The Other Summoner Fairytail...

By Gladecavalier_16

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There is a Universe called Imen but it is been destroyed by a phenomena called the "DOOMED" the whole univers... More

Nathaniel's Past
Welcome to Fairytail
Nathaniel's Profile
Nathaniel's Profile ver. 1.5
Special Chapter


1K 31 2
By Gladecavalier_16

Gray was silently sitting in one of the chairs in Lucy's house, not even telling her that he was there. Gray was observing her write a letter to someone, but didn't know who. After Lucy finished writing she stretched her arms around and Gray decided to speak up.

Gray: "Man, 70,000 Jewel a month for a place like this isn't so bad. You totally scored Lucy!"

Lucy turned around to see a half naked Gray in her house.

Lucy: "EEEEEEK!"

Lucy then charged at the Gray, kicking him in the chest.

Lucy: "No stripping in my house buddy!"

Gray: "Wait! Let me explain. I was naked when I got here."

Lucy: "Get out!"

Gray: "I guess that means you've already forgotten about what happened today. Figured I should remind you."

Lucy: "What are you talking about?"

Gray: "Let me try and jog your memory. Remember when we were in front of the train stations and Natsu and Erza were about to fight?"


A huge crowd was surrounding Natsu and Gray.

Random Person 1 : "Fight! Fight!"

Random Person 2 : "Show em who's boss Natsu!"

Gray : "They were about to start their rematch."

Some of the Fairy Tail Members were off to the side watching the fight go down. Lucy then pushed Wakaba out of the way to see what was going on.

Lucy: "They're really gonna fight?!"

Mirajane: "Oh hey Lucy!"

Elfman: "Well if those two value their manhood they better go through with it!"

Macao: "You gotta admit that she is manly though."

Lucy: "Aren't you worried this is gonna tear our strongest team apart?"

Gray: "What are you talking about?"

Lucy: "You, Nathan, Erza and Natsu dummy! You four are the strongest wizards in the guild!"

Gray: "The strongest in the guild? Not by a long shot. Maybe Nathan and Erza have a chance though. C-come on, I'm not that strong... and what idiot fed you the idea the us 4 were the strongest?"

Mirajane suddenly went from  her calm demeanor to crying as soon as she heard that.

Gray: "O-oh uh Mira, I didn't mean it! You're not an idiot. Come on, please stop crying! I'm sorry!"

Mirajane kept on crying and Gray was trying to calm her down.

Elfman: "I will at least hand it to Natsu and Gray though, they are pretty tough, but they a levels below being the strongest in the guild. Some of the people in the guild are stronger than the two of them combined, like me!"

Levy, Jet and Droy, then spoke up.

Levy: "Although, calling Erza the strongest woman in Fairy Tail is a safe bet."

Jet: "As for the strongest man, it's pretty hard to say. Nathan is definitely among the strongest though, if he ever decided to fight on a serious level."

Droy: "If I had to say, the top strongest men in Fairy Tail besides the Master, are Nathan, Laxus, and Mystogan."

Mirajane: "All I meant was that they worked really well together and they had the best team chemistry!"

Lucy: "I get what you mean now Mira, now please calm down!"

She Requip her self inti Flame empress armour. It's okay Nathan is immune to fire.

Nathaniel: "Flame Empress armor..."

Macao: "A good choice for fightning someone like Natsu."

Loki: "Now Natsu's fire will only be half as effective."

Wakaba: "At least give him a fighting chance Erza!"

Cana has set up a spot on the side to take bets on who will win. Happy quietly walked over with some jewel in his hand.

Happy: "I'm going to bet on Erza in the first round."

Lucy: "talk about having no faith in your partner!"

Lucy: "You really think Natsu is going to lose that badly?!"

Makarov then suddenly appeared between Natsu, Nathan and Erza 

Makarov: "Round 1 start!"

