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Columbus, Ohio

The next morning the Lionesses travelled from JFK to John Glenn Columbus International Airport on an early flight to make the most of the day.

Once put up in their hotel, roommates as laid out by Ana, they had half an hour to get ready and then be back on the bus to take them to training with the assistant manager hot on the tails of any stragglers.

Ana: "Come on girls let's go, lets go!".

'Not these two again' Ana thinks as Millie and Rachel sidle through the doors and onto the bus; Ana giving them a stern look as they pass.

Ana: "Alright that's it, let's roll".

The bus driver pulls out off the pavement and into the stream of traffic, weaving his way around the Columbus roads.

Phil: "You wanna talk to Millie and Rachel before or after training?".

Ana: "What?."

Phil: "You seemed pretty het up with them being late again".

Ana: "I am. I hoped I wouldn't have to say anything after yesterday's warning but I think I'm going to need to".

She looks towards the back of the bus where the two Yorkshire lasses are sat next to each other, jamming out to one or the other's music and gaining some of the other girls attentions.

Ana: "I think I might do it now and interrupt their little jam session".

Phil: "No time like the present".

Ana gets up from her seat and walks towards the back of the bus, several players catching her eye as she moves closer to Millie and Rachel.

Alex and Siobhan both catch her eye for longer and know immediately from Ana's walk, that the defender and forward are in serious trouble, not bothering to warn the pair as it won't help their situation.

Ana: "Millie, Rachel".

They both look up concerned and Millie pauses the song.

Rachel Daly: "What's up? We were having a good jam session".

Millie Bright: "Shut up Rach".

The Chelsea player knows exactly what their fellow Yorkshirewoman wants and elbows her friend in the ribs to quickly shut her up.

Ana: "I want to know and I'm aware it's only happened twice, however I don't like people being late so I would like to know why you were late coming out of the airport yesterday and leaving the hotel this morning".

Rachel swallows hard.

Millie: "Rach and I are very sorry and we'll make sure it doesn't happen again".

Ana: "You will indeed. I want you to set extra alarms on both your phones every morning and none of this, 'Millie didn't wake me up' malarky either Daly".

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