Flying (Fight Song Book 2)

By itzphoebe

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The sequel to my fanfic 'Fight Song'. Joe and Dianne have been separated by distance with the belief they we... More

Chapter 1: A New Arrival
Chapter 2: The Auditions
Chapter 3: A New Team
Chapter 4: The First Day
Chapter 5: The Dances
Chapter 6: Get Ready...
Chapter 7: MMMBop
Chapter 8: B-Troupe
Chapter 9: The Day Off
Chapter 10: Game On
Chapter 11: Sophia
Chapter 12: Dancing
Chapter 13: Fan accounts
Chapter 14: Three New Members
Chapter 15: Zoe's Announcement
Chapter 16: The aftermath
Chapter 18: The Break Up
Chapter 19: Just One Date
Chapter 20: The Last Ten
Chapter 21: Mission Buswell
Chapter 22: Presents
Chapter 23: List: Accomplished
Chapter 24: Dianne Returns and Lola Leaves
Chapter 25: Chaos
Chapter 26: Changes
Chapter 27: Bruno
Chapter 28: The Fall, The Costumes and Zoe's Return
Chapter 29: Nationals
Chapter 30 - Male Solo
Chapter 31 - Small Group
Chapter 32: Duets and Female Solo
Chapter 33: Semi-finals
Chapter 34: It all goes wrong

Chapter 17: The Competition and The Kiss

288 14 9
By itzphoebe

Dianne's PoV
I'm up at 7am, ready to go to the competition. Today is the day where my duet will beat Joe's and I'll get to decide on the theme for our Nationals duet. I've already got a fair few ideas, all of them absolutely brilliant of course.

I showered, got dressed and brushed my teeth in what can only be called record time, and then made sure my lunch was in my bag which I'd packed last night because I'm super prepared like that.

Joe: you ready?xx

Joe's mum is giving us a lift to the competition today, which is really sweet of her. Alfie offered to drive Mikey, Sophia and Cinzia, but there wouldn't have been enough room for Joe and I too, so his mum was taking us.

Dianne: yep!!!xxx

Joe: ayyy, okay we're almost at yours xxx

Dianne: awesome i'll wait down stairs xxx

Joe: *downstairs ;) xxx

I laugh and shove my phone into my coat pocket. He's always correcting my spelling or grammar or whatever. I should really learn from it, but I never do. Just goes in one ear and out the other!


The competition venue is way larger than I'd imagined considering it was only a 'small' competition. There's a huge stage and an audience that can fit like 1000 people! Mad.

"I'm super excited," Cinzia claps her hands. "I feel our routine is so gonna win."

"It will," I agree with a smile.

Even though we had the same dressing room, we've put up a barrier so neither of us can see each other. Joe, Mikey and Sophia are already in there setting it up while Alfie, Cinzia and I are checking out the venue. Apparently Zoe, Alice and Rosie are coming to watch later which will be nice for the B Troupers.

"You may come in," Joe pokes his head around the door.

"Okay," I giggle and walk in, my dancers following.

It turns out Joe and his dancers have taped out a stage on each side and pulled a curtain across the middle. I'm impressed.

"I love the stage," I say. "A nice touch."

"Why thank you," Joe flashes a smile back at me.

We decide to let our duets rehearse without us so we could go grab a coffee in the cafe nearby.

"See you guys soon," I wave as we leave.

"Omg okay so I have a really funny story from school yesterday," Joe says as we walk hand in hand out the automatic doors.

"Yeah?" I ask, looking at him. I'm always wary about hearing Joe's stories about school. Some of them are really lovely and make me love him even more, but some are downright chaotic and make me worried for his wellbeing; like Lola's almost scary tales which could literally be made into a TV show. It's unbelievable we go to the same school.

