By AuthorEthanDeJonge

179 18 16

Alred is on his way home, more running back home when he is stopped by someone he never imagined. Now he has... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 1 p2
Chapter 2 p2
Chapter 3 p2
Chapter 4 p2
Chapter 5 p2

Chapter 1

30 3 0
By AuthorEthanDeJonge

“GET HIM NOW!” Luke Havrick slams his staff. The marble floor shatters. The thud of boots racing across the wood floors. His men holding their head down hoping to not be the target of his anger.
“War is coming. I must not let the element of surprise go to waste.” He mumbles. “I finally able to win over two more Lords to help. Now it should be an even fight.”
He walks over to the window, looking just right he can see the flag of the Southwick Kingdom, the golden eagle wearing a crown. He longs for it to be his, not theirs. Getting help from them, it was the right choice. It will be what pushes them to victory. They should have more fire power now.
“I will avenge you, my wife.” He whispers. A dark shadow follows him close.

A flock of crows take fight, calling through-out the woods. The sudden noise spooks Alred as he’s racing through the forest. He stops, looking around. The dimly lit forest hiding shadows everywhere, leaves dancing in the wind. The Traus sun is getting ready to set, the Agus sun still has about an hour left.
“I have to get back to the capital right away.” He mumbles. Jumping over the logs in his way. The leave crunch under each step. The birds are singing and the squirrels scurry about. He’s cutting through the forest in hopes they won’t be able to catch up with him. He knows he can handle himself in a fight but not a whole Lords army.
“I should’ve stole a horse.” He should have  brought a lot more with him, he shoves his hand into his satchel. One clear crystal, two fire and one earth.  The Havricks manner is only about a day and half ride on horse back from the capital. He kicks a small stone, it slams into a tree with a loud bang.
An eerie feeling settles over the forest, making him freeze in his tracks, something is not right. The shadows are growing larger, Agus is about half an hour away from setting. The sounds of the forest have grown faint. Only for a loud whooshing noise filling him with fear. He pulls the staff around off his back, gripping it tightly. Its about his height. Two roots at the bottom twist around and flow into a point. At the top, a lantern shape covers the spot where the crystal goes.
He pulls the earth crystal out of his staff. He hurries to replace it with a fire one. He looks ahead and sees a clear path, he takes off in a dead sprint.
He lungs burn and his legs are starting to cramp. He continues to push ahead, weaving through the trees, the whooshing sound only growing stronger with each passing minute.
Strong flaps of the wings, Alred knows there are only a few creatures that can make this sound. He gulps at the thought of having to fight one.
He can feel the pressure of the wind blowing over him. The thrust of each flap as the creature suspends above the trees. Alred hurries and ducks behind a tree. Just as he does, the snapping of trees end with the ground shaking. He presses into the tree, he tries to calm his breathing, praying it will leave.
His mind scrolls though all the creatures it could be: Griffin? Wyrven? Mammoth Owl?  or… No. The last option is nearly impossible, there are not that many creatures that can fly and make a landing like this though.
The silence is deafening. The only sound Alred can hear is the blood pounding in his ears, and his lungs screaming for more air. Then, from behind the tree, comes a deep sniff, the leaves rattling across the ground, back an forth. Each breath like a puppet master.
“I know you are here, human.” She drags out the word human. One would have to listen carefully to catch the sight feminine sound of her voice. The ground shakes as she takes another step. “I mean you no harm. Come out to speak.” she says in a calm voice, knowing that she’s more likely to get what she wants this way.
Alred pushes deeper into the tree. Both his hands clutch his staff. Slow, deep breaths, Alred can feel his heart begin to settle. ‘Dragons can talk!’ In all of the research he has done, Alred had never read this. Countless centuries of Mages have studied them.
“What could a dragon want with me?” He ponders. Question after question start form, racing through his mind. His urge to run over there grows, but he digs his heels into the ground instead.
“How do I know it’s the truth?” He inches closer to the edge of the tree. As he peeks around the tree, the dragon flexes her wings, Alred quickly retreats back into the tree.
“Human, if I wanted you dead. I would have already eaten you and left this place.” She purrs.
He’s entire brain stops. There is no way this tree could stop her. No, she’s didn’t even need to stop and land to get me. ‘I’m nothing compared to her.’
Sucking in a deep breath, and with every ounce of courage he can muster, Alred walks out. His staff ready at his side. His eyes, narrow slits glaring forward.
Her light blue scales shining in the sunset. Each scales seems as if outlined in black, making the blue pop. Her long neck reaching the tree tops. Black horns curve back atop her head. Golden eyes glare down at him.
His eyes can’t, no, won’t leave her. Everything about her draws him closer to her. He wants to run his hand across her scales. This is impossible, he thinks. Dragons hate mankind.
Legends are told of dragons that used to befriend humans. On the day that humans learned magic from them, the world became a darker place.
“Aekhmm,” Alred jumps, taking a step back. Pulling his staff in front of him. “Human, I under stand what must be going through your head. There is one I seek.”


“Sir, the hounds are leading us into the forest. Why would he go this way, and not take the main road?” the soldier asks.
Frank Havrick sits a top his horse, he plays with his beard. Its dark orange hair looking like its on fire from the setting Agus sun. He looks around, and looks at a odd man sitting on his drake.
The drake looked plain and boring for a monster of its size. Plain brown skin, a smooth, long, purple tongue flicks back an forth. Its red eyes locked on him.
The man though, his skin darker then the night sky on a cold winter day. His eyes are white and pupilless, his short hair is blue like the hottest parts of fire. Its flopped to one side with the rest of his head shaved smooth.
“Vane,” he looks up from the drakes back. “Do you think they can track him?”
“Ha, Old man, they can track anything.” He smiles wide, he whistles. Black beasts bolt into the woods.
“He had them smell Alreds bag. He didn’t think I was watching. Brat.” Frank snoks.


What is she looking for? I heard some dragons were known to collect gold or jewels. These thoughts races through Alreds head.
“May I, ask what it is you seek?” Alred bows lightly.
The dragon lowers it head, her hot breath blowing through his hair. Rich iron smell and rotten meat. Alred holds his breath.
“I seek someone worthy. Someone who can fulfill a task,  that I need done.”
“Am…Am I worthy?” Alred straightens his back. Puffing out his chest.
“Time, still has not given that answer. Meet me at my cave. There we will decide your fate, human.” Her wings thrust down, wind blowing everything away. Her body lifts off the ground. “Head west, towards the rising suns. There you will find my cave. Now hurry, you have guests.”
She thrust harder, shooting higher into the air. Her body hiding in the night sky.

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