Furious Love

By msthunderbolt

3.5K 341 35

Exclusively on Wattpad. Umar Jahan Bad boy, a glacier, dark, manipulative, arrogant, controlling, powerful. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 5

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By msthunderbolt

Chapter 5

He was exactly that person who disturbed her calmness when she glanced at that particular picture before. The person who gave her kind of familiar feelings.

When he entered cafeteria, a cold and chilly aura filled the entire hall. The aura was chilly, powerful, commanding, dominant, and controlling. She had never encountered such person before with such overpowering aura. He was expressionless and cold. His cold blue eyes were evident even from the picture.

With pounding heart, she stared at him. He was wearing black shalwar qamees, Waaskat, and shoes. He had untidy dirty golden blond hair, blue eyes, long eyelashes, fair skin, sharp jawline and had long height. He was very handsome and attractive. He stood for a while at the entrance of cafeteria, stared at the scene emotionlessly and then walked leisurely towards his friends.

She was staring at him unblinkingly, especially at his eyes. They were extremely beautiful, striking, and attractive but they lack emotions and feelings. His whole demeanour was cold, rude, arrogant, and indifferent.

A commotion in the centre snapped her from the trance. She glanced at the source of turmoil. Ashar Malik was holding a large scissors in his hand.

''Silence!'' Aneela yelled.

A sudden silence occupied the cafeteria. Everyone seemed to be holding their breathe. It seemed very dramatic to them. She rolled her eyes at it. A sarcastic smile appeared on her lips.

''This boy here dared to go against our orders. Didn't we forbid you everyone to not welcome the fine arts students?'' Ashar Malik said in a loud voice. His voice boomed in the entire hall.

Sajal Hayat and Lubna Ahmad gasped simultaneously. In fact, all the fine art students who could be counted in a glance gasped loudly. They stared at him with wide eyes. Sajal narrowed her eyes at him. So, it was because of The Bullies' warning that students were little rude and hesitant to talk with them except fine arts students, of course.

At the same time she realised something important about Jahan University— there were only Science and Business majors offered in the institution. The Fine arts branch was new and students were allowed to take admission this year. She could not think of a reason why?

She gazed at Lubna. She was panicked. She frowned and then smiled mischievously. Lubna happened to catch her smile and got shocked. In her opinion, Sajal should also be panicked and worried because she was also a fine arts student.

She laughed quietly. She couldn't tell Lubna that the scene was so familiar and unoriginal. Her siblings, cousins and she had applied the same action many times on bullies.

She placed her chin on her palm and stared at the scene with interest. It was after all the very first stage performance of The Bullies for her! Lubna was astonished at her actions.

''Didn't we tell you to not welcome them?'' Aneela said in a loud voice. ''Since you two did not obey our order, you two both will be punished.''

Listening to this Sajal Hayat furrowed her eye brows. Imran clearly told her to keep her profile low but what if they do something horrible to Kashmaala. Kashmaala was a gentle and kind girl. She was not rude and arrogant and did not want Sajal to feel not welcomed so she welcomed her and showed her around the university. Suddenly, she turned towards Lubna and asked her in a low voice.

''Lubna! Who welcome you and make you familiar with the buildings of the university?''

''Kashmaala.'' Lubna answered softly.

Sajal determined that as long as Kashmaala was not threatened, she will not take any action.

Ashar started cutting the boy's red hair. Yes, he was a red-haired boy.

There was a pin drop silence in the cafeteria as the boy's hair started falling to the ground. Sajal glanced around in cafeteria. Everyone was startled but no one moved. She smiled sarcastically again. She stared at The Bullies one by one. Aneela was smiling triumphantly. Ashar was laughing loudly while cutting the boy's hair. And...

And he was staring at the scene coldly. He was expressionless and emotionless.

Samad Amir was absent. He was supposedly the kindest and politest among The Bullies. Gulmeena Jahan, paternal cousin of Umar Jahan was nowhere to be seen. She did come to university that day.

The next action of Ashar was to pour black ink on the boy's pure white qamees.

Sajal smiled meaningfully when she saw girls in the hall would steal a glance at Umar Jahan now and then. They could not look at him directly because Aneela was there. If she caught a girl at this then it was obvious that the consequences would be bad.

Suddenly Aneela laughed loudly. Sajal looked at them and smiled mockingly. The boy's face and qamees were ruined with black ink. His hair was cut in a strange style that was looking bad. Ashar had made sure to make it look bad.

Ashar gave the scissors to Aneela and she grab a strand of Kashmaala's hair which was on the side of her face. A bad premonition aroused in her heart. Sajal Hayat suddenly sat straight, clenched her fists and glared at Aneela Ijaaz. It was a silent warning to her.

But unfortunately for Aneela that her sixth sense was not that sharped. She did not sense that sharped glared which was conveying a warning.

Aneela was smiling at Kashmaala with a ridiculing gaze. Sensing the upcoming danger towards her, Kashmaala struggled against her.

''If you do not stand quietly than prepare yourself for getting expelled out of university.'' Aneela threatened her. Instantly, Kashmaala paled. She understood why previously the boy was not struggling against Ashar. She looked frightened and prepared herself if Aneela go overboard she would not care about getting expelled from university. Her self-respect, virtue and dignity were more important than getting education or a degree from that top university. As soon as Aneela brought scissors near her strand of hair; it was a second away from clutching her beautiful hair when...




The hall echoed with an ear-piercing cry of Aneela Ijaaz.

A small bottle of water hit Aneela's head. It darted straight towards her with an alarming high speed. The water splashed on her perfectly combed blonde hair and fair face. It soaked her and water was dripping down her to the floor.

A pin drop silence filled the entire cafeteria. The world seemed froze and timed seemed halted. Everyone's mouth opened and their eyes widened. They were flabbergasted. Ashar turned towards the students not knowing who did the daring deed. Aneela was standing with blank eyes, staring at the mass of students silently.

Disbelief was written on every person's face.

Even Umar Jahan's eyes widened at the scene. It was not known who did the daring deed.

A pair of eyes glared furiously at The Greats. They were turning red gradually. Fire of fury was visible in them, especially it was directed towards him. He felt a sharp fiery glare piercing holes into him. He turned curiously towards the source and searched the source of that furious glare among the mass of students. His expression was still expressionless. That glare did not consist hatred like Shehroz, his archenemy; but rather it had fury, power, dominance, and fierceness.

No one... up till now no one dared to do so. No one besides Shehroz dared to cross path with him. Even Shehroz was deep down afraid of him. He knew that and Shehroz knew that. But this glare and action were daring and challenging; a warning for the next time.

Everyone was still silent and dumbstruck; looked around at each other trying to find the heroic, audacious person.

He was searching among the students when the piercing feeling increased as if burning him with fire of fury. Suddenly his deep, tranquil and emotionless eyes met with a pair of enchantingly beautiful shining fiery red eyes. His eyes widened and mouth opened slightly. He stared into them intensely, instantly, forgetting the events and perhaps... the surrounding. His heart stirred for a moment.

Those eyes...

They were challenging him; warning him!

They were furious, daring, audacious. A fire was burning in those stunning, intriguing eyes as if they would burn anything if came in their way.


Sorry for grammatical mistakes!

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