Anna will be back, I promise." Damien tried to be patient with his son, who was in a very bad mood.

"If you are entertaining the same idea Uncle does, then I think we should end this conversation. I am not sitting here like some little boy nursing a broken leg and wait for you to do the work. I am going to look for Anna myself." Hunter said stubbornly.

"You lost a lot of blood Hunter. Your uncle said you are lucky to even be awake. You need rest to recover fully, and I think chasing criminals and raiding houses is not under the category of rest." Damien said darkly doing his best to keep his voice under control.

"Look, dad, if my mom was in the same condition as Anna and you in the same condition as me, what would you have done?" Hunter said trying to reason with his father. He knew if the man didn't approve of him joining them, then he would never go. His father's words were law, and no one dares to break them.

"I would have trusted my allies and brothers to do their best for me." Damien tried speaking in a convincing voice.

"Bullshit Dad, you are just lying to my face," Hunter said through clenched teeth.

"Hunter, you had crossed a line you are not even supposed to toe around. You are not going anywhere, and I will make sure you won't leave this room until I say so." Damien said angrily and turned around to leave the room.

A knock sounded on the door and Damien snapped, "come in."

One of his men came into the room holding a phone in his hand. The man looked between the two angry occupants of the room and swallowed hard. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. "A phone Call for Mr. Hunter." The guard finally had enough courage to speak.

"From who?" asked Damien.

"A boy his name Alex said he needs to talk with Mr. Hunter." The guard answered.

"Tell him it is not the time for small chats. He has to call later. End the call." Damien said angrily, his mood was decreasing by the minute. He needed to punch someone.

"Give me the phone. The bastard won't call me for chitchat." Hunter extended his hand, palm up.

The guard looked nervously between the two. Damien blew a breath and nodded his head. The guard moved to Hunter's side and placed the phone in his hand. Hunter took the phone and snapped.

"what do you want?" Hunter paused for a moment, his eyes widened, and he spoke with a new resolve in his voice.

"where is she? If you dare lie to me, I will kill you." Hunter nodded his head multiple times, "don't concern yourself with my safety, I will be there."

The moment the call ended, Hunter threw the phone against the wall and stood up. He felt dizzy at the sudden movement and had to stop a little to steady himself. "I know where she is. We have to move." Hunter said and moved to a chair in the corner of the room where his clothes were placed neatly.

Damien just shook his head and went to help his son change into his shirt. Hunter looked up at his father and gave him a faint smile.

"You little stubborn boy, don't dare get hurt this time. Do you hear me?"

"Yes Dad, I promise," Hunter said sincerely.

The two men walked out of the room. They noticed Caroline walking down the corridor in their direction. Both father and son groaned. Caroline would interrogate the shit out of them. "Where are my two handsome men going?"

"We know the location of, Anna," Hunter said impatiently. Time wasn't their great ally at the moment. They needed to move. Caroline nodded her head and said with confidence in her voice "okay, let's go then."

"This time you are not going anywhere, dear. Hunter, go to your brother and Jason, they will know what to do. I will follow you after I convince your mother that going with us is a bad idea." Damien said with fire in his eyes.

Not going to defy his father for the third time this day, Hunter ran down the corridor. He didn't bother knocking on the door and just opened it. Ethan looked up from his laptop where he was typing furiously. "I see you are on your feet brother." The frown on Ethan's face at the rude entrance turned to a smile.

"I know where Lucca is holding Anna," Hunter said and moved between his brother and Jason.

"Give me the coordination," Jason said and opened a new tab on his laptop. Hunter recited the coordination and watched as Jason typed. Jason frowned at the screen "it is the same location as Lucca's home."

"He said he is keeping her in a basement underground." Hunter clarified.

"Are you sure this dude is giving you true information? What if it is a trap?" Jason said suspiciously.

"No, I am sure he isn't lying. He won't dare do it. Also, he seemed in a hurry and hiding while talking to me. Alex won't risk himself for a trap. I know him." Hunter reasoned, and Jason just nodded his head.

"Damn it, she was there all along, and we didn't find her," Ethan said and punched the wall in anger.

Damien entered the room alone, and Hunter was delighted his mother stayed behind. He knew she was stubborn and would have followed them, but he didn't want to see her get hurt once again. The last time was enough for him.

"All the cars are ready for us to move," Damien said.

