You're My Injustice

By RileyMizfit

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Kayla Marie Montgomery is one of the biggest face Divas of the WWE. Despite all the chaos that's been going o... More

Raw After WrestleMania
Main Event, SMS & SmackDown Tapings
Girls Day
Injustice Solved
Tapings Before Tour
Glasgow, Scotland
Double Shows
SmackDown Taping in London
Raw: April 29, 2013
SmackDown Taping for May 3, 2013
SmackDown Taping For May 10, 2013
Raw: May 13, 2013
Main Event, SmackDown Taping for May 17, 2013
Extreme Rules 2013
Raw: May 20, 2013
SmackDown Taping for May 24, 2013

Raw: May 6, 2013

149 2 0
By RileyMizfit

So, it was back to the beginning of a new week, and we had the usual Raw tonight. We had just gotten into town on Sunday. It was about mid-afternoon when Dean and I had gotten our things together and checked out of our hotel room, and met Seth and Roman by the rental car so we could load it up and head out to the arena. Per usual, when we got there, we headed inside and to the locker rooms. Before we split however, I got a quick kiss from Dean. After that, I headed off to the Divas locker room to drop off my stuff, before having to find out if I have anything for tonight. When I do walk in, I find Kaitlyn, Nattie and Naomi inside. 

"Hey girls." I greet them. 

"Hey Kayla. How was your week?"

"Oh it was good. Spent it with Dean in Vegas like I expected."

"Oh? Have fun?"

"Yeah. With him living so close to the strip, there's tons of stuff to do without having to travel long distances."

"That's good. We want to tell you what's going on for tonight."

"Oh, you already found out? Am I involved?"

"Yes you are. First there's gonna be a backstage segment with all of us, and Cameron. And then you, me, Naomi and Cameron have a match against AJ, Nikki, Brie an Alicia."

"Great. I call dibs on Alicia first, though the Bellas have been giving me problems since that match I had against Brie. But I know you and Cameron are having problems with them too, so I'll let you deal with them and I'll deal with Alicia. And then you have AJ of course."

"Good idea." Kaitlyn nods.

"I love being in the ring with my best friends." I grin. 

"It's always the best thing isn't it?"

"It is, and we can totally kick some butt out there."

"Already planning on it."

"Let me tell Dean what's going on for tonight as far as me. He does like to know so that he's prepared to watch. Oh, when is our match exactly before I tell him?"

"Oh, after the segment Hunter has in the ring, addressing Heyman and Lesnar."

I nod, and then proceed to tell Dean everything. He in return tells me that they have a match as well and are involved in the main event and their match is a bit before my match with the girls, and it's against Kofi and The Usos. It wasn't too long before the show had begun, and there were clips of footage of Lesnar at WWE Headquarters. They also show highlights of the match The Shield were involved in with John and Team Hell No, only for Ryback to show up after John lost the match. After that, the show officially kicked off with John opening the show.

"Well his ankle isn't wrapped up like last week, must be feeling better."

"Yeah, he didn't look all that great last week when it gave out during the match."

"You can sense the unrest in the WWE Universe. It has been a week full of unrest and questions. Everyone has questions, so right now I'm going to take the time to answer those questions, and I'm gonna do so...using the playbook of ancient Chinese Philosopher Daniel Bryan, Master of the iron arts. He would do something like this...yes! Competing in the main event of Monday Night Raw was probably not the best decision for me heel. NO! In no way is it gonna stop me from defending this WWE Championship against Ryback at Extreme Rules. That match will happen! YES! After Ryback refused to compete last week, and then chose to end Monday Night Raw by standing on that stage and breathing heavy and gazing into my eyes, I was a little confused by his original intentions. YES! I think Ryback is ready to DTF. YES! DTF stands for Do The Fandango, get your mind out of the gutter guys. NO! That picture of me and Betty White is photoshopped and some sick freak even added in a spatula to make it extra frisky. And yes, I do do it. Only when I'm alone, bored, and when I know no one else is watching. Okay, those were the most popular questions I heard this week. I would also like to tell all of you, I am not a teacher, I am not a lawyer, I am not a doctor. I am a WWE Superstar and I am the current WWE Champion. So on a very serious note, that means as long as I am medically cleared, as the WWE Champion, my job is to get in this ring every single week and do my best. Am I 100%? Hell, I haven't been 100% since 2002, but that is not gonna stop me from defending this WWE Championship. And at Extreme Rules, Ryback will realize..." He trails off to say 'the champ is here', but Vickie interrupts him with her 'excuse me'.

