By Myhappyending95

121K 6.6K 6.1K

To repay for everything Mr. Wang did for her after the death of her parents, Shen Yue agrees to go and live a... More

DAY 10
DAY 15
DAY 20
DAY 21
DAY 30
DAY 45
DAY 48
DAY 55
DAY 56
DAY 57
DAY 67
DAY 80
DAY 84
DAY 105
DAY 112
DAY 113
DAY 120
DAY 121
DAY 122
DAY 178
DAY 210
DAY 211
DAY 216
DAY 217
DAY 218
DAY 240
DAY 251


1.6K 114 141
By Myhappyending95

"I'm ready."
Yue joins us in the living room with a backpack.
Tomorrow is the big day, so tonight she will sleep at Jaqi and Caesar's house.
"Is it really necessary for you to leave?"  Dylan asks, disconsolate.
"Yes, it's right to respect the traditions!"  she answers, smiling.
"Hmm ..."
"It's only for one night, Didi! From tomorrow you'll have me with you every single day!"  laughs Yue.
My brother's eyes light up in a flash.
"I can't wait," he whispers as he strokes her face.
"Are you ready, Yueyue? I'll take you to Jaqi," my father says, taking the car keys.
She nods and then turns to me.
I know I shouldn't, but I feel terribly sad.
I think Yue has noticed it... She takes my hand and drags me to my room.
As soon as she closes the door, she hugs me so hard that she takes my breath away.
I rest my forehead on her shoulder and I let myself be enveloped by her warmth and her sweet smell.  I want to cry.
"I love you, my puppy. Never forget it. We will live in different houses, but nothing will ever change between us ... Understand? You are and will always be my wise little man ... Knowing you was an immense gift and I thank you for  helping me grow all these years. Never feel lonely, because I'm here with you," she says softly, while caressing my tousled hair with one hand.
Inevitably, I find myself crying.
And inevitably, Yue follows me closely.
I would like to tell her so many things, I would really like her to know how much her presence was and still is fundamental for me, but I don't get a single word from my lips.
Suddenly, we hear the door open and my brother enters the room.
He strides towards us and embraces us both.
"I love you," he whispers, kissing my head first and then Yue.
We hold him tight against us and we stay like this for a while.
When we finally find the strength to leave us, Yue rubs her nose against mine and wipes my tears.
We don't talk, but our eyes say it all.
"Go now, or tomorrow you will have dark circles" I smile at her.
"Ok, ok".
Before she leaves the house, Dylan gives her one last kiss.
"I love you. See you tomorrow," he says gently.
"See you tomorrow. I love you."

"Here we are. I beg you, try to stay calm and rest! Tomorrow will be the best day of your life, I guarantee it!"  I say to Yue, once parked the car in front of Jaqi and Caesar's house.
"I'll try ... Even though I know it will be difficult to close my eyes tonight!"  she exclaims, torturing her hands.
I hold a laugh.
"I know, I know. But you try it, okay? You don't have to worry about anything. It's all organized down to the smallest detail and everything will be great".
She sighs and nods.
"Mr. Wang?"
"Thanks. For everything".
I look into her eyes and my heart swells with pride.
"No, thanks to you. We love you, Yueyue. You are our strength," I tell her, ruffling her hair.
She leans toward me and hugs me.
"See you tomorrow, my child."
"See you tomorrow ... Daddy?"
She peers at me with her big eyes, uncertain.
"Daddy" I confirm, winking at her.
Her face lights up with joy and she hugs me once more, before getting out of the car.
Ok ... It's time to let them go.

