breathe// 5SOS

By 5sosxruel

115K 3.7K 258

SEQUEL TO FOREVER Getting better wasn't immediate, and that was frustrating. It created tension between fam... More



869 37 3
By 5sosxruel



"Wow that's cold,"

"Can't we just wake Ava up?"

"She needs her sleep,"

I groaned,  looking out of the window and realising it looked straight out at the pool, where everyone was sunlounging or swimming.

Mum and Lauren were getting a tan, while grandma read a book nearer the shade. Harry and dad were basically attacking each other in the pool, which I guessed was nice and cool. 

I went to my suitcase and found a bikini, deciding I would try it on and see how I felt. My head hurt a little, but I just needed a drink.

As I looked in the mirror, I bit my lip, looking at myself. It was only my family, and I didn't feel too bad in it- Lauren and mum were wearing one too anyway. After getting a drink and putting it on the table outside, I took a pair of goggles that dad had packed and put them on.


"Can I go in the pool?"

"You can, but we need to put suncream on you," mum said, walking over, "I will help,"

I rubbed it into my arms, stomach and legs while she did my back, neck and face. It was disgusting.

"All done, it is a bit cold but feels nice once you're in,"

Dad swam over to the side and held his hand out, making me sit down on the edge. I yelped when the water hit my legs, but he had already slung me over his shoulder and dunked my shoulders into the pool before I could react.

"Better to get it over with," he grinned, letting me cling onto his neck.

"Why is this country hotter?"

"It is closer to the equator, which is where it is hottest,"

I hummed and rested my head on his shoulder, proud that I understood what he meant.

"Shall we play piggy in the middle?" Harry asked, grabbing a ball that was already here.


"In a minute," dad smiled, the three of us going to the pool side. Having only been awake briefly, the different conversations were a bit of an overload, but dad could sense it. He kept close to me and helped me sit on the side to drink; we all drank our drinks and then Harry explained the game, going in the middle first.

I wasn't very good at catching, so ended  up in the middle often. It was clear that dad kept trying to be bad, but really it was me.

"I don't want to play anymore,"

"Okay, why don't you sit with Viola and put some more suncream on?"

"It is really hot,"

"Yeah, perhaps you can sit with grandma instead then, talk about your summer,"

I nodded and climbed out the pool, wrapping a towel round me and laying on a sun lounger next to grandma.

"Hey hun,"

"Are you hot?"

"A bit, it's nice and cool here though,"

"I am sorry I didn't come over much this summer,"

"You can always come afterschool, and I won't be mad if you don't come. You have your friends, and dad's friends to see too,"

"I am glad you came on holiday though,"

She smiled and put down her book, holding my hand.

"It has almost been a year since you met your dad, and you have started to grow up a lot. It is really important to me that I understand what is going on in my kid's lives, and it is important I understand my grandkid's life too, so of course I would come,"

"I really love you grandma," I said, feeling overwhelmingly grateful. I made it really obvious that dad and Harry were like my rock, yet grandma had been there for me the entire time.

When I was in hospital the time I was supposed to meet her, she came anyway and could've easily left me. She helped me apologise or thank dad, do my homework, learn how to cook, and just enjoy little things.

"We don't want tears," she teased, "ay? I know you love me, you tell me enough,"

"I just, I just feel like this first year has been really hard to adjust to, and that perhaps this new year- on tuesday- is a new chapter,"

"Like a book,"

"Is that stupid?"

"Not at all, it makes perfect sense. Perhaps this year you can focus on dealing with fears, and continuing to learn about those around you,"

"Will Julie have to ask me to be her girlfriend again?"

"No, nothing resets on new year, but it is usually when people make a fresh start,"

"Oh, good,"

"How did she ask it?"

"I think she had something big planned, but one time I got really anxious after class and was telling her she didn't have to stay, then she just burst out with the fact that she wanted to date me. She had a necklace for me, so I ruined her plan,"

"Well it worked out in the end. She sounds lovely,"

"Yeah, I can't wait to see her again. She makes my tummy feel funny,"

"As long as you are happy, that is the main thing,"

"What are you two talking about?" mum said, sitting beside me. Lauren sat with grandma, throwing her arm round her shoulder.



"New years," grandma nodded, "and how this year has changed our family. Viola was new too,"

"I didn't think I would ever have a mum and dad,"

"We wouldn't trade you for the world," mum said, gently nudging my side. It was still weird to think mum, but it was when I started to call dad, dad.

I shuffled closer to her and wrapped my arms round her, closing my eyes as I rested on her side.

"I haven't got an elastic band in,"

"Well that's not good, put one in after tea,"

"What are we having?"

"Just some pizzas tonight because we are too tired to cook. Why don't we have some fruit now?"

"I want to sleep,"

"Well you can sunbathe after, we got some nice oranges,"

"Okay," I hummed, leaning back. I was too tired to argue.

She came back with one for all of us, and put my legs on her lap to sit down.

"Your dad wants to speak to you after you've eaten and showered- he is just showering. I will plait your hair so you don't have to everytime you swim,"


"This view is really pretty," Lauren mumbled, "I didn't even know this was real. As in, it looks like it's edited and in a movie,"

"It's pretty surreal,"

"Good word," mum said, giving me a high five. I giggled, her enthusiasm amusing me because it was just a word from my book.