"Okay, so me and this guy Matt were sat at the front desk in maths and the teacher was getting super angry at our whole class because we were just chatting and we're meant to be one of the smart groups," he says. "So basically she takes our exercise book to show the class what questions we should answer and yells and shouts and stuff and then says to be silent for the remainder of the lesson until every person has done all those questions, but then she takes our exercise book and just dumps it on her desk and sits at her computer, so obviously Matt and I no longer have a book so we kinda look at each other like 'ummmmm' because how are we meant to do this work when we don't have a book right?"

"Go on," I say, knowing he's saving the good part.

"Okay, here's the good part," Joe continues. I grin, knowing him well. "So I raise my hand because she said we weren't allowed to speak and I had my hand up for ages until she finally looked at us and yelled 'WHY AREN'T YOU WORKING?!' and Matt just goes 'You kind of nicked our book'," he pauses to laugh, "and she just goes 'WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU PUT YOUR HAND UP?!' and Matt, absolutely astounded as you would be, says, 'Joe's has his hand up for the past ten minutes!' and then she literally says this, to which we as a class were all like what, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck."

"Yes?" I say, wary that this could turn into a story about this Matt kid throwing the book at the teacher.

"She fully said, 'WELL WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?' as if there was ANY point BOTH of us putting our hand up!" he looks at me in disbelief. "Matt obviously said this and she just got so pissed off and looked at us like she wanted to kill us and SLAMMED the book down on our desk. It was absolutely hilarious."

"You know you could've just said 'Miss' instead of putting your hand up for ages," I raise my eyebrows at him and laugh. That boy really does make me wonder sometimes.

"Yeah but then the funny story wouldn't have happened," Joe points out.

"That's true," I shrug. I feel bad. He comes out with these great stories, and I've never got anything interesting to say in return. I always feel like he's expecting me to give him a funny story about my day at school, but it's just boring. It's hard to believe Lola and I go to the same school. For example, yesterday her class set fire to the teacher's desk while she was napping and because she was on the Nationals team, Lola was the only one allowed to leave half way through detention. That was funny. My funniest story is when the teacher turned up fifteen minutes late so we started watching vines on the computer. It just doesn't compare...

Joe's PoV
I have to admit, I feel a little disheartened that Dianne didn't laugh as much as I'd hoped she would about my story. It felt a bit like I'd let her down. Zoe laughed when I told her, but sometimes I think she laughs at my stuff out of sympathy. Neil and Jack were in my class and they found it hysterical though, so maybe you just had to be there.

It's really nice to get to spend some time with just Dianne though. She's my favourite person in the world. I know it sounds stupid, but I've actually begun to daydream about our wedding... I had a dream the other night about marrying her, and it's safe to say I was pretty disappointed when I woke up.

"So how nervous are you?" she asks when we've sat down with our coffees.

"Honestly, more nervous than if it were me competing," Dianne laughs.

"Same," I laugh in response. "It's harder when you have literally no control over what happens on that stage. You feel kind of helpless. Plus, at this stage I wonder what we can really do to help."

"Exactly!" Dianne says. "Speaking of, we should really be getting back. They're on in an hour and I doubt they've done a dress run."

"They might've," I say. "Remember Sophia and Cinzia have been in A Troupe before."

"True," Dianne muses. "We should get going nonetheless."

I nod, take the final sip of my coffee, and we head back to the theatre.


"That's HILARIOUS!" Sophia laughs as I finish explaining the maths story to her. It pleases me that she laughs too, meaning the funny part probably came from knowing the teacher. Mikey found it a little funny, but not as much as Dianne, and he doesn't go to our school. I'm not 100% sure he knew what I was talking about though. He mostly seemed astounded by the teacher's incompetence, which I fully understood.

We should really be rehearsing, but quite frankly I don't want to over-rehearse them and have them mess up on stage. They've had two dress runs and everything seems fine. I just know this will beat Dianne's.


