A Trial by Halves

Por moosesforgooses

104K 4.7K 4.3K

What would have happened if Ye Huas plan to die in he Mermaid Wars had been Successful? What would have happe... Más

No Regrets
A New Life
A Shimmer of Red
A New World
A Rainbow Halo
A Patch of Sky
Who Are You?
A Growing Enigma
More Questions
Are You......?
When Energy Collides
When Worlds Collide
More Questions
The Spell
The House
The visitor
A Stronger Hold
The Return
A Flicker of Comprehension
Questions, Answers and Tender Eyes
Unravelling the Seal 1
Unraveling the Seal 2
A Time to Talk
The Odd One Out
Lian Song Speaks
Not so Docile
The Struggle
A Little more Understanding
Is She or Not?
First Warning.
One More Sacrifice
A Whisper in the Dark
The Voice
A Voice in The Mirror
Beyond Fear
On Borrowed Time
Another Voice in the Dark
Spiritual Connections
Change of Plans
No Looking Back
A Race Against Time.
The Awakening
Truth and Lies
Four for All
The Final Battle 1
The Final Battle 2
Days of Healing
The Truth
The Long Road to Healing.
Paying Debts
A Hidden Force
A Little Death
A Flicker of Calm
A Smile not so Bright
Just One More Sacrifice
How Much More?
One Piece at a Time
Eyes of Honey Brown
A Little Step Forward
A Moment in Time
Echoes of the Past
Her Sacrifice
100 Ways - Part 1
100 Ways - Part 2
All in One Lifetime

A Little Victory

1.2K 54 25
Por moosesforgooses

The marriage of the Crown Prince of the Celestial Heavens to the Queen of Qing Qiu was a quiet affair and as simple as she was.  Notification was given only after the event in order to keep it small and private and not only was it kept to Qing Qius matrimonial rites and protocols, but attending was immediate family only including Lady Le Xu who really didn't mind the lack of glamour and pomp, though she was disappointed that it wasn't held in the Celestial Heavens which she had privately argued for only to be told to accept it or don't attend.

But of course she attended, after all she was Ye Huas mother.  Their wedding would already cause gossip and rumours and for her to not attend would have only added to it.  And rather than a bridal party to collect the bride, she joined the few Celestials before cloud jumping directly to Qing Qiu where they were met by Mo Yuan and his Disciples who she was told was extended family of the Fox Clan and a simple but beautifully decorated wedding arena which was set up beside the lake.

Zhe Yan had gifted enormous pots filled with Peach Trees which added to the beautiful blossoms covering the entire lake that he also decorated and with the altar facing the lake, the site was almost similar to his own Jade Lake which was always covered in petals.

To Bai Qians mind, the wedding ceremony was a mere formality that would allow Ye Hua to legally take a wife under his own laws, however, she was not an overly happy bride as she still felt as if she was being coerced into doing something she considered unnecessary and it was only for Ye Huas benefit that she conceded even though everyone else seemed to find enjoyment out of it.

Beside her, Ye Hua could feel the resentment pouring off her as could her family who knew her best and this was made more evident when it came to repeating the exact same words they had given to each other the first time.  Her tone was almost blunt, and each word sounded forced but she did get through the long and meaningful speech while doing her best to keep her hands folded in front of her rather than clenched.  He understood it, and if he'd had a choice, he would have refused, after all he too had deemed their first wedding legitimate.  

But if she was feeling resentful, then so was he.  The multitude of rules and protocols that governed everything he did and said, was the main reason why he had fled in the first place and it was only for his Grandfather that he was even going ahead with it.  But like her, he went through the motions of what should have been the happiest day of their lives.

Of those present, his Grandfather was the one who could really feel the emotional turmoil he was in, and as he watched their heads lower, his own lowered with them as the reason for Ye Huas decision to leave weighed heavily on his mind which it had been since his Grandsons return.

He could not change the laws and nor could he force his Grandson into obeying them, but he could twist them a little should he need to in the future because it was only just dawning on him how loathe the boy was to a life he really hadn't been given any real choice in.  He himself had led his every step and forced his own ideals on the boy in order to fulfil a fate which could have been managed much differently.