Wang Su opens the door and I immediately understand from his expression that something is wrong.
It's the wedding day and I came to help my best friend get ready.
"What happens?"  I ask him.
"He's going crazy, Caesar! He's very agitated! Dad and I can't calm him!"  he exclaims nervously.
"Damn it! Where is him?"
"In his room".
I hasten to reach Dylan's room and as soon as I enter, I find him sitting on the floor, his head in his hands, already dressed in the ceremonial suit.
"Wang He Di! You'll ruin your suit like this! Get up!"  I tell him, offering him a hand.
He grabs it and stands up, then he starts walking back and forth.
"What's wrong with you?"  I ask him, confused.
"I don't know! I have a hard time breathing ... I need to see her!" he exclaims.
"Do you have any second thoughts?"
"WHAT?! NO!"
"Then why are you freaking out ?! You're about to marry the woman you love!"
"Exactly! Do you realize ?! I'm marrying Shen Yue! Shen Yue! Would you ever have said it? I'm going to marry Shen Yue! Shen Yue will be my wife! God, I love her! And ... And ...  Please, Caesar, I have to see her! Only Yue can calm me, you know. "
He looks at me with pleading eyes.
What a baby!
I think about it for a moment.
I decide to call Jaqi.

J: Love ...
C: Jaqi, Dylan would like to see Yue ...
J: He can't, it brings bad luck!
C: I know!  But he's very agitated!  You should see him, he's not in himself!
J: Yeah, I'm having the same problem with Yue.
C: What do we do?
J: Come here, okay?
C: Ok.

I take Dylan to our house and I wait for Jaqi to give me the ok to enter.
"Hi Dylan! Oh, come here!"  she exclaims, hugging our friend tightly.
"How is she?"  he immediately asks her.
"She needs you ... But you can't see her, okay? It's important. Let's do this: you can talk through the door ... Is it okay?"
Dylan sighs and nods, then follows her to our room.
Jaqi knocks three times.
"Yup?"  Yue's voice resounds from within.
Dylan immediately leans against the door.
"Shen Yue" he whispers.
"Didi! What are you doing here ?!"
"I honestly don't know! I just needed to have you close ..."
"Are you agitated?"
"Me too".
They burst out laughing.
"We're two crazy," Yue smiles.
"We are. Two crazy people who will spend the rest of their lives together," Dylan answers, in a tone so sweet it sounds like honey.
"It will be extraordinary, isn't it?"
"It will be magic".
They remain silent for a while.
Dylan touches the door with his eyes closed, his breathing now calm and his face relaxed.
"You're not too handsome, right?"  asks Yue, suddenly.
"He's horrible, don't worry" I intrude, with a grin.
Dylan glares at me.
"Thanks, Caesar!"  Yue exclaims, laughing.
"Ok, now we must finish preparing ourselves! See you at the altar, my love. I can't wait," she adds tenderly.
"Hurry up, run to me" replies my friend, happy.
They are just two idiots ...


Here we are.  Here we are.  Here we are.  Here we are.
My father accompanies me to the altar and hugs me.
"Don't worry," he says in my ear.
I nod and look around.
Our friends and relatives are already all sitting on the benches in front of me.
Only she is missing.  Shen Yue.
Time passes slowly ... Too slowly.  I want her here.  I want her here now, in my arms.
Suddenly, the wedding march begins to resound in the small church of our country ...
I see the guests suddenly turn to the door, excited.
And then I see her.  My angel.  My moon.  And I miss my breath.