"Always interrupting someone." I groan.

"Excuse me! John Cena, as the Managing Supervisor of Monday Night Raw, I am so excited that you are going to be at Extreme Rules to defend the WWE title...EXCUSE ME! This pay-per-view isn't just going to be ordinary. This pay-per-view is going to be extreme. For example, Triple H will be battling Brock Lesnar in a Steel Cage match. And Dolph Ziggler will be defending his World Title in a triple threat ladder match. So John Cena, I expect the WWE Title match to be nothing less than extreme. Now me being the fair person that I am, I would never choose a stipulation without the input of the champion and the challenger. So...shall we bring him out? Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the challenger, Ryback! Now John Cena, since you are the WWE Champion, I'm gonna let you go first to let us know the stipulation you choose in your match against Ryback."

"Wow, thanks Vickie. So so many options, but of course I want to be fair to Ryback. Here's an idea, how about a match and when the bell rings, the person who wins, runs out of the arena like a screaming little girl. Actually, that's not fair to me, you'd walk out with that one. How about this? How about a whine-off? How about we stand in the middle of the ring and whine and complain like you've been doing? John Cena left me six times. John Cena still owes me $1.60 for an international phone card I paid for in 2008. And why does everybody have a problem with my favorite movie being Fried Green Tomatoes? It's about food isn't it? Vickie, I don't care what the match is. You can have a Vickie Guerrero's Granny Panties on a pole match! you can't. Actually that's the one match you can't have. Because no man, woman or child should ever have to see that. But aside from that, I don't care what kind of stipulation you put in at Extreme Rules. All I want is a chance to fight, and to shut up the world's largest complainer."

"I think we'd all like to see him shut up."

"Well then, Ryback I just have one thing to say to you. I do not appreciate how you walked out of the main event last  week of RAW. But consider yourself a very lucky man, that the WWE Champion has graciously let you choose the stipulation in your match at Extreme Rules."

"Since you can't even take a step without having a grimace on your face, throwing away the chance to pick our stipulation at Extreme Rules...was extremely stupid."

"I know you don't think too much, but take a look at this. I just took a step and yeah it hurt. But if I take another, it's gonna hurt you a lot more than it hurts me pal."

"Take it easy. Take it easy big guy. I'm not fighting you tonight, Cena. Unlike you, I'm smart enough to walk away from a fight when the timing is wrong. These people might find it ironic that Cena's Achilles heel is literally your Achilles heel. But I never doubted...I never doubted that you would show up and defend the WWE title, because your real Achilles heel, is your pride and your ego. But after Extreme Rules, everybody will know, yourself included, Ryback rules."

"Or that Ryback drools." I snicker. 

"And in two weeks when I exploit both your personal and physical weaknesses, and you're unable to stand on your own two feet and answer a 10-count, because John, the match I choose at Extreme a Last Man Standing match."

"Not the first, won't be the last John has. How intimidating." I scoff.


During the break for those watching at home, people were going in and out of the locker room, some coming back from catering, some going there. Some of the girls also decided to get ready for the match a bit early so they weren't rushing around at the last minute. After the break for those watching at home, Randy's music was still playing as he just got to the ring, set for his match. A rematch against Damien Sandow.

"I think Randy may get some revenge tonight, unless Show causes a distraction like on SmackDown."

"Silence! And now, a song. Randy has voices inside his head, just watching him puts me to bed, puts me to sleep. Randy walks down here on this ramp, his expression stays the same. Does his pose up in the corner, can't think of anything more lame. All his tattoos are disgusting, all that oil on him is heinous. I guess you get to sit back and watch me beat this ignoramus. You're welcome!"

"Three words. Do not sing." I laugh, shaking my head. 

"Yeah, that was kind of....ehhh."

In the end, it was Randy hitting the RKO on Sandow to pick up the win. After the match, Randy was walking up the ramp, heading to the backstage area, but when he nears the curtain, Show leads with his fist, jacking Randy with the K.O. Punch, leaving Randy out on the stage.


Switching gears, taking attention off of what happened to Randy, they hype one match that's happening tonight between Del Rio and Dolph. They then switch backstage where Fandango and his dancer were practicing before his match against R-Truth. Naomi and Cameron had since left the room, because they were needed.

