By Indeliblehue

22.9K 2.3K 503

Annika Vardhan Trivedi and Shivaay Singh Oberoi find themselves engaged in a marriage of convenience orchest... More

1. Bittersweet Beginnings
2. The Promise
3. Dancing Away
5. The Family
6. Towards the Dream
7. Blow of Words
8. Fitting in Without You
9. So close yet so far
10. The disagreements
11. The return
12. People of Comfort
13. O'bros
14. The Bothered Fiancee
15. The Change
16. They Plan
17. And they Execute
18. She Never Came
19. The fall of Wickets
20. Moments Together
21. A paradox of feelings
22. Mentor and the Mentee
23. The decision
24. The queer silence
25. Unsaid Words
26. Strangers and Smiles
27. The determined Oberoi
28. The game
29. The Dice
30. She Who Slays
31. The Secrets these walls hold
32. Papers of destiny
33. The Liar's Bunch
34. The Trusted Counsel
35. The Brewing storm
36. The raging Fire
37. She defends her ground
38. The deal breaker
39. Queries and Worries
40. A setback
Hi all :)
41. The layers beneath
42. A Chaotic Morning

4. The Regret

842 86 7
By Indeliblehue

Harsh Vardhan Trivedi, a man of words, lived a life that encapsulated both the best and worst phases. Born into poverty, he harbored a burning desire to achieve something significant. At the tender age of twelve, he entered his father's business, armed with perseverance and courage. The combination of his determination and his father's patience and experience led to remarkable success. Throughout his life, his sole ambition remained to carve a niche in the business world, leaving an indelible mark in its history.

Despite his aspirations, Harsh Vardhan was not self-centered or avaricious. Rather, his driving force was the desire to shield his children from the hardships he had endured. He aimed to provide the luxury and comfort he now offered his offspring, ensuring a life free from the struggles that had defined his own past.

When he married, tragedy struck as his father passed away, leaving Harsh Vardhan in a state of despair. At the time, he was just beginning to navigate the complexities of the business world, burdened by the loss of stock values. However, a silver lining emerged in the form of Annika. She became his lucky charm, a cute little princess who brought immense joy. The memory of holding her for the first time, with pink cheeks, brown eyes, and dark hair, wrapped in white, remained etched in his heart. On that day, he vowed to never let her shed tears for any reason.

Over the years, as he immersed himself in the world of business, the connection with Annika became strained. Maya's entry into the business sphere only deepened the chasm with his daughter. As for Gauri, Sowmya, and Sahil, he regretted not being there for them when they needed him, with his mother Aruna Vardhan Trivedi stepping in to provide the support he couldn't. Now, faced with the engagement of his favorite granddaughter, an event that transpired without her grandmother's presence and consent due to her pilgrimage to Kailash, he felt a profound sense of shame. The sudden turn of events led him to immerse himself even more in business, attempting to escape the nagging feeling in the corner of his heart—a persistent reminder of the injustice he had unknowingly done to Annika.

Harsh Vardhan, who had promised to shield his daughter from sorrows and worries, found himself responsible for her tears. Determined to rectify the situation, he resolved to have a heart-to-heart talk with Annika, a conversation that had been neglected for far too many years


The bright sun illuminated the sky, casting its warm glow on Trivedi Villa. Annika woke up the following morning with a pounding headache and body aches, remnants of a night filled with dancing and a bit too much alcohol for her tolerance.

Still groggy from sleep, she managed to open her eyes and immediately called out for some relief in the form of coffee, breakfast, and pain relievers.

"Ramu Kaka! Bring my black coffee and breakfast with aspirin now, Pleasee..." she shouted, her voice echoing through the quiet morning.

Details of how she reached her room the night before eluded her. After a refreshing shower, she found her requested items neatly arranged on a small table in the balcony. As she stepped out, the harmonious sounds of birds chirping in the garden, the gentle flow of water in the fountain, and the sweet scent of Jasmine flowers captivated her senses, drawing her into the embrace of nature.

