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London Heathrow

The England Women's coaching staff descend on the capital's biggest airport the next day, Ana and Lionesses photographer Lynn doing the coffee run before the girls arrive.

Ana: "I'd say they'd be here in a minute".

She looks at her watch and then at Phil, who puts his phone into his pocket before standing up.

Phil: "Alright, lead the way".

The two of them walk over to where Lynn is hoping to catch the players arriving, getting there just in time to greet Jill Scott.

Jill Scott: "Good morning".

The midfielder smiles, holding up her coffee cup in greeting before shaking both Phil and Ana's hands.

Jill: "Am I the first one here?."

Ana: "Yes".

Jill: "Get in!! I had a bet going with Keira over whose car would arrive first".

Ana smiles and Jill walks over to the rest of the staff, dumping her bags in an empty chair and taking her seat herself; sipping her coffee.

Phil: "Is she always like that?".

Ana: "I think so".

Slowly but surely, more and more players arrive until they're only waiting on Alex Greenwood and Siobhan Chamberlain.

Ana: "Come on Al. You two are never late".

The assistant manager mutters this under her breath, a bit annoyed that her former players are late under her watch, something that rarely happened at Liverpool as Ana was always hot on time-wasting and lectured the girls daily about being late.

Despite her frustration however, she instantly forgives the defender and keeper when they finally walk through the door.

Alex Greenwood: "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in".

Greenwood delivers this with a smile but Ana knew instantly that she was joking, the defender pulling her former club and now international coach in for a hug.

Ana: "It's so nice to see you Al".

Alex Greenwood: "You too. It's been far to long and we've only been without you since Christmas".

Siobhan Chamberlain: "What about me?".

Ana: "Of course I wouldn't forget you Shiv".

Ana smiles and pulls the keeper into a hug too, the two Liverpool players shaking Phil's hand before the four of them return to the rest of the group.


Somewhere over the Atlantic

Ana: "So what's Liverpool like without me?".

She has managed to escape Phil, only cause he fell asleep and has snuck back to talk to Alex and catch up on some gossip.

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