New Girl (Book no.1)

By HisGreenEyesxx

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Harry Styles and Chloe Spencer are two troublesome teenagers, who are very alike. They can't seem to meet eye... More

The New Girl (One Direction Fan Fiction)
1// So Out Of Your League
2// Meeting Your Match
3// We're all broken just some worse than others
4// Pleading Eyes
5// "Don't worry son, everything gets broken"
6// "Stop lying to yourself and go after what you really want."
7// Fall
8// One day
9// Chloe Spencer where have you been my whole life?
10// To Be Loved
11// Perfect Timing
12// The Truth
13// Fight
14// Date Night
15// Siblings and Cigarettes
16// November
17// Needed
18// Pizza for Breakfast
19// Interruptions
20// Cover Up
21// Boyfriend
22// Table for Five
24// The Plan
25// Christmas Eve
26// Fate
27// One Crazy Stupid, Drunken Night
28// Louis
29// Niall
30// Liam
31// Resolutions
32// Charlotte
33// Gone
34// Break Up
35// Run
36// Dad
37// Back For You
38// Perfect
39// Nutella
40// Fairy Lights
41// Strawberry Kisses
42// Grease
43// Apologies
44// Sweet Nothings
45// Scotch
47// Problems
48// Sealed With a Kiss
49// Together
50//Happily Ever After
Authors Note


4.3K 118 7
By HisGreenEyesxx

A/N: This chapter does contain minor violence in the start, just a warning if you feel uncomfortable reading that sort of content.

Something wasn't right. I could feel it in the air. I slowly made my way up the stairs to the landing.

"Chloe?" I asked, but there was no answer. "Chloe, babe." I asked again as I stood outside her door.

I heard a painful whimper, and that’s all it took for me to break down the door.

I was furious, heartbroken and shocked.

"Get off her you bastard."

He turned to me with blood shot eyes; his hand was covering Chloe's mouth as she screamed into it. Tears were running down her face, I couldn’t help but take action and help the girl I love, even if it was her own father.

He was slapping and hitting her beautiful legs with his leather belt. Creating black and blue bruises to form on the skin.

He was a monster.

He let go of Chloe and walked over to me the leather belt held in his hand like a whip, I wasn't afraid of him, I just wanted Chloe to be safe.

"What did you call me boy?" He seethed, the alcohol making him stumble as he walked towards me.

I didn’t answer him as I punched his stomach with my clenched fist. He fell to the ground and I'm pretty sure he couldn't make it back up himself.

I ran past him to get to Chloe, but his hand wrapped around my ankle, and he used my fallen body to help him stand. He replaced his hold on my ankle with his foot and I turned onto my back to look at the evil man stood above my clenching onto his belt.

"Such a stupid boy, how can you love my daughter?" I struggled under his weight on my foot as he softly placed the leather belt against my cheek.

I could hear Chloe's crying and whimpers behind my head, I just wanted to hold her and make her safe.

"She's a pathetic excuse for a girl, just like her mother." He was glaring at Chloe, "Charlotte wasn't like them; she was like me and Cameron, smart, beautiful and perfect." His throat broke a little talking about his dead daughter. This man has been through so much but he shouldn’t be placing the blame on his other daughter.

"You’re a sick old man," I screeched up at him. "You don’t deserve Chloe as your daughter."

Slap, the leather belt flew across my right cheek. It was going to mark and it was stinging. I could feel an open wound and fresh blood tickling down my cheek.

"Oh boy, you don’t know what I've been through. She's a brat, stupid, and a gold-digging whore just like her pathetic mother. I bet she isn't even a good fuck." He laughed at his words.

With the strength I had I pulled my foot from underneath him, making him loose balance.

I scrambled over to Chloe on my bum and pulled her into my body.

Mr Spencer's body fell towards Chloe's bed, and he hit his head onto the end post making him lose collapse.