Ethan turned off his laptop and made sure his two guns were full and ready. Hunter did the same as he accepted his gun back from his father. Jason was about to turn his laptop off when the screen went black, then the face of Lucca Ignacio filled it. Jason cleared his throat and spoke nervously, "guys, I think you should come and see this."

Hunter felt his blood boiling when Lucas's laugh filled the room.

"I see all the Salviatti family is gathered here. How delightful to see you so composed and united at dark times like this."

"Cut the crap and tell us what do you want?" Damien spoke with a scowl on his face.

"Always the impatient one Damien, your dad is on his way to New York. I wonder how his trip will go," Lucca said with a mocking tone while looking at his fingers faking indifference.

"What do you mean by New York? My father is here in Italy, he canceled." Damien said with his heartbeat increasing. He wanted to test if Lucca was just bluffing.

"A little bird here told me this information. I will let you see her, I am sure she has missed you." Lucas turned the camera to reveal Anna with her head hanging low. Hunter gasped at the sight of her. He never felt this kind of fear surging through his veins. Anna's black hair was disheveled and her arms full of bruises. One of Lucas's men grabbed Anna's hair and lifted her head. Lucca stood next to her and ran his hand across her blue and red cheek.

"Your girl is so beautiful, Hunter. Anna, say something to your hot boyfriend." Lucca said in a sickly sweet voice. Anna remained silent and refused to talk. Lucas slapped her across the face. Anna's head turned to the other side of the force Lucas used.

"Don't you dare touch her again. I will kill you with my bare hands." Hunter shouted wishing he could teleport to Anna's side this instant.

"Wow! You, the Salviatti clan don't cease amazing me. Your girl is in my hands, and you have the nerves to make threats. Maybe I need to teach you a lesson in respect, my friend." Lucas laughed and took a knife from a nearby table. Hunter could see the intention of this sick man

"hey hey! Don't do it. You don't want to do this. Tell me what you want, and I will give it to you. I promise, just let her go." Hunter said in a calm voice.

Lucca withdrew his hand and looked at Hunter, "the mighty and powerful Hunter Salviatti begging me. Come to think of it, I don't want to have anything from you. All I want is to see you suffer, and I know the way to do it." Lucca said and with a smile plunged the knife in Anna's thigh.

The piercing scream that left Anna's throat was the worst sound Hunter heard in his entire life. A sound he was sure would never forget for his remaining days. He closed his eyes and tried to steady his breath. He had to stay calm and reasonable for Anna's sake. He wished he didn't have to open his eyes again to see blood oozing rapidly from Anna's thigh. He felt bile rising to his throat. He had to swallow in order to keep his stomach stable.

"You know that losing blood can kill a human, so I suggest you hurry and try to save your love." With those words, the screen went black with Anna's sobs fading into space.

Hunter smashed his fist into the computer. Jason looked close to crying for losing his high technology brand laptop, but he didn't dare voice his thoughts loudly. Hunter moved with quick steps towards the door. Damien blocked his way and put his hand on his shoulders. "You are not going to any place without us planning together. We are a family and will always work as such." Hunter just nodded and sat on the sofa.

"Call father's pilot and tell him to cancel the trip," Damien ordered on the phone. He paused a little then nodded his head, five minutes later, he snapped at whoever was on the other side

"what? Damn it! He wasn't supposed to take off until this afternoon. Tell them to come back." Damien spoke through his teeth, "I don't care about any procedures. I want the jet to land in half an hour." Damien snapped and ended the call.

"Father's plane took off half an hour ago. I am sure they planted something there for Lucca to be smug about it." Damien said running his hands across his hair.

Jasper and Edward came into the room. "We are ready to go," Edward said calmly.

"Jackson is already on his way to the airport. He will try to solve the problem, Jacob is heading there too. I and Edward will go with you guys. You need all the men you have for this. Our children in Russia will come today. I sent a private jet for them." Jasper gave his report to his brother. Damien nodded in satisfaction. It was really good to have someone you can count on in hard situations.

He patted Jasper and Edward on the shoulder and said.

"Lucca doesn't know we are coming for him. It will be a surprise to the bastard. So, let's go we have a war to win."

Hang in there tightly Anna. I am coming for you, and when I will arrive there, I will set all of them on fire. I will not spare a soul. Today, I won't show mercy. They will pay for their crimes with their useless lives. I love you, ma belle, wait for me. Those were the thoughts in Hunter's mind as he followed his father, brother, and uncles to the waiting cars.


So, what do you think guys?

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Come on, guys! Give me your thoughts about thischapter. I want to hear your opinions. It is so important to me

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