The mechanic and his doctor [...

By LazySinkCat

44.2K 2.5K 626

If Bai Yu and Zhu YiLong are not actors......... This is a story of a mechanical engineering student, Bai Yu... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting mister popular
Chapter 2 - Can I call you Long-ge?
Chapter 3 - Are you crazy?
Chapter 4 - You're not like them
Chapter 5 - First kiss
Chapter 6 - I can't stop it
Chapter 7 - Give me my pillow
Chapter 8 - Brace yourself Long-ge
Chapter 9 - Am I in love!?
Chapter 10 - Long-ge, please help me shower
Chapter 11 - Do you have someone you like?
Chapter 13 - It's hot and painful
Chapter 14 - Don't stop
Chapter 15 - You said that you like me?
Chapter 16 - You!!!
Chapter 17 - You're my boyfriend!?!
Chapter 18 - Just think of me
Chapter 19 - You're mine!!
Chapter 20 - Don't hold back
Chapter 21 - H-hurry!
Chapter 22 - I'm so sorry
Chapter 23 - Growl .... growl
Chapter 24 - The real wolf
Chapter 25 - YES
Valentines Special

Chapter 12 - Please help me

1.4K 93 19
By LazySinkCat

After the question of 'do you have someone that you like?' something seems to have changed. It's not that obvious as most things are still the same, but just a little less passionate compared to before. The usual teasing also didn't happened this morning. Everything seems like normal yet something is a little off. He can't exactly pinpoint the difference.

However, before YiLong could dwell more about that, there's another issue to concern at the moment.

"Zhu YiLong, is that a hickey? Was that made by Bai Yu? How far have you gone?" Yang Rong bombards him with embarrassing questions even though the tone is just a teasing one but the embarrassment from YiLong is quite real.

Of course, YiLong instinctively covers the exact location with his hand without needing anyone to point it out. "N-no ... no .... some kind of bug bit me ...n-not Bai Yu." 

"Ha? Really? A bug?" Yang Rong asks in an even more mocking tone.

"Yes, a bug."

"You think I would believe that? If it was a bug, why would you go all red up to the tips of your ears?"

"It's hot today and I'm telling the truth about the bug .... oh, Yang Rong, your patient is calling for you .... you should hurry over."

"But YiLong, I'm more worried about you and the bug bite. Here, I'll help you disinfect it just in case it becomes serious." Yang Rong SINCERELY expresses her concern. She even cover her heart with a hand and wipe a fake tear with the other.

"No! I mean, I can do it myself. You don't need to worry. Just go to your patient. You shouldn't let your patient wait, it's not good."

"But ...."

"Just go to your patient, please!"

After being done with teasing her friend, Yang Rong sticks out her tongue at YiLong before skipping happily towards her patient's room. On the other hand YiLong rushes to the restroom down the hall while still covering his neck to hide such mark so that no more people can see it. Normally, he doesn't really observe his appearance before leaving the house, but it seems that from now on he needs to thoroughly check as the beast at home is now leaving visible marks that others can see. In the mirror, when tilting his neck up on one side, an obvious red mark can be seen so now he's checking the other side as well. 'I don't know if it's a big bad bug or a big bad beast that's been sucking on my neck as if he's a vampire trying to suck my blood dry.'

When YiLong is busy thinking of the younger lad and focusing on his hickey, a man comes out from one of the stalls quietly. At first the man didn't pay attention to the young doctor until he sees the red mark on his neck. The red spot contrasting on the pale white slender neck really caught the man's attention which mischief seems to just flashed by his eyes. 

"Excuse me." The man greets.

YiLong, who is so immerse in his world, startles at the greeting and unconsciously covers up his neck again and takes a step back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just want to talk. My name is Wen Chou. I own a modeling company and I'm currently looking for a model for one of my client's new fashion line. And coincidentally, you fit the profile that I'm looking for. Would you be interested in modeling for my client?" Wen Chou tries to test the water in which YiLong still show indifference and doesn't seem interested. So he tries to add in another bait that most fish would be interested in. "My client is one of the big brands, but I can't let you know the name yet since it's confidential at the moment. You'll just need to wear their cloth and pose a little to show it off. And also the payment is quite generous, around 10k which is consider high for new models. It's a very good opportunity."

'Wow, 10k is a lot of money considering that you just wear their cloth and let them take photos.' YiLong thinks to himself. He hasn't respond to the other party but there are changes in his expression that lets Wen Chou notice that the fish seems interested in the bait in front of it.

"Well, I know that this is sudden and you may need time to consider it. So here's my card. You can give me a call if you decide to be my model. But I do advise that you shouldn't think for too long since my staff is also out there searching for the model as well. To frankly speak, you would really fit well with the concept so it'd be a waste and I wouldn't want you to miss a good opportunity." Wen Chou tries to convince one last time before leaving the restroom.

YiLong looks at the name card in his hand with mixed feelings. He has never done any modeling work before nor does he knows what exactly it is. But the payment that the man just mentioned is undeniably attractive. With this sum of money, he can help Bai Yu pays some of the expenses or maybe buy something nice for him. Bai Yu has bought so many things for him, but he hasn't given much in return. So the offer is now even more attractive than before.

