The vampire curse...

By alphabitchy

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He was just a member of a wannabe mob in a shit hole that was painted from war while she was a real gangster... More

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2.8K 49 5
By alphabitchy

Lizley looked cocky up at Thomas Shelby.

"London's vampire" Tommy spoke as he lit his cigarette that loosely tangled on his lips that were curled into a dumb little smirk. "I don't see why" He said with his all-time-pokerface up. She was already pissed from his attitude.

"Because I fucking bite Mister Shelby" She spit out as she looked up his face with something like disgust on her lips.

"You look older than you're love" He continue ignoring her statement completely.

"Life Mister Shelby, try it it's hard" She said this time hitting something in Tommy and the others.

"Ya specially your life. French crotons on finger snap and chinese silk on whistle really hard" He just mumbled bitterly as he leaned down to look into her dark but somehow still pale eyes. "Love this time you're not the one who makes the rules"

"Then ,Mister Shelby" She paused dramatically." I don't wanna play"

"You misunderstood me Elizabeth. Your father has betrayed me once. I'm off to marry soon and I don't want him to fucking betray me again. And you can from now on see yourself as an insurance" Liz wanted to stream and cry.

"It's Lizley" She just brought out as she looked to the muddy floor bitterly.

"Fucking stupid name aye" John said causing her to glare at him.

"I'm right now cleaning up my business. You know just how you do it before a big storm; you make sure that nothing is going to break" Thomas blew smoke into her pretty face as he approached her face again to continue their staring contest. "And your dear father is not to be trusted. So I got the most precious thing he had" Liz started crying again; she wanted to stop herself but it was impossible. Just all the hope had left her now she knew the reason. And with that she knew thaht no oe would come and save her.

Lizley woke up from a damn good nap way to early. Her first thought was dedicated to he location. Her room was large and airy with many windows which were covered with white curtains from south France. But the room she obviously slept in was small and dark and didn't smelled like roses but like earth, cigarettes and aftershave. Then everything came back into her mind. Her long fingers slightly touched her black eye as tears started to spill into her beautiful eyes. She almost winced as her feet touched the hard wooden floor. Outside the window the world wasn't full of art and sunshine but of dirt and smoke. She sobbed quietly as she took a thin blanket from the strange bed and wrapped that around herself. The door of 'her' bedroom wasn't locked for her surprise.Tea was the only desire on her mind in that moment. Tea was the only that may as well wouldn't hurt her in that moment because she was sure that she wouldn't be able to keep any wood with her. She decided that it was the best if she would go barefoot because with her small heels she would for sure fall and scrape her knees or her hands or maybe both. Quietly sobbing she made her way down the stairs that really were dangerous with heels. The cold of the wood felt good somehow. It grounded her and keep her out of the darkness of her mind. But she couldn't keep herself from sobbing quietly. The kitchen was surprisingly empty. She expected at least one watch dog.

She didn't knew that her sitter sat in the room next to the kitchen. Finn was torturing himself with a book for first graders. Nothing made sense at all. He knew some words but not enough to read the text. He could recognize cat and tree which were often included in that children's book. His young heart that had yet to be broken stopped for a second as he heart the small sobs coming towards him.

Lizley for her part just took careless the tea that Finn has made not even half an hour ago. She emptied the pod and sat down to cry silently. In London she never was really sad. It never was true, deep sadness just superficial girl things.

Finn felt terrible listening to her pain. She obviously was in pain. It obviously hurt her what Tommy did. Maybe his cold attitude made it even worse than the fact that she had been kidnapped at all. He decided to stop her from crying at least since his heart felt like it was ripped in thousand pieces.

"Um... Hey" He said standing in the door frame. Lizley's heart stopped as the suddenness of her vanishing was still in her bones. So she took the tea pot immediately and threw it at the boy. And she didn't missed her target.

"Oh fucking hell" She brought out as she realized that there was no danger. Specially not from the boy."I'm so sorry" She immediately apologized as Finn's heart stopped as he looked at her. She looked absolutely knackered. But still she was beautiful. Ya she was pretty. More than every other girl had ever been in his eyes. Every inch of her face seemed flawless even without makeup and her eyes reminded him of  water. But like the water in the lakes outside of Birmingham not like the water in the cut. Her lips were full and in a natural dark pink color like the roses he saw in a flower shop once. He felt the urge to protect her as he looked at the intense violet color around one of her kind eyes. He bend down to pick the , luckily metal, pot up. "I'm so so sorry, you're bleeding" She mumbled as she stepped towards him touching the spot were she injured him slightly.

"It's fine if you don't touch it" He chuckled even if he truly enjoyed her worry.

She smiled and returned to her tea as she remembered everything. That situation made her forget everything for a little and brought her to a better place for just a short time; somewhere where she wouldn't have to worry or be sad for a second.

"I'm Finn" He said as he looked into her eyes making his heart race again as she sipped her tea.

"I shouldn't care actually" She chuckled to herself as she leaned mysteriously forward." You're one of my enemies even if you're clearly not dangerous" Her heart ached a little again.

"I can be" He laughed a little as well as he recognized that she stopped crying." I would escort you back to your home by myself if I could but I can't"

"Because blood over everything?" She raised an eyebrow which was literally adorable.

"Because business over everything" He signed as his eyes fixed with the table ashamed and a little angry. "If I can say that I really am sorry"

" You have a good heart. Be careful that it doesn't gets you killed" She chuckled as she sounded old and wise to herself eventually. Finn laughed as well. He had a sweet laugh. His smile was even better. It made her forget her pain and her fear. In that moment she only thought about him and not about herself.

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