Natsu lunges at Erza with fists covered in fire. He swings at Erza, but she dodges the attack effortlessly before countering with a slash from her flame sword, Nathan kicked Erza down as well as Natsu. Natsu ducks under the slash and attempts to attack her with a kick, which Erza blocked. She then returned the attack with a horizontal slash, causing Natsu to lip backwards away from her. Erza then pressed the charge, causing Natsu to shoot a Fire Dragon's Roar at Erza and Nathan but Nathan is already immune to fire magic. Erza narrowly dodges it and leaps in the air. The two were about to clash until the sound of a gong stopped everything. A frog figure walking up to the two from the crowd.

Macao: "No way..."

Lucy: "What?"

Wakaba: "That's a representative from the Magic Council!"

Council Representative: "This fight is over! May I please have your attention? I have come here on behalf of the Magic Council."

Levy: "Why though?"

Jet: "Seriously?"

Droy: "Why would the council even need to send someone here?"

Lucy: "So I'm the only one bothered by the fact that SHE'S A FROG?!"

Council Representative: "As a result of the Eisenwald incident two of you members have been charged with eleven counts of criminal property damage. Erza Scarlet and Nathaniel Zeibel, you two are under arrest!"


The guild hall was completely silent, save for a loud Natsu who was placed in a jar in a salamander form.

Natsu: "This isn't fair you guys! Let me out already!"

Mirajane: "Natsu try calming down! If we let you out now you'll just go on a rampage!"

Natsu: "Just let me out! Pretty pretty please? I'll be good I swear! Just please turn be back to the way I was before!"

Mirajane: "You're just saying that so we can let you out for you to go save Erza and Nathan!"

Natsu: "I could care less what happens to Erza, but Nathan is my brother, I can't let them take him like this!"

Gray: "Even if we did let you out there is no way that we can face off against the council."

Elfman: "I don't get it though. We've destroyed plenty of stuff in the past and they've never made a big deal of it."

Loki: "It just makes no sense."

Lucy: "I can't help but think that there's another reason for this."


National Council - Fiore Branch

Nathan and Erza were being led down the halls of the place by the council representative,NThey are both in handcuffs, They remaining calm after Erza explained what was going to happen, until they were stopped by one of the members of the council.

Seigrain: "It's been quite a while Erza, and Nathan, It is so nice to meet you. After seeing your recent shows of power I've gotta admit, I'm impressed."

Erza and Nathan immediately took a combat stance, as if she were scared of Siegrain.

Siegrain: "Relax, I'm only here in spirit. I am sending a projection of myself from Era. Actually, most of the wrinkled faces in there are projections too. We didn;t think it would be necessary to be here over such a trivial matter."

Erza: "I see, so you're the one behind this farce, you make me sick."

Siegrain then walked passed Nathan and Erza, the two of them turning to face him.

Siegrain: "I'm trying to keep this as civil as possible. The Elders are scared that the Blame of Clover's destruction will fall on them, so they needed to find someone, or some people to blame it on. In other words, the two of you are their scapegoats."

Erza: "Enough!"

By now Nathan is still quite could clearly see that Siegrain is someone that Erza does not trust, and as such he is staying on his guard.

Siegrain: "Just a friendly warning though, I'm just here for a complete other matter."

Siegrain then placed his hand on Nathan and Erza's face, as if trying to make them look up, and then leaned in to them, right next to her ear.

Siegrain (whisper): "Don't tell anyone about you know what. For both of our sakes."

Siegrain then stopped and turned to look at Nathaniel

Siegrain: "My my, quite the spirit you have, it almost makes me want to take it away from you... I'll be going now. I'll see you two on the other side."

Siegrains projection disappeared and the representative of the council rose back up to here feet.

Council Representative: "You two must be very important person to be acknowledge from him"

Erza: "He is evil."

Nathan: "Don't make yourselves a pawn"


Erza an Nathan were both standing before the Magic Council in a court, both of them taking the stand, and listening to the charges that have been placed on them. For a moment, Nathan could have sworn he saw Siegrain smirking a bit at each of the charges, which he disregarded. The trial continued until the door leading into the court exploded, and Natsu walked in with a red wig on and crudely constructed armor placed on him.