"I am going to shower,"

"Alright, dad is in our room when you're ready,"

I put my peel in the bin and went to my room, grabbing a towel and some fresh clothes before showering. Lauren was sharing our shower too, so I used her hair stuff.

Since it was hot, the coldness of my hair on my back was refreshing, and once it stopped dripping I went to dad.

"Am I in trouble?"

"What would you be in trouble for?"

"I don't know,"

"You're not, but I need to have a mature and grown up conversation,"


"Sit next to me," he said, wrapping his arm round my shoulder.

"Our holiday is basically the only time mum, grandma, Lauren and I get to relax with absolutely no work,"

"I know,"

"And we all want to have fun, and enjoy ourselves, which we can do by just being together. However, I was wondering how you would feel if the four of us had a little alcohol? Not lots, and Harry can't have it yet, but ifthat isn't okay then we will not,"

"I don't know," I admitted, "because you say it won't be a lot, and it could be,"

"I understand that,"

"But I want to let you guys have fun, and I trust you, but I am worried about the smell,"

"Okay. What if, after you and Harry have gone to bed, we have a glass or a can? We can put it in the bin or wash up,"

"Yeah. I am okay with it being here I guess, but I don't want to smell it or see it,"

"And that is perfectly fine,"

"Well I am a bit worried,"

"As I said, we can not drink if you don't want. The last thing we want is for you to start getting bad memories in a different country.

"I want you to have fun,"

"Don't think about us, think about you,"

"When I am not there, but you can't see me until the smell has gone,"

He kissed my head and I closed my eyes, resting on his chest; being away from home was making me really anxious. What if I couldn't sleep? What if we could never get home?

"Stay awake poppet. You getting hungry?"


"Why don't you text someone for a bit while we get food ready?"

I nodded and got off the bed, heading to my room and picking up my phone. Luke had messaged me to tell me to have a good holiday, and I almost texted him- then I decided to text Sam.

None of my friends seemed to like him, and I wasn't sure why, because other than Julie- he was the one person who invited me around. His house had been my favourite this whole holiday, and his company was so calm.

We were barely even friends at that point too.

I had heard Harry complaining because texting abroad cost him money, and I didn't want to spend dad's money, so I called him on snapchat instead. Once he picked up, I laid back on my pillow and smiled.

"You're on holiday!"

"Yeah. They're cooking but I wanted to speak to you,"


"Just talk,"

"Okay. How was it with Marcus?"

"Amazing, and we are going to foster him, and he moves in when we move house,"

"Oh wow, a lot is happening huh?" he laughed, "and are you okay?"


"Good," he smiled, genuinely. He started talking about his summer, and Sam talking was hard to stop.

"My tea is ready,"

"Okay, well you know you can tell me about anything and I will try to help,"

"Can we meet the first day back at school?"

"Yeah, I can take you to Mr Carter,"

"Thankyou. I miss you,"

"Then talk to me more," he teased, "I am always on my phone. Have a good holiday ay?"

I went outside and found two pizzas on the table with a salad, and stood, waiting for everyone to sit down before choosing the seat next to Lauren. We dished the food out and tucked in, the sun setting in the distance.

It was nice to eat outside with a warm breeze, and a purple sky.

"I want to make a toast," dad said, standing up while tapping his glass.

"A what?"

"A toast, to having my wonderful family here. All of us have made amazing achievements this year, welcomed Ava with open arms, and have made me really proud. To be on holiday with all of you is a blessing, and it is only small but let's not think about the outside world right now,"

"Cheers!" Viola said, everyone clinking glasses- the whole ordeal was strange to me.

"Tomorrow I get to take my beautiful girlfriend out for the day, and the next my mum, brother and sister, then both my girls in our next location. I want to carry on learning about each other, and supporting each other, because no matter how many arguments we have, and no matter what we go through, we will always be together,"

I smiled, feeling like I was properly in the family. Being adopted, I wasn't sure if I would be left to myself at 18. Dad told me I was always welcome, but I didn't fully understand I guessed.

Marcus could have them too.

Well, I understood before, but I had never felt so secure.

We finished up the food and everyone cleared up together, all of us starting to get ready for bed. I kept my clothes on and went into dad's bathroom, brushing my teeth and putting new bands in.

"You did it right," Viola smiled, hanging a towel up on the rack, "you'll have to do it at school,"

"But I have no where to look,"

"You and I can go shopping,"


I gave her a hug goodnight and searched for dad, finding him outside by the railing that stopped you falling.

"Look at the sunset," he said, moving me so that he was hugging me from behind.

"Can I make a toast?"

"Usually you have a drink, and are together at a table," he chuckled, "but of course,"

"It just really hit me how I have you to support me forever, and I know you have told me. That day I met you, I remember going back to the orphanage and crying, because you weren't... because you weren't my dad. You were the first person to treat me carefully, and with compassion, that didn't have to. Until you could adopt me, I spent every night wishing I could be with you, and I didn't even know you. You brought my trust back ever so slightly, and now you've changed my life,"


"And I know I have disappointed you, and argued with you, but I want that to not matter,"

"You haven't disappointed me poppet. You've done everything but that,"

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