"Chloe,” I pulled her onto my lap as I sat against her bedroom wall, cradling her broken body. "I need to ring an ambulance for him." I whispered into her hair. She shook her head and pulled away from me.

"I want to leave Harry and never come back, please take me away." I just nodded and pulled her back into my chest. I carried her body out of her room, down the steps and to the passenger seat of my car. She was like a child, broken, beat and bruised. I kissed her head as she nuzzled into the leather seat.

"I'll go and get your bag; I need to let Cameron know." She just nodded and mouthed a 'be safe' as I closed the car door on her.

I quickly ran back upstairs to her room where Mr Spencer was still slumped over his own body. I picked his body up and moved him into the recovery position; it was all I could do.

Seeing a pink Nike bag filled on Chloe's bed I picked it up and threw it over my shoulder. Leaving the house I rang Lilly and explained to her what happened.

Her and Cameron where making their way back to his dad, and an ambulance was on its way.

I drove back to my house, in silence; there was nothing I could do for Chloe until we made it home.

Pulling onto the drive Gemma was sat on the step with her phone lighting her face. She covered her eyes as the bright lights from my Audi lit up the drive way.

I jumped out the car and threw my keys at Gemma she opened the door and turned back to me as I pulled Chloe's bag from the back seat and opened the passenger door to pull Chloe out and into my arms.

"What's wrong Harry?" She was concerned as I carried Chloe past her and into the house. I travelled up the stairs and straight to my bedroom laying Chloe down on my duvet. I propped up the pillows for her, when I noticed she was only in her top and nickers. I wrapped a throw around her shivering body as Gemma stood in the door way confused and concerned.

"Gemma can you make Chloe a cup of tea please." She nodded and ran downstairs to boil the kettle. I leaned over to Chloe and kissed her forehead as I ran to the bathroom.

Filling a bowl with hot water, and an antiseptic solution I returned to Chloe with a towel under my arm and smaller one and the bowl.

Gemma was already sat next to her on my bed with three cups of tea. "Gemma help me lift Chloe's legs please."

We lifted Chloe's legs and placed the large towel underneath them before laying them back down. "Chloe, I need to sooth your legs to take the swelling away, it'll sting." She nodded as she breathed quickly through her tears.

"Harry, let me do it, you need to calm her down. She has the symptoms of a panic attack." I nodded quickly at my older sister taking a seat beside Chloe as she placed the flannel into the hot liquid and bringing it to the top of Chloe's leg. She softly placed the cloth over the bruises on the top of her leg.

Chloe screamed from the pain, as open wounds sat with the bruises. I placed my hand on her cheek turning her face to me.

"It hurts so bad Harry!" She cry's to me, I swipe her tears away and watch Gemma as she repeats the action and Chloe whimpers from the pain.

"Chloe I know it hurts but it will help, I promise you." She just nodded as Gemma repeated the process a few times before the redness in her legs had settled and the bruising has subsided for now.

Gemma left to clear the bowl and towels away as I put a sleeping Chloe into bed. I changed her into one of my tops for comfort and tucked her into my covers.

I closed my bedroom door on her and met Gemma on the landing. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. "Thank you Gem." She nodded and looked at the plaster over my right cheek. "Let’s go have a cup of tea."

We both went down the stairs and were headed to the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. I could see mums and Robins silhouettes through the small widow in the door and Gemma turned back around to open it.

They both rushed inside and smiled over excitedly at both of us.

"Harry, Gemma. I and Robin have something that we need to tell you." They looked between the two of us like giddy children on Christmas morning, "We're …"

A/N: Hello!

I hope you like the chapter, last update tomorrow for this week!! :(

But don't worry the next update after tomorrow won't be too long of a wait!!Also I really do want to do a sequel of New Girl, but I have to think of my final exams next year and they have to take piority!! So I will have to see if I can find time to work on a sequel.

Anyway please comment, vote and share!!

ILYA xxx

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