Erza and Natham sweatdropped at this before Nathan ran over and knocked Natsu down with a fist of lightning.

Nathaniel: "You idiot!"

The judge then hit is gavel down.

Judge: "Take them away..."

Erza and Nathan: "We're truly sorry for this."

It was nighttime and Nathan and Erza were resting in the same cell, Natsu being placed in the cell right next to theirs.

Nathaniel: "Natsu I'm just gonna out and say it. You're an Idiot!"

Erza: "Words cannot even express my anger right now! The trial was just a formality!"

Natsu: "S-seriously?"

Nathaniel: "It's a whole glorified system. The council is using the two of us as a reminder to everyone that if we break the law then punishment is due!"

Erza: "Doing this is helps them keep order!"

Natsu: "Wait, so this is all for show."

Nathaniel: "Well, no, because of your stupid actions we got put in a cell for a day. If you hadn't shown up like you did, they would have just sent us home with a slap on the wrists and a warning."


Natsu: "I-I'm sorry..."

Erza: "It's alright, you meant well... go to sleep for now."

Natsu: "Okay..."

Natsu then started snoring away, leaving Nathan and Erza alone in the cell.

Nathaniel: "Hey Erza?"

Erza: "Yes?"

Nathaniel: "Do you think they miss us?"

Erza: "I don't know Nathan but for me they always miss us, For now, just go to sleep."

Nathan listened to Erza and he leaned on the wall and slept, leaving Erza to sit and lean against the wall and stare outside the cell.


Natsu, Nathan and Erza were all release from jail and were back at the Guild Hall, Natsu was breathing a small stream of fire and was screaming about how nice the fresh air was. Erza was sitting at a table having tea, and Nathan was sitting next to Erza eating some food.

Lucy: "I can't believe that arrest and trial was all just for show. All that worrying for nothing."

Nathaniel: "Oh sorry but thanks anyways Lucy"

Elfman: "Hey, I just remembered! Hey Natsu, when are you going to continue that match with Erza and Nathan?"

Nathaniel: "You just had to remind him didn't you?"

Natsu: "Oh yeah! Erza, lets continue our fight!"

Erza: "We are not in the mood right now Natsu."

Natsu then rushed at Erza.

Natsu: "Well I'm not letting you off that easily!"

Erza quickly got up and landed a heavy blow right on Natsu's gut. Natsu quickly lost all of the fight in him and fell to the floor, out cold, shocking everyone in the guild.

Nathan: "No mercy..."

Erza: "How's that? Are you satisfied?"

Elfman and Gray burst out into a fit of laughter and Lucy simply smiled at the sight. Mirajane giggle slightly at Natsu's defeat, while Master Makarov suddenly felt drowsy, which Natnan and Mirajane noticed.

Mirajane: "Master, is everything alright?"

Makarov: "It's fine, just sleepy. He's coming."

Mirajane suddenly collapsed on the floor, fast asleep, and soon everyone in the guild except for Makarov and Nathan were asleep, and even then, both were struggling to stay awake. 

Nathaniel: "If everyone is asleep, then that means..."

Makarov: "Mystogan."

A figure suddenly emerged at the door, carrying multiple staffs on his back. Nathan got up and went next to Makarov, his plate of food pretty much cleaned up.

Nathaniel: "Hey Mystogan... nice to see you still show up..."

Mystogan merely nodded at Nathaniel before going up to the job board and picking a job, and started to leave.

Mystogan: "I shall return..."

Makarov: "No, wait! At least undo the sleeping spell."

Mystogan started to count down from 5 as he left the guild, as he reached zero he was already out of the guild, and everyone started to wake up. Well, everyone except for Natsu.

Jet: "Aw man, was that Mystogan?"

Droy: "What a jerk."

Levy: "Does he have to put us to sleep every time he come here?"

Lucy: "Mystogan? Who is he?"

Nathaniel: "One of the S-Class Wizards of the guild."

Elfman: "He's a contender for the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail."

Lucy: "Really?"

Gray: "Yeah, and for some reason he doesn't want anyone to see what he looks like, so he puts everyone to sleep before entering. Makarov and Nathan are the only people that have seen his face."

