Saving Melanie Deen

By ali_cher

14.7K 669 138

"That's the funny thing, though. Loving me is a death sentence, isn't it?" *** Melanie Deen's world consisted... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 24

241 14 2
By ali_cher

I stared at him, confused.
"What...what business?" I managed to say.

He groaned, swearing under his breath."What do you think?" He asked, a pained look in his eyes. It was as if it physically pained him to say the truth. Like it would rip a part of his him out if he told me the truth. I knew that look. That was the look Meg gave me when we met. She couldn't find the right words to say to me. After all, my father was killed because of working for her father.

I ripped myself from my thoughts and took a look around, immediately noticing what I didn't notice at first. Rectangular packages, each one full of a white powder-like substance, were all stacked in a huge pile on a table in the corner of the billiard-room. Drugs.

My eyes raced from the packages to Ethan, at lightning speed. My heart started beating out of my chest and I just couldn't seem to find the words to say. There goes another one of those sharp pains in my chest.

"You're a drug dealer" I accused. All emotion was suddenly stripped from me, once the words escape my mouth. He nodded, slowly. Averting my stare, I bit down on my tongue. I couldn't just let myself bawl my eyes out over this. It really wasn't worth it.

He reached for me but I flinched and suddenly, the realization hit me like a truck. The clues were there all along. I was just too dumb to notice."How did I not catch on...earlier" I shook my head, eyes fixated on the floor."The huge house, the warehouse, the shady men with guns, Nick being framed for drugs...the guy in the grocery store knowing who's daughter I am..." I let my thoughts wander, out loud.

"Mel-" He touched my arm and my furious eyes snapped to him, burning through his sad ones.

"No" I spat out, not even bothering to hide my anger. Even if in reality, it wasn't just anger. I was hurt. Willwood High's stupid, wannabe-gangster, played me. How stupid of me to fall for it.

"Melanie, it isn't like that" He tried again, placing a cold hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off, resisting a shiver from the sudden contact with him. He felt cold now. Not like before.

"What is it like then?" I stared into his regretful green eyes. A side of me wanted to tell him, that it was okay. But the other side of me...wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Drugs were pure evil to me. Drugs ruined my life before I was even born. I despised anything associated with them. And if Ethan was one of those things, so be it. I wouldn't let drugs ruin my life again. Not now...not when I'm finally free.

He struggled to answer my question, helplessly staring into my eyes. I nodded, a sad smile on my face. He didn't have to explain anything, everything was crystal clear."You don't have to explain anything" I shrugged, a tear escaping my eye.

He shook his head, his eyes following the tear slipping down my cheek."I do. I just can't right now...please, just trust me" He begged. I turned around and walked away from him, disappearing into the crowds of God only knows what kind of people.

Ethan's beautiful house suddenly turned dark and grey in my eyes. It lost its spark. Now I just saw it as a huge amount of dirty cash. Cash earned through people's suffering, weakness, and lack of willpower.

I stomped my way up the stairs, regretting every single moment I spent with Ethan Summers. I let my guard down. I let him get into my head. I let him get into my stupid heart. And there's that annoying sharp pain in my chest again.

I entered the room I slept in for so long, feeling my heart clench at the scene in front of me. "Welcome, Home"  balloons were all over the room, making it a whole lot harder to fuel my anger for Ethan. But my heart sank as soon as I realized that this was all just a cheap distraction. I made my way through the balloons, cursing the day I met him.

"Melanie, please listen"

I snapped my head to the doorway, biting back the tears."Please" He came up close, placing his hands on my shoulders. I didn't shrug them off. I just looked into his eyes with my tear-filled ones, hoping he would say that this was all a really shitty joke. But deep down, I knew it wasn't.

"You can't say anything that could change what happened tonight" I whispered, my voice weak and vulnerable.

"I can" He assured me, pulling me even closer."I just can't say it...right now. I need some time, to sort things out" He stared into my eyes, trying to persuade me.

I shrugged out of his grip, feeling my heart drop at his words."No, Ethan. You can't fix this. I won't be able to...I won't be okay with this" I cried out.

"Melanie, don't say that" He refused, his eyes filling with tears. I watched him trying to fight his emotions. What was this?  What were we doing? It's not like we mean anything to each other.

I shook my head, disappointment radiating off of me."This is it, Ethan. I'm just going to forget ever knowing you" I nodded, biting my lip to fight back the tears.

"Just trust me" He begged as I shook my head repeatedly. With that, I rushed into the closet. Tears poured from my eyes as I locked the door, ignoring Ethan's voice on the other side.

I plopped down on the floor, feeling the walls close in on me. You're just like your psychotic mother. You got involved with a drug dealer, just like she did. You really think you're better than her? You're not better than her. You're worse! She never had feelings for a drug dealer, but look at you...tearing at the seams because of him! You're pathetic.

I shook my head, violently trying to get the voice out of my head. I cried out, weakly. My entire body started to tremble but I felt numb, as if I was taking every punch I had in my life, all over again.

"Let me in!" Ethan's fists pounded on the door, desperately.

I howled, grabbing a backpack to pack my stuff. Ignoring Ethan's constant shouting, I shoved my clothes into the bag. I guess this is it. Back to being old Melanie. It was nice while it lasted. Being a somewhat normal teen with a stupid crush and actual friends was nice. But that wasn't my life.

"Melanie if you don't open the door, I'll knock it down!"

