Red Dead Redemption II Prefer...

By we_all_have_secrets_

1.2M 24.1K 7.1K

Red Dead Redemption 2 preferences and Oneshots (Female Reader) Preferences include: Arthur Dutch Micah Charl... More

They Flirt with you Around Camp
They Get Jealous
You Have an Argument
They see you in your underwear
Having Sex
Horse Riding
The O'Driscolls Capture you
Micah Bell: Will You Dance With Me?
They Have a Nightmare
Hosea Matthews
A Child gets Attached to them
You get Overwhelmed on a Mission and go Missing
They Take you on a Date
Kieran Duffy
They Hear you Singing
You are Their Soulmate (AU)
Javier Escuella: Spanish
They save you from Someone trying to Rob you
You Run Away Together
Javier Escuella: Spanish Part 2
You are Old Friends
You are Pregnant and Scared about Telling him
Hosea Matthews: Admiring From Afar
You get Shot and They Take Care of your Wound
Young Arthur Morgan: Keeping a Promise
They Propose to You
Dutch van der Linde: Going to Town
You are Sick
Charles Smith: Right Place, Right Time
They Teach you how to do Something
Javier Escuella: Look Around
Dutch van der Linde: Pretty Words
Hosea Matthews: Had Me Scared
They Save a Lost Child
Javier Escuella: Tell Her
Micah Bell: Lessons in Love
Beau Gray: If Tomorrow Turns Out Fine
Javier Escuella: Look Around Part 2
Josiah Trelawny: Little Tricks
Dutch van der Linde: Civil Agreement
Arthur Morgan: Parenthood
Micah Bell: Worried
Dutch van der Linde: Civil Agreement Part 2
Sadie Adler: I'd like the Company
Micah Bell: Met His Match
Dutch van der Linde: Nothing to Worry About
They React to you Wearing Lingerie
Dutch van der Linde: Civil Agreement Part 3
Javier Escuella: In Your Defence
Micah Bell: Con-Artist
Dutch van der Linde and Hosea Matthews: Lucky Woman
Micah Bell: Breaking the Rules
Charles Smith: Stunning
Hosea Matthews: Meet, Love, Lose
Bill Williamson: Wasting Time
Dutch van der Linde : Civil Agreement Part 4
You Walk in on Them Changing
Micah Bell: Timid
Charles Smith: Not Leaving You
Micah Bell: Drunken Honesty
Hosea Matthews: Meet, Love, Lose Part 2
Catch up with John Marston
Micah Bell: Big-Talk
Hosea Matthews: Con versus Con
Catch up with Bill Williamson
Arthur Morgan: Just Like Old Times
Catch up with Lenny Summers
Andrew Milton: Bargaining Chip
Micah Bell: Drunken Honesty Part 2
Charles Smith: Not Leaving You Part 2
Dutch van der Linde: Jealousy
Hosea Matthews: Taken
Catch up with Leopold Strauss
Dutch Van der Linde: I've Got You
Leopold Strauss: Just One Drink
Arthur Morgan: Caught
Andrew Milton: Bargaining Chip Part 2
Sean MacGuire: Just Admit it
Micah Bell: I Need Your Help
Hosea Matthews: I'd Be Honoured
Andrew Milton: Bargaining Chip Part 3
Hosea Matthews: Taken Part 2
Arthur Morgan: In Sickness and Health
Hosea Matthews: Interested
Lenny Summers: Young Love
Kieran Duffy: Rest
Javier Escuella: Wait for the Signal
Arthur Morgan: Foolish
You Save their Life
Hosea Matthews: Childish Theft
Andrew Milton: Bargaining Chip Part 4
Dancing in the Camp
John Marston: Matching Scars
You Already Have A Child
Arthur Morgan: A New Home
Micah Bell: Little Morgan
Arthur Morgan: In Sickness and Health Part 2
Dutch Van der Linde: Mental Wounds
Mary-Beth Gaskill: Silly Romance
Arthur Morgan and John Marston: Torn
Sadie Adler: A Rough Week
Dutch Van der Linde: Only Himself to Blame
Bill Williamson: Perfect
You Come Back Years Later
Arthur Morgan: Foolish Part 2
The Van der Linde Gang: Family