Her fondness for Jasmine had grown over the years, sparked by the charming tale her Dadi had shared. The particular Jasmine plant in the garden was the first gift from her Dadaji to her Dadi, a story that Annika found endearing. Since then, Annika had taken it upon herself to care for the plant and expanded the garden with different varieties of Jasmine at Trivedi Villa. Even in Oberoi Mansion, she planted a Jasmine sapling near the pool, and Shivaay was entrusted with its care. Jasmine had become an integral part of her life, its essence a necessity.

Annika often strung Jasmine flowers together, a tradition she carried forward by gifting them to her dadi, creating a connection between generations and memories.

Amidst the beauty of the morning, Annika couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for her dadi. If she were here, things might not have spiraled into chaos. Annika decided to call her dadi later, seeking the comfort and wisdom that only a grandmother could provide. As she sipped her coffee and enjoyed the serene ambiance, the fragrance of Jasmine weaving through the air, Annika reflected on the events of the previous night and the solace that nature offered.

Lost in her thoughts and still nursing a headache, Annika gulped down the coffee in one go, finding some relief in its warmth. Within a minute, she finished her breakfast and took the necessary medication. Just then, a message notification popped up on her phone.

Shivaay :) 

Hope you are awake and all fine, Ms. Dancer. I tucked you in bed yesterday, and no one in the house saw you. Need not worry about it.

Annika :) 

Why fear when SSO is here ;) and yeah, I'm all fine now but just a little headache, and that should be fine by sometime. I'm coming there today.

Shivaay :) 

You are always welcome, but come before evening. I will be out with my friends. They had planned for a send-off party ;)

Annika :) 

I will be there :) Bye, Shivaay.

It then dawned on Annika that Shivaay would be leaving for the USA in just two days. The realization that she wouldn't be able to meet her best friend whenever she wanted struck a chord in her heart.

Shivaay had been a constant presence in her life since childhood, providing unwavering support. Just as the attention and care from her parents began to wane, Annika found solace in her Dadi and Shivaay. Their constant support and understanding made them the pillars in her life, and the thought of Shivaay leaving created a void that Annika wasn't prepared to face.


Annika informed Shivaay that she would join them for lunch at Oberoi Mansion that day. Lunch at the mansion usually meant a festive gathering with the entire family present, creating a celebratory atmosphere. Annika, still pondering over what gift to give Shivaay for his send-off, came downstairs while talking to Rudra on the phone.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard a stern "Annika!" from her father. Fearing that he had discovered her escapades from the previous night, she quickly said her goodbyes on the phone and turned to face him.

"Yes, Dad?"

"Come and sit here; I want to have a good talk with you."

"Actually, Dad, I'm going out right now, and we'll talk later, promise," she replied in a hurry.

"No, I want to talk to you right now, and you are not going anywhere today!" he ordered.

This command irritated Annika, and she retorted, "You can't always decide my life, Dad! You've already decided enough, and please do not interfere!"

Her sharp response left him speechless, and Maya, Annika's mother, stepped in, admonishing her daughter for her disrespectful tone.

"Annika! This is not how you talk to your dad! Apologize right now!" Maya demanded.

"Please, Mom!" Annika pleaded.

"Apologize," Maya insisted.

"Your Dadi will get upset if she comes to know this," Maya warned.

"She will be upset knowing other things too, Mom," Annika retorted, trying to regain her composure.

"Am really sorry, Dad! I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I'm genuinely sorry," she said, hugging him.

"It's alright, princess! Our talk can wait till dinner," he said, lightening the mood with a wink.

With a quick peck on her father's cheeks, Annika left to meet Shivaay.

"You shouldn't have shouted at her, Maya," Harsh remarked after Annika's departure.

"And she shouldn't have talked to you like that," Maya replied.

"We wronged her, Maya. A marriage should be made with love and respect, but here, their marriage will be nothing but a deal," he regretted his decision.

"Time will heal everything, Harsh. Have faith in God," Maya reassured him, echoing her own internal struggles with the situation

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