I scoffed, shoving the last of my clothes in the backpack and throwing it over my shoulder.

"Melanie, you've got go trust me" Ethan's voice got louder as I neared the door."I would never do this...if I had a choice. I would never hurt you" He continued, getting more vulnerable by the second. I swung the door open, coming face to face with him. He eyed the backpack, sadly.

"But you did" I snapped, pushing him aside and rushing out the door. I hurried down the stairs, desperate to get away from him. Far, far away.

"Dom's beautiful daughter...what a pleasant encounter"

I came face to face with the familiar voice, at the bottom of the staircase. The weird guy from the grocery store was standing there, smirking right at me."Yeah, and?" I raised an eyebrow, my voice laced with venom. Sorry, dickhead, not the best timing for your small talk.

"Wow," He nodded, looking impressed."More guts than your father ever had, that's for sure. But if I was in your shoes, I wouldn't be so quick with the attitude" He tilted his head to the side, a glint of intoxication in his eyes. I scoffed in his face, any trace of fear vanishing from me. This wasn't the first time a drunk man tried to threaten me. Been there, done that.

His eyes turned black."Listen here, girly. You're at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Do you really want to risk your life because of your attitude?" He sneered, his disgusting beer breath hitting my face.

I stared right back at him, putting as much hatred as I could into my stare."You're about as threatening as an old grandma feeding stray cats" I spat.

An evil smirk founds its way to his lips."Oh sweetheart, you have no idea what you're about to get yourself into" He shook his head, a fake expression of sadness on his face.

"Try me" I gritted my teeth.

"Two words, and a bullet goes through your head. You understand that, right?" His eyes were shining with pleasure.

My throat became slightly dry."And what would those words be?" I spoke, my voice raspy and harsh. He looked around, still smirking. I took a step back when he moved to lean in. However, he was quick to act.

He wrapped his hand around my arm and held me still."Let's just say, your father has a nasty reputation. Especially among this pleasant group of people gathered here today" He whispered into my ear.

I gulped, ignoring the pain in my arm from his unbearable strength."What if I said..." I grunted, trying to pull my arm out of his grip."That I don't give a shit"

He let his head fall back as he cackled."You'd be dead" He deadpanned.

"Yet I'm still alive?" I smirked, daringly.

"Only because Summers would have our heads...even mine" He smirked back. My heart stopped for a second as I realized who 'Summers' was. Ethan. Goddammit. How did I ever get involved with him?

"What does he have to do with this?" I motioned between myself and him.

He smiled, in a cocky way."Oh, nothing. He's just a guy with a lot of power. I wouldn't want to ruin our cooperation with him...over something as meaningless as you"

"Right" I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away.

"What did I say about the attitude?" He called after me, a hint of mischief in his voice. How cute. He thinks I'm scared.

"Did you forget? Ethan will have your head" I faked a gasp, taking one last look at him. He laughed, sipping on a glass of whiskey.

I made my way to the bartender."Whiskey sour" I ordered, dropping the backpack at my feet and settling into the bar stool. Where the hell am I going to live now? I couldn't go back to my Mom. I couldn't go to a motel because I was broke. So what the hell do I do now?

"Melanie, right?"

I groaned, slamming the glass down onto the table. I didn't even get to take a sip yet. What is this? Talk to Melanie (she's the friendliest person ever) day?! I glanced at the guy, recognizing him as another shady guy from school. Nathan Thompson, I believe. He always tagged along with Ethan and Trent. I guess they were friends.

I scoffed at my thoughts immediately, remembering the newly learned information. Scratch the friends part. Maybe they were partners."So...emm" He broke my train of thought as he ordered himself some tequila. I watched him, still silent. He rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly. I almost feel bad."You're Ethan's girl, right? Is that why you're ignoring me?" He took a sip, cringing at his own words. Strange. He's not a cocky one, like the rest.

I shook my head, downing the remainder of my drink."Never in a million years" I muttered.

"If you say so..." He chuckled.

My head turned his way, glaring."What?" I snapped. He stared into my eyes, his stare light and cheery. He was a nice guy. I could just tell.

"Well, I saw the heated fight between you guys. Some of it at least" He shrugged.

I snorted. Heated fight.

"Not a fight. Just cleared up some things, once and for all" I rolled my eyes, picking up my refilled glass.

He nodded, understandingly."So..." He took his glass and sipped out of it before continuing his sentence."You're single?" He smirked.

I laughed, lightly."Yeah, as a pringle" I took the drink from his hands, noticing the look in his eye. He looked star-struck. I slowly put his glass up to my lips, tasting the drink. I made a face at the taste."I would say that you have bad taste...but then I'd be a hypocrite" I joked.

"Let me guess" He moved closer, taking my drink now."My bad taste in alcohol, and your bad men?" He guessed.

"And why did you think I was I talking about my taste in men?" I raised an eyebrow.

He glanced at the pool table, smirking."Well, I don't think that is what I would call 'good taste', sadly" He motioned to what he was talking about. I glanced at the pool table, spotting a shirtless Ethan. A girl was sitting on the pool table with her legs crossed, wearing only a bra and skirt. I watched her feed Ethan grapes, laughing and pawing his bare chest. I see he doesn't waste any time.

I looked away, feeling the very same sharp pain."Yeah, you're right. I have disgusting taste in men" I downed my drink.

"Ethan's just...different" He frowned, trying to come up with an excuse for him. I chuckled, bitterly. Different, my ass.

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