For couple of nights, YiLong thoughts have been circling around the modeling offer as well as Bai Yu's unusual behavior. On the surface, everything may seem normal but the level of intimacy has slightly drop. 'Bai Yu's not his usual self these past few days. Is he getting tired of me and sees me as burden? Or maybe the expenses are already too much for him to handle?' After staring at Bai Yu's sleeping face for half the night, YiLong has reach the conclusion to accept the offer from Wen Chou.


Several days later.

"Bai Yu, you don't have to come pick me up today cause I might be a little late so you can head home directly." YiLong tells the younger lad before getting off the car.

"Got it. But you can call me to pick you up if it gets too late, okay?"

"Yes, father. I'll call so that you can pick me up." YiLong mocks back.

"No, no, I can't be your father. But I can definitely be your husband!" Bai Yu tries his best to still joke around even though many doubts fill his heart. To be honest, he's quite confident that the person YiLong likes is someone else.

The counter attack from Bai Yu to be the husband made YiLong goes all red and resulting in him stumbling off the car in embarrassment. Luckily no one is around to hear this shameless sentence.

However, YiLong only works for the morning half today as he has taken leave for the afternoon. After an hour ride on the bus, YiLong finally arrives at the Grand Dragon Hotel - a luxurious 5 stars hotel located at the center of the city. Wen Chou has explained that the client's new fashion is for high-end customer. So the photo shoot for this set require a location with luxurious vibes and no place can be better than the Grand Dragon Hotel. This is the first time that YiLong is visiting such a grand place so he's quite lost and wandering into the lobby. 

Wen Chou has already been waiting for a while as he couldn't contain the excitement to meet the beautiful doctor. So when he sees his target arriving, he waste no time to greet the person and guide him to the location.

On the other hand, a familiar face has just walk through the hotel's entrance: Gao Vengo. It's totally normal to see this person here at this hotel since it belongs to his family. But the unexpected is to see Bai Yu's roommate here with a man. "Isn't that Bai Yu's beautiful roommate? And why do I feel that the one he's with is also familiar? Where did I see him before?"

"Yo Bai Yu, where are you?"

"At work, where can I be at a time like this? Are you calling me to have a drink with you again?" Bai Yu questions the supposedly free Gao-ge that just graduated.

"That's a good idea, we haven't drink together for a while. Wait, stop distracting me. I have something important to ask."

"What's up?"

"I saw your roommate with some guy in my hotel just now."

Bai Yu is stun for a moment and nearly stop breathing. "Huh? You saw Long-ge? Did you mistaken someone else as him? He told me that he's working late today."

"Hmmm .... I'm pretty sure that it's him. I don't think I could've mistaken that beautiful face of his."

"Are you really sure that it's him?" Bai Yu asks again. He doesn't doubt that Gao-ge is lying, but he needs to be sure that he's confident in who he saw.

"I think so. At least I'm 80% sure that it is him."

"I see. Thanks Gao-ge."

"No problem. Just let me know if you need me to stalk him."


"Don't play dumb, I know you like this guy."


"Like I said, give me a call if you need me to do something."

Bai Yu isn't sure whether he should laugh or cry that his upperclassman is able to tell that he likes YiLong. But that's not important at the moment. He has an indescribable feelings upon hearing that his Long-ge is with someone else. Well, calling 'his' Long-ge isn't quite right, isn't it. But another issue at hand, YiLong lied? 

"Hello, call I speak to Doctor Zhu YiLong?"

"Please hold on for a moment." The operator informs and after a little while, the things Bai Yu doesn't want to hear is told to him. "I'm sorry but Doctor Zhu is on leave for the afternoon. I can schedule you for tomorrow or I can schedule you for another doctor if you want."

"That's not necessary. Thank you."

'So he really did lie, didn't he? Maybe that guy is the person that he likes .... so it isn't me ....' Bai Yu thinks while looking up at the sky. He couldn't concentrate anymore on his work so he had to come outside to clear his head. But the information that he received isn't doing much in clearing his head and more like making it hurts even more. Thinking of it hurt his head and also his heart. Then he couldn't help but laugh that he's having his heart broken even before he confess.

He doesn't know how long he's been out there until he look down at the phone in his hand, the contact 'Long-ge' is showing on the screen. But the courage to press the 'call' button seems to have dissipated. Their current relationship is just as roommates so he really doesn't have the right to interfere in what YiLong is doing; who he goes out with is also not relevant to him. After a long internal battle, in the end Bai Yu puts away his phone. Thinking it through, it's no use calling anyway.

'He already lied, didn't he? So doesn't that means he doesn't want me to know. What could I say if that other man is really who Long-ge likes? He could've told me even though I don't think I can tolerate to see them together.' Bai Yu thinks as he walks back to continue his work.

But not long after, Bai Yu's phone suddenly rings. The caller ID flashes 'Long-ge' name. The phone has been ringing for a while but it wasn't answer.

"Aren't you going to pick up?" A nearby colleague asks since he saw Bai Yu looking at it with multiple expressions but lets it continue to ring.

"I don't know what to say if I were to answer this call." Bai Yu answers earnestly.

Finally the ringing stop. But after a few seconds, the phone rings again.

"Is it the same caller? The caller may be in some kind of trouble?" The same colleague comments upon hearing the phone again.

With a sigh, Bai Yu walks outside again. This time to answer the call. "Hello."

Unexpectedly, he hears a shaking voice fill with fear coming from the other end of the line.

"B-Bai Yu .... h-help ..... help me ...... please, help me ....."



Aiya! What happened?

Seems that Bai Yu may be misunderstanding something.

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