Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki...

By ChloeGonzales9

260K 4.7K 2.3K

When a young girl gains a stalker , Prince Yuki Sohma, her world gets turned upside down for the worst. No on... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 ( 18+)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (+18)
( A/N)
Chapter Eighteen (18+)
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three ( 18+)
Attention all readers!
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
I'm sorry
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Filler # 1
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
I need help

Chapter Thirty-Five

2.6K 63 28
By ChloeGonzales9

It was probably to late to even think about his feelings towards (name). Yuki had already beaten him to it. Once again he was the fool and missed out on something great just like in the story.

Damn rat. He always wins.

If he could just defeat him...he would be able to take his place as a true member of the family and maybe even win over your affection. It had always been a hopeless dream becuase Yuki had always been stronger and better at seemily everything. He knew he was too stubborn to give up but he knew the ripping pain when he lost would only depress him more.

He shoved his hands in his pocket and took one step onto the stairwell. He knew there was something up in your relationship with Yuki. What though? He couldn't tell...if only he had the brains like Yuki he probably be able to see it clearly! Damn it all! Maybe it was-

His thoughts were cut off as the bathroom door came flying off it hinges and onto the floor.

With his eyes wide as saucers he watched as Yuki came staggering out the bathroom. His eyes were closed and his hands were up in surrender as he seem to be pleading for his life with a graceful smile.

"(Name). I love you. I would never..." That was a far as he went before his best friend interrupted him.


Kyo watched as your right fist flew straight into his gut and Yuki didn't even bother to dodge. Yuki eyes open wide at the pain...not realizing that you could hit that hard. He bent over gripping his stomach...and was quite sure you had left a bruise there. He recoiled backwards as Kyo just watched as you seem not to to be finished with him yet.

Another punch went flying across his face and Yuki was sent flying into the wall connected with the stairwell. In all seem to go in slow motion for Kyo as he watched as Yuki was getting his ass kicked by a girl...correction by his own girlfriend. Blood trickled out in a thin line from the side of his lips as his back hit the wall with a sickening 'thump' and he faceplanted into the floor.

Kyo looked back up to you his eyes still wide as saucers.

You stalked over to the Prince as he was collecting himself off the floor. He was crouching on the floor pathetically...so you just kicked him...hard. He fell back onto the floor with a loud, painful grunt.

"Get up."

He tried to move..he really did but he was taking to damn long. When he had gotten to his knees you snatched him up by the collar of his shirt and slammed him back up against the wall with one hand. He had a bloody lip and looked half disoriented but you didn't give damn. Just like he didn't care to put his filthy hands all over you back at your house.

"(name)...s-stop. I l-love you."

You gave a cynical smirk. "There nothing to be sorry for Prince. There no need to stop now. I giving you exactly what you wanted...you wanted me to take advantage of you right? So I'm taking ADVANTAGE!!"

You struck him across the face again with your fist sending him to the floor again. He landed on his back with a soft groan becuase of the pain. What was that the third time you had hit him...it wasn't enough. There was still too much tension in your veins. That creep needed to be taught a lesson...

You glare down at his beaten form. "You filthy bastard...I'll show you what love really is!"

You practically jumped him and was straddling his waist. He would've been excited about this if wasn't for the fact you were about to continue beating the hell out of him. He prepared himself for it. It was what he deserved after all...but he smiled. It was all worth it...

He was smiling. The filth was smiling! You were beating the hell out of him and he was...!!!


You grabbed his collar pulling his head up to strike him across the the face once more. You told him....he would pay. Let's see how pretty he'll be after this!

"I (punch) fuckin' (punch) HATE (punch) YOU! (punch)." You had totally lost it.

Kyo completely agreed with that last statement. Hell he was frozen on the spot just watching (and secretly enjoying) you beat the mess out of Yuki. In fact..

He'd never seen you so angry before except for...erm you know when it was 'that time of month'.

Kyo seem to snap out it when he saw Tohru, Ayame, and Shigure peep their heads out into the hallway to see what the commotion. Imagine the looks on there faces as they watched you strike Yuki across the face over and over again.

"(Name)! Stop! You're hurting him!" Tohru cried and ran over towards you and Yuki.

You rolled your eyes and struck him across the face again. You could clearly see that and that was the point to punching him. Gosh...she was kind of dense.

Besides he deserved it.

You ignored her and switched hands now striking him with your left fist over and over again.

"My poor house!" Shigure exclaimed bending over and crying anime tears over the broken door lying on the floor in shambles. Ayame stands besides him and places a comforting hand on his shoulder...and bows his head in remorse.

Kyo sweatdropped and by now Tohru was spilling tears begging (name) to stop. He guesssed he should step in now.