"I don't know about you girls, but my opinion of him....just from what I've seen, not a fan."

After the 2nd break, Chris came out next and went to the ring, the crowd of course chanting for him.

"Welcome to...Raw is Jericho! And we know that FanDumbo is coming out what I decided to do is put together a judges panel to critique the performance of Fan-Dodge-Durango, FanDimple, FanDingleberry, FanDangblow, FanDoodle, Fan go into a go, go, don't you wanna go. Sorry, got carried away there. So I'm gonna put together a judges panel to critique his performance tonight. But, you cannot be a judges panel on your own, so I scowered the dressing room to find two superstars that not only know how to kick some butt, but also know how to shake some bootay. Boootay! So let's bring them out, my judges partners tonight."

Out as the judging partners are Brodus and Tensai, accompanied by Cameron and Naomi. Once they're at the judges table, out next is Fandango accompanied by his dancer of course. And according to the judges, he got a low score for the entrance. 2 from Brodus and Tenai and a 1 from Chris.

"Christopher, who are you to judge me? Just because you competed on Dancing with the Stars and failed, doesn't make you an expert." He state before Truth comes out.

"Actually it kind of does make him an expert." I scoff.

During the match, Truth would knock Fandango out of the ring before doing his own dance routine in the ring, which scores a 42 from Brodus and a 10 from Tensai and Chris. Outraged, Fandango would grab his dance partner and walk away from the ring, giving Truth the win via count-out.

"Too bad for him."

They then replay what happened to Daniel last week on SmackDown, after the break. But then, Daniel was Josh's guest for an interview.

"Daniel, last week on SmackDown you were brutally attack by The Shield. How are you physically?"

"Oh I'm real good. Well not good exactly. But I'm fine. You see, The Shield, they like to throw around the word justice. A word they use to justify attacking people 3-on-1. You know what? No one's buying it okay? And I'm going to prove, that it takes more than a Shield ambush to keep me down. And that's why tonight, I'm challenging the Ryback to a rematch from SmackDown and I am going to prove to...." He trail off as Ryback comes into view.

"After what The Shield did to you last Friday, you're in no condition for a rematch. For your own sake, my answer to your challenge is a word you're very familiar with. No. Besides, even if you were healthy, even if you were healthy, I would destroy you again. Because you are half the man I am."

That's when Kane shows up.

"What about me Ryback? Do you think that I'm half the man that you are?"

"You're not the monster you used to be. Everybody knows that there's only one real monster left in the WWE. Ryback rules."

"No, you drool. Not rule."

That led to the match between Alberto and Dolph. In the middle of the match, Swagger and Zeb would march out to ringside, briefly coming face to face with Big E. Langston, opting to keep their distance as Zeb sits down as a guest on commentary while Swagger watches the match. Later on in the match, Del Rio would lock the cross armbreaker in on Dolph, but AJ would distract the ref and Big E would pull Del Rio out of the ring, tossing him into an unsuspecting Jack Swagger. A now enraged Swagger, then tosses Langston face first into the steel ring post before knocking Del Rio down with a clothesline. He then gets a ladder from under the ring, using it as a javelin, pressing it on Ricardo's chest and smashing him into the ringside barricade. Swagger then brings the ladder into the ring, swinging it at the skull of Dolph, knocking him out before doing the same to Del Rio.

"Reckless much? See? This is why I can't stand him, he's reckless in the ring whether it's a match or not."

"Yeah, that didn't look good for Dolph."

During the break, I had gotten changed into my ring attire, before we were needed for that backstage segment. Once we got there and got into our spots, we waited for the cue. Just talking amongst ourselves, before everything. And unfortunately since Dean's match was next, he wasn't there to watch the segment live as he was in that spot they always come out for their matches. So I didn't get a chance to give him that good luck kiss I always give him, but he'll get it when he comes back from winning the match.

"...we got them." Cameron says about the Bellas.

"You know it." Naomi nods. 

"And you got Alicia." Cameron says to me.

"That's the plan." I nod. 

"And you got AJ." She says to Kaitlyn.

"Yeah, you guys need revenge.."


"..and I know that I can't trust AJ." Kaitlyn adds before her phone goes off. 

"OMG, is that your mystery man?" Cameron gushes.


"By the way, do you know who it is yet?"

"No. He hasn't told me yet."

"I believe that's what you call a stalker." Naomi remarks. 