If anything, this wedding was made all the more sadder for it, because he could feel her loathing and resentment regardless of their immense love for each other.  But what had him sighing softly, was her insistence that the Celestial Heavens would never be home to her and this he too understood.  Afterall, the only memories she had of the Celestial Heavens was of Ye Huas trial and then death which had followed swiftly after. 

And having learned of every sacrifice she had made in order to protect Mo Yuan and then to bring back his Grandson, he couldn't help but feel immense admiration for her spirit, especially seeing as her trial had been exceptionally difficult for her along with the long lonely years she had endured without him.  And not only did she battle Su Jin and Qing Cang on top, she rid them all of their foul evil thus bringing them into a long period of peace, so of course his admiration and respect for the woman was exceptionally high, and in his eyes, there were few people in their world who deserved it.

How he was going to assist her into a new role which he was now preparing Ye Hua for, had left him exhausted having gone over every possibility  Only all of them involved living in the Celestial Heavens.  Living in Qing Qiu would only hinder Ye Huas rise to Emperor and ostracise her from the world, while affecting all alliances that Ye Hua would be entering with and this he could not allow, but still, he truly felt saddened by the predcament she was now in.

Of the guests, the only ones smiling broadly and ecstatic to be included in the guest list even though it was a small ceremony were her Disciple brothers.  Chang Shan especially who had been invited to prepare the menu, along with Zi Lan who was doing his very best to keep the tears from his lashes.  Die Feng on the other hand was standing tall, proud and expressionless beside Mo Yuan whos eyes gave nothing away, but like the rest of them, he too thought she had endured far too much already.

But like the rest, he too was powerless to ease her burdens.  As her past Shifu, he now had to take a step back and allow her husband to lead her forward and as he watched her take the final bow, he couldn't help but feel uneasy seeing as her temperament could cause a whole lot of strife for them both if she didn't rein it in.  Sighing softly, he then watched as the not so happy couple then rose complete the final bows.

And no sooner was the ceremony over then the guests began to mingle while the newly weds did away with the matrimonial bed chamber rites seeing as Bai Qian deemed it unecessary.  They had already gone through a private one of their own, and not wanting to take from the beautiful memories she already had of that first time, they instead joined their families for food, wine and small talk.

"Thank you for giving Ye Hua a lovely wedding." Le Xus soft voice suddenly interupted the giddy laughter coming from her seniors who were all hovering over the food as if they had been starved for centuries.

"It was merely a formality and the wedding was for us both was it not?" Bai Qian replied tersely before turning her head towards Ye Hua who had seen his mother approaching her, though the look on his face soon had her forcing a smile.

"Mother, you look beautiful." he said smiling at a gown that looked no different to any other gown, seeing as she preferred the same style.

Smiling back at him, while ignoring the cutting looks from her daughter in law, she gave him an appreciative look over.  Dressed in his wedding attire, he looked far less severe, and with a smile on his face, she imagined he even looked at peace which did ease her mind.

"Ye Hua, now that you are officially married, perhaps I can take Bai Qian for a tour of the Palace grounds after she has settled in." she suggested to a loud incredulous snort from Bai Qian.

Keeping the smile on her face and her mouth shut so as not to embarrass her husband in front of their guests, she merely nodded her head, before turning back to her brothers while leaving them to talk between themselves.  It was enough to have to host the woman, but that didn't mean she had to talk to her.

Disappointed that the two could not talk to each other and fast losing patience with the both of them, Ye Hua gave his mother a polite nod of his head before heading towards Mo Yuan and his Grandfather who were idly chatting to the side of the happy group.  And in no time, he too was lost to the happy chatter, a wonderful dinner and far more wine than he could handle.

By the time the banquet was over and her guests sent off with a smile and a wave, Ye Hua and his wife left for the Mortal Realm for a few days break before he had to return.  In all, the wedding was exactly what she expected it would be.  It was neither a dream wedding nor a disaster, but it was over and she was thankful for it.

In fact, so was Ye Hua.  Neither had been looking forward to what should have been the happiest day of their lives, but no sooner were they at Mortal home, then the genuine smiles quickly rose as one big hurdle was finally overcome.


