In love with the Enemy.

By Thegirlwhowrites_23

25.4K 1K 111

(Sequel to In love with a CRIMINAL, I want to say read that book first before reading this book to understand... More



680 32 5
By Thegirlwhowrites_23

18:                                                                                       {}

Everyone craves something right? Food, Sleep, Sex, You name it. Everyone wants or needs something's. Its like a cycle of life I guess.

The song Sunflower ran through my mind as I watched her dance on the dance floor. Her hips swaying side to side, her midnight hair swaying back and forth.

I knew I would regret this one day. Maybe tomorrow. From what I could pick up she already had or has a hard life. By me stepping into it, it would make it all the worse.

But as my eyes watch her figure get lost in the song playing, I couldn't help but feel something. 

Crave something.

As if I let that unexpected feeling take over, I swallowed the last bit of the 6th shot I had taken that night and let my long legs stride there way over behind her. My hands slipped on her waist and I growled.

It all happened so quickly. Her lips pressed against mines, mines pressed against hers.

I could feel myself drowning in her taste, a hint of mint yet mostly a funny taste of liquor. 

When I felt her trying to take control of the kiss, I squeezed her ass even more, gripping the back of her neck, pushing her deeper into me. I let my tongue trace over hers and around her mouth sucking in every taste of her.

She was like tobacco, so sweet and toxic. Blinds you from the outside world and sucks you into there poison. 

Our DNA was traveling back and forth between our tongue. 

With the rapid paste were going I feel like I could be related to her. 

Hell, if the doctor took my blood test, they would come back and say, "Sir, you have two different sets of DNA in you. One of them is your own and the other is someone else's."

But I didn't care.

She was dragging me from my darkness and bringing me into her little light, giving me a taste of a life with out drama. 
She was making me forget the reason on who I am today.

She pulled back, a long string of white still connecting us. I looked down into her green eyes, her lips red and swollen. Her hair was in a frantic state and her breathing was matching mines, just a bit heavier. Sweat slowly danced there way down my back and I could feel the wetness in my hair.

Someone bumped into me, nocking me out of her trance. I snapped my head to them but they were too busy dancing.

"Let's go home?" 

My eyes flickered down to hers, the lights above flashing over us. Home.

That one word full of hidden meaning, dragged me back to reality.

What am I doing?

I pressed my hands on my temple rubbing it. I shook my head and cut through the crowd, pushing everyone out my way.

I saw the back door exit and pushed it open, the cold breeze slapping me in the face.

I forgotten we was even in Canada. Shit, this girl is making me have Amnesia.

I don't need a distraction. I need to find my Mother's killer. Not go around parading around with a girl I barely know.

She isn't built for the life I have. She's too innocent. I could see it in her eyes. She might appear strong but I could see through it. She isn't made for bloodshed.

If she finds out who I really am, she wouldn't even hesitate to run away.

I leaned my head against the rough wall and let the cold breeze blow against my heated skin.

I felt exhausted, my head clammed up with different thoughts, my heart pounding with different emotions and my body debating on whether or not to drop myself on this cold ground and sleep.

Before I could push to option 3, my phone buzzed through the pocket of my pants. I looked down and pulled it out, already knowing who was calling.

"Yo Dashane. Speak."

"Tave, I gotten more info."

My body stiffened and I felt all the raw emotions go through the door, filling the void with emptiness.

"Go on."

"So I gotten no results on any Hospital Charges for your mother, which on my defenses is a smart move if she was running away from something. Or someone."

My brows knitted but I stayed silent, letting Him continue.

"That video with the Alley way and Blood, She was either attacked and was doing self defense or she was attacking someone. Looks like she made it and that person didn't."

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that my mother could even kill someone.

"Do you know who it is?" I asked. The back door opened and a couple stumbled out, laughing and a bottle in there hand. They looked at me and the guy nodded before twisting his legs and almost falling flat on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"You at a club?"

"Ya, Got dragged. Who is it?"

"No clue. There wasn't any traces of contact for someone to meet her. Must of been a set up or coincidence?"

"I don't think so." I sighed and ran a hands through my hair. It was dry and there were no hint of Sweat. Only cold ness.

I glanced at the cold door before walking around the corner and towards the car we came here in.

"This is bullshit. There's no leads on shit. What the fuck are we supposed to do?" I commented.

I could hear Dashane's breathing on the other line, so I knew he didn't hung up.

"I found something else."


"Your mother... She was engaged to the Leader of the Italian Mafia."

I couldn't process that. The Italian Mafia was going to marry my mother? 

"Who is he? Or she."

"Jason Mitchell. He's been the Leader for only 17 years."

"But the Italian Mafia has been ruled for over hundreds of years. I heard The devil's son took over after he killed his wife."

Rumors spreaded like wildfire. There's always a different story. Since no one knows the exact truth, they make up there own and say them as if they know.

"The son has been off the radar for a while now. Last seen on an attack."

I heard clicking and I knew he was typing up something. "What Attack?"

"Give me a sec."

Dashane was quiet for a bit before he sighed. "Shit man, I don't think your gonna like this."

"Just tell me."

He was hesitant for a second and I grew annoyed. "Tell me Dashane." I barked.

"The son goes by "The Blood of Souls" He killed off anyone who knew his real name and face. I guess not everybody."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" 

"About 24 years ago Your father imprisoned someone. Tortured them for a month of two."

I wasn't take by surprised by this. 

"Who was it?"

"Don't know. All I know is "The Blood of Souls" Popped up, saved them and hasn't been on the radar since. Few years later The Italian Mafia Rose again and This time with a New leader."

"So He attacked my Father's gang?"

"Not only that, but your mother way there. Almost due with you." His voice quivered before he cleared his throat. "I think your mother was Engaged to, "The Blood of Souls."

*-*The Ghost of the past, speaks to all who Listen*-*

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