Laxus: "Oh I wouldn't know about them being the only people to see his face. I've seen him before!"

Everyone looked up to see a blond man on the second floor of the Guild Hall, he was wearing magic headphones and wears a cape of sorts on his back.

Nathaniel: "Laxus."

Laxus: "Miss me Nathan"

Elfman: "This is a rare occasion."

Wakaba: "You're never here."

Gray: "Here's another contender."

Laxus: "Mystogan is just a little shy. You should all respect his privacy."

Natsu suddenly woke up and got up to face Laxus.

Natsu: "Alright Laxus, you and me right now!"

Laxus: "Sorry, but I'm not interested in you. But me and Nathan? That's something I would like to see. Course if you want to fight, you're gonna have to come up here and do it."

Gray: "So one beating wasn't enough for you Natsu?"

Laxus: "Right? If you can't even beat the red-head how can you expect to beat me? Hell, If you can't even beat my only rival in this guild which is Nathan how are you gonna put a fight with me"

Erza: "What are you trying to say?"

Nathaniel: "Funny, since I never felt the need to go serious against you Laxus."

This line irritated Laxus, as he got on top of the railing and was about to fight Nathan


Nathaniel: "Oh did I just hit a nerve"

Laxus was about to throw a bolt of lightning at Nathan but Makarov stopped him.

Makarov: "Enough Laxus! I will NOT have my children fight each other so seriously over a trivial matter!"

Laxus then got back down and continued on with his speech.

Laxus: "Anyway, I'm just putting this out there. I'm the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail!"

Natsu: "Then come down here and prove it!"

Laxus: "You come to me, little man!"


Natsu then jumped off of the table he was standing on and was about to jump up the the second floor, until Master Makarov multiplied the size of his hand and swatted Natsu down just as he was about to jump up.

Makarov: "Natsu! You are not allowed to go up to the second floor! Not yet anyways."

Laxus: "Heh, I think you made him grumpy~"

Natsu: "S-shut up!"

Makarov: "That's enough out of you Laxus!"

Laxus: "The strongest wizard isn't a man in a white cloak, woman or some hooded freak.You want a look of someone who is the strongest? You're looking right at him!"


It was night time and Lucy was still in the Guild Hall with Mirajane.

Lucy: "Hey Mirajane? What was the Master talking about earlier, about how Natsu wasn't allowed on the second floor?"

Mirajane: "The second floor of the hall is reserved for the advanced members of the guild. The jobs up there make the jobs on the lower floor look like menial chores if you were to compare them. The jobs up there are called S-Class quests."

Lucy: "S-Class?"

Mirajane: "The Jobs are so dangerous that one wrong step could end up being your last. The risk does land you a higher reward if you complete it. Master Makarov hand picks the wizards whom he believes are capable of taking on these jobs. There are currently five people in the guild who are considered to be able to take these quests on, and that includes Laxus, Nathan Mystogan, and Erza.

Time skip

A while later, Nathan was relaxing in his house, until they heard Lucy scream for no reason, causing him to jump out of his seat. 

Nathaniel: <Must be Natsu again..>

A few more minutes passed and Natsu suddenly burst through one of his windows.

Nathaniel: "Natsu! Be more careful with my windows! You almost broke them for crying out loud!"

Nathaniel: "Oops, uh sorry. Anyway, take a look at this!"

Natsu held out a paper for an S-Class Quest and almost immediately Nathaniel know what Natsu was going to ask.


Natsu suddenly fell to the ground and started grasping on to Nathan's leg.

Natsu: "Aww come on! Don't be like that!"

Nathaniel: "No Natsu, I'm more afraid of getting my ears torn off by Erza and the Master than what will happen on that quest. Now Get out of my House!"

Back at the Guild Hall, Makarov was sitting quietly on the counter of the bar, drinking some tea, until Mirajane was running down the stairs.

Mirajane: "Master! This is terrible! One of the S-Class jobs are missing."

Makarov then took one more sip of his drink and instantly spit it out!

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