

24.5K 498 35

Ana Fraiser. Appointed as assistant manager to Phil Neville for the England women's national team in her firs... More



1.1K 23 5


Red Bull Arena, New Jersey

The Lionesses switched location from Philadelphia to Newark, moving hotels as to be to closer to the ground next game day, making it a quick hop from the hotel on the bus. Something that's needed for a quick getaway to take things off your mind, especially when you've drawn 2-2 and not in a good way.

Phil: "Now they're plenty of things we can learn from this, starting with our stamina and how to retain the ball when we lose it, that's definitely something we need to work on. I'm not disappointed in our performance or you effort, just a little upset at the way that we finished".

He looks around the dressing room, at the crestfallen faces and the younger girls who aren't used to this type of confrontation; sympathising with them.

Phil: "I don't want to go into too much detail, this is a touchy subject and we shall address it at the correct time, so I suggest you change and we can back on the bus".

Before he leaves, the manager looks at Ana and she holds his gaze for a second before he leads the staff out.

Ana: "Can I have a quick word with Georgia and Ellie please? Bronzey I'll be coming to you next".

The two younger girls look startled but follow Ana out of the room all the same, Georgia's boots making a loud 'clack' on the concrete floor as the assistant manager takes them further down the corridor to where it's quiet.

Ana: "Don't look so worried".

Ana smiles at the City duo and they nervously let out small laughs, 'this is very unlike Georgia' she thinks as she observes the forward and keeper.

Ana: "I just wanted to check that you were ok. Phil is very upfront and I know you will be used to this from City but this is a different kind of pressure. I am aware that you may felt that when you've played for the U20's but I need to make sure my players feel ok".

Georgia: "We're fine Ana, aren't we Ellie?".

She throws an arm around her shoulder and pulls Ellie into her side.

Ellie: "Peachy".

Georgia: "Really Ells, that the best you could come up with?".

Ana stifles a laugh and just about manages a smile as Georgia is laughing at Ellie, the keeper trying to escape from her grip; blushing slightly.

Ana: "Alright as long as you're both 'peachy' as Ellie here put it...".

Ellie now buries her face in Georgia's shoulder and the little bit of her cheek that Ana could see was a dark shade of red.

Ana: "Right you two, off you pop. I may be a bit more lenient if you're late but don't expect me to be totally fine with it. I still have high standards".

The two youngsters nod and head back to the changing room as Ana walks back with them before peeling off to the coaches room, finding Phil and the rest of the staff packing away; Phil looking up as she walks in.

Phil: "Ready to go?".

Ana: "Yeh I was just talking to Georgia and Ellie and seeing if they were ok after everything. Gotta speak to Bronzey on the coach too".

The manager nods and Ana gathers her things, hoisting her bag onto her shoulder and taking a carrier full of bottles to out to the bus. Dumping everything underneath, she climbs up the steps behind Carly and immediately scans the seats, looking for Lucy; whom it seems has not made it out yet.

Ana: "Oi Walshy, have you seen your girlfriend anywhere?".

Keira looks up from her phone and shakes her head before looking out the window.

Ana: "Great".

She mutters this under her breath and hopes she won't have to humiliate the captain for being last onto the coach. Low and behold, Lucy appears a couple of minutes later, Rachel and Millie by her side, 'my day couldn't get any worse' Ana thinks to herself.

Ana: "And where have you two been?".

Bright and Daly have climbed the steps and are standing humiliated at the front.

Millie: "Sorry Ana. Although technically we aren't last, Lucy is".

Ana: "It's not Lucy I'm worried about. She's captain and can handle herself, it's you two who are being consistently late despite my warnings".

The whole bus is quiet now, players and even the staff are watching on as the assistant manager drills her time wasting lecture into the defender and forward once again.

Ana: "Got it?".

Rachel: "Yes ma'am".

Ana: "That attitude can stop right now Daly. If it doesn't improve we may think about throwing you off the team. Now scram before I say something I regret".

The two girls rush past Ana and Lucy climbs on as the bus driver closes the door and pulls out from under the stadium and into the New York traffic, driving past hotels, theatres etc heading back for the hotel.

Ana: "Lucy, can I have that word now?".

Lucy: "Sure".


Times Square, New York

Following their confrontation on the bus, Ana, Millie and Rachel keep their distance which isn't hard in one of the busiest places in the Big Apple.

The assistant manager keeps herself to herself, staying with the rest of the backroom staff and Phil while the girls take it in together and Lynn hops around taking photos with her camera.

Ana: "This is extremely overwhelming but then fascinating at the same time".

Emily: "It's amazing. All the lights and the noises just make the experience I think".

The coach and the physio cast their eyes around the screens, each one showing a different advert or occasionally the same one just different sizes.

Ana thinks of her family and how much they would to come here, especially Karlie and Leah, although Lydia and Nimah would find it a tad overwhelming. 'Leah, of course. How could I forget' she thinks and rushes over to Phil.

Ana: "Phil, I need to tell you something".

Phil: "You're not pregnant are you? I mean that would be great but I've only had you as my assistant for a few weeks and I don't want to lose you now".

Ana: "No no. I'm gay and don't currently have a girlfriend or any urge to mother a child so no need to worry about that".

She smiles and notes Phil also smiling, but letting out a sigh of relief.

Ana: "No it's erm... well my step-dad brought his children over to meet my siblings and I for the first time last week and it turns out my step-sister is Leah Williamson".

Phil looks at her.

Phil: "Well that's a first. I've certainly never coached a sibling".

Ana: "And are you ok with that? I mean I can't help who my family are but if it's unprofessional or you think it's going to affect my job in a negative way, then that's a different story".

Phil: "It'll be fine and I'm happy with it, but let the FA know. I'm sure they'll just want to support you, Leah and your family in the best possible way".

Ana: "Thanks. I'd been meaning to tell you but I got so caught up in everything over here that I never got round to doing so".

She smiles and feeling like a huge weight has been lifted from her shoulders, Ana heads over to speak to Alex and Siobhan.

Ana: "So the secrets out. I told Phil".

Siobhan: "What secret?".

Alex: "You seriously don't remember?".

Alex looks at her teammate with confusion and the keeper shrugs.

Siobhan: "No and is that a bad thing... oh wait the one about Leah?".

Alex and Ana nod.

Ana: "Just have to find a way to tell the girls and that's even if I want to. I mean Leah will let Jordan know and probably Keira, so that will filter through to Lucy, Steph, the City girls and Ellen at least".

Alex: "You might just wanna get it out of the way later".

Ana: "You're right. I'll text her now and ask".

Ana pulls out her phone and sends off a quick text to Leah, asking whether she's good to tell the team if the Arsenal defender tells her girlfriend.

Lynn Cameron: "How about a picture of you three for old times sake?".

The Liverpool players and former club coach look at each other, silently deciding on a decision before shrugging.

Ana: "Why not".

So her, Siobhan and Alex huddle together in the middle of Times Square, at the top of the steps with the lights blaring all around them as Lynn takes what in Ana's mind is already one of her favourite photos of a. all time and b. the three of them together.


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