The mechanic and his doctor [...

By LazySinkCat

44.2K 2.5K 626

If Bai Yu and Zhu YiLong are not actors......... This is a story of a mechanical engineering student, Bai Yu... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting mister popular
Chapter 2 - Can I call you Long-ge?
Chapter 3 - Are you crazy?
Chapter 4 - You're not like them
Chapter 5 - First kiss
Chapter 6 - I can't stop it
Chapter 7 - Give me my pillow
Chapter 8 - Brace yourself Long-ge
Chapter 9 - Am I in love!?
Chapter 10 - Long-ge, please help me shower
Chapter 11 - Do you have someone you like?
Chapter 12 - Please help me
Chapter 13 - It's hot and painful
Chapter 14 - Don't stop
Chapter 16 - You!!!
Chapter 17 - You're my boyfriend!?!
Chapter 18 - Just think of me
Chapter 19 - You're mine!!
Chapter 20 - Don't hold back
Chapter 21 - H-hurry!
Chapter 22 - I'm so sorry
Chapter 23 - Growl .... growl
Chapter 24 - The real wolf
Chapter 25 - YES
Valentines Special

Chapter 15 - You said that you like me?

1.6K 96 19
By LazySinkCat

To complete the investigation process, YiLong has to drop by the police station to give his statement. So Bai Yu accompany him to the station until the process is finish, just in case. Then YiLong is drop back at home in the afternoon as Bai Yu heads back to the garage. He already left since yesterday's afternoon without informing old Wang himself, so today he'll need to be there to receive some scolding from the boss for ditching work. And also there's an important customer coming to the garage. Therefore he has no choice but to leave YiLong home alone.

During the free time at home, YiLong reflects on his recent action. He does realize that he's actions were really naive as Wen Chou said and brings trouble to Bai Yu unintentionally. And every time, the younger lad will come to the rescue in time. Yet he never ask for anything in return; well, except for the kiss request which YiLong's not sure what kind of benefit does Bai Yu actually get from kissing. At this point, YiLong remembers that he won the bet which it makes him feel even more guilty.

"Bai Yu has already done so much! How could I make him do anymore things for me!? Argh!!! This is so hard!" YiLong shouts out his frustration since no one is at home beside himself. "It should be something that doesn't bother him too much which both me and him can enjoy." With careful thinking, YiLong decided on simple things so that it won't be too much burden on Bai Yu.


"Bai Yu, um ... make yourself available next Saturday." YiLong instructs the younger lad while trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Eh? So you finally decide what to do with me for an entire day?" Bai Yu asks sounding very excited.


"Can you give me a hint?"

"No, it's very confidential. I'll tell you what you need to do when the day comes."

"Can't I even have a little hint?"

"No, you reap what you sow. So I'm not saying anything."

"Ayeeeeee .... why so stingy, Long-ge? Hmmm .... I wonder what you'll want me to do ..... feed you with my mouth? ...... or ..... massage you with my body?" Bai Yu tries to guess.

However, Bai Yu's guesses are making YiLong goes all red. All the suggestions are too embarrassing even for YiLong to think about. "Bai Yu! Stop saying embarrassing things!" YiLong protests then turns himself away from the younger lad and hide under the comforter. Despite what he has said, he secretly takes what Bai Yu said into consideration.

==== The promised Saturday ====

"So ..... where are we going?" Bai Yu continues to pester the older man until the last minute. He truly wonder where they're going as YiLong has actually pick out casual cloth for him to wear because Bai Yu told him that YiLong is the 'Master' today so he'll only do things that his master instruct. And of course, the older man wouldn't know that the younger lad somewhat pray that he can continue to be his master for the rest of his life.

"I'll tell you when we're inside the car." YiLong still keeps his lips seal not falling for any tricks to reveal the destination.

