That's Not What I Had In Mind...

By Shanyrah2001

792 83 30

Alex just turned 17 and is having a hard time at home e.g her parents have recently split up. Rooney Niel is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chaper 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21/epilouge
Authors note

Chapter 10

35 5 4
By Shanyrah2001

After the second period I went into the bathroom only to be greeted by Lauren and her "so-called friends". I let out a deep sigh, much louder than expected. They all turned to me.

"Oh! You've got quiet some nerve to show your face around here" Lauren said with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Listen! All I want to do is use the bathroom. I'm not here to make a fuss" I said with a blank expression.

"No!" she shouted in my face whilst Claire, one of the other girls, locked the door. "Now, if you ever think about embarrassing us like that again you'll have something coming. Now that nobodies here, I could just slap you like this". She slapped me on my right cheek. Obviously I slapped her straight back but she got so mad and grabbed my wrist and said "you caught me off guard there missy but I swear touch me again and well see what happens" I felt shivers run through my body. She slapped me again in the same exact place, kicked me and smashed my face into the mirror. There was blood everywhere. They left me there all alone. I crawled out of the bathroom and to the alley way where I knew Rooney would be.

He ran up to me and said "what happened?" and searched my eyes for an answer. He moved my hair out of my face to see blood all over my forehead. He picked me up bridal style and took me to his car. I had no idea where we were going but I was to battered to care or ask. I soon realised that we were outside of his house. Rooney picked me up again and took me inside. He placed me on his bed and ran into his bathroom to get his first aid kit.

He started cleaning me up and noticed that me cheek was swollen.

"Who did this to you Alex!" he demanded. I couldn't speak or answer him. I was scared that they would find out and hurt me even more.

"Alex! Tell me who did this to you!" he said, I could tell that he was getting mad.

"Lauren" I blurted out. I wasn't meant to say it but I couldn't lie to him.

"It was Lauren. She beat me up because of what happened in class with the whole who sits where situation" a tear escaped my eye. Rooney wipe it away. He stood up and called Taylor.

"Hello! Taylor listen to me! I need you to do me a favour..." That's all I heard because he left the room. What was the favour?

"Alex I need to talk to you" he said as he sat next to me on his bed.

"The reason why I left the other day at the hospital is because I got myself into some serious stuff. A couple years ago my older brother, Nathan, took me with him to an alley to meet someone and he got shot by that someone. They were afraid that I'll tell someone so they forced me to join their gang and any of my friends so Taylor, Kyle and Jake are all involved too. They said that if I don't follow orders or if I do something that they don't approve of they'll hurt someone that I care about. The day before the party at the club I was meant to give something to a guy but I totally forgot and so they sent some guy to find me. As you could guess they found me and I was with you. The guy they sent burnt down your house" that's the guy in the flash back I had. "- Now that they know you and I do something wrong they'll go after you. I really like you Alex but we can't be together because I don't want you getting hurt". As you can expect all of that was a lot to take in.

"Rooney I'm really glad that you decided to tell me the truth. I really like you too and I don't give a damn if people are out to get you or what you have done or if I'm in danger. All I want is to be with you. I won't get hurt and even if I do don't worry about it". I kissed him and hugged him tight not wanting to let go.

Taylor, Kyle and Jake came in through his bedroom door. I was caught off guard and was a bit embarrassed.

"It's done" Taylor said to Rooney. What was done? I got really hot so I rolled up my selves only to see big, purple and blue bruises all over my arms, even worse than before. I lifted up my top to reveal my stomach and saw a massive bruise. I couldn't help but cry. Why was I getting all of this? What had I done to deserve all this ? I ran straight into the nearest bathroom and locked the door behind me.

I took off my top to see exactly what damage that bitch had done.

I looked awful. How can somebody be beaten like this so badly. I cried and cried and cried.

"Alex! Open up the door please". I could tell that it was Rooney by his voice.

"I can't. I don't want you to see me like this. Like an ugly monster" I wailed.

"You're not ugly Alex. Your always beautiful in my eyes. Please just open up the door or I'll kick it down." His voice was stern but I still couldn't open up the door.

"I'm going to kick it down so move out of the way" he shouted through the door.

I could hear footsteps going backwards so I guessed that he wanted a run up to kick down the door so I moved towards the bathtub. With one mighty kick the door flew off. Rooney came up to me and hugged me. I was only in my bra and jeggings so I felt a bit exposed.

We sat down and he whispered to me that 'Lauren wouldn't hurt me anymore because Taylor sorted her out' . I'm not sure what he meant by "Sorted her out" but I just ignored it.

Hi! Thank you all so much for reading this book! It really means a lot to me. I will try to update as much as I can. x

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