That Nara... | Naruto Fanfici...

By 101_classified

613K 19.8K 1.8K

Shikarei is the eldest of two children of Shikaku Nara and Yoshino Nara. She grows to become quite the famous... More

Authors note
The Letter
Ino Shika Ren Cho's infinite tsukuyomi world
Authors Note
Special: Infinite Tsukuyomi Pt.2


4.4K 160 2
By 101_classified

Itachi's PoV

"You not coming?" Kisame asked, I shook my head and perched on a rock.

"I'll wait for you here," I told him, he nodded and walked into the village just as a familiar cat appeared, "Hello, Blue."

"Good to see you, Crow," Blue purred, "a message from Shadow."

"Thank you," I took the envelope from him and passed him a small cat treat that I always carry with me now. He gave me a look of disgust.

"Do I look like a house cat to you?" he asked.

"No, but you're going to take it anyway, aren't you?" I replied, he hissed, took the treat, and then disappeared again.

Rolling my eyes, I opened the envelope, a few photos fell out.

They were photos of Ino Shika Ren Cho and a baby. It looks like... Shikarei? Wait a second-- I pulled out paper.

'This is our daughter, meet Himari Nara. She could be Uchiha, but we both know how that'd end up so... Nara it is.'

Himari Nara.

I have a daughter now... She's... I love her.

The photos were interesting. The first was Shikarei with Himari, it was a normal looking photo with Shikarei just holding Himari. Then it was a photo of Ino Shika Ren Cho with Himari and it looked rather... hectic...

I'll write a reply later, Kisame should be coming back soon.

Shikarei's PoV

I yawned and threw a kunai to Choro lazily.

He deflected it and frowned at me.

"Hello, earth to Shikarei?" Choro waved the kunai at me, "You're supposed to be helping me with my blind spot not making it worse."

"Sorry," I apologised, "Himari kept me up basically all night. I'm exhausted."

"Babies are little demons," he grumbled, "I remember Choji doing the exact same."

"Pa said that the house has never been so loud before," I laughed, Choro snickered.

"The house was filled with Nara, but now there's half an Uchiha too," Choro poked my side, "obviously Himari didn't get the Nara laziness."

"I didn't either," I pointed out, "well, it wore off. I'm the anomaly of our family."

"I think our generation of Ino Shika Cho are the anomalies in all three of our families," Choro smiled before passing me a basket, "anyway, you're here with me so you might as well help me help old man Saburo. It should wake you up."

"Alright," I nodded, "What're we getting?"

"Grapes," he replied, "they should be ripe and ready by now. Last I checked they weren't quite ready but now they should be."

"Can I eat some of them?" I asked, a brow raised, Choro poked my nose.

"No eating the merchandise," he quoted what we'd heard during one of our missions a while ago causing both of us to laugh before we began picking grapes.

A few baskets later and I start to notice Choro has a limp.

"Choro," I called, "are you OK?"

"Hm? Oh, my limp?" he asked, I nodded, he just smiled, "it's nothing. I'm still recovering from our last mission. It really took a crap ton of energy out of me, and it hurt. Choji recovered faster than I ever have, and he had all three pills!"

"But he wasn't using your own jutsu," I pointed out, "so don't kick yourself up over it."

"It's just annoying me," he grumbled, "I feel like I'm failing our family because it's taking me so long to recover."

I sighed and sat down on a bench and patted the spot next to me, he took a seat and looked over the grapes.

"You idiot!" I grabbed the longer strands of his hair and pulled them both.

"Ow-- hey get off!" he exclaimed.

"Not until you remove that mindset from your head," I replied, pulling on them more, "your family love you. You're not disappointing any of them."

He puffed his cheeks out stubbornly.

"I know," he nodded, I smiled and let go of his hair, "I'm just annoyed that I can't do anything at the moment because I'm not physically able, I guess."

"If it makes you feel any better, Ma and Pa have forbidden me from leaving the village until Himari is a toddler," I told him, "I feel so useless right now. I'm stuck in the village for what? Five years?"

"Oh man, that does suck," Choro agreed, "we're both tied down together. But we have to make sure to remember to train."

"Oh yeah, or we'll become hella unfit," I smiled, we bumped fists and then he stood up, offering his hand.

"Let's finish up here and go out and get food!" he suggested energetically. I smiled and nodded, taking his hand, he pulled me to my feet.


"Inoiché, Ren!" I shouted, the blonde and pink haired boys turned to see myself and Choro.

"Hey, you guys," Ren greeted us once we caught up to them, "what have you two been up to?"

"We were just on Old Man Saburo's farm all day," Choro replied, "we were just about to get ramen. Want to join?"

"Yeah," Inoiché nodded, "it's been forever since we went to Ichiraku."

We all agreed before walking to Ichiraku Ramen.

"Evening, Teuchi and Ayame," Ren greeted the two as we took our seats.

"We'll have our usuals," I ordered for us.

"Alright," Teuchi smiled, "welcome back. It's been a while."

"Yes it has," I nodded before looking to Ren and Inoiché, "what have you two been doing?"

"We were on a mission," they replied, both me and Choro adopted a sullen mood.

"You're still not working?" Ren asked, we both shook out heads.

"I've been banned from working until Himari is a toddler," I replied.

"And I'm still not physically fit to go on missions yet," Choro added, "it's irritating."

"I agree," I nodded.

"Sucks," Inoiché shook his head, "but on the bright side, I'm becoming a teacher at the academy!"

"Seriously?" we all exclaimed.

"That's freaking amazing!" Ren basically shouted.

"Didn't think Lady Tsunade would actually allow it," Choro added on.

"That means at some point you'll teach Himari, so become a good teacher," I pushed my fist out, be bumped his before we all began eating.

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