She's breathtakingly beautiful.
As she walks slowly towards me, she shyly smiles at everyone.
The closer she gets, the more my heart beats wildly ... My legs tremble, I feel I could faint at any moment.
She stops beside the first bench, where her aunt is waiting for her with her eyes full of tears.
They exchange a look and then join hands.
When they finally reach me, her aunt hands me Yue's hand and strokes my cheek.
"Take care of her," she tells me softly.
"It will be my mission" I reply.
She gives us a little bow and goes back to her seat.
I look at Yue and her bright face takes my soul.
Those eyes never shone so much. She looks at me as if I were the most beautiful and important thing in her life ... A lump forms in my throat.
"You're so beautiful ... You're perfect ..." I whisper to her.
She blushes and looks away ... Can I kiss her now?
The priest draws our attention and the ceremony begins.
I don't hear a word, I can't take my eyes off her.
It's really happening ... After all these years, after all we've dealt with together, I'm marrying Shen Yue.  My Shen Yue.
All of a sudden, I notice the presence of Wang Su between me and Yue.
In his hands, he holds a small red pillow with our wedding rings above it.
The priest invites me to recite my promises ...
I take Yue's hands and look straight into those very deep eyes.
Every word seems vain in front of that look.
"Shen Yue,
when did I end up falling in love with you?  Maybe when we were kids and you offered me your favorite sweet every day?  You, with your tufts on your head and your pink cheeks ... And your smile full of life and light.
Or maybe when you were a young girl, and you helped me make that stupid project I cared about so much, taking it on as if we weren't competing.  And your smile was always there, never tired.
Maybe, when you were a little older, and you came into my house careless of my temper and my useless resentment, bringing order to where chaos reigned.  And your smile, for the umpteenth time, has continued to shine, even when everything became terribly dark.
When did I fall in love with you, Shen Yue?
I don't know.  The truth is that you've been a part of me since I met you.  Your smile is the constant that has sustained my entire existence, to this day.  Everything could change, everything could collapse around me, but you were there.  Sometimes far away, others close, but the sound of your voice, your name, was always in the air ... My own air ... You are my air.
And I love you.  I love you, I love you, I love you.  I love every little, tiny, detail of your body and your soul.  I love having you by my side.  I love being sure that no matter how many times I can fall, your hand will always be ready to cheer me up.  Only you can do it.  Only you.  I need you.  I promise you I will be your rock, I will be the man you deserve to have next.  I promise you that I will take care of you every single day of our lives.  I love you".
I try to put the ring on her finger, but my hands tremble so much that I find it impossible.
Yue, with her cheeks streaked with tears, grabs my face in her hands and smiles sweetly at me for a few seconds.  And the magic happens.
My heart calms down in an instant ... I kiss her hands and I finally manage to put her ring on.
Now it's her turn.
"Wang He Di,
my love, in all these years I have been lucky enough to be able to see so many of your shades!  I saw you angry with the world and with me, destroyed, suffering ... And then I saw you pull out all the strength you have inside and become my sun: that carefree, cheerful, sweet, sensitive, brave, humble, overwhelming boy... Every day I discover something new and every day I fall in love more and more.  It was you who taught me what it means to love ... And above all you taught me what it means to be loved.
You taught it to the child with the tufts and pink cheeks, to the young girl who enjoyed helping you in your project, to the crazy woman who agreed to live with you well knowing your temper ... You changed my life, Wang He Di. Every night I go to sleep with a smile because I know that in the morning I'll have you by my side again, to warm my days with your sweet eyes and your way of acting.  I promise you that I will be your shoulder, your anchor, your refuge at all times, for a lifetime.  I promise you that I will do my best to make you happy all the time and that I will hold you tight to me in dark moments.  Because I love you.  I love you more than I love myself.  I love you so much that I feel my heart burst.  I love you".
As she gently puts the ring on my finger, I can't help crying like a child.
I support my forehead to her, while the priest continues to speak.
I only see her eyes.
"Didi?"  she whispers to me.
"You can kiss me".
I don't let her repeat it twice.
I take her face in my hands and my lips run to meet hers.
It is the sweetest, most tender and intense kiss we have ever exchanged.
Around us, the crowd applauds and exults.
When we part, Yue gives me the brightest of smiles and hugs me hard with a jump.
I'm happy.  God, how happy I am!