Arthur Morgan and John Marston: Torn Part 2
You are Deaf
Arthur Morgan: Assassin
Charles Smith: By the Lake
Micah Bell: Not So Heartless
Dutch Van der Linde: Cheering Up
Andrew Milton: Bargaining Chip Part 5
Dutch Van der Linde: Stitches
Charles Smith: Can't do this Alone
Dutch Van der Linde: Make A Move
Micah Bell: Dreams Coming True
Sean MacGuire: A Short Walk in a Pretty Town
Javier Escuella: Love Song
Josiah Trelawny: Saviour
Arthur Morgan: Modern
Micah Bell: Little Morgan Part 2
Arthur Morgan and John Marston: Torn Part 3
Arthur Morgan: A New Home Part 2
Charles Smith: Hunting
Micah Bell: Bearable
Beau Gray: In This Bed Forever
Hosea Matthews: Interested Part 2
Arthur Morgan: Dancer
You Die in Their Arms
Hosea Matthews: Insecurities
Dealing with Your Death
Dutch Van der Linde: My Dear Husband
They Break you out of Jail
Micah Bell: She's Mine
The Van der Linde Gang: Family Part 2
Lenny Summers: Confession
Catch up with Sadie Adler
Javier Escuella: Boaz
Arthur Morgan: Assassin Part 2
Micah Bell: Ask Me
Dutch Van der Linde: Sincere Charm
Andrew Milton: Bargaining Chip Part 6
Catch up with Josiah Trelawny
Arthur Morgan: Dancer Part 2
Catch up with Orville Swanson
John Marston: Take what we can get
Sean MacGuire: It's a Date
Arthur Morgan and Archie Downes: The Downes
You're an O'Driscoll
Dutch Van der Linde: Fighter
John Marston: Since we were Kids
Dutch Van der Linde: Having my Baby
Kieran Duffy: Only Regret
Sadie Adler: Snow Storm
You Have Low Honour
Hosea Matthews and Dutch Van der Linde: Time to Let go
You Almost get Assaulted
Eagle Flies: The Good Fight
Dutch Van der Linde: Our People
Javier Escuella: Lonely
How you Calm Each Other Down When you are Angry
Javier Escuella: Señorita
The Van der Linde Gang: H . Lemieux
Micah Bell: Five Finger Frustration
Charles Smith: Voyeur
Micah Bell: She's Mine Part 2
You are Siblings
Dutch Van der Linde: Girl Meets Boy
Micah Bell: Depression
John Marston: Take what we can get Part 2
Arthur Morgan: Never Again
Micah Bell: Familiar
Arthur Morgan: Dancer Part 3
Arthur Morgan and Archie Downes: The Downes Part 2
Arthur Morgan: Dreamy
Dutch Van der Linde: Fighter Part 2
John Marston: Since we were Kids Part 2
The Van der Linde gang: Family Part 3
They are Happy to see you
Arthur Morgan: Inspiration
You can Speak Multiple Languages
Dutch Van der Linde: For the Best
Arthur Morgan: Dissociating
They Find out that you Self-Harm
Abigail Roberts: Inheritance
Micah Bell: More Than a Night
Dutch Van der Linde: Coming Out
You are a Widow
Micah Bell: Only Human
Dutch Van der Linde and Susan Grimshaw: Co-Parenting
Bill Williamson: Coincidence
Arthur Morgan: Just Relax
Javier Escuella: Shakespearean
Dutch Van der Linde: For the Best Part 2
Bill Williamson: Campfire Stories

You're Scarily Calm when Angry

8K 126 17
By we_all_have_secrets_


Arthur was confused when he first saw you that angry but he soon warmed up to it. He could admit that you were kind of terrifying when you went that calm with anger but it definitely amused him to see you scare other people without even making a single threat. He always got to see the kind and soft side of you so it kind of amused him to see you scaring somebody like that. In the camp, your anger is usually turned towards Micah and Arthur loved to watch you calmly taking him on. Micah always backs down first and Arthur couldn't love you more in those moments.