"Uh, yeah." Cameron adds. 

"Or he's just playing hard to get."

"Okay guys, relax. He's not like that. I mean, I'm not the type of girl to get all mushy over gifts, but I just feel like he gets me."

"Okay, you definitely keep telling yourself that, you will end up locked in his basement."

"Oh, hahahahaha."

"Okay, who is this guy? I wanna know who he is. Have you found out?" Nattie asks as she comes into view.

"No, but listen to this text I got. Um...not every woman can squat 300 pounds, quote every Simpsons episode and still look hot in a little black dress. I choo-choo-choose you."

"Ew." Cameron remarks as we all give each other weird looks. 

"Guys, Valentine's Day Simpsons episode? Ralph and Lisa? He totally gets my love for Simpsons."

"Actually, I have an amazing idea. Khali, Khali..."

"No, Nattie."

"Khali know best. Khali...I have an idea. How about we get Khali to go undercover in the guys' locker room and find out who the secret admirer is? Like go in the guys' locker room and find out who the secret admirer is. Khali, no. Just find out who he is. Don't tell anyone though, keep it a secret."


"Uh, okay. So Nat, um...we're gonna get a seven foot one giant to go undercover?"

"He used to be a police officer in India okay?" She says before walking away.

We then go back to talking about our match and walk off-camera, and Nikki and Brie come out from behind a nearby curtain with smirks on their faces. But up next was The Shield's match and as soon as their music went off, we found a monitor nearby, and found some chairs to sit down and watch from. Like always, Seth and Dean come out from one side and Roman on the other. Once down the stairs and over the barricade, they enter the ring. They also replay what happened on SmackDown last week with them as well. During the break, Kofi and The Usos came out for the match as well. It starts off with Dean and Jimmy Uso. They circle each other and lock up after the bell rings, and Dean gets him into one of the corners and throws a few fists and elbows, before Jimmy counters and goes after Dean in the corner. Dean goes to whip him into the corner after reversing him, but Jimmy stops before the corner and knocks Dean down with a clothesline. He tags in Jey and they double team, before Seth comes in from the top rope, only to be hit in the face, as he was tagged in.

"Come on Seth."

Into the ropes and Seth is knocked down again. Jey covers him, Seth kicks out and then manages to get him into The Shield's corner, and Roman tags in.

"I always find it interesting when family fight family." I remark amusedly.


As Roman keeps on Jey with the boots to the chest, Dean starts the trash talking each time Roman's boot connects with him. The ref has to back Roman off of course, but Roman keeps the momentum going and hits Jey with a flying clothesline. Into the ropes and Roman tags in Dean, who tags in Seth and they do their signature double team. Seth covers him, but Jey kicks out, and then reaches for the tag, but Seth pulls him away and gets him in a crossface submission. He starts to get out of it with the crowd encouragement, but he ends up back in The Shield's corner, and Dean's now tagged in. They get out of the corner for a brief moment, before finding their way back there and Dean tags Roman in. He takes Jey and delivers a suplex, covering him, but Jey kicks out.

"Keep on him Roman."

He now has him in a hold of his own, and Jey tries to get out of it, but to no avail and then Seth is tagged in, and they double team before Seth gets his hold on him. The crowd starts to encourage Jey to get up to his feet and out of the hold. And he's just fingertips away, before Seth stops him and then turns and kicks Jimmy in the head and knocks him off the apron. Kofi then starts arguing with the ref, but that's really no use to him at all. Seth starts the trash talk now himself before smacking him in the face. He comes off the ropes, only to be hit with a Samoan Drop.

"Get the tag Seth, get the tag. Go, come on."

He does get there, and tags Dean in, and Kofi gets tagged in as well. Kofi takes control from the time he gets into the ring, hitting Dean with everything he's got. Kofi misses a flying clothesline and Dean kicks him and goes for a clothesline of his own, and that's when Kofi goes over and dropkicks Roman off the side of the ring. He then hits the flying clothesline on Dean and starts to jump around him before hitting him with the leg drop. He then gets ready for Trouble In Paradise, but Dean moves into the corner just in time. Kofi switches gears and charges at him, only for Dean to move and then he gets kneed in the face with Kofi on the outside. Seth tries to come up as sneakily as he can to stop Kofi, but Kofi beats him to it and knocks him off the side. He then hops up to the top rope and hits Dean with a crossbody and goes for the cover.


