Going Unnoticed (Last Book In...

By VoldiesArmy

899 66 3

Christina and Aria are back once again for their final adventure at Hogwarts but when war breaks out, which s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 3

38 5 0
By VoldiesArmy

"Christina, we aren't supposed to be here. It's completely vacant. We need to find help."

"Don't you remember what Dumbledore always said 'Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who need it'?"

"Yes but in case you forgot....he isn't here anymore." Draco said choking out the last few words.

Christina remained silent and grabbed a long line of rope with a large hook on the end of it. She whispered "Wingardium Leviosa." and the rope gradually rose until the hook latched onto one of the bricks on the top of the building. The rope jerked forward as Christina pulled on it to make sure it was in place. When she was sure that it was safe, she grabbed onto the end of it and began to climb. Once at the top of the building, she held out her arms to catch the doufle bag that Draco tossed up to her effortlessly. He began to climb up the rope exactly the way that Christina had done before him.

Once they were both safely at the top, they turned to walk down the hallway. They trudged down the long staircases until they finally came to the Slytherin dorm rooms. Christina unlatched a few a locks and she was standing in the middle of her old room. She set down the doufle bag and emptied its contents onto the bed. Draco sat down on Pansy's vacant bed and began to relax. As soon as the doufle bag's contents were emptied, Christina looked over at Draco who had fallen asleep. She quietly slipped out of the room and into the silent hallway.

She began down the empty corridor not sure where she was going or why she was doing it. All she was aware of was that she was very much alone and that the silence seemed to spread further through the building with every step that she took. When she entered the dining hall,she looked up at the ceiling. It seemed to come alive with bright stars and comets zooming by. A memory dawned on her. Suddenly she was 11 years old again sitting in this very room alone with Dumbledore. She was looking up in amazement and Dumbledore laughed. He spoke to her in his usual kind manner "Beautiful isn't it? You can always tell who the dreamers are. They're the ones who seem so enchanted, so captivated with it, that it seems like they'll never stop looking at it."

A smile spread across Christina's face at the thought of the memory. Dumbledore was the first person that she knew at Hogwarts that treated her well other than Aria and Signus. The memory quickly ended and she found herself standing once again in complete silence. She turned on her heels and headed back down a random dark hallway. As she walked, she couldn't help but notice the paintings that always seemed to come alive to her. When she was younger, it always astounded her that the paintings could come alive like they did on these walls. There wasn't much life in Azkaban after all so the slightest bit of animation was enough to keep Christina enticed.

She shook the memories from her mind because she knew that those were the happy things of her past that would cause her to go soft. As she continued down, she couldn't help but have the feeling that she was being watched. She heard footsteps but the strange thing is, they didn't match hers. She paused for a moment and heard the footsteps continue. Her heart skipped a beat as a beam of light came hurdling at her. She ducked just in time and broke into a run. Once at the end of the hallway, she pulled open a door and stepped inside. It was a room completely lined with mirrors. She looked up at her reflection only to find that it had wounds and scars and a menacing glare. His voice came inside her mind speaking harshly and coldly "You are your own enemy."

It was repeating in her mind over and over again. She dropped to her knees covering her ears, hoping that he would leave her mind but he didn't. She begged and pleaded for him to leave her alone. Tears sprung up in her eyes and she waited for the worst. His voice whispered again and it felt to her like he was right next to her "I will find you." At that moment, the door swung open and in walked Aria Lestrange. Christina was too caught up in the voice to notice the prescence of her sister. Aria layed her hand down on Christina's shoulder and watched as her sister let out an earpiercing scream.

Christina squeezed her eyes shut as tight as she could and opened them once again to see her sister. Relief flooded through her as she realized that she was safe once more.

"What happened Christina?" she asked.

"He was here. He was in my head."



"Oh, Christina. Come on. Let's get out of here. You should get some rest." and with that, Aria began leading Christina back down the corridor to her room.

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