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There is something strange in the air today... While I'm helping Wang Yan Se with her English homework at the kitchen table, I try to keep my ears open to hear the conversation between Yue and Wang Su.
The two are sitting on the sofa in the living room and they seem very serious.
I can only see Yue's face... Why is she so worried?
Maybe Su has some problem with Xixi?
"Daddy? Are you okay?" Yan Se asks me.
"Mmh? Oh yeah! Um... Let me check the exercise."

"Yueyue... Just for a few days, I promise!"
"Puppy, you know I'd be really happy to host you here, but... Don't you think it would be better for you and Xixi to sort it out as soon as possible? She will probably be upset if you don't come home..."
"But it was she who threw me out of our house! And without even explaining the reason! I tried to talk to her! I tried to enter through the window, I sat in front of the front door for hours, I called her I don't know how many times and sent at least ten thousand messages! I don't know what the hell I could have done to make her so mad!"
Yue looks at me suspiciously.
"Are you sure you don't know what you did?" she asks me.
"Yueyue! I swear I have no idea! This morning we greeted each other with a smile and we went to work. When I got back my suitcase was out of the house. I'm going crazy, I'd like to talk to her and understand..."
"Okay, I'll try to call her," Yue says, taking her cell phone.
She dials Xixi's number and she puts it on speakerphone, signaling me to remain silent.
When Xixi replies, her tone of voice is as cold as ice.
"What is it? Has he already come crying to you?"
"Hey... Xixi... What happened?"  Yue asks, surprised.
"Ask him. Bye."
"Wait! Honey, whatever happened between you two, you will be able to solve it together. You know that Su loves you so much... He is devastated at the thought of having hurt you in some way. As soon as you feel ready, please call him and talk about it calmly. Ok?"
Xixi ends the call without answering, leaving Yue and me looking at each other in silence.
"Could she have seen you with some female colleague and felt jealous?"  Yue tries to guess .
"The only female colleague I have is over sixty..." I reply.
"Um... Did you forget an important date?"
"No, I'm sure. I'm the one who usually remembers this kind of thing."
"Uff, I don't understand" she sighs.
"My degree in Psychology is absolutely useless with her," I mutter, rubbing my temples.
Yue smiles at me and caresses my face.
"Don't worry, okay? You'll see that tomorrow she will be calmer and everything will be resolved".
I nod, even if I don't believe it.
Xixi is stubborn, it won't be that simple.
"I'm going to prepare your room... In the meantime, take a nice hot shower and relax," she says.
I thank her and I decide to follow her advice.
What a headache!

As I set Su's bed in the guest room, I feel two strong arms surround my waist from behind.
"Hey what's going on?"  Dylan asks, softly, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Xixi threw Su out of their house. She's angry with him, but she doesn't want to explain why."
"Oh... Damn! They just got married... It should be all sunshine and roses between them! Remember our first year of marriage?" he grins.
I burst out laughing and turn in his arms to look at him.
"I remember... You were so clingy..." I whisper.
"Me?! It was you who couldn't stay away from me even for a second!"  he exclaims.
We look into each other's eyes with a big smile.
"It's not that different from then, is it?" I say.
"No, we have remained clingy... The only difference is that the number of people I have to share you with has increased... First Su, then Yan Se, then Abe..."
"Didi... What if..."
Before I can say what is on my mind, Yan Se and Su join us complaining that they are super hungry, so we all go to the kitchen.

I am so glad that Uncle Su will stay here to sleep with us tonight!
I always have so much fun with him!
"Uncle Su! Would you like to have tea with me and my dolls?"  I ask him after dinner.
He turns to Dad, who is looking at him with a strange face.
"Hey! I usually have tea with you!"  he says, offended.
Dad is so jealous!
If it were up to him, I should never talk to boys at school!
He also behaves like this with mommy... But we always ignore him.
"Still not clear to you, Didi? I'm her favorite..." Uncle Su grins.
"Shen Yue! Say something!" cries daddy.
"Oh, well... He's right. Do you remember her second word, after Mom?"  she hums while washing the dishes.
"Tsk! Ok, ok. I'm not anyone's favorite here... So I'm going for a walk with Abe. Are you coming, Abe?"
But our dog sits next to mommy's feet and doesn't even look at him.
We all burst out laughing at Dad's pout.
I run to hug him and he pretends to be offended, but in the meantime he hugs me tightly to him.
"I love you" I tell him.
"Me too, little traitor."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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