The Future of Us

By Elizabeth_Emiya

252K 3.6K 1.1K

Naruto comes across a jutsu that allows the user to see important things in the future. So what happens when... More

A new jutsu
Naruto future
Shikamaru Future
Ino future
Konohamaru future
Rock Lee future
Shino future
Sakura future
Crystal clear
Sasuke future
Kiba future
Chouji Future
Temari future
Hinata future
Sai future
Neji future
It's all wrapped up
A Sequel!!!

Tentens Future

6.8K 127 14
By Elizabeth_Emiya

   "Wow, Ichiraku's grew!" Ino said.

   "The way that Karui girl asked Chouji to marry her was so casual." Temari said.

"I have a daughter." Chouji grinned.

"Wow Hinata! Who knew you could eat so much!" Naruto exclaimed.

Hinata blushed before passing out. Luckily Neji caught her and just sent a glare towards Naruto making him gulp.

"Idiot!" Sakura yelled hitting Naruto in the head.

   "Well then I guess it's my turn." Tenten said. She did the jutsu and it went black.

Tenten appeared talking with Neji.

   "Hey, um Neji, can I ask you something?" Tenten asked nervously.

"Tenten? Is something wrong?" Neji asked concerned.

"Um... well... how would you feel about having kids?" Tenten asked.

"You know how I feel about that. I don't want any until after the curse mark is dealt with. Uncle Hiashi, Hinata and Hanabi are planning on dealing with that after the war. It would be a long process, so about 5 years at the minimum." Neji said. "Why?"

"Well..." Tenten looked like she was about to puke. She never did answer that because something war related happened forcing Neji to leave.

"I'll tell him about us after the war little one." Tenten sighed looking down at her almost completely flat belly and placing a hand lightly on it.

The scene changed to Tenten holding her 2 day old baby. Hinata had just entered the room.

   "Congratulations Tenten." Hinata said.

"Thanks. Her name is Natalie *insert Tenten's last name*. I'll change it to Hyūga when you guys get that cursed seal taken care of. Until then it's just as we planned, no one will know she is a Hyuga. Neji didn't want any child that we might have to bear that burden he did." Tenten looked at Natalie lovingly.

   "I'm sorry Tenten. It's going to be a long process to get rid of it. Some people are really stubborn." Hinata frowned.

"It's OK Hinata. I know you'll do everything you can." Tenten reassured her.

"What are you going to do for a job? I heard that you quit being a ninja." Hinata asked.

"Well being a ninja is dangerous and I don't want Natalie to grow up without a mother as well. Because of that, I'm going to open a weapons shop. With the academy starting in a few months by the time I open the shop people will be in need of weapons." Tenten explained.

"You're doing so good Tenten." Hinata hugged her and the newly born baby gently.

"Time to breast feed." A nurse said entering the room.

"Bye Tenten. I've got to go now." Hinata waved.

"Oh? Saw my baby and is now going to make one of your own with your handsome hunk?" Tenten teased.

"Tenten!" Hinata squeaked blood red.

"I'm only teasing!" Tenten laughed.

   "Goodbye Tenten. I have a date to get to." Hinata huffed afraid Tenten will make another embarrassing comment.

   The scene changed once again. This time Tenten was sitting on her coach relaxing.

"Guess who just finished off those stubborn old geezers in court!" Naruto shouted barging in the house.

"Naruto! You can't just go barging in to her house!" Hinata half heartily scolded. She however couldn't hold back the grin and laughter that followed, Not did she care to.

"Sorry soon to be Hinata Uzumaki!" Naruto laughed.

"You guys did it? It's gone now?" Tenten asked now standing up.

"Yeah we did! Believe it!" Naruto shouted.

"Well it's not completely gone. The process of removing it from those who already have it is just beginning, but..." Hinata got interrupted.

"No more kids are in danger of receiving it! Now Natalie can know about Neji without getting that cursed mark! As can the rest of Hyūga clan. Hanabi and Hiashi will be so excited!" Naruto couldn't stop smiling.

"And now I can become Mrs. Uzumaki without worrying about my future kids." Hinata announced.

"Our future kids." Naruto corrected her with a laugh.

"That's fantastic!" Tenten laughed going in for a group hug.

"Where's Natalie? I'm surprised she hasn't come out here yet." Naruto said.

"She wanted to stay the night with a friend." Tenten answered.

"Can you give this to her before she starts at the academy? I found this in Neji's room a while back. I was holding onto it until we won the whole cursed mark case. Now that it's over I can give it to Natalie. I figured Neji would want her to have it. I can help train her if it's OK with you." Hinata gave Tenten a scroll with instructions for the gentle fist technique and other Hyūga fighting moves.

"Thanks Hinata, she'll love it. And she'll look forward to spending some time with her aunt." Tenten thanked taking the scroll.

   "If only Neji could see this. He would be so happy." Hinata sighed.

   "I'm sure he's watching and seeing everything from wherever he's at." Naruto smiled softly.

   The scene changed again. This time Tenten was a little over a decade older and was running through the village panicked.

   She ran to the Uzumaki household and knocked on the door. The crashes inside the house stopped and the door was swung open. Naruto peeked open the door looking distraught. He noticed it was Tenten and pulled himself together. Well as together as he could get, which wasn't much.

   "Natalie, she's gone! I-I don't know what happened. When I went to her room she was gone." Tenten cried.

   "Boruto and Himawari are gone too. They disappeared without a trace. Sasuke and Sakura came in late last night. They saw Sarada just disappear. One minute they were talking with her the next she was disappearing." Naruto said leading Tenten into his torn up house.

   "How many other kids are gone too?" Tenten asked horrified.

   "I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised if Mitsuki was with them as well." Naruto said.

   Just then Shikamaru, Temari, Chouji, Karui, Ino, Sai and Lee came rushing in with the same news.

   "Where is everyone?" Hinata cried out.

   The scene faded out. Now everyone was back in the present.

   Word count: 1014

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