Injustice Solved

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It has been a long day promoting the show tonight. I also had time to think about the whole Dean situation. I was feeling so many things as I sat in the locker room in the arena. Excitement, concern, everything. I really don't know what it is that Dean is going to show me tonight to solve this so called injustice on my hands. So far I haven't seen him all day, but that won't last for long. It was nearing the time for the show to start. Kaitlyn had a match tonight against Nikki and she wanted me there for her just in case. 

"So Nikki tonight huh?" I ask as Kaitlyn gets ready in her ring attire. 

"Yeah and Brie is going to be there for her sister of course."

"Well I'll do my very best to help you win."

"I know you will. Thanks for that. Ever since they came back, they've been a big thorn in all of our sides haven't they?"

"They really have. I just can't wait to get my hands on them in a one on one match. Could never stand them before they had left, and still can't stand them now that they're back. So when's the match?"

"It's actually the last match of the night. Gives me plenty of time to prepare."

"Of course."

Just as Kaitlyn got ready, the show had started with the usual. They showed a quick video package of what happened last Monday between John, Mark and Ryback, where Ryback turned his back on John. They also show in a video package about the Undertaker, but only to advertise Punk's return to Raw. To the ring and Randy comes out first for the opening contest. 

"This is a two-on-one handicap match set for onefall! Introducing first from St. Louis, Missouri. Weighing 245 pounds, he is the apex predator, Randy Orton!" Justin Roberts announces first. 

"From Dublin, Ireland. Weighing 267 pounds, Sheamus!"

"Wanna bet their opponent is Big Show?"

"Oh without a doubt it's him. Especially after what happened last week." Kaitlyn points out as they show what happened last Monday between the three. 

Once Sheamus' music fades, Big Show's music goes off next. 

"And their opponent standing at 7 feet tall, weighing 441 pounds, The Big Show!"

"This match sure will be interesting."

In the end, it was Big Show going for a chokeslam on Randy, but Sheamus would use the Brogue Kick to break the grip. Randy then hits the RKO on Big Show to pick up the win for him and Sheamus.

"Well they seemed to work together. Their egos can clash sometimes."

"Right? Well if you ask me, Big Show deserved it."

"That he did. He's just a jerk and he got what he deserved."

"So have you seen Dean at all today?" Kaitlyn asks. 

"No. I'm kind of curious as to what this injustice of mine is he's going to solve. I mean I don't have a match tonight, so it would be nothing related to that. I really can't put my finger on it. But Kaitlyn, I really think he's starting to make me fall for him. And I think it's working."

"Awww isn't that sweet. You know, I can actually see you two together. You both have that 'don't give a crap' attitude, you're both dangerous in the ring, you two are just perfect for one another."

"Well I'm dangerous in the ring because of my past, I did the more extreme stuff. I wanted to come into this company different than any other Diva. I'm surprised they even signed me, because I was more extreme than the others. Now that I think of it, hearing the talk about Dean, he was on the extreme side himself. I remember just being curious one day and looking up his old stuff before he got here. Barbed wire, chained to his opponent, light tubes, panes of glass, mousetraps, everything. Sure that's a little more extreme than me, but I guess we both really are dangerous in the ring aren't we?"

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