SmackDown Taping For May 10, 2013

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Per usual, we had gotten into the next city for Main Event and SmackDown real early in the morning, like a little after 3am. As soon as we had checked into the hotel and got our rooms, we went up to them and I had changed out of what I had worn to Raw last night, into something more comfortable. After that, I climbed into the bed and under the covers and passed out almost instantly. As soon as I was sleeping, Dean chuckles and he changes quick before joining me. He leans over and kisses my cheek before laying in his spot and shortly going to sleep after. I had awakened hours later, not feeling totally refreshed, but good enough to get me through the day. Though, when I had woken up, Dean was still sleeping and his back was to me. I wasn't really ready to get out of bed and get ready for the day yet, so I had just gotten up to use the bathroom and when I was done, I came back out and got back into my spot in the bed. But I had turned to Dean and draped an arm over his waist and I buried my face into his neck, laying like that until he had decided to wake up himself. Now I actually ended up falling back to sleep, as I was comfortable. When I had woken up again, Dean was gone and I was the only one in the bed. I look at the bedside table and noticed a note that said that he had gone to the gym with Seth and Roman and that he'd see me when he got back, when we would be heading to the arena for the day.

While I was laying there, I decided to text Nattie and ask her if she and Naomi wanted to hang out before they head to the arena themselves. I got a text back saying 'sure'. I then text back and tell her that I'll meet them in the lobby in 20 minutes, before getting up and going through my bags to find an outfit that I can just wear for now before changing into something else for the tapings tonight. Once I'm dressed, I grab everything I need before heading out and going down to the lobby where I see Nattie and Naomi waiting.

"Hey girls." I greet.

"Heyy." They greet back, as we hug each other.

"So where's Dean?"

"Oh, at the gym with Roman and Seth. But you know I'll always have time for my girls. So, how about breakfast?" I ask.

"Sure, of course."

We then head out to Nattie's rental car and pile in before heading out to find a place for breakfast. Once we find a place, we get seated and are given menus to look at.

"Do you think you'll get your shot at the title at Extreme Rules?" Nattie asks.

"I don't know, it'd be nice. I definitely can't wait to face Kaitlyn for that title. We're gonna put on one hell of a match, that's for sure."

"A match we're all looking forward to."

"How about Dean? Any word if he's getting a United States Championship match since defeating Kofi in that non-title match?" Naomi asks.

"Not yet, but I'm hoping he gets it. We were just talking about it last night."


"Yeah, about how he deserves it more than Kofi right now in our own opinions and how he would make a great US Champ."

"Right. It would be some accomplishment, to have a title in the start of his career."


While we continued talking, we ordered our food, and once we got that we ate while we talked amongst each other. After we were done, we each chipped in on the bill and then we made or exit and headed back to the hotel, so that we could all get ready to head to the arena for SmackDown and Main Event.

"So I'll see you girls at the arena?"

"Of course." They grin, before we hug each other and then seperate to our rooms.

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