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Following a rather quiet Christmas on Ana's part anyway, the Lionesses are starting 2019 in Qatar in preparation for the heat and humidity they are to expect in France.

Only Ana and Millie really know what happened that night of the Christmas party and they have kept it between themselves, even though half of the team seemed to have sussed out that something went on.

Georgia: "I believe we have a bet to sort out Williamson".

Leah: "Indeed we do. Carly, Steph come over here a minute, we'll need witnesses".

Steph: "For what?".

The captain doesn't look too pleased but her and the keeper go over anyway.

Carly Telford: "What would you like us to do?".

Georgia: "Me and Leah have a bet to sort but we'll need your opinion on who the money goes to".

Steph: "Riggght and this bet was was on...".

Leah: "Ana and Millie of course!!".

Carly: "Go on".

Georgia: "Well I said originally said it would happen before this camp and Leah said at the end of the Austria/Sweden one".

Steph: "And..."

Leah: "Who do you think the money should go to?".

Carly: "Ok neither of you actually got it completely correct because Georgia, I'm afraid Leah could argue that you didn't specify when before this camp, just that whatever's going on would happen at some point in however many months".

Steph: "She has a point so I suppose it's up to you how you sort it".

Leah: "Let's just split it".

Ana: "Split what?".

None of the four had noticed the assistant manager turn up and all look as though she's dropped a bombshell, with Leah shrinking back into the chair looking sheepish.

Georgia: "Nothing".

Ana: "If two of the most sensible people on the team are involved, it can't be nothing can it Georgia?".

The forward shakes her head.

Ana: "Right so what's going on?".

Steph then takes over as Georgia and Leah remain silent and Carly watches on, dumbfounded by the whole thing and the lengths the pair had gone to.

Ana: "Erm...ok. Well I thought I told you all to stop betting on my private life and I'm fairly sure Millie has told you the same.

Carly I can excuse from this but Leah, I'm disappointed in you as a coach and as your sister, you carried this on without telling me and Georgia, I'm upset that your betting at all, on such things and at your age. Finally Steph, I do not want you encouraging this sort of behaviour amongst the team again, understood?".

The three players nod and Ana excuses them, choosing her words very carefully so as not to be unprofessional.

Ana: "I'm sorry you got caught up in this Carly. You can errr carry on with what you were doing before".

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