New Girl (Book no.1)

By HisGreenEyesxx

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Harry Styles and Chloe Spencer are two troublesome teenagers, who are very alike. They can't seem to meet eye... More

The New Girl (One Direction Fan Fiction)
1// So Out Of Your League
2// Meeting Your Match
3// We're all broken just some worse than others
4// Pleading Eyes
5// "Don't worry son, everything gets broken"
6// "Stop lying to yourself and go after what you really want."
7// Fall
8// One day
9// Chloe Spencer where have you been my whole life?
10// To Be Loved
11// Perfect Timing
12// The Truth
13// Fight
14// Date Night
15// Siblings and Cigarettes
16// November
17// Needed
18// Pizza for Breakfast
19// Interruptions
20// Cover Up
21// Boyfriend
22// Table for Five
24// The Plan
25// Christmas Eve
26// Fate
27// One Crazy Stupid, Drunken Night
28// Louis
29// Niall
30// Liam
31// Resolutions
32// Charlotte
33// Gone
34// Break Up
35// Run
36// Dad
37// Back For You
38// Perfect
39// Nutella
40// Fairy Lights
41// Strawberry Kisses
42// Grease
43// Apologies
44// Sweet Nothings
45// Scotch
48// Sealed With a Kiss
49// Together
50//Happily Ever After
Authors Note

47// Problems

4.7K 119 1
By HisGreenEyesxx

I had called all the lads to the den, even Liam. I needed to talk to them, to explain what was going on with Chloe and my Mum.

Chloe was still staying in my house refusing to go home, or to even see her brother or her mother. All she did was sleep, and cry, drink tea and sleep some more. I tried to talk to her, knowing the new honest and open relationship that we have with each other but she wouldn't. I will never push her into telling me and it seemed pretty clear as to what the situation was without an explanation.

I told my mum about Chloe and her Dad, she was shocked to say the least. She wanted to rush and tell Robin so he could involve the police and put Chloe's dad behind bars for what he's done. But I had to stop her explaining that it's not what Chloe wants, it's her dad she still cares and loves him. I had to put her in my shoes, no matter what he's done you will always love him.

She understood and has kept her mouth shut for now, and Chloe doesn't see the need. We are both leaving Holmes Chapel at the end of the summer, in 4 months' time. I just hope that I'll get an explanation before we leave and forget all the bad and leave it behind us as we travel into the good.

The feeling in the den was serious; the last time that we had all been sat in here was before Christmas. Before everything went wrong.

"I have good news and bad news lads, what do you want to hear first?" I asked sitting in the single arm chair. My elbows were on my knees as I looked over to the four of them.

They all looked between each other and then back to me.

I wasn't doing to good myself, my face was pale and drained, I was shattered and I was constantly worrying. I'm hoping that talking to the lads will ease a little bit of my pain and worries.

"Go for the bad first Haz," Louis spoke for the group. I nodded and swiped my face before smiling softly at the boys but aiming it more towards Liam. This news about Chloe will surely break his heart like it has to mine.

I started from the beginning, about the drunken state that Mr Spencer had gotten him into. I then went on to how Mrs Spencer had an argument with her husband and left.

It starts getting harder for me to tell as the memories flash through my mind.

"I knew something wasn't right, so I went upstairs to check on Chloe," I breathed heavily and ran my hands through my hair. "I couldn't believe what I saw as I entered her bedroom it makes me sick lads."

They had all moved onto the edge of their seats, waiting for me to tell them the horrific news.

"Mr Spencer, his hand was covering Chloe's mouth as she screamed into it. Tears were running down her face." I was becoming angry and I felt sick as the graphic images played out, "He was slapping and hitting her with his leather belt. Creating black and blue bruises to form on the skin." I chocked on my own words.

I haven't realised that tears had fled my eyes and where rolling down my flushed cheeks. I couldn't look up at the boys; I kept my face low and spoke of the words that I needed to get off my chest.