It would be one month of wedded bliss before the two would return hand in hand, even though only a few minutes had passed in their own world.  Though rather than return to Qing Qiu as she had so adamantly claimed she would, she instead followed him all the way back to the Celestial Heavens.

For one entire month, Ye Hua had gone ahead with a little plan he had divised in his mind, one that his own son had set off in his head.  Having spoken to Zhe Yan at great length regarding a small part of it, he had then set about putting the rest into motion the moment they arrived at his cave.

Newly weds were inseperable, they clung off each other every second of every day.  This he remembered all too well from his first wedding to her.  Only this time, instead of taking her straight to bed where he should have been making love to her, he instead went and took a long hot bath, before falling tiredly into bed.  Stopping briefly to kiss her lips and smile lovingly into her eyes, his head then rolled back onto the pillow and in no time at all, he was snoring softly while she was left frowning beside him and wide awake.

The following days, he was as attentive as he always was, they made love, visited the market place, took in a few plays and took picnics in the sun.  But what had her frowning more than smiling, was the little bit of himself that he held back.

He stared off into space a little too long, talked less, smiled less and when they were alone, he seemed to sigh more, looked a litte sadder, and when she would ask if anything was wrong, he would merely smile and tell her all was well, but she knew it wasn't.  She knew him well enough to know that he was dreading their return when she would go one way and he would go another, because that was exactly how she was feeling, only she managed to hide it a lot better than he did.

The days seemed to meld one into the other, and as the day drew nearer to return to a life of separation once again, Er Lis words pounded louder and louder into her head until finally the day came to leave.

"Ye Hua, since Er Li is in the Celestial Heavens, why don't I follow you back.  He hasn't decided where he wants to reside yet." she said softly against his arm as he led them back through the veil that split the two worlds.

"You must be tired Qian Qian.  I've kept you busy for a whole month.  Why not go back and rest, I'll come and visit at the end of the day." he replied with a little more sadness in his voice than normal.

"You must be tired too Ye Hua....." she trailed off just as sadly.  And as Er Lis words once again  began to pound against the inside of her head, she came to a decision.

"I'm sure he won't be adverse to seeing us both together, and I can stay for a few days at least......" she smiled up at him.

The little spark of happiness in his eyes as he smiled back along with the sigh of relief on his face, had her realizing just how important it was to him that she return by his side and no sooner were they in his Palace then that little bit of happiness rose at the sight of Er Lis bright eyes gleaming at their return.  Together.

"Mother, you're never going to believe what's happening...." he squealed excitedly.

"What is it Er Li?" she asked laughing at his enthusiam as she snatched his bouncing body into her arms.

"Uncle Zhe Yan arrived a few minutes ago with a large contingent of Celestial Builders.  They're demolishing several chambers to make way for peach tree garden." he squealed loudly in her ear which soon had Ye Hua rushing out of the chamber.

"They're here already?" he asked no one in particular as he made his way towards the large cloud of dust hanging over the centre of his Palace gounds.

"What do you mean Ye Hua?  Whats happening?" she called after him as her feet also took her running.

" I didn't realize you would follow me back here today, so I wanted it it to be a surprise." he replied guiltily over his shoulder, only the moment they arrived, then the sight of a small lake already in the making came into view.

"Zhe Yan?" she asked rushing towards him with Er Li still clinging to her shoulders.

Looking at Ye Hua, he wasn't sure what to say, instead he merely smiled at her seeing as he too had not realized she would return with him.

"I know you don't like being among people Qian Qian and how much you cherish your privacy, so this is going to be a little private sanctuary for you to enjoy when you're here.  It is solely yours to do with as you please, and being private, no one will bother you here." Ye Hua replied for him while watching her very closely along with his son whose eyes were shining very brightly.

"But....." she began as Zhe Yan suddenly loomed over her.

"But nothing.  I finally got you married off, only to have you still invading my Grove and stealing my wine.  This is also my gift to you, so you can stay in your own Grove and give this poor old Phoenix a break." he stated firmly even though his eyes were also gleaming brightly at the soft cheeks that were now flushing along with the tears on her lashes as dozens of Peach Tree saplings came into view.

And as they watched the stunned look slowly turn into a tearful smile, the two men along with Er Li smiled with her.  It was a start, but Ye Hua knew that she would not be returning to Qing Qiu.

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