Professional Jacka*s

By apricitys

74.7K 3.2K 1K

"What's your name?" "You can call me 'yours'," he paused, "or a professional jackass." Ryan Key, the iconic c... More

@ trio texts
@ trio texts; 02
@ trio texts; 03
@trio texts; 04
01; 3 boys and a lollipop
02; mercy's golden boy
03; bear diner
04; more like bae-yonce
@ texts from: ryan to: juni
05; a little dreaming moment
06; you look fruity
07; click
@ trio texts; 05
08; not a friend that's a boy
09; blinding blonde hair
11; is this her period talking?
12; skinny
13; it's fine
14; she's literally perfect
15; just company
16; fake to me
17; you're going to make me cry
18; the fish are swimming
19; oh
20; 5 AM
21; black scrunchie
22; please don't cry
23; you owe me
24; happy birthday, by the way
25; i'm sorry
26; i'm sorry part 2

10; so here is our plan

1.3K 65 20
By apricitys

10; so here is our plan

"Okay, what is it?" Ryan walks up to me, clearly disturbed that I called him to drive back to school right when he's just gotten home. He was still dressed in our school uniform, however his tie was missing.

He had his phone in one hand, but it was hidden after he crosses his arms in annoyance.

"Why didn't you tell me that you and Dylan got in a fight?" I furrowed my eyebrows and stomped my foot at him. I know, I'm like a child.

Ryan stares down at me, "Are you serious? You're calling me back here to talk about your fucking boyfriend?"

My fists clenched and my neck heated up, "He's not my boyfriend!"

I got so uncomfortable to the point where I had to tie my hair up in a ponytail because of the heat warming up on my back and my neck.

"Okay, doesn't matter," he mocked, "Why are you calling me here, just to talk about him?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, "Because I thought we were friends! You should've told me about your guy's fight because it would've helped me change my mind about Dylan!"

Just then, Ryan started raising his voice, "Well your mind didn't change when I tried to convince you otherwise! He's not even a good guy!"

"He is! You don't even know him!"

"I do Juniper!"

We were yelling at each other at this point.

"No you don't! If you did then you would know that-"

Ryan takes a step closer, "That he loves taking pictures of his girlfriends and then threaten them to stay with him or else he'll leak their nudes!"

Something that I have been avoiding to hear, had reached my ears.

"What is going on here?" a deeper voice of an older male interrupts.

I looked over at the voice and it was one of the teachers at our school, "Please take this argument somewhere else. If not, I will have to get involved," he sighs and closes his classroom door.

"He's already taken some pictures of you, Juniper," Ryan sighs and talks quietly.

"They're not nudes," I tried to justify.

Ryan shook his head, and takes another step closer, "Not yet."

"Come on, the pictures he's taken of me, I've been fully clothed," I scoffed.

Ryan then pulls out his phone and whispers an apology to me before showing me the group text he was dragged in. Loads of pictures of me with my clothes fully on, of course. But it could've been worse if my leg was lifted just an inch higher, or if I've leaned in a little bit closer.

My blood started to boil and I couldn't feel my fingers because of how much I have clenched them.

Then I did something so impulsively, that I'd never expect I would've ever done.

I punched Ryan on the shoulders.

"Ow!" he yelps, "What the fu-"

"You piss me off," I stated bluntly.

"Look, I know you're upset but," Ryan stops talking then puts his phone away.

I stared at the floor and admitted, "But I like him."

"I know," he comforts me by putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No," I shook my head, "Like I really like him. Or liked, at this point."

I frowned and looked up at Ryan.

"Can you please leave the group chat?" I asked him, as politely as possible.

He nods and pulls out his phone as I watch him delete and leave from the group chat, "I'm sorry Juniper."

"I want to stick with the plan," I looked up at him.

"Are you sure?" he looked taken aback, "You know, it was a stupid plan to begin with, I don't want us to argue agai-"

"I'm sure."


Okay, so here is our plan.

I will continue to pursue Dylan, but not for my own interest, anymore. Once Dylan gives me an answer about what he wants to do between us, (if it's a yes) I will date him. (We haven't figured out a plan for a no yet). Ryan and I concluded that if this plan worked in the movies, it's bound to work in real life. I date Dylan, make him fall for me, and completely break his heart. It sounds kind of shallow now that I think about it but it would be fun to get back at him.

Ryan and I have also agreed that if Dylan ever got caught taking pictures by me, I can find a way to argue and ask for the girls that have been involved in his photography scandals.

"Sounds like a solid plan," I smirked at the blonde boy, and took a lollipop from his blazer pocket.

I ripped off the wrapped and popped the candy into my mouth.

"Hey, you know just because we're friends again doesn't mean you can just take my lollipop," he snickers, grabbing the candy from my mouth. He looks at the candy and doesn't do anything to it.

I slightly laughed, "What? Are you scared of germs?" I teased.

