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The team travel to Newport from SGP a day before the game, staying in a hotel just off the M4 and half an hour away from Rodney Parade.

Ana and the coaches set up a conference room on the ground floor as the centre of their operations, equipment and boxes of things stacked in the corner while the table is covered in notes.

Ana: "So the schedule for tomorrow will go something like this, we will have breakfast at eight as usual and then will spend the morning resting and making final preparations. Lunch will be at one with a gym session lead by Ben at three.

We will then start to board the coach at five and leave at half past to be at the ground for six; everyone clear?".

The staff nod.

Phil: "Alright, take some time now to reflect and make our final preparations".

Everyone but Ana and Phil goes off to do things while they stay in the conference room, discussing the team.

Ana: "We'll tell them at dinner yes?".

Phil: "I think so".

Ana sighs and sits back in her chair.

Ana: "Do you think that we can win this and qualify, rather than go through the play offs?".

Phil: "What makes you think we won't?".

Ana: "I... I don't know. They're a good team, they have class players like Jess Fishlock and Natasha Harding, I feel as though we'll have let the side down if we don't make it".

Phil: "You won't have let anyone down Ana".

This sentence makes the assistant manager well up a little.

Phil: "This is the first big game where it really matters for me and you as coaches, a World Cup qualifying campaign and place in the tournament is at stake, but it's also on the players to perform, no matter how much the news reports focus on us".

Ana: "You really think we can win this?".

Phil: "I do. Now think you should go and see your two favourite people in the world, I want them on their best behaviour".

Ana nods, rising from her seat and collecting a folder, leaving Phil and heading out into the reception where Millie and Rach are sat along with Steph, Lucy and Jill.

Ana: "Right you two, I have some things to discuss with you".


Later in the evening, the team gathers for dinner and the coaches can announce the starting eleven for the game.

Phil: "Take it away Ana".

Ana: "Thanks Phil. Let's start with whose in goal, KB you get the nod for this game, Carly and Mary I'm sure you'll understand with the occasion and what's at stake.

We'll have a back-line of Lucy, Steph, Millie and Alex, then Jordan, Jill and Fran in midfield with Toni, Jodie and Nikita up front. Carly, Abbie, Izzy, Keira, Rachel, Beth and Mel will be on the bench and of course, will have the chance to come on and play".

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