Roman comes in and makes the save, before taking one of the Usos out, and then the other comes in and kicks him out of the ring. Roman grabs him and pulls him out of the ring himself, but he doesn't get very far when he gets shoved into the ringside barricade. But he comes back strong with a very powerful clothesline. As Dean's getting back to his feet, Kofi is seen climbing to the top rope. Dean goes there himself and Kofi starts to fight back and then shoves him off  the top. That's when Roman tries to get into the ring, and distracts the ref just in time for Seth to jump up and shove Kofi off of the top rope. Dean follows that up with his finisher and pins Kofi for the win.

"Oooh, he pinned the champ....he gets a title shot now." I say excitedly as I almost bounce in my seat. "I can only hope though. Kofi doesn't really do anything with it anyway. Deserves to go to someone who needs it. I'm also tired of him as champion. I'd like to see someone else." I add.

"Like Dean."

"Well...yeah. It'd be nice to see."

"Of course it would." The girls laugh.

As we're sitting there and talking, I didn't even realize that Dean had come back from the match, until he spoke. 

"I'm sorry girls, but I'm gonna have to steal Kayla away from you for just a bit. Hope that's alright."

"That's perfectly fine. Just have her back before our match and you're good."

"Don't worry." He chuckles before taking my hand and leading me away from everyone.

"Finally, some time to ourselves for a bit. Missed seeing you before my match."

"Yeah I know. I just had a segment to do with the girls, and you were already in your spot to go out to the ring."


"So, let's talk about your win for the three of you tonight. You pinned the champion. According to rules, that means you get a title shot."

"That's true." He nods.

"I hope you get it. I think it would look great on you. I think you'd be the best United States Champion. We need someone different than Kofi to be completely honest. You'd be unstoppable."

"I would, wouldn't I? Well we'll see what happens. And you know on the topic of getting title shots and becoming the champion. You gonna get your title match at Extreme Rules? I mean you are still the number one contender afterall."

"We'll see. Whenever I do get that shot, I'll be ready." I nod. 

"Of course you will be. You've been ready since you stepped foot into the company right?"

"Isn't everyone?"

"Good point."

"But anyways, you got the win tonight, so I want to give you something for that. But since we are in view of everyone, you can't get out of control with it."

"For now." He smirks, as he knows exactly what I'm talking about, his arms snaking around my waist and pulling me close.

"And until we get to the next city after the show, that is if we're needed for SmackDown, which we probably will be."

"You're killing me." He groans.

"You'll survive." I laugh, before wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his.

While we were distracted with the kiss, of course the girls could see and they were quietly gushing over us. But their 'awwws' got loud enough for us to hear and that's what caused us to pull away from each other and I looked over to see them grinning and that caused me to blush quite a bit. Dean notices and chuckles.

"Alright. Go on back to them. I have to find Roman and Seth and then I'll be watching your match. Go and kick some ass in that match." 

"You know I will."

"That's my girl." He grins, before kissing me on the forehead, lets me go and then walks off to go find Seth and Roman to watch my tag team match with the girls.

I walk back over to them, still red in the face from blushing.

"You two are adorable." Kaitlyn remarks. 

"Thanks for making me blush guys." 

"You're welcome. Now, you've got to focus on the match which is coming up next."

"Right." I nod, as we all head to the curtain to wait for when we have to head out to the ring.

Of course while we were waiting, the footage of Brock at WWE Headquarters was shown, and he went up to Hunter's office and destroyed it, trying to send a message to him. Also while we were waiting, AJ, Alicia and The Bellas had shown up for the match as well and I just roll my eyes. But eventually, AJ's music hit and she goes out with Alicia and The Bellas following.

"Ready for this?" Naomi asks. 

"Definitely." I nod.

Once AJ's theme faded, Kaitlyn's theme goes off and we follow her out. As soon as we enter the ring, the other girls scurry out. The bell rings, and like we had discussed, I would start first with Alicia. We have a stare down for a few seconds, before she chickens out and goes into the ropes as I take just one step towards her. I roll my eyes and wait, but she does it again and this time I try to get her, but I'm backed up by the ref.

"Come on! Tell her to knock it off!"

Of course with that distraction, she takes a cheap shot and kicks me in the midsection, before throwing me into a corner. She charges at me, but I move out of the way, which sends her through the ropes and shoulder-first into the ring post. As she makes her way out of the corner and move away from it, I take that chance to come off the ropes and hit her with a hard clothesline. Now instead of going for the pin, my hair gets grabbed by Nikki, which was preventing me from even making a cover. The ref tries to get her to let me go, but I turn around and elbow her in the face, making her let go and fall to the floor.

