Double Shows

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"So we're booked tonight for the live event, and we're booked for Raw. How are we going to get over to the O2 Arena in London?" I question Dean as we're packing our things to head to the SmackDown live event tonight in Cardiff. "I mean, I get a chance to get a shot at the title. I've been booked in the Number One Contender's Battle Royal tonight."

"Kayla, relax. We'll get there. I don't think they would book us on two shows, if they didn't know how to get up from Point A, to Point B. We'll make it there on time, and you'll be able to kick ass in that Battle Royal. Just like Seth, Roman and myself will kick ass in our six-man tag team match against Daniel, Kane and The Undertaker."

"Oh I know that. I've just never been booked for two shows in the same night that's all. Especially since one is for TV and the other is just for the crowd that's there, no cameras."

"First time for everything."

I nod, making sure I have all my things ready to go.

"Oh, what're we gonna do about our stuff? I mean depending on how we're getting to the O2 Arena..."

"We'll figure that out when it happens, don't worry. Alright?" He says, taking my face in his hands. "Just focus on what you have to do tonight."

"I will." I nod.

"Good." He remarks, leaning down and kissing me briefly. "Now are you all set to go?"

"Mmhmm, all set." I nod, and then we collect our things and head out to go to the arena for the SmackDown live event. We meet Seth and Roman down by the car since we're all riding there together. We put our things in the trunk, before piling inside and heading off to the arena. 

"So who are you facing tonight exactly?" Seth asks. 

"Nattie let me take her place tonight seeing as I got to get to London with you guys for that Battle Royal. So I'm facing Alicia. I believe that's being booked for after your match, which I heard was opening the show tonight. That's even better, because we can get our matches done and over with, before heading to the O2 arena. Still don't know how we're getting there, but I guess we'll find out when we get there."

"Well I don't know what you think, but I spy a helicopter..." Roman points out as we pull into the parking lot for talent. 

"...must be what we're taking to get to the O2 arena." Dean adds. 

"So we must get on that right after our matches. With no time to change."

"We don't know that yet. We'll find out."

"I'm assuming then we'll come back to get our stuff then right?"

"It only makes sense. But we'll see. Let's just focus on our matches."

"Right." I nod as the car comes to a stop and we all get out, getting our things from the back and then heading inside.

"I'll meet you at the usual place. Text me where when you're there?" I ask. 

"Of course." Dean nods. We then reach the Divas locker room, where I had to go into. "You two go ahead. I'll catch up." He says to Seth and Roman. 

They nod and walk ahead, leaving Dean and I by the door to the Divas locker room. 

"Before you even go in..." He trails off, before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine eagerly.

I kiss back just as eagerly, and I give him a few minutes before pulling away. 

"Still need to get ready, or else I wouldn't have stopped."

"Right, well I'll let you know where we are when we get there."

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