"My master is so secretive ..... don't tell me that you plan to kill and bury me in some unknown woods so that no one can find me!?!" Bai Yu can't help himself to joke around in hopes that the older man would lose patient and reveal the truth. But he only gets a roll of eyes as response. And the moment they're inside the car, Bai Yu asks again. "Now we're inside the car. So, where to?"

"Here." YiLong hands Bai Yu his phone. On it is a picture of the theme park located in the next town which is about an hour drive.

"Here?" Bai Yu asks with a stunned expression.

"Yeah, .... you .... don't want to go?" YiLong has been observing Bai Yu's reaction when he hands him the phone. So the stunned expression didn't go unnoticed. Now he's starting to worry whether he made a bad choice or maybe he shouldn't have kept it a secret and ask beforehand.

"I ... I do want to go. I just wasn't expecting you to choose this place." Bai Yu starts to explain. "But would you believe me if I tell you that I was also planning to take you here if I were the winner of our bet?"

"..........." YiLong doesn't say a word but the color of his face already display the answer. His heart actually skip a beat as they coincidentally thinks so similarly. With this information, YiLong also relax as he picks a good choice.

"Well then, let's not waste any second and hurry there!" Bai Yu enthusiastically cheer and speed his way to their destination.

In YiLong's life, he has seen many theme parks but he couldn't enter any of them because he's too poor and supporting his life on daily necessities since young age is already hard enough. And more importantly, from his observation, he believes that it's a place where one should go with a special someone. It can be family, friends, or lover. But YiLong doesn't have a family, no close friend - except for Yang Rong who suffers from motion sickness, so she wouldn't enjoy coming here - and he never has a lover. He always doubt if he would have any chance to come here.

However, today, YiLong has someone special who is definitely more than friend but regrettably not his lover. Even though their status is totally ambiguous but this younger lad has occupy a lot of space in his heart so YiLong is more than happy to spend his day at this special place with Bai Yu.

As for Bai Yu, theme park is also an important place in his heart even if he has never been to one before. His parents both died from an accident when he was young but his father often tells him about how he met his mother at the theme park. They had coincidentally met inside 'The Haunted House' when his mother got lost from her friend but she was too scared to move then accidentally bumped into his father. After their love have blossomed fully, his father decide to propose. To make things more interesting, his father actually proposed while inside the same Haunted House. His mother was practically on the roller coaster ride of emotion as she's happy being proposed to and she's scared of ghost at the same time. It's actually quite funny but still romantic.

As a result, Bai Yu wants to make it a special place for himself as well but with a little twist; he wants to meet the special someone before coming to this place. Nevertheless, today his special someone, who's not aware yet, has requested to be brought here. This must be destiny.

Who would have expected the two university students spends the whole day returning to their teenage year the moment their first ride end which were like ice-breaking ride. Before getting on the ride, they still keep their cool, but after that they seem to let themselves free. They practically play and joke around getting on every ride that the theme park has to offer. Funnily, Bai Yu even tries to get on the ride that is too small for him in which YiLong has to drag him away.

After having fun to their hearts content, it's time for the next task. So Bai Yu turns to asks his master and meets with an unexpected task.

"I want you to make hot pot for dinner." YiLong calmly states his request.

"Hot pot? Uh ... I can manage hot pot. But master, my version is a little spicy and it must be serve with beer to make the best combination. Is it acceptable for master? Or rather could master handle it?" 

"Of course." YiLong answers instantly but he's actually crying inside. He somehow thinks that he may have made a mistake on this request.

On the way back, they drop by the supermarket so that Bai Yu can get his ingredients for his hot pot and also gets his beer. When grabbing the beer, he just realized that he hasn't been drinking as much since YiLong moves in with him because the older man has been serving tea, tea and tea. This has also makes Bai Yu curious of YiLong's alcohol tolerance and how would the drunk YiLong be. With a new interesting idea in mind, Bai Yu hurries to get everything so that they could go back faster.


"Maybe I should have you cook more often?" YiLong finally speaks up after the faithful hot pot.