Sitting at the restaurant table, with our friends and relatives, I feel Dylan's hand grab mine.
I turn towards him and a beautiful feeling of warmth invades my chest.
I still don't believe that we have become husband and wife.  Dylan is my husband ... It's so strange to be able to say it, finally.
"Er ... Excuse me! I would like to say a few words, if you don't mind" Su stands up and looks at us shyly.
I smile and nod, surprised.
Embarrassed, he takes a piece of paper out of the pocket of his gray suit, which makes him look like a miniature man, and he clears his throat.
He takes a long breath and starts reading:
"This is the story of two idiots: Big Idiot and Small Idiot.
One day, to do a favor to the father of Big Idiot, Small Idiot moves to his house.  And there, for her, hell begins.  Big Idiot hates Small Idiot for a stupid misunderstanding success in the times of the Middle Schools and treats her very badly.
Soon, however, the sweet and good character of Small Idiot, manages to scratch his heart of stone. And after the squabbles, the quarrels and the teasing... Hugs, cuddles and laughter arrive.  Without even realizing it, the two idiots end up becoming each other's shoulder ... And love comes.  An incredible love, of those indestructible.  There have been difficult times, but their love has endured and now here they are ... Mr. and Mrs. Wang ".
Su smiles at us and it starts a loud applause.
"In this story, however, there is a secondary character" he continues.
"The handsome and very intelligent brother of Big Idiot: the incredible Wang Su.
Wang Su was six years old when Small Idiot entered his life ... And he learned to love her immediately.  Small Idiot took care of him from the beginning, cooking for him, accompanying him to school, singing his favorite songs, pampering him, defending him from everything and everyone ... And she turned out to be the best sister and mom in the world.
Yueyue, I ... I owe you a lot.  Every little step of mine, in these years, has been made with you who shook my hand and encouraged me.  Thank you for all the love you give me.  Thank you for never having left me.  Thanks for always putting me first.  Thanks, because all this was not necessary, but you didn't hesitate a second to get me under your wing.  Thank you for making my brother a better person and thank you for bringing happiness back into our family.
And ... Didi ... Yes, I love you too ".
My eyes meet Su's and I burst into tears.
He joins me and hugs me tight.
"It's me who must thank you, my puppy. You cannot even imagine how grateful I am for all the joy and affection you have brought into my life. You are my little pride. Thank you" I tell him, in a whisper.
"Here we go again. They set me aside again," Dylan mumbles, behind us.
Everyone bursts out laughing.
"Shut up, you" I grin.
"Come on, let's dance!"  exclaims Connor, hopping towards the dance floor .
All our friends follow him.
Dylan invites me to do the same.
We reach the center of the dance floor and his big hands rest on my waist, while mine are tied behind his neck.
While we swing on the spot, our eyes don't leave each other even for a second.
We look at each other in silence ... I love to admire every little detail of his happy face.
Is it really possible to love someone so much?  Will my heart ever get used to all the somersaults that the man in front of me makes it do with a single glance?
I stand on tiptoe and kiss him.
A kiss, another again, and then another hundred.
"I love you, Ms. Wang," Dylan whispers, hiding his face in the crook of my neck.
"I love you, Mr. Wang," I smile, stroking the back of his neck.

Yue and I find ourselves in front of the door of our new home, hand in hand, still dressed in ceremonial clothes.
It is late at night and silence reigns around us.
I turn to her, my heart pounding with emotion.
"Our home" she sighs, with a smile.
"Yeah. Our home," I reply, wrapping her shoulders and squeezing her against me.
"We will fill it with laughters, promised?"  she asks me with her child's eyes.
How beautiful she is...
"Promised. Of laughters, of love, of happy memories" I stroke her face and she smiles at me.
Without warning her, I lift her up and take her in my arms, snatching a cry of fear from her.
"Idiot!"  she exclaims, hitting my chest.
"Hey! Is this how you want to start our new life together? Beating and insulting me ?!"  I laugh.
"I want a divorce," she mutters, looking away.
"I'm sorry, my dear, but you'll never get rid of me," I whisper to her, and then leave her a little kiss on the forehead.
We look each other in the eyes for a few moments.
"Ready?"  I ask her.
She nods firmly.
Holding her in my arms, I open the front door and enter.
Another step towards our future together ... A new adventure begins.

Author's corner
Girls, I have so many things on my mind to tell you, but my heart is a mess at the moment and the only thing I can do is thank you for still here with me ❤️
Thank you for all the support you have given me since I started writing this story, so far 💜💛
I don't know how many other chapters there will be, but it's not over yet 😉
A big hug,

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