The first time that Dutch saw your Scarily calm anger, he was a little taken back and it threw him a little. But watching you scare the poor guy until you got what you and Dutch wanted impressed him. He definitely planned on using it to his advantage, your anger turned out to be a great asset. When your anger is turned on him, Dutch definitely gets scared. Sometimes he wonders if you would actually kill him or something when you were mad at him. At least that means that Dutch wouldn't do wrong by you. He loves you and secretly thinks that your anger is kinda badass.


Micah doesn't understand it at first. Why are you not getting mad? Why aren't you shouting? Why aren't you screaming and fighting? The calm look on your face is just confusing to him, you should be angry about this. Now, he dreads that calm demeanour. When he sees you go that calm, he actually finds himself a little bit antsy to find out what you will do next because he knows that you are about to explode. He knew it meant that you were about to kill whoever was making you this angry. However, when that calm face is pointed towards him, he actually finds himself a little nervous. Were you going to kill him? No you wouldn't do that, would you? He knows that he isn't going to be allowed to sleep in your shared tent tonight. When you're angry at someone else and Micah sees you turn scarily calm, he is excited to find out what you would do next, it might turn him on just a little to see you so in control just before you destroy the person angering you.


In a way Charles is thankful that you can control your anger, that you don't let it get the best of you. He respects that you don't turn to violence when somebody makes you angry. He likes how you can still think clearly when you are angry about something. The only time he found your anger less than desirable was when you used him as a treat. It's not a secret that he can look rather intimidating but you were angry with somebody once, you basically used Charles as your muscle. You used him as a threat. At first he was just a little surprised but he soon thought it was amusing. However, he still might just pull you away from the situation.


Sure, Javier could get angry but you wouldn't say that he had a bad temper, he could usually control himself. However, you did know that he could be pretty scary when he wanted to be but he had never seen you very angry, he hadn't seen you when you were scary. When Javier saw you drop into that scarily calm state, he wasn't really sure what was going on. But when he saw you scare off a man with pretty much just one look, he was impressed. After you had calmed down he would kind of be like "what the hell was that?!" but he would be impressed and even more proud to be with you.


Sean is a loud man, he is loud when he is excited and loud when he is angry. When he is angry, he will threaten and shout and scream. The opposite to you. He would be a little confused by how calm you seemed to be while you softly made threats to the person angering you. Then, he became a little scared of you. Not like he thought you would hurt him or anything, he just didn't know what you would do next or if you would actually go through with your threats. When you turn that calm anger on to him, Sean is terrified. He will instantly apologised and try to make it up to you, he never wants to be on the receiving end of your scarily calm anger. But that didn't make him love you any less. Actually he loved you more. When he sees you getting angry at someone else, your face turning scarily calm, he just looks at you with the biggest heart eyes. Totally loves it. May be a little turned on by it even if it scares him a little.


Hosea knew that anger wasn't usually the best way to confront a situation so in a way he was kinda happy about your scarily calm demeanour when you were angry, because it meant that you thought before you acted and that you didn't loose control. It definitely took him by surprise when he first saw you get that angry, when he saw you turn scarily calm and quiet. He knew how to read you, he knew when you were getting angry and knew how to handle you when you were that angry. He knew that he would have to get you away from whoever was angering you before you destroyed them. He is just thankful that you can control yourself when you get angry. He sees how your scarily calm demeanour could be useful and much more reliable than some of the men in the gang when they have their outbursts.