"Think again Long-ge."

"I'm serious. Your hot pot is really delicious."

"It's just hot pot, I just throw in random things. And also there's not much risk to it. But if you ask me to make something more advanced, I'm afraid I may burn down the whole building and we won't have a place to live in."

" ........ it's that bad, huh?"

"It is. Here Long-ge, have it with beer. It'll taste even better."

"But .... but I never drink before .... I .... I might get drunk." YiLong tries to wiggle his way out.

"So? What's to worry about? We're at home, no one can see what happen. Also, I'm here, nothing can go wrong."

'With you .... everything would go wrong!' YiLong thinks to himself. Even doubts fills his heart, he still take the offered can of beer. Taking a sip with the hot pot, it truly makes the food taste better; more delicious. 

In the end, YiLong finishes a can of beer along with the remaining hot pot. While Bai Yu cleans up the table and the kitchen, YiLong has grab another can of beer. So when Bai Yu is done, he turns back to see YiLong politely sipping his beer as if he's sipping tea. He's immerse in beer sipping so much that he doesn't notice the younger lad seating next to him and observing him without a word. Bai Yu just sits and silently watch until YiLong turns to him with a glare.

"Why are you just sitting there watching me like that?"


"I'm your master today!"


"Why aren't you serving me?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"I'm thirsty."

Without further instruction, Bai Yu goes into the kitchen to grab his master a glass of water. He carefully place the glass in front of YiLong but before he could go back to observing YiLong, another demand has been made.

"You need to feed me."

"Of course master."

As Bai Yu picks up the glass and move it towards the older man, it's stop mid-way.

"What are you doing? You're suppose to use your mouth to feed me."

The request has made Bai Yu's brows raise. He didn't expect this. He remembers joking about it but now the probably drunk man is asking him to do it. But of course, he needs to be a good slave for the day, so he does exactly what was asked of him.

The water is indeed feed by Bai Yu's mouth but since he's in a good mood Bai Yu added an extra hot kiss to it as well. Surprisingly, YiLong also eagerly respond to it with almost equivalent hotness. While Bai Yu fully enjoys this kiss, he fails to notice that the drunk YiLong has somehow manage to straddle him on the chair without breaking the kiss. As the kiss goes on, this is the first time that Bai Yu has to be the one to break the kiss since he really runs out of breath as YiLong seems to have suck every last bit of air from him. Yet with a short pause, YiLong tries to claim Bai Yu's lips again.

"I want more kiss..... hic" YiLong pants out his desire and ends with a hiccup.

"Drunk Long-ge is quite honest, eh? Can you please enlighten me on how much do you like to kiss?"

"I don't like .... hic .... kiss. I just like .... hic .... kissing you. I like .... hic .... kissing you very much." YiLong's speech is now broken down by hiccups like a complete drunk.

"So, you like only my kiss? I'm so sad." Bai Yu pretends to be hurt. Next thing he knows, his face is cupped between YiLong's hands and his lips are claimed into another heated kiss.

After being satisfied with another kiss, YiLong looks straight into Bai Yu's eyes. "I not only like your kisssssss. I like youuuuuuu as well. I like you very much that it's driving me crazyyyyyy."

Bai Yu is now stun at the sudden confession so he again didn't notice when YiLong circle his arms around Bai Yu's neck then kiss him again. As much as he wants to continue with the kiss, but he has to ask again.

"Long-ge. What did you just say? Is it true?"

"What did I say ... hic?" YiLong innocently asks making Bai Yu's heart drop to the floor from the fear that he had heard wrong.

"Um ... just now, you said that you like me?"

"Ooooooooh yes. I like you very very very muchhhhhh. And I won't let anyone near you because YOU'RE MINE." The drunk YiLong happily confesses once again.



So Bai Yu has just been confessed by a drunk Long-ge!
Do you think YiLong would remember any of this?

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