"No," he furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm just not trying to indirectly kiss a man."

"A MAN?" my jaws dropped and I yanked back the lollipop from his hand, and slapped it onto his blazer.

"Juniper!" Ryan growls, annoyed.

I grabbed my books from my table and got up quickly, "Deal with it yourself, asshole," I scoffed and walked away. It was a lot more peaceful yesterday when we were purposely ignoring each other all day. A man? Seriously?

"Juniper!" I heard him yell even louder as I was walking away.

I turned around and was quickly greeted by a fabric in my face.

"You're washing that off for me," I could hear Ryan nagging.

"No I'm not," I hissed and took off the jacket.

Just then I felt my hair getting pulled along with the jacket. Without thinking, I pulled it away harder and screamed quietly.

"Get it out of my hair Ryan," I pleaded for help.

"Ah shit," I heard his curse lightly.

"What?" I questionably looked up at him.

Five minutes later, we were in the bathroom together for the second time. This time, it was the staff's bathroom after we got permission from our principal to wash this lollipop out of my hair, again.

"You need to stop putting your lollipop in my hair," I irritably complained as my head was held over the sink.

"You need to get your hair out of my lollipop," Ryan responded as I can feel his hands rubbing all over my hair.

"You need to stop taking my candy, period," he nags.

"You and your candy," I mocked, "Grow up Ryan."

I peaked at the mirror in front of me and I watched his expression as he was looking down at the back of my head. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his jaw was dropped. He then clenched his teeth and motioned to hit the back of my head, without actually hitting me.

"I can see you," I laughed at the mirror.

He looks back at me in the mirror and made eye contact.

"See what?" he teased.

"Alright, I think it's good now," Ryan finishes up my drying his hands off with paper towels, "You know this is a little weird. It's starting to feel comfortable, having me wash your hair."

"No," I squinted my eyes at him, "You're just weird."

I tossed my wet hair behind my shoulders and walked ahead out of the bathroom.

"Psst," I heard Ryan whisper from behind me.

I turned back around and I see him with his hands in his pocket, looking around the ceiling and the floor of the hallway with another lollipop in his mouth.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

He glanced back at me, then nodded his head towards the right as he walks away.

I watched him walk away. He is so weird.

"Juniper," a male voice calls my name.

"Hi, Dylan," I awkwardly said, turning over on my heels towards him, "Long story." I felt like explaining to him why Ryan and I was in the bathroom together didn't make sense to any other people aside from us.

He chuckles, "It's fine, you aren't required to tell me anything."

I smiled and looked at him, "So what's up?" One of my shoulders met with the lockers, with my books in my arms. I stared dreamily into his eyes hazel green eyes that were extremely easy to get lost in. And I slightly did.

I couldn't hear anything he was saying. His hair was slightly wavy, slightly messy. His uniform looked so good on him and those lips were moving in such an attractive way, I could-

"Juniper?" Dylan calls, waving his hands in front of my face. He leans against the locker in front of me and casts a genuine smile, "Cute."

Hearing him call me cute pushed me back a few steps. A boy called me cute. Okay, but I can't actually fall for him. I can pretend..

"So, about us," he leans in a bit and talks quieter, "I've thought about it."

He looked down at me and bites his lips nervously from hiding a huge grin that's bound to pop out, "Will you be my girlfriend?" he finishes with the cutest smile.

I honestly couldn't help but smile back at him, "Of course," my lips were quivering out of excitement, "I've been waiting."

We were standing there, smiling at each other; something that new couples do when they don't know what to do.

I then looked over Dylan's shoulder and see Ryan leaning against the lockers further down in the hallway. Ryan looks at me with a smirk, and with that lollipop still in his mouth. He sends me a wink and then completely changes character, holding up a middle finger at the back of Dylan's head.

I couldn't help but to laugh.

"What is it?" Dylan laughs along, and tries to turn around.

I panicked.

I looked over at Ryan, and he also panicked. He turned his back to us and I was quick to grab Dylan's shoulders, "No!" I slightly shrieked.

"What?" Dylan chuckles awkwardly at my actions.

"I," I trailed off, "Sorry, I was nervous."

With that brilliant excuse, and second hand embarrassment, I gave myself a face palm to hide the redness in my cheeks.

I heard Dylan laugh charmingly, he grabs my wrist and pulls me into a hug.

I hugged him back.

I have to admit, liking him, hating him, and dating him at the same time feels extremely awkward to me, even though our dates went so well.





remember juni

you cant fall for him


I know, I know


he's a bad guy, remember that


Doesn't change the fact that he's cute though 🤪




I know i know

He's a bad guy : (


don't be sad


How can I not be sad Ryan?

The first guy to like me back and tHIS IS WHAt hAPPENS?


tbh you'll get over him in like a week




stick with the plan rosie

stick with the plan


stop texting me



Read 2:01pm







< 3

x apricitys

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