I Thought I Knew (Hosie)

By inlovewitthemoney

223K 5.9K 1K

Josie sighed in frustration seeing the girls retreating form. " Hope why are you backing away from me?" Hop... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 27

3.4K 125 8
By inlovewitthemoney

The curly haired woman approached rather quickly clad in scrubs and sneakers, she seemed rather worn out. Josie immediately wondered how long the woman had been looking for the boy.

The woman herself was very pretty, her curly brown hair was paired with kind brown eyes that were pooled with frustration. The boy must have gotten his eyes from his other parent.

The woman picked up the boy and quickly placed him on her hip. She gave Josie a once over before speaking again, if Josie were to guess she would say that the woman was deciding whether to extend a thank you.

Tired of waiting Josie extended a hand. " Hi, Im Josie Saltzman."

The lady glanced down at the boy briefly before taking Josies hand in hers and shaking it. " Keelin Malraux" she greeted, her eyes seemed to be carefully scrutinizing her and it was oddly familiar. Maybe it was because her and the boy had the same eye shape?

The boy kicked and squirmed in the woman's arms, he seemed as if he was already tired of being held. Keelin put him back down with a sigh and stared at Josie.

Josie awkwardly cleared her throat, maybe this lady could be of some help. " Do you happen to know where the Mikaelson house is?"

Keelin seemed startled and taken aback by the question, her brows furrowed and mouth now set in a straight line. It seemed as though Josie must have hit a soft spot.

Keelin moved her hand to brush to boy behind her, her body now shielded the boy from Josies sight. The lady's lips curled back in a snarl and Josie flinched. Was this woman a werewolf? If so this boy had to be her son considering the way she moved to protect him.

Josie hadn't meant to cause offense, she had just meant to be given much needed direction.

The child peeked from behind his mothers leg his eyes showing no fear and piercing into Josie. These people were peculiar but she did need their direction so she swallowed down her confusion and extended and seemingly needed apology.

" Im sorry if I offended you, I just need to speak with a Mikaelson. I have some... questions."

The woman's mouth stayed shut, her eyes not betraying her feelings and nothing probably would have happened if the child didn't speak.

The child quickly jumped from behind his mothers leg, a curious look on his face as he looked up to his Mother. " She wants to speak to Mama?"

Josies curiosity only peaked at the mention of this, so he had two then? Two moms? Josie had no problem with this she only hoped that the other woman's gaze wasn't half as piercing as this one's.

If the boys mentioning it bothered her Keelin surely didn't show it, her stony expression betrayed no emotion and Josie briefly wondered if that was a skill she had come by or if she was born with it.

" What do you want to discuss with her?"

" Its personal." Josie dryly responded, she had no energy left for this game.

The woman quietly hummed in thought and started to walk her way out of the bar, small child's hand held by hers.

Josie scrambled from her position to follow, the woman walked fast and so did her son. They walked s couple of blocks silently and Josie briefly considered that this woman might be leading her to her death though she sort of doubted it considering that there was a small child present.

Soon they came upon a Compound, the pair stopped briefly before walking inside. Josie had been looking for a house, a literal house, not a compound with two floors connected to other buildings.

Josie followed them inside, cautiously looking around for any immediate threats, this place seemed empty, hollow, void of any joy or happiness.

This place seemed awfully grim and for some reason Josie didn't mind it at all. For a fleeting moment Josie was slightly inquisitive about where this Keelin woman had gone and was surprised when she materialized pretty much from nowhere.

She seemed calm enough though her sudden appearance made Josie's heart race. Did all Mikaelson's appear this way, but then again this woman wasn't exactly a Mikaelson was she ?

" My wife isn't here right now but can I get you anything?"

Josie found the woman's hospitality peculiar considering that she had just about attempted to glare her out of New Orleans.

Josie pondered if the woman was plotting her death but quickly thought against it. If a Mikaelson or well a Mikaelson's woman wanted her dead she could have just killed her, right where she stood in the pub.

Keelin nodded and turned to her son who was now sitting on the couch. Had he always been there? " Keep her company Nik."

The boy grinned and bounced over to Josie. So... his Name was Nick? After the great Niklaus Mikaelson that had fathered... wait. Niklaus didn't have any children so where had this thought come from?

" You want an answer to your question." Nik spoke a gummy grin still on his face.

Josie smiled sadly " I don't think you can answer it."

Nik's hazel eyes bore into her making her want to avert her eyes. " I can."

Josie's eyes widened and she couldn't believe what she was hearing, was there something wrong with this boy? His stare was sort of creeping her out.

Josie's eyes twinkled with curiosity . " what was the question then?"

A smirk rose on Nik's face, it was sort of familiar in a déjà vu sort of way. " You want to know who the littlest Mikaelson is."

Where was Keelin? Water only takes a moment to get at she had been gone for at least 5 minutes leaving her with this creepy child.

Josie averted her eyes from the child but continued to ask questions.

" Are you the youngest Mikaelson?"

" Yes." Josie breathed a sigh of relief finally she had the answer to a question that she had driven hours for and stolen from her dad to have answered. Finally she felt like she was getting somewhere.

" Are you the littlest Mikaelson?"


What did he mean he wasn't the littlest Mikaelson? He had to be lying right? Nobody else could be the littlest that made absolutely no sense.

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