Before you could land another hit someone snatched your wrist. You tried to wrestle away but the person just grabbed your other wrist and dragged you off of him. You struggled almost immediately screaming profane words and demanding to be let go so you can finish him off. When he finally did get you off... Tohru and the others ran over to Yuki who was still semi-conscious.

Kyo was too busy handling you to worry over rat boy (not that he cared). "(Name) its me, calm down."

"Calm down! Calm down! I'll calm down after I finish that pretty boy off!!" You wrenched around trying to get free but Kyo's grip was tight.

Kyo chuckled. "(Name). He's your boyfriend. Heh...you trying out do me by defeating him yourself? I mean really beating up someone you're in love with."

"Screw you! He'll know true love is with my fists. Let me go!"

"We'll leave her to you." Shugure said as he helped Tohru and the other carry Yuki up the stairs to his room. Kyo nodded while you were still struggling.

"No! I'm not finished with him yet, I..." Kyo could feel you calming down as Yuki disappeared from sight. He released your arms a few minutes later.

You turned around to him with tears streaming down your face. You must be having one of those emtional breakdowns that girls have. It had something to do with Yuki but he wouldn't press the matter until you felt that you could tell him. I mean really what...could he have done to in the bathroom to make you this upset...

...!!! Wait a second..?!!

"What the hell were two doing in the bathroom together?!"

A sob got caught in your throat at the outburst. You felt like laughing now...you felt a little better. Kyo was always good at making you feel better without even trying.

"Uhh you know what just ignore that last question. I don't think I want to know. It will only piss me offf."



He was very surprised when slipped your arms around him and pulled him into a hug.


It took him a few minutes to relax into and was mildly surprised that he didn't transfrom. Nevertheless it felt good to have her body pressed up against his. Not that he was a pervert or anything...it was just nice. He doesn't remember the last time anyone hugged him like this before.

"I like you."

You removed your head from resting on his chest. You looked up at him with confused eyes. Did you hear him right? Of course you already knew that he liked you after all you are best friends.

"I know. We're best friends."

He shook his head. Sometimes it was hard to get through you. He smirked.

"No. I mean I like you."

You blinked at him...still confused by what he meant.

All hell you were gonna make him say it. Why do woman always want them to say those three words?!

"Damnit (name)! I love you. Do you understand now?!" He yelled quietly and was wiping the tears the from your eyes.

Your cheeks heated up but before you could answer he was pulling your face closer. Your eyes drifted shut as his lips in a searing kiss. It was nothing like Yuki's and part of you wished Kyo would had told you sooner. That way this could have been your first kiss...in fact you're going to pretend it was. Your arms moved around his neck as his soft lips moved against yours rather hungrily and a hand was entrapped in the tresses of your hair massaging your scalp.

Your heart was beating out of your chest...when he pulled away. Kyo had left you breathless with that kiss. He was so much better than Yuki in your eyes.

Your eyes fluttered open to see Kyo smirking at you. He leaned down again for another breathtaking kiss.

Suddenly your heart twisted painfully at the thought. Yuki was upstairs battered and bruised and you were down here kissing Kyo as if you already didn't have a boyfriend. You eyes fluttered shut again as he brushed his moist lips against yours. This was wrong! Yuki trusted you and...

"Kyo...don't!" You managed to hiss out and pushed away from him. With your breathing labored...you held a hand to your head. Your mind was spinning in so many circles right now.

Kyo was in love with you.

"(name)...I-I don't know what came over me. I just..."

He looked hurt...hurt and confused. You had kissed him back...that meant you had some feelings for him.

Flashes of that damn smile and his touch was swarming around in your head. Yuki was so good to you and you repay him by...

Your eyes widen. Wait you and Yuki were not in relationship! He was your stalker and....you were being brainwashed by his charm.

"I'm sorry Kyo. I just can't..."

"Its not your fault. It's mine! And..." Kyo cursed under his breath...what was he thinking confessing to you. He knew you wouldn't return the feelings! Why had even gotten his hopes up! Damn ratboy...he would defeat him someday.

You rubbed your arm awkwardly. "We can still be friends, right?"

He rather be a friend with "benefits" but he didn't want to ruin this friendship you and he shared. "Sure, why not?"

You pout and poked in him in the forehead. "And just what do you mean by that, cat lover?"

"Those cats weren't mine!"

"Uh huh. Sure they weren't Kyo-Kyo they just came out of nowhere..." You began to follow Kyo up the stairs towards Yuki room.

"They did! And don't call me that!"

You laughed as you got to the door that apparently lead to Yuki's room. The door was closed buy Kyo placed his hand on the doorknob and was about to open it. He stopped to think for a second with a frown on his face.

"Is something wrong?" You arched andeyebrow.

"I'm not gonna lose to him (name). Not this time. I saw you first..."

Kyo smirked as you he watched a tinge of pink stain your cheeks.

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