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Menagerie Restaurant, Manchester

With no international camp before Christmas, Ana organises a party for the Lionesses so as to exchange gifts and have a good catch up before the festive period begins.

Steph: "Thanks for organising this Ana".

Ana: "No problem. Thought you girls could do with a good night out so why not?".

Steph: "Oh we know about them alllll to well".

The captain grabs her glass and takes a sip, looking up and down the table and observing the players behaviour; only to see everything is as should be.

Ana: "Nice to see everyone getting on".

Steph: "Hmmm I'm surprised actually, although just wait till later, all hell will break loose".

Ana: "I can imagine, Jill will break out the crazy dance moves yes?".

Steph: "Indeed and you know Rach will rave around with her, as will plenty of other when they get drunk enough. Shall we do Secret Santa before pudding?".

Ana: "Sure. I sincerely hope Rachel or Jill didn't end up pulling my name".

Steph laughs a little but shakes her head, leaving the assistant manager a little confused.

Ana: "Eh?".

Steph: "Between you and me neither of them did".

There's no chance to reply because the waitresses appear, ready to clear the table and Steph has stood up.

Steph: "Right, we thought we'd do our Secret Santa before pudding and Rach, Jill, please no complaining. Ana if you could go round and place the gifts in front of said recipient, that would be lovely".

Ana obliges and picks up the box, placing gifts of all shapes and sizes in front of the players and staff. When she makes it to Millie, her hand unintentionally brushes the defenders as the assistant manager places the box and Mille goes to pick it up.

This does not go unseen by Rachel and those sat around the Chelsea player and most certainly not ignored by the two involved.

Steph: "Let's see what terrible thing someone got me. I can guarantee I ended up with Jill. I just know it". 

Ana: "I have a funny feeling I don't even need to ask who mine's from".

As the twenty seven year old opens her gift, Steph watches on rather than open her own, so as to see the assistant manager's reaction and it doesn't disappoint. Ana pulls out a box, presumably a shoebox decorated and written on the top is 'for when you need some me time'.

The captain watches her pull out items and looks down the table, finding Millie's eyes and giving her a small nod to congratulate her on her idea.

Ana: "Wow. She did a good job didn't she?".

Steph: "Indeed and do you like it?".

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