"I punched his stomach, he fell to the ground. I just wanted to save Chloe but he wrapped his hand around my ankle, and he used my fallen body to help him stand. He replaced his hold on my ankle with his foot and I turned onto my back to look at." I wasn't stopping the tears from falling down my face, I just wanted it to be gone and to disappear but I know that this will never leave my mind.

"Harry you don't have to continue." I heard Zayn's concerned voice from across from me.

"No I have to," I whispered quietly to myself and them. Hoping that my words would give me some strength to carry on.

"He was calling her out, saying how pathetic she is, a brat, stupid, and a gold-digging whore. He even said that she wouldn't be a good fuck." I was shaking with anger and upset.

"I'm going to fucking kill him!" Liam seethed and I heard him stand from his seat but he was shushed and pushed back down to his seat by Louis.

"Carry on Harry." I lifted my eyes to Niall who was sitting closest to me and had placed his hand on my knee for comfort. I gave him a small nod before wiping away the tears on my face and controlling my breathing.

"I called him out, and he slapped me across the face with his belt." The scar stings on my face as I imagine the leather coming into contact with my cheek. "I pulled my foot from under his grip; he fell and banged his head. He lost consciousness, but I left with Chloe before the ambulance and Cameron arrived."

I finished the story quickly and finally decided to peek up at my friends. They were all furious, angry flashing through their eyes. Liam looked like he was ready to kill someone; I'm guessing that's how I looked only a few days ago.

"How's Chloe?" Louis asked, breaking the silence.

"She's resting; I don't think it's the first time he's done it though." I say with a shiver running through my body, thinking of her helplessly being hit. "She doesn't want to go back, I don't blame her."

It was quiet; all the boys were looking down in sorrow or out into space. I wished I'd never have to deliver news as bad as like this to anyone but we all need to look for Chloe and I know the boys will.

"What's the good news haz?" I completely forget, maybe this will lift the mood a bit. I hope it does anyway, this grey cloud that has been following me round all week needs to disappear, and I think sharing this will help.

"My mum's engaged to Robin, they're marrying in the summer." I smile at my mum being so happy and in love again. It's amazing to see.

They all smiled and laughed at our head teacher will soon be my step-dad. All the other boys join in and I can't help but laugh along with them all.

"On a serious note Haz, if you or Chloe ever need anything we are just a text away." Everyone nods at Liam's words. "What's happening to Chloe's dad?" He dared to ask but I knew he was concerned about her safety just as much as I am.

"He went to hospital and was treated for his head injury. Cameron is keeping what he did to Chloe a secret, he doesn't want his dad to lose everything, and I understand why I mean it's his dad." I do think that Mr Spencer should be punished for what he's done to Chloe, but he will. He's lost her completely; she whispers to me that she hates him and how much of a monster he is.

"That bastard should be put behind bars." Liam seethes, "He's a monster who beats his own daughter. We can't allow him to get away with this." He stands from his seat, out of fury, rage and anger.

"I know Liam, but I can't take someone's dad away from them, I know what it's like." I say quietly, I've raised my voice to much this week already to Cameron.

Liam's mouth pops open in an 'o' shape and he soon sits back down. They understand now why nothing is done.

I can't put someone through the pain of losing their dad, and I can't let Chloe not have the opportunity to go back and she him if she ever wished to. What he's done is evil and cruel, but we all have our own problems.

Mr Spencer hasn't gotten over the loss of his eldest daughter, he has no one else to blame but Chloe, but the death of Charlotte was no one's fault. Everyone looks for an explanation, as to why it happened and how, or for something to blame or there problems on. It makes life a little easier to get through day by day, but soon enough you have to look for the truth and overcome the problems that hold you back in life.

A/N: The last chapter for this week!!!

This was sort of a filler chapter, but I'm happy with it!

Please comment, vote and share it means the world!!

Please follow the twitter @HisGreenEyesxx

And next update is Thursday!!

ILYA xxx

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