"Don't get involved next time!" I scream. 

When I turn around, Alicia is back to her feet and I duck her arm and follow up with a few dropkicks, the last one sending her out of the ring. Well more like she got out of the ring herself and threw a fit because she wasn't getting her way with me in the ring. Her back is towards me as she's close to the side of the ring, so I lean over and grab her by the hair and she screeches as I manage to pull her up onto the side of the ring. I go to bring her into the ring but she shoves me off and goes to get in herself. I storm back over to her and grab her by the hair again and drag her back into the ring myself. I throw her into the ropes and when he comes back, I hit her with a clothesline. Now she starts to crawl to her corner, and I find now the best time to tag myself out. I then tag in Kaitlyn when Alicia tags in AJ. But AJ wants nothing to do with Kaitlyn, and Cameron gets tagged in instead. That's when Brie starts to cause a distraction for Cameron and AJ attacks from behind. She slams her face into the apron, before going for the cover, but Cameron kicks out at one. She reaches for the tag and AJ hits her with a neckbreaker two times. She reaches for the tag again, but AJ covers and Cameron kicks out. Another reach for the tag and AJ stops her and drags her into the middle of the ring, while she's screeching and I cringe every time I hear it. She does start to fight back however, only to get clotheslined. AJ covers, but Cameron kicks out. AJ then puts her in a hold and drops her to her knees, but Cameron does manage to get up. She fights back again, but it's no use really. Into the corner, and Cameron manages to move out of the way at the last minute and starts to take over the match for our team. She goes to the top and hits AJ with a crossbody and then crawls over and tags in Kaitlyn. AJ tries pleading with her, but ends up slapping her when she gets to her feet. She laughs and goes for it again, but Kaitlyn grabs her arm. AJ gets free and then goes over to her corner and tries to tag out, but Alicia and The Bellas bail on her and that leads to AJ being speared and pinning AJ to win the match.

We're announced as the winners and our hands are raised in victory. We high five each other while the others retreat to the back. Once they were gone, we headed there as well. We had decided to head to catering to get some waters after having that match. Luckily however, Dean, Seth and Roman were hanging out in catering. Dean noticed right away since he was facing the doorway, and he waves me over. I hold a finger up, telling him to wait as us girls go over and grab some waters. They choose to go back to the locker room, but I choose to stick around with Dean, Seth and Roman until they're needed for the main event of the night. 

"Yeah, I'll see you later."

"Have fun. But not too much fun."

"Oh hush." I laugh, as they leave catering and I go over to where Dean, Seth and Roman are. "Hey." I greet as I take a seat.

"Great match. Well, with what you did when you started out."

"Thanks. I kind of wish Naomi would've had a shot in the match but, it is what it is."

"Right. You still did great."

"That spear from Kaitlyn though. Totally destroyed AJ." I laugh. "And we thought your spears were deadly Ro. Maybe I should get some spear pointers from both you and Kaitlyn. I'd love to destroy someone with a spear." I add.

"Sure." He chuckles. 

"I'd like to learn quite a few things from all of you, add them to my moveset you know? Make me even more dangerous than I already am. No one will expect it from me."

"Then we should all schedule a day where we can teach you those things." Dean remarks. 

"Definitely. Would of course have to be on a day off that we don't mind taking time off of to have to ourselves."

"We'll figure something out."

Currently in the ring was Mark Henry, as he was heading to the ring after my match with the girls had finished.

"In just a couple of minutes, Sheamus is gonna come out here. And he's gonna be acting real tough. He's gonna beat his chest, he's gonna do the Celtic pose, but that's where the problem is. Sheamus will be acting, I don't have to act tough. Because I am tough. And just to remind you, I'm gonna show you what happens when Sheamus..." He stops when the crowd chants 'what'. 

"...when Sheamus....when Sheamus...ya'll are a bunch of puppets. When Sheamus meets the world's strongest man."

They replay what happened last month between Sheamus and Mark backstage during an interview Sheamus had. And also the same thing three weeks ago on Raw, another attack from Mark on Sheamus during an interview.