When he first witnesses your anger, it definitely scares him but he couldn't be too afraid because it was actually in his defence. Kieran had just joined the gang and he was getting a rough time from some of the other members, you had defended him and even Kieran could see how they backed down once you went into that scarily calm state. Thankfully, you had never got angry at him so he didn't have to witness it so closely but he has seen you get that angry with other people. It made him uncomfortable at first but once he got to know you and you started dating, it kind of started to make him feel safe when he was with you. Don't tell the others that!


When John first witnessed this type of anger coming from you, somebody was angering both of you. He could feel himself getting worked up and he knew that it must be doing the same to you, so when he looked at you and saw that you seemed completely calm he was confused. Then, without hesitation, you stepped towards the man and started to warn him about all the things that could happen to him if he didn't turn around and walk away. When you turned back to John, his eyes had widened in surprise. He had to admit that you were really intimidating just then. Let's just say that for the rest of the day he made sure to go out of his way to keep on your good side.


The first time Bill saw you get that angry, he was just confused. He noticed that you were getting angry but then that just seemed to stop. He didn't know what was happening when you suddenly turned calm, then he was in a sort of stunned silence while you spoke to the person who was making you angry. How could you be so terrifying while also being so calm? It just looked like you could kill that guy without blinking twice before just walking away and never thinking about it again. Other than the initial confusion and shock, Bill didn't have much of an opinion about your anger. He wouldn't admit it but it was a strangely welcomed contrast to his more impulsive anger, you evened each other out.


Lenny didn't think that he would have an opinion on your anger at first, why would he? But after he witnessed you get angry at someone for the first time, he would be curious about you slipping into that calm demeanour. He's never seen anything like that before. But still, he doesn't have too much of an opinion about your anger. He is glad that you can control yourself when you are angry and that he doesn't have to worry about you snapping about something, in those moments you seemed to think things through more that you usually do. He couldn't complain about it. He loves you and even you are scarily calm when you're angry, he doesn't care.


People loves it. It's good for business. Of course your relationship goes much deeper than business and cash but he can't deny that your scarily calm anger was greatly useful when collecting debts. You could get Strauss' money faster than anyone else in the gang because the debtors were so scared and intimidated by you when you went that calm. Leopold never really saw your anger when it wasn't during your work, so he wouldn't have much else of an opinion on your anger. But he definitely wouldn't want you to be angry at him.


Sadie knew that she had a temper and it could sometimes get out of hand but she had never met somebody with an anger like yours. She was fascinated by the way you turned scarily calm, as you managed to intimidate somebody just by talking calmly. She finds herself strangely proud to be with you, it's just kinda badass and she found herself liking it. After her first time witnessing that anger of yours, she would ask you where the hell that came from with a huge smile. All she could think about afterwards was "God help anyone who pisses you off".


You were already dating Josiah when he first saw you that angry, he already thought that you were wonderful and loved you dearly. When you were both dealing with a man who seemed to want to get punched, you got angry but were scarily calm. Josiah was a little confused at first but just watched as you scared and intimidated the man just by being so scarily calm. Josiah watched more in awe than fear, he would probably kinda like it. Once you had dealt with the man who was irritating you both, Josiah would just wrap his arms around your shoulders while making a positive comment about the way you were acting. In a way he would be extra proud to be able to call you his.


Orville has only witnessed your anger first hand once. It was before you started dating, he had lied to you and stolen money from the gang so that he could go and gamble in town. When you found him he was drunk and losing all his money. You pulled him away from the table and he was a little surprised that you weren't yelling at him but this was much worse than shouting. You were scarily calm, and it almost sobered him up right there. The next morning, when he was sober, he apologised and he didn't do it again. When he wasn't the victim of your anger, he didn't think too much about it. He had mixed feelings when you got that angry while defending him. On one hand you shouldn't let your anger get the better of you, on the other hand he really appreciated that you were standing up for him.


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