My duet is up first, which I'm extremely pleased about for two reasons: Firstly, Sophia and Mikey will now be trying to show off to Cinzia and Alfie and give 100% to prove themselves as the best. Secondly, if by some chance Dianne's duet is actually better than mine, they won't feel super disheartened and dance badly. This gives me a big advantage, and Dianne knows it.

We take our seats in the audience next to Zoe, Alice and Rosie, seeing them in the second row.

"Are you ready to be wowed?" I whisper to them.

"We've all already seen these duets in rehearsal," she laughs quietly.

"Yes, but the final product is glorious," Dianne grins.

"Indeed it is," I wrap my arm around her shoulders. "Well, mine is anyway."

My girlfriend shoved me lightly, but says nothing. She obviously knows it's true. My duet is superior.

"Please welcome to the stage entry number 52 with Velocity, Sophia and Mikey from the British Dance Company!" the announcing voice echoes throughout the entire auditorium.

The audience quietens as my duet takes the stage. I give them a thumbs up, knowing they'll be able to see.
As it starts, I just know it's a winning routine. I can see on the audience and judges' faces they feel the same. I sit back proudly in my seat until I notice Dianne doesn't look at all fazed. I narrow my eyes. She should be worried. For some reason, she isn't.

Sophia and Mikey finish their duet, and then applause echoes throughout the room. I'm extremely pleased with my students. Even if Dianne's duet is better by a landslide, I'm gonna be proud of them.

"Please welcome entry number 53 with Sea Warriors, Cinzia and Alfie from the British Dance Company!"

"Prepare to be amazed," Dianne whispers to me. I'm only slightly nervous.

However, it turns out I have no reason to be. It's all going spectacular and the emotion is clear and for a while I'm extremely concerned. But all that fear goes away once one dreadful thing happens: Alfie forgets the choreography. It's only one step, and to the untrained eye you wouldn't have even noticed, but he becomes a beat behind Cinzia for the next count of eight, and Dianne knows that's cost them first place.

"Sorry," I whisper to her when her duet leaves the stage. She looks pretty upset, which is understandable. We spent so long on those duets, and then to have a dancer mess up is just horrid.

"Not your fault," she sighs, resting her head on my shoulder.


"I'm so sorry," Alfie looks crestfallen as we all walk back into the dressing room.

"It's fine," Dianne hugs him reassuringly. "These things happen. Maybe they didn't even notice it. It wasn't too noticeable."

Nobody looks convinced. Alice and Rosie look extremely uncomfortable too. The curtain is open now, and we're all just standing in the big, open space. Our dancers were some of the last to compete, so it won't be too long until the judges calculate the scores and award the winners. It just doesn't really feel right winning now. Dianne doesn't even have a fair shot, and that kills me.

When it's finally time for the awards to be given out, Dianne and I choose to remain in the wings, watching as our four students sit nervously on stage. Zoe is sat backstage too, with a clear view. Alice and Rosie decided to remain sat in the audience. Dianne eventually chooses to go and sit next to Zoe, as fourth place is being announced.

"In third place, we have entry number 48, Holding On!" the audience claps as two kids from Battersea School of Dance collect their award. We know how it'll go from here.

"In second place, we have entry number 53, Sea Warriors!"

Dianne and Zoe clap from behind me. I clap too, but I can't bring myself to look at my girlfriend's face. I know how devastated she'll feel.

"And our highest scoring entry of the day is number 52, Velocity!"

Everyone cheers, and I clap loudly and grin. Mikey and Sophia go up to the front and collect their first place trophy. It means everything to see the pride and joy in their faces. Even Cinzia and Alfie look pretty chuffed with second place. Probably because they know that if Alfie hadn't messed up they would've got first.

Sophia runs off the stage, holding her trophy high, grinning from ear to ear, the others following.

"You did it!" I grin, hugging her.

"Only thanks to you," she giggles, and kisses me. It takes me a few seconds to register what's happening, but by the time I've finally come to my senses and pulled away, I know it's too late.

Dianne saw.

I apologise profusely.

- Bee xo

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