"I want you to zoom in real close. Sheamus, if you've got any pride in that pasty body of yours, you'll face me. Get close. You will face me at Extreme Rules. Now, it's been a long time since I got extreme. But sheamus, I promise you, people will remember this match for the rest of existence. And I got a special..." He gets cut off by Sheamus coming out.

"How are ya Mark? Always great to see ya. Listen, I just came out here not cause you asked me to come out here, but 'cause that video you showed, you left half it out. Now everybody here has seen what you do, so how about we see what I do?"

They play from last Monday in the tug-of-war contest, where Sheamus ends up Brogue kicking him after letting Mark go with the rope. Then they play SmackDown in the arm wrestling where Sheamus hits him with a cheap shot and another Brogue Kick.

"So you full of jokes. You ain't serious about nothing. But I promise you one thing. You better be serious when you see me at Extreme Rules."

"Listen Mark, just because you're big and strong, doesn't give you the right to walk aroung like a bear with a bear with a sore head 24/7. Now me, I'm very relaxed. I'm a relaxed type of fella. But when that bell rings, I'm all about business. And at Extreme Rules, my business is you."

"You don't have to wait until Extreme Rules." Mark states before dropping the mic. 

"Hey. I've waited long enough. You wanna go? I'll go right now then."

They go to go at each other, before Wade comes out, for his scheduled match against Sheamus. During the match, the fight would spill to the outside and Sheamus looked like he was going to toss Wade into Mark who was seated by commentary, but Sheamus fakes him out, resulting on Mark falling out of his chair anyway. As if that wasn't enough, Sheamus blasts Mark with the Brogue Kick before turning his attention back to Wade. In the end it was Sheamus hitting the Brogue Kick on Wade to pin him to win. Immediately after the match, Mark would enter the ring with a belt in his hand, repeatedly whipping Sheamus in and out of the ring before squashing him with the World's Strongest Slam on the arena floor.

"Ouch. And it's not like he's not really hitting him, because he is. I can just imagine the welts he's gonna have."

"No kidding." Dean remarks.

"Would not want that. And it's even worse for him because of his skin." I add.

Eventually it came down to the main event, and that meant the three of them had to get in position for when they were needed. 

"I'll meet you by your locker room after the night's over okay?" Dean asks.

"Okay." I nod. "Don't get too beat up out there."

"Try not to." He chuckle, before kissing me quick and following Roman and Seth out. 

I however, stuck around for a while before making my way to the Divas locker room to get changed and watch the main event and get my things ready to leave after the show was over. In the end of the main event, Ryback was able to prevent Kane from coming off the top rope with his signature clothesline. Instead, Ryback would use the advantage of Kane being perched up on the top turnbuckle to put Kane on his back, dropping him with Shell Shocked to pick up the win. Right after he had picked up that win, Dean, Seth and Roman came out. Daniel had then come out and slid into the ring to help Kane, but Ryback bails, leaving the two left in the ring. And then John comes out to help, and Dean, Seth and Roman hop the barricade and circle the ring. But Ryback comes back with a steel chair in hand, while John was beating up on Roman and Daniel did a suicide dive on Dean and Seth on the outside. John had Roman on his shoulders, only for Ryback to hit him in the gut with the steel chair. That allows Roman to escape while Ryback attacks John with the chair to close the show.

"Well at least he didn't get too beat up." Kaitlyn refers to Dean.

"Yeah, which is what I said to him before he left from catering."

"So are you going to meet him by the guys' locker room or...?" Kaitlyn says as the girls are starting to pack up their things and get ready to go.

"Oh no, I'm staying here. He'll be meeting me outside of here."

"Alright, well I've got to get going now, so I'll see you all tomorrow night." Kaitlyn says as she grabs her things, and we each give her a hug before she heads out first. 

It's the same way with the other girls, and soon it was just me left in the locker room, waiting for the knock on the door, telling me that it was Dean standing outside and waiting for me. As I'm waiting, I'm going through my phone on my social media accounts, and it wasn't too long after that where there was a knock on the door.

"Finally." I sigh, grabbing my things and opening the door to find Dean standing there.

"Ready to go?" He asks, after kissing me quick.

"Yeah, I was the only one left in the locker room. The girls already left."

"If I had known that, I would have gotten here sooner."

"It's alright. I was keeping myself occupied."

We then make our way through the halls and outside to the parking lot where we spotted Roman and Seth putting their things into the car. We walk up and put our things in the back as well